Wants 011

You Want Me
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You Want Me
Don't you?

Wants 011
I want you to be there on my wedding day. 


Fluttering rose pink eyeshadow, flushed pink cheeks and plumped red lips. She was literally staring at her face in horror when the hair stylist smiled at her from the back. She was just curling her hair, nothing much was done, but there Jiae was, staring at her as if she was mad, then looking down to the filthy purity that was embracing her frame. Exactly how did she end up wearing this thick, long gown in the first place? When the Mark Tuan decided to kneel on his sorry and shoved a ring to your face, duh. 


She rolled her eyes when she noticed the tall figure leaning against the door frame. Mark was just there, in a fairly good looking outfit. He was wearing a tux, black, slick and definitely attractive enough for anyone to "sweep them off". She snickered and crossed her arms. "How did I end up here again?" she asked when she noticed Mark approaching her. 


He told the stylists to leave for awhile, and when the door closed, he sighed and turned to her. "First off, my dad." he said, and she rolled her eyes in response. Of course his dad had to like her. She literally dressed herself up like a doll when she met him. Come to think of it, how long has it been since they first met? A week? Slightly more than a week? She couldn't recall. Time ran past so fast that she could barely catch up with the things that happened during that time period. She was getting confused, but one thing's for sure.


His parents expected more than she can give. 


"I want grandchildren as soon as possible." That was what his parents had said when they met them again, and that was something they can't comply to. She remembered glaring at Mark when he could merely clear his throat and shift his attention to the waiter that was pouring him a glass of that fancy chateau crap. Exactly how were they going to create a damn baby when they were not even going to make an effort for it? She didn't give a crap, she wasn't going to comply to that. His parents wants grandchildren, so what? She won't be sticking around for that long for her to get herself a baby in the bump. She wouldn't, and Mark wouldn't dare to. 


She sighed and pouted. "I'm starting to regret my decision," she commented, and he smirked. "Too late for that, you signed the papers." 


She glared at him. "He's not joking about the grandchildren. How are you going to forge that?". She turned the chair around completely. Her arms were still crossed, and her eyes were shooting daggers at his face. He clicked his tongue. Slowly, he walked towards the table and leaned against it, hands casually tucked in his pockets as he shrugged. "We'll fall off before I can come up with one." he grinned. "Or, we can just make one for real." 


"Don't joke with me." 


"This whole relationship is a joke to begin with, might as well, make a joke out of a joke." 


Unbelievable. Jiae snorted and was about to run her fingers through her hair when he stopped her. "You'll mess up the curls," he said, and she muttered a soft thanks and looked up at him.


He wasn't saying that much, but to be honest, he flipped mentally when he saw her reflection on the mirror just a while back. To make things even crazier than it already was, he thought he was going to fall on his knees when she turned around. The long lashes made her eyes way more focusable. The pink flush made her adorable... And her red lips... he didn't want to go that far. He pressed his lips and shifted his attention away. He could have damned his hormones for being irrational, but that would make him a liar. He was a man, and men tend to get attracted to attractive things. And Im Jiae just so happened to be the ideal type that triggers the man in him.


What made it worse is the fact that she was definitely aware of what he was seeing at the moment. 


"So I'll be marrying you." he tried to change the subject, and she nodded her head, eyes boringly star at the gloves that were wrapping her hands. "And I'll be marrying you. Big deal," she shrugged. "I just didn't expect it to happen in such a short notice though, husband." He flinched and nibbled his lips. Oops, pressed the wrong button boy. He cleared his throat and pressed his lips thin. 


"Sorry about that..." He muttered softly, and she sighed. There was no way out of this anyway. Be it, a week, or months. She will end up marrying him anyhow. She sighed and shook her head. "It's fine." She smiled and got up from her seat, picking up the veil while she's at it. "You should really go, the groom isn't supposed to be seeing the bride before the ceremony," she playfully bumped her fist to his shoulder, and he chuckled. 


"Sure, I'll see you on the aisle, wife." He smirked and walked out of the door, while she shook her head with a soft snicker passing her lips.


She shifted her eyes back to the mirror. The reflection was a beautiful bride, ready to step before the wedding bells. Not Im Jiae, but the fake bride that Mark Tuan hired to pretend. Everything was a lie that they came up with to serve themselves good. She wouldn't mind owning a "divorcee" title, she probably won't have another chance down the aisle anyway. 


Jiae threw her hair behind her back and got up from her seat. It's about time the guests arrive. She took one last glance at her attire. The pale color of her dress was emphasizing on the firmness of her figure. Elegant, she must say. But the word just didn't suit her. If anyone had seen her, they would have mocked how ridiculous she looked with that attire. Way to go, Im Jiae. You're getting married now. She thought, with an expression of boredom persisting on her face despite all the sarcastic thoughts she had running through her mind.  


Way to go. 



Mark was waiting by the aisle. His best man... men, were shooting playful glances at him. "You can't be that casual on your wedding." Jinyoung , but Mark simply ignored all the remarks and comments. This needs to be done as soon as possible, so that he can finally get rid of the uncomfortable spotlight before the small crowd. His father went to fetch Jiae, knowing that she doesn't have a father to bring her down the aisle. It was almost as if his father was marrying of his own daughter instead. He shivered inside at the uncomfortable thought of his father's giddy face if he were to send off his daughter to another man.


He'll look ridiculous, that's all Mark knew.


The wedding march was played, piano keys were pressed tightly when the chapel door pulled open. It was a small event, but the cheers were considerably loud from the crowd. Jiae's face was hidden behind the veil, her footsteps were small, careful. Her arm was hooked to his father's arm, her free hand holding a small bouquet of pink and white roses. An angel. Anyone would have thought the same if they were standing on his spot. The sunlight that beamed on her white satin wedding gown made her glow. She was catching everyone's attention. His distant relatives, some of his family servants... everyone was looking at her. 


And then, she was there, staring at him behind the thin, feminine silhouette. There was a faint shade of crimson glow behind the thin material, his eyes just couldn't leave it be. How weak was he going to fall before the girl who was barely doing anything? She wasn't even trying, and the attention he set on her prioritized over others. There were no words, nothing can express exactly what were the

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260517 | I took a 'triple-take' before it finally came to me that I got featured. Holy shiat.


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22 streak #1
Chapter 41: Patience is a virtue hahah
SummerLuv #2
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this and it's great!! I like how it's not overly dramatic tho Mark has abstained for four years is quite 🤣
Chapter 41: Well again re-read this story for the several times. Never get bored with the storyline and it always be one of my fav story of all time 💕
22 streak #4
Chapter 41: I always love going back to this story! Such a nice material!
Chapter 13: This story always managed to put a smile on my face. Giggles and all that xD
tiffany_gunawan #6
Chapter 41: I re-read this after such a long time and it's still gold 😍
Daepits #7
I can’t wait to read this!!
Wow I'm so glad I found this
Chapter 11: chapter 10 : this story is not logic at all hdhdjsjs but i'm not complaning. Their relationship is too natural and how do i say it? It's impossible to be so friendly and lovey dovey to a stranger that you're going to marry right? Or maybe it's just how Jiae bright and strong personality works. The plot is pretty cliche but i like the characters. Love how you potrayed them!
22 streak #10
I suddenly miss this one. It has been almost a year since I’ve re-read this