Wants 039

You Want Me
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You Want Me
Don't you?

Wants 039
I want to leave everything behind, to create something even better than what we had before. 


"Hey, Mark." Mark wasn't expecting this. He honestly wasn't expecting himself to be put in such a situation where he can't even leave. He can hear the cutleries loudly scratching the white plate the old man was eating from. He was glaring at Mark, too. Mark might have looked taller compared to the old man, but at that very moment, he felt all too small in front of the old man's piercing stare. 


Exactly the hell did he do to deserve this? Mark shrunk in his seat and stared at the remaining carrot he has on his plate. He was supposed to take Jiae home when she called. They were supposed to leave together, not having dinner with her father! He can already hear Jinyoung snickering from miles away, as well as Jackson's loud snort all the way from Hong Kong. Those two might know already, judging from the sly look Jaebum was giving him at the moment. 


God damn it. Mark wanted to strangle his brother-in-law so badly right now.


"Mark." He turned to the woman next to her. He heard her the first time, but he was too busy finding a way out of this to respond to her. How should he save his sorry now that he's stuck here? He has plans for Jiae, he had something waiting for them back at home. But how should he put it so that her father wouldn't stab him with the steak knife he's holding onto now? He can't possibly tell her father about his plans, her father would kill him. So how is he going to save himself from this mess? 


They need to leave, now.


"Are you okay?" No, I'm not. Mark nodded, trying his best to stay calm in front of Jiae. Her father is literally stabbing his back. But Mark can't show any form of weakness, he didn't want to look hopeless in front of Jiae's father. Especially not when Jaebum has all the access to Jinyoung and Jackson. Those two would torment him for life. 


Jiae frowned. She wasn't buying it. Mark looked far too distracted for him to be "alright". The man had been toying with his food. He just keeps stabbing the carrot stick as if the carrot did him wrong. He might have thought that he hid his feelings quite well, but Jiae can see that he was bothered by something. Probably dad. She turned to her father who was smiling at her. Odd, why would her father smile like that? She turned her attention back to Mark, then to her dad who was smiling at her, still. Then to her brother who was snickering at the background. 


What? Her brother sent her a daring brow, and she rolled her eyes. 


Whatever. She pushed her plate away and wiped her lips clean. The dinner was quick and simple. It's just a plate of steak accompanied with carrot sticks and garden salad. It did take longer than she expected the dinner to be though, her father asked quite a number of questions after all. And in all honesty, she wasn't expecting her father to ask Mark to join for dinner. She was supposed to head home with Mark after the talk, but her father decided to hold them back for dinner. It was great coming from her father, at least it means that he'd accept Mark, right? 


She caught her father glaring at Mark. Or not. She sighed and dropped the napkin on the table. 




"Mark." Mark straightened his back in alert at the sound of his name. Her father has called for his attention for the nth time of the night. "Yes, sir?" Mark asked. He had to make sure that he chose his words wisely in this, it's dangerous enough that her father was in front of him, glaring. He didn't want to sound like an idiot too. 


Jiae's father pointed at Mark's plate. "Aren't you going to finish that?" He asked.


Mark looked at his plate. "Yes, I was-"


"The kitchen helper made an effort to cook for us, I won't tolerate with this."


"Sir, I-"


"... You're lucky to have a full meal today. Back in my days, I-" 


"Dad, he was going to eat it." Jiae defended Mark, and the old man frowned at her daughter. Why is she defending Mark Tuan there? Right, she's Mark's wife. How can the old man forget about it? Jiae was no longer his daughter alone, she's now someone else's wife. 


He glared at the blonde man again. Curse this brat for taking my daughter away. 


Jiae shook her head. Her father was getting more and more childish by the second. How is she supposed to stop this now that her father has became one stubborn prick? She turned to Mark and sighed. "I think we should go home." She announced, and her father's eyes widened in surprise.


"You just came here hours ago." Her father said. 


Jiae smiled. "Exactly." She said and grabbed Mark's arm. "I'm supposed to leave an hour ago, dad."


Jaebum snickered. "Leave them be and they'll turn into rabbits-"


"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, IM JAEBUM?" Jiae shouted at Jaebum, and Mark stiffened when Jiae's father glared at him again.


"Try it. I dare you." He can see it from the look on the old man's face. Great, what kind of impression does her father have on him now? What the hell did Jaebum tell the old man for him to be this cautious with him? Mark was close to grabbing Jaebum's collar right there, but decided that he'd more likely receive a punch from the old man for attempting a murder on his son. Why can't things be easier for once? Why must Jiae be related to Im god damn Jaebum?


He looked at Jiae, who was clinging onto his arm. "Let's leave." His heart shook at the smile on her face. He will risk wiping that smile off in awhile. She will probably hate him for scaring her like that. No, she will hate him for that. He was mentally prepared for a good slap on the cheek. And of course, he was prepared to sleep on the couch for the month too. But well, things need to be done. And he was ready to... Get beaten to death for it. 


Jiae led him out of her family house. They're already in his car before he can even think of ways to save himself a harsh slap later on. He started the engine and drove, his mind drifted elsewhere despite hearing Jiae speak. She was whining about how annoying her brother was. He would know that. He studying in the same university as her brother, after all. She was complaining about how petty her father was to him, she was complaining about the lack of seasoning on the steak sauce. Why won't she stop complaining? He couldn't figure that out. 


"Mark, are you listening to me?" She crossed her arms and asked. . Where did she stop? Mark his dry lips and pressed the break in front of the traffic light. Curse the light for turning red, he could have excused himself from that question if it weren't for the pause. 


He turned to Jiae. Great, she looks pissed. 


"You weren't listening to me." Jiae got it correct. He wasn't listening to her alright. 


Mark gulped and gave her a slow nod. "I'm sorry." He said, and she shook her head. "Idiot." She flicked his forehead and chuckled. "Didn't your father tell you to always listen to your wife?" She grinned playfully and turned to the front. "I'll ignore you for the sake of being a good wife." 


"How does that even work?" 


She whistled and looked at her nails. 




The hell is she trying to pull?


"Tuan Jiae."


... Why is she ignoring him now?


"Yah Tuan Ji-"


"The light's green, you know." She pointed at the traffic light, and Mark groaned in frustration. Why is it always turning green when he has something to say? He mentally cursed the traffic lights and sped his way home. If the traffic isn't on his side, then he doesn't need it. He'll just head home as soon as possible and get over with it.


The drive was

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260517 | I took a 'triple-take' before it finally came to me that I got featured. Holy shiat.


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this and it's great!! I like how it's not overly dramatic tho Mark has abstained for four years is quite 🤣
Chapter 41: Well again re-read this story for the several times. Never get bored with the storyline and it always be one of my fav story of all time 💕
Chapter 41: I always love going back to this story! Such a nice material!
Chapter 13: This story always managed to put a smile on my face. Giggles and all that xD
tiffany_gunawan #5
Chapter 41: I re-read this after such a long time and it's still gold 😍
Daepits #6
I can’t wait to read this!!
Wow I'm so glad I found this
Chapter 11: chapter 10 : this story is not logic at all hdhdjsjs but i'm not complaning. Their relationship is too natural and how do i say it? It's impossible to be so friendly and lovey dovey to a stranger that you're going to marry right? Or maybe it's just how Jiae bright and strong personality works. The plot is pretty cliche but i like the characters. Love how you potrayed them!
I suddenly miss this one. It has been almost a year since I’ve re-read this
KimHyeJoo #10
Chapter 41: Im re read this.
Theyre so cute together, both stubborn too cD