[ShowHyuk] - Mistletoe & Tiramisu

Monsta X - Drabbles & Short Stories

A/N: [Requested]

Don't see much of this pairing, so here's something to contribute to the variety. Hope you like it!~ ♥ BTW, Happy Holidays to those who are celebrating! Hope you all have a wonderful time~

Sidenote: I used my Monsta X album to kill a spider.... It was the size of a nickel... Sorrynotsorry....

[3rd Person POV]

"Ah, Hyunwoo! Let's go in here!" The older smiled as his best fried drug him into a small little bakery shop. "Wow, it all looks so good." Minhyuk walked up to the glass. "They have Tiramisu.... I must have it..." Hyunwoo snuck up behind his friend and he could see the younger practically drooling. He raised his hand, letting the lady behind the counter know that he wanted to get something. She nodded and asked someone to come help him as she had her hands full.


"Hello, how can I help you?" His friend smiled. Hyunwoo had to hold himself from laughing.

"I didn't think you would work at a place like this."

"Wait till you see Changkyun." Jooheon summoned the younger from the back, who happily waved at him.

"Hey, Hyung! It's a little embarrassing for you to see me like this." The younger was referring to his uniform, which Hyunwoo noted that he needed to take a pic of later for future use. "You getting anything today?"

"Can I have that Tiramisu at the bottom?" Minhyuk sprung back up, looking at Hyunwoo.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm buying something for you. Think of it as an early Christmas gift, considering the one I actually got you isn't getting here until afterwards." Minhyuk bit his bottom lip.

"I didn't think you would buy it. I had money for it and everything." Hyunwoo petted the younger's hair, who was now pouting.

"It's alright. I'll buy it for you and all I ask in return is a little taste of it. Okay?" Minhyuk nodded, looking down at his hands. He didn't think Hyunwoo would spend money on him so quickly like that. He didn't want the older to waste money on some junk food for him.

"A little taste of it. That's definitely what he wants..." Changkyun whispered, making the both of them giggle at the younger's words. Neiter Hyunwoo nor Minhyuk heard them.

"Here you go." Jooheon handed him a black box. "The cake has a wrap around it, please don't forget to remove it. Believe it or not, I have to say this." They all laughed, leaving Minhyuk to be the only one not enjoying the joke, even though he did hear it.

"Yeah, I definitely will. Here." He handed Changkyun his card, -- who whispered something about 'big ballin' --, and paid for the cake. He picked it up and turned to Minhyuk. "Cheer up, I got Tiramisu!" He smiled and held up the box slightly. "Come on. Let's go back do my place so you can get a piece." Minhyuk nodded and followed Hyunwoo to the door. Once he reached the door, the older ended up dropping his receipt. Minhyuk picked it up and folded it, placing it in Hyunwoo's pants pocket, the one that was facing him.

"Aw, how cute!" They both heard Jooheon say. Changkyun and Jooheon were looking dead at them. They looked at each other, both with the same confused look.

"What's so cute?" Minhyuk finally asked as they turned back to them.

"You're both standing under a Mistletoe. It's cute when a couple stands there." Hyunwoo laughed while Minhyuk blushed and looked away.

"Oh, we're not a couple."

"Sure could've fooled me. They way you act around each other just screams it. Maybe you should kiss right there." Minhyuk looked up at Hyunwoo and shrugged.

"I don't see why not. It's a age-old tradition. It won't mean anything, right?"

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Jooheon chanted while Changkyun shook his head.

"Sorry, he gets emotionally invested in this. It was his idea to put it up there... But seriously, please kiss before he explodes from repeating that word too much." He looked over and Jooheon was still chanting. Minhyuk laughed and faced Hyunwoo again.

"Okay, let's do it." Minhyuk stood near his friend and leaned forward. Hyunwoo, naturally, leaned back without thinking. Minhyuk still managed to kiss the older with no problem. It was a small chaste kiss, enough to satisfy their audience. When Minhyuk pulled back, he smiled like he didn't just up Hyunwoo's world. Hyunwoo stared at the younger, who was completely oblivious to the way he was being looked at.

