Wants 003

You Want Me
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You Want Me
Don't you?

Wants 003
I want you to spice things up. 


Bright. The day was bright. Far too bright for her liking. She groaned, absolutely annoyed with the sunlight that beamed into the room. She didn't want to leave this horribly comfortable mattress behind her back. She knew she wasn't dreaming last night. She had slept on a comfortable bed, beside a stranger that she barely knew, someone who will become her husband for the next two years. Carefully, she pulled herself out of bed, running her fingers through her hair as she looked down at the man who had his back turned against her side. His left arm served as a pillow while his right arm was set casually by his side. His blonde hair was a mess, stray around beautifully all over his face. 


Jiae sighed, shaking her head as she carefully got out of the bed. Her onyx dark locks were the long bothersome mess, so she grabbed the closest band she can find and secured them loosely behind her head. She conveniently looked at the clock and clicked her tongue. It's roughly eight in the morning. She approached the large bag that was set by the side of the bed and took her toiletries. She was going to clean up before him.


Does he have work? She didn't know, but she wasn't going to wake him up. She was going to go with the silent agreement of not bothering each other's lives until everything ends. She goes with her life, while he goes with his. In this large apartment unit, they'll be roommates. In front of his family's eyes, they'll be a couple. That's how she'll deal with this job. She mentally agreed to herself as soon as she's done in the toilet. 


The next thing she did was to enter the kitchen. She opened the fridge and smiled when she found the frozen bread stored in the freezer compartment. She placed the bread, milk and eggs on the kitchen island and decided to prepare for breakfast. When she was done, she looked at the time again. 8:45a.m. She pursed her lips and shifted her gaze when she heard the door swung open, followed on with a lazy drag of his feet towards the dining area. 


He froze, stiffened when he saw her standing there. "Morning?" She raised an eyebrow at him, while he nodded in response.


Right, he brought home a wife yesterday night. 


"Morning..." His voice came out hoarse, as he quickly turns and took quick steps into the bathroom. How could he have forgotten about the fact that he had the girl in his house? Did he do anything stupid last night? Did he snore? Did he snore loud? He pursed his lips as he runs his fingers through his blonde locks. 


Why does he even care anyway? 


He sighed and got out of the bathroom. There's no point hiding from her when he is bound to face her every now and then until the time comes for them to split apart. He changed out of his casual clothes and wore his professional collared white shirt. Pulling out a random tie out of his drawer, he swung it over his neck and walked out of his closet door. He looked up, eyes took note of the unbearably revealing outfit that was supposed to be his working white collared shirt. Exactly how did she manage to make it look so undeniably... inappropriate? 


He shook off the unwanted thoughts as he walks up to her. She turned around and placed the plate on the dining table. "Morning again." He gave her a short smile and took a seat. She took the seat at the opposite end and picked up the cutleries. "I'm going to assume that you have work." She said flatly and took a bite out of the french toast she made. He nodded in response and ate his toast. "Every morning at 9." He exclaimed and took a sip of the coffee she made for him. "This is good." He commented, and she muttered thanks before giving him a refill. 


"It's five minutes to 9." She stated, eyes furrowed when he lifted his coffee mug casually and drank his coffee. "Well, there is a term for that. I'm late, sweetie." He straightened his tie as he gets up from his seat. She tilted her head and took his jacket, bringing it to him as he puts on his leather shoes. 


"What do you even work as?" She asked, clicking her tongue while he takes the jacket from her hands. "Try searching me up on the internet." He ruffled her hair and clicked the lift button.


She frowned. "I don't have a phone nor do I have a computer..."


"On my study desk." He grinned when she eyed him a glare.


She sighed. "I want to look around the neighbourhood."  


He tugged his hands into his pocket. "The key is in the second drawer by the study desk. And this..." He pulled out his wallet and handed her a platinum card. "... Is my card. Spend it well, baby." She rolled her eyes and took the card. "I'll spend it on groceries." She stated flatly and held the card in her hand. "Do they even accept cards?