Wants 040 (Final)

You Want Me
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You Want Me
Don't you?

Wants 040
I want you. It's just that simple. 


She felt giddy today. There was a soft fluttering feeling on her abdomen, a warm tug on her heart when she sees flowers blooming in the early spring. The day was young, a clear blue sky brightening the place that was once a chapter in her life. The colours beaming at her were beautiful. Was the world ever this beautiful? Was the place ever this beautiful? Was she ever that beautiful? She wouldn't know, her eyes couldn't see herself. 


"Congratulations!" She heard the loud cheers that came along with the warm greetings to the two. They were the centre of attention, the main stars in this ceremony they held to finally hold each other's hands. She was genuinely happy, a warm smile casted on her face as she draws a soft sigh at the calm spring breeze. The feeling on her chest was light, tumbling her mature thoughts and pulled her back in time when she was just a naive, innocent girl.


"Ohhhhhhh." She giggled at the adorable scene that unmasked before her eyes. 


"What are you laughing at?" She turned to the blonde man who raised an eyebrow at her. His face was still flawless as ever. His eyes shown amusement, and a mixture of worry tugging at the end. Jiae shook her head and pointed at the crowd, the couple was swarmed by their friends, possibly making fun of them. "They're cute." She commented, her arms crossed as she pulled a soft pout on her lips. "My wedding wasn't as cute as that."


Mark sighed. Here we go again. He thought, his eyes drifted to the crowd who are busy congratulating the couple. "We're too old for cute." He smirked at Jiae when she playfully threw him a punch on his arm. "Not funny." Jiae huffed and stared at the couple. 


"I'm so glad they're finally together." She held Mark's arm and grinned at him. "Look at Daehyun, he's so happy right now."


Jiae was right, Daehyun does look happier than he was since Mark first met him. There was something different about his smile that made him look genuinely happy here. Mark snorted and wrapped his arm around Jiae's waist, pulling her close to him as he grabs himself a glass of champagne by the counter. He had to make sure he sticks to Jiae like glue in this event. Taken or not, he can still see men eyeing on his woman in the venue. 


Curse her red dress. He held back a grunt and drank the champagne. 


"So when are you planning to beg me to come back?" He stiffened and turned to the woman who casually took a canape from the tray. Jiae looked up, a teasing smirk appeared on her face. "'Cause it's not going to be easy, Markiepooh."


Mark groaned. Right, they aren't exactly together again. This was... the 15th time? He lost count, it happened far too many times for him to recall how many times he was thrown out of the bedroom to sleep in the living room. All these countless times she called them "roommates" pissed him off. He was trying his best to redeem himself from that one mistake he made back then when he tried to divorce her, and now she's doing this to him. Sure, she tore the divorce paper, she made an effort to shred it and threw it out of the window. But that wasn't all. She didn't ask for a break up, she didn't throw any physical tantrums at him. 


She told him that they're roommates. She freaking told him that they're roommates. 


"So try to woo me, Mark Tuan." She actually dared to say that to him. "Also, try to keep your pants to yourself, Markiepooh." 


The day Tuan Jiae dropped that challenge to the poor Mark Tuan was the day he received pure hell from his wife.


Oh, yes, they're still together on papers. Jiae's surname is still a Tuan, and legally, she's still tied with Mark. But those were all part of the paperwork. Jiae doesn't treat them like that. Or rather, Mark kind of triggered Jiae into treating them as roommates. It has come to his realization that his wife actually holds grudges for... A very long time. The relationship they once had back then was pulled back into the picture, and now he's stuck in the game Jiae decided to play with him. 


Her oh-so-favorite push and pull strategy. 


"Things would have been easier if you would just accept the damn necklace yesterday..." Mark muttered under his and glared at no one in particular. The group of men were just unlucky to be there at that moment of time. They shuddered, possibly wondering what did they do to Mark Tuan to deserve his glare. But the blonde couldn't have cared less.


He turned to the woman in question. Jiae was staring at the couple again. Why can't she see that they can be way better than the two if she would just... Freaking give up already. He made a mental note to strangle Daehyun for inviting them over to this private event. It wasn't even Jung Daehyun's wedding, why did he invite them over when it's just his sister's wedding? He scowled and glared at the said man who was busy chatting up with his sister. 


"Daehyun might die from your glare." Jiae joked, jabbing his side as she grins playfully at the man. Mark wouldn't do anything to her, she was confident about that. Mark had a deep frown set above his eyes when he caught her giggling at him. The woman's acting weird again. He thought, as he lazily kept his arm around her waist. Annoyed or not, he's not keeping her out of his sight.


