Wants 021

You Want Me
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You Want Me
Don't you?

Wants 021
I want you to know that tables may turn, just like that.  

Life comes with three problems. Family, friendship and relationship problems.


Family. General problems an individual will face every once in a while, but she never really had the chance to get use to that. She is, in fact, an orphan after all. 


Friendship. She wouldn't call it in a friendly term, but she had promised someone something in return for everything she had owed that man. She promised to find the child named Jung Daesom, and she'll do it at all cost if that means to save that man who brought her light from the darkness she kept herself in back then. 


Relationship. That wasn't in any of her concern at the moment. She had too many things in hand to settle down with one. What she had with Mark was the first, a comfortable business oriented relationship that benefits them both. 


Each problem was different, they weren't supposed to come together in one place. But three figures, three human beings decided to cramp in one small cafe, right before her eyes. Who would have thought that she'll be facing such a crisis at a time like this? The Jiae back then would have laughed it off and get over it, but she was intimidated by the sight. She can't be recognized now. She can't...


I can't let Mark know. She clinged onto Mark's sleeve and frowned. Everything will be ruined if that man recognizes her now. If she was found by that man, what will happen to her next? What will Mark think of her then? Her shoulders tensed uncomfortably at the thought. She shouldn't be worried about what her husband might think of her, but why does she care? She shook her head and decided to push off the thoughts for the moment.  


"What brought you here, Daehyun?" Jaebum smiled as he raises an eyebrow at Daehyun. That man was good looking, that's a given, but the smile that was hung on his face reminded her of the cheerful man dressed in his casual hospital gown. That man just wouldn't stop smiling despite the fact that he has been surrounded by nothing but four walls. The man has come to this point where he's nothing but an empty piece of wrapper without a candy for a soul. He's bound to leave, she knew that. That's why she needed to complete his one last request, to find that child. 


She took note of the man's smile again. His smile was curved beautifully as though he was here. Her heart sunk, and she began to struggle to keep her composure in check. The reminder was strong, engraving into her heart as though it was a fine, burning print. 


It honestly hurts. She tugged closer to Mark, clinging onto the warmth that could possibly comfort her despite the situation. Mark stiffened, eyes shifted to the woman who was clinging on to his arm like a koala. Her hands were shaking, her shoulders were stiff as rock. It was unlike the usual Jiae. He thought.


He frowned and looked at Daehyun. What was it with Daehyun that made her feel uncomfortable? Daehyun doesn't seem to know her at all though. So why is she acting like this? As much as he would like to know the answer, he was also aware of the fact that Jiae would never, in any way, tell him the truth. The Im Jiae he knew was a mischievous child, but Tuan Jiae was far too mysterious for him to grasp a hold of the situation. He'll try to pry into the truth, but she'll always keep the doors lock from his reach.


"You're here to what?" Jaebum sounded surprise, and Daehyun was just shaking his head. "I needed a breather." He said, smiling as he rubs the back of his neck. "My sister was hospitalized again." 


Hospitalized. She paused and stared at the man for a good long second. Jung Daehyun's sister, she reckoned as the girl he was looking for. What is the connection between them and him? She once wondered, but he dismissed her with a plain old context. "They're someone I knew for a long time." He said back there, eyes staring outside the window as though he knew which direction to look at. The sun was glaring bright into the room that day, but he didn't even bat an eye to it. "Do you know? I missed them so much." 


I wouldn't know. She stared at Daehyun's face as he forced a chuckle. I didn't have anyone of that sort anyway. She wouldn't have known. The fact that she has been alone for years condemned her to the life of solitude. She wouldn't have missed. What is there... Who is there to miss when you have nothing in the first place? 


"Jiae?" She fidgeted and turned to the man who was standing by her side.


Ah, how could she have forgotten about the man who decided to take part in her dull life? Her expression softened. Her heart felt warm from his arm that circled about her waist. His brows were kneaded, forming his signature hard frown as he tugs her closer to him. He's worried. She knew. But what is there to assure him that she's fine? She wasn't fine, not at all. Her priorities were a mess, and the boundary has fade to grey.


"I'm fine." She faked a smile, her hand made a light squeeze on his forearm. He probably couldn't tell. She thought and bowed at Daehyun and Jaebum. "I'll have to get back to work. Please do make your order at the counter." And she left Mark's arm without giving him a fair warning. 


Mark's frown deepened. If there was anything that could be more confusing than this, it would be all the sudden changes in his wife's personality. Jiae's face was pale as a white sheet there, he can see it all too clearly. She wasn't the usual Jiae he knows. There weren't confidence, nor was there a light hint of cockiness in her voice when she left. 


"Hey, Mark. How's it been?" Daehyun asked, but Mark's eyes were focused on the closed door to answer his question. 


Is she fine? He was worried. He wouldn't have noticed, but the look on his eyes gave out far too much than needed. Jaebum raised an eyebrow and nudged him.


"Mark?" He called. "Number 2 just asked you a question."


Daehyun rolled his eyes at Jaebum. Of course, he wouldn't let the chance slip. The nickname was given to him back in their university days, where Mark would be the top student, and next comes Daehyun. Those were the days where they didn't have anything to worry about. Mark never cared about socializing, Daehyun never cared to check up on his sister, and Jaebum just couldn't be bothered to do anything.


"Enough with the nickname. Player." Daehyun smirked when Jaebum rolled his eyes. "You're annoying." 


"You're just as annoying." 


"Piss off." Daehyun chuckled and smacked Jaebum's arm. "I honestly miss this." He said and sighed. "The days when we had no worries. I miss that." He ran

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260517 | I took a 'triple-take' before it finally came to me that I got featured. Holy shiat.


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this and it's great!! I like how it's not overly dramatic tho Mark has abstained for four years is quite 🤣
Chapter 41: Well again re-read this story for the several times. Never get bored with the storyline and it always be one of my fav story of all time 💕
Chapter 41: I always love going back to this story! Such a nice material!
Chapter 13: This story always managed to put a smile on my face. Giggles and all that xD
tiffany_gunawan #5
Chapter 41: I re-read this after such a long time and it's still gold 😍
Daepits #6
I can’t wait to read this!!
Wow I'm so glad I found this
Chapter 11: chapter 10 : this story is not logic at all hdhdjsjs but i'm not complaning. Their relationship is too natural and how do i say it? It's impossible to be so friendly and lovey dovey to a stranger that you're going to marry right? Or maybe it's just how Jiae bright and strong personality works. The plot is pretty cliche but i like the characters. Love how you potrayed them!
I suddenly miss this one. It has been almost a year since I’ve re-read this
KimHyeJoo #10
Chapter 41: Im re read this.
Theyre so cute together, both stubborn too cD