Wants 014

You Want Me
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You Want Me
Don't you?

Wants 014
I want you to shut the hell up. 


He can see the sky and feel the wind slapping his face as though it was meant to keep him awake. He can see the grass dancing along with the strong wind. She had told him that the place welcomes them, but he wasn't sure. All he sees was the hell that awaits them at the end of this path. He can hear the animals calling, he can see the old man smiling... 


He suddenly thought of his mom.


"What are you stoning for, let's go." He didn't really want to go. If he was given a choice, he would have taken the first ride home and forget all about the honeymoon. Exactly who planned this?! He glared at nowhere in particular. The peaceful noise was annoying, it irks him to bits that Jiae doesn't even bother to ask if he's fine with this arrangement. 


"Mark!" Jiae tugged his arm. "Come on." she was smiling. Why is she smiling? How can she smile at a time like this? She's pointing at the wide field, that's somewhere he'd like to avoid as much as possible. Just kill me. He pressed his lips and turned to her. Bad move, Mark. He cursed inwardly the moment his eyes came in contact with her wide bambi eyes that were staring at him with expectation. Jiae wants to go there. She looked like she really wanted to. He nibbled his lips and sighed. 


"Alright." He mumbled softly and she grinned. "It'll be fun, I promise."


He gaped at her. Fun? Having your honeymoon at the countryside is fun? He was starting to question her choice of location. If he can rewind time, he'd volunteer to plan the wedding instead. He'd gladly join her in the planning just to make sure that she didn't give him such a pleasant surprise at eight in the morning. She woke him up, dragged him out of bed, all the way to the airport. He wasn't aware of where they were heading to. He didn't even bother to ask. He wouldn't have came if he knew in the first place.  


This has to be a part of her revenge. He thought, eyes squinted at the woman who was looking at the horses at the field. She was humming to a soft melody, and it did seem like she was contented with her choice. He sighed and approached her.


"Are we really having our honeymoon like this?" He asked, and she turned to him.


"Well, we are here, at the outskirts." She said, brow raised at him with a grin played on her face. "Other honeymoon locations are boring. This is new."  


"Besides, isn't it just so refreshing to be here?" She laughed and patted his back. "A little nature won't hurt, baby boy."


"This is a little too much, Jiae." He groaned. It was true on his perspective. The place is humid, and boring. He couldn't work normally, he couldn't even receive any signals to answer calls from his secretary! What is he going to do for the next four days without internet and line signal. The important thing is the internet. The net! He wants to strangle something, someone. But he couldn't possibly strangle his wife, even though she was the one who planned all this.  


"It's never too much, Tuan." She whistled and skipped down the field.


"J-Jiae!" don't leave me here! He could have sworn that he can feel the few pair of eyes staring at him in anticipation. But no, they weren't eyes of a human being. There are cows swiping their tails as they look at him from the side. It sent shivers down his spine seeing how the cows seemed like they were ready to charge at him when he turns his back at them. 


He gulped and caught after his wife. What is she looking at? He stopped and raised an eyebrow. Jiae was squatting down, finger seemingly poking a certain something on the ground. What is she doing? He would like to know, but at the same time, his gut feeling was telling him to stay away for now. Who knows what she'll show him here. He had enough of the surprises she had been showering him with for the entire morning. He didn't need more of that. 


"Mark?" She called, and he immediately braced himself for what's coming for him. She turned to him, a wide grin on her face as she straightens her knees, hands behind her back. "What do you think of..." She started and lifted her hand before his face.


"... This bug? Isn't it just weird looking? I mean-"


Everything just turns black then.





To be honest, Jiae wanted to laugh at how he dropped to the ground when she showed him the bug. It was hilarious, really. But her worries took over when he didn't get up from the ground. To think that he'd actually pass out at the sight of an insect... She held back the laughter and dapped the wet towel on his face. They are currently at the inn that they'll be living for the entire trip. It was a small place, but there was more than enough room for them to last for the four days.


"Really, he passed out for an hour." She let out a chuckle and dropped the towel to the side. Who knew that someone can actually faint from seeing an insect. He must be really afraid of them. She suddenly felt bad for him. If she had known beforehand, she wouldn't have shown him the bug. If she had known that earlier, she would have suggested an actual honeymoon spot for them.


If she had known better, she wouldn't have plotted this petty revenge just to get back at him for making her plan the wedding alone. 


She pushed his bangs out of his face and sighed. She wouldn't have known that he was afraid of bugs. He never mentioned anything about it. She might have been his wife, but he never told her anything about his likes or dislikes. Their relationship was purely business, with a pinch of fun from her side. Honestly speaking, she enjoyed teasing the poor man. His reactions were priceless, simply entertaining to look at.


There was a knock on the door when she was about to head to the washroom to wash the towel. Who is it? She thought and approached the door.


"Hello." The old lady smiled at them and tilted her head in. "Is everything alright?" She asked, and Jiae smiled.


"Yes." She said, shifting her gaze back to the futon. "He'll be fine in awhile."


The lady nodded and raised the tray she had been holding in her hand. "We don't own much, but please, wake him up and have this porridge." She handed the tray to Jiae and smiled at her. "Enjoy your stay here." She said and left.

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260517 | I took a 'triple-take' before it finally came to me that I got featured. Holy shiat.


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this and it's great!! I like how it's not overly dramatic tho Mark has abstained for four years is quite 🤣
Chapter 41: Well again re-read this story for the several times. Never get bored with the storyline and it always be one of my fav story of all time 💕
Chapter 41: I always love going back to this story! Such a nice material!
Chapter 13: This story always managed to put a smile on my face. Giggles and all that xD
tiffany_gunawan #5
Chapter 41: I re-read this after such a long time and it's still gold 😍
Daepits #6
I can’t wait to read this!!
Wow I'm so glad I found this
Chapter 11: chapter 10 : this story is not logic at all hdhdjsjs but i'm not complaning. Their relationship is too natural and how do i say it? It's impossible to be so friendly and lovey dovey to a stranger that you're going to marry right? Or maybe it's just how Jiae bright and strong personality works. The plot is pretty cliche but i like the characters. Love how you potrayed them!
I suddenly miss this one. It has been almost a year since I’ve re-read this
KimHyeJoo #10
Chapter 41: Im re read this.
Theyre so cute together, both stubborn too cD