"Ahem." Changkyun faked a cough. Both of them turned their attention to the two behind the counter. Jooheon, who was obviously pleased by this, had his head propped up by his hands. Changkyun was leaned on Jooheon's bent form, one arm on Jooheon and the other resting on his hip. "Minhyuk makes you look cute, Hyunwoo."

"And so does that look on your face." Jooheon happily pointed out. The two of them smiling from ear to ear as they can see Hyunwoo having a mini debate in his head.

"As much as we loved that kiss, and probably should've taken a picture of it, we kinda need you to leave. You're blocking the door." Minhyuk turned around and saw someone wanting to come in. He blushed and laughed. The younger opened the door for Hyunwoo, letting him out and the others in. As the person stepped through, the both of them waved goodbye to their friends, officially leaving shortly after.


"Ah!" Minhyuk shouted as Hyunwoo unlocked his door, allowing them both to step through. Hyunwoo went immediately to the kitchen, leaving Minhyuk to shut the door. He set the box down and opened it, taking out the Tiramisu. He stood still for a second, staring at it. Thoughts of the bakery filled his head, most of them involving Minhyuk's lips. His thoughts were inturrupted by the man of the hour. Minhyuk pranced happily into the kitchen, coming straight over to where Hyunwoo was standing. Minhyuk placed his chin on the older's shoulder and smiled. "Let's taste it." He suggested as he gripped the back of Hyunwoo's shirt.

Hyunwoo reached over and picked a spoon out of the strainer. He stuck the spoon into the dessert and scooped some out. Minhyuk opened his mouth, ready to be fed and Hyunwoo played into it. Hyunwoo stuck the spoon in his mouth and watched Minhyuk eat it and then smiled.

"It's so good! Hyunwoo, try it." Minhyuk said as he finished chewing. Hyunsoo stuck the spoon back in, but he only stared at it. He thought carefully about his next move.

Hyunwoo quickly turned around, effectively scaring Minhyuk and kissed the younger. They unconciously backed up until Minhyuk came in contact with a counter top. That didn't stop Hyunwoo. He took his hands and pulled Minhyuk closer by his hips. Their lips fit together, prompting Hyunwoo to tilt his head slightly to deepen the kiss. It lasted another minute before Hyunwoo pulled away, leaving Minhyuk gasping for air.

"Yeah... It does taste good." Hyunwoo said before letting go of Minhyuk to step back over to the cake. Minhyuk gripped the counter behind him to regain his composure.

As Minhyuk registered what just happened, a smile grew on his face as he realized nothing was gonna be the same between them ever again.


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[10/18]: Using my bro's Nextbook, so I cant really do any of the usual stuff that I do. Here's a new update tho~


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hello there, I came across this story while searching for something interesting to read. Although I didn't notice the tags properly until I was here, so I thought I'd give ShowKi a try. I don't really ship them but I like them both. Anyway, I enjoyed the drabble. It was really nice and made me yearn for more ^^ and I'll maybe drop by again someday and check if you have anymore ShowKi drabbles!
Chapter 7: Cuteeee
Chapter 21: Imagine u wake up and have six guys around..
°° wow!
annethundr05 #4
Chapter 16: This was so cute. And Minhyuk I totally understand believe me. Aww my Changkyunnie baby. He has such a good friend in you. I'm all soft like Jello because of this chapter. Kudos
um1997 #5
Chapter 15: This is honestly so cute!!!
I loved it!
annethundr05 #6
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh they are so bad. Lol XD Shownu had to be the brave one and check. Today was adorable and funny. KiKyun being trolls, I love it.
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 10: Aww, busted. This an adorable ShowKyun drabble. My my bias Kyunnie and my bias-wrecker Hyunwoo. I'm all soft now.
Chapter 19: Hahahaha cuteeee maknae line <33
Chapter 18: Aaaa Showki ♡