"Mark." He'd love to ignore the woman's call. She was probably going to complain about how clingy he was anyway. The last time he actually heard her calling for him, he ended up having a sleepless night, alone, in the bathroom. It was a pain to even think about it. It was blue. He gulped and tightened his grip on the empty champagne glass. 


Curse his heart for jamming at the moment.


Jiae blew a raspberry, huffing air as she pouts at Mark. The blonde man was ignoring her again. "Mark, I want to talk to Daesom-ssi." She whispered softly, her lips was close to his exposed skin when she speaks. Mark stiffened, his eyes bulged out when he felt her breath tracing his neck. How is she this close to him? He half-regretted holding her this close then. Everything was slowly driving him insane, the colors, her scent, Tuan Jiae. He held his breath and prayed for the best. 


"Go." He nudged her forward, acting as if he didn't care when he was practically committing suicide for letting her go. The woman knew what effect she has on him. Tuan Jiae knew what to do with him. It's a fight that he'll never win. He knew that fair enough when she spun around with a playful grin plastered on her face. Something's going to happen when they get back home. Mark made a mental note to prepare himself for it. 


And boy was he in for another exciting ride? He clicked his tongue and approached the counter again. He was going to get himself a drink, but something, or rather someone, decided to tug onto his slacks. It was a light tuck, not much force was used. Mark looked down, and there it was. The same pair of eyes Jiae had was staring at him. The young boy had the same playful glint sparkling on his eyes. 


Mark smiled and reached to pick the boy up. "How was the party, young master?" He raised an eyebrow at the boy. The young one was an exact copy of him as well. That small, quiet boy nodded at him and pointed at Jiae. "Eomma." He called, despite the distance they are from the woman. 


"That's correct, Mike." Mark responded and put the boy down. The child was no longer a toddler, he was old enough to walk on his two feet, to voice out his own opinion despite his actual age. He never acts like an actual 4-year old. The pre-education tutoring probably did the child wonders, but Jiae kind of sacked the tutor when the boy complained that he was sick of studying when he's only four. Oh, and that coming from a four-year old. Mark would have questioned Jiae's actions, but honestly, he wanted the boy to enjoy his childhood as well. 


Mark patted the boy's head and looked at the woman again. She was back, he can hear her heels clicking on the ground as she approaches them. Her aura was different again, it was a different level of confidence bursting around her. Jiae beamed bright when she found the little boy standing next to Mark. "Mikey!" She bent down and spread her arms wide. "Come here!"


The boy didn't even hesitate. Mark chuckled when Mike took off and ran straight into Jiae's arms. "I'm tired." Mike rubbed his eyes and pouted at Jiae. Yup, the boy definitely has a few tricks that were passed down by his birth mother, alright. Mark held back a snort and approached the two. "Let's go home." He announced, and Mike immediately beamed at him.


A warm, loving family. That was how people would see them as. But Mark and Jiae weren't official, still. Sure, they kissed, they share their moments, they had a son. But the two were still the same as before. Jiae would constantly tease the man, while he'd never receive his end of the deal and was forced to... Settle things on his own record. It's funny how he didn't give up even after four, bloody years. The man was far too loyal for his own good.


Mark's heart is too strong, so is his body.


"Mike, your coat has to go to the rack!" Jiae called for the boy who rushed right into the bedroom after throwing the coat on the ground. Mark bit his lips and watched as Jiae openly complains about her son, but grabs the coat and hangs it up herself anyway. She had the nerve to complain about him spoiling the boy too, when she was actually doing the same thing.


"Mark, not you too." He blinked his eyes at the woman. Jiae's arms were crossed, and she was tapping her feet to the ground. What did he do this time? Mark looked around the place, but found nothing. She roll

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260517 | I took a 'triple-take' before it finally came to me that I got featured. Holy shiat.


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this and it's great!! I like how it's not overly dramatic tho Mark has abstained for four years is quite 🤣
Chapter 41: Well again re-read this story for the several times. Never get bored with the storyline and it always be one of my fav story of all time 💕
Chapter 41: I always love going back to this story! Such a nice material!
Chapter 13: This story always managed to put a smile on my face. Giggles and all that xD
tiffany_gunawan #5
Chapter 41: I re-read this after such a long time and it's still gold 😍
Daepits #6
I can’t wait to read this!!
Wow I'm so glad I found this
Chapter 11: chapter 10 : this story is not logic at all hdhdjsjs but i'm not complaning. Their relationship is too natural and how do i say it? It's impossible to be so friendly and lovey dovey to a stranger that you're going to marry right? Or maybe it's just how Jiae bright and strong personality works. The plot is pretty cliche but i like the characters. Love how you potrayed them!
I suddenly miss this one. It has been almost a year since I’ve re-read this
KimHyeJoo #10
Chapter 41: Im re read this.
Theyre so cute together, both stubborn too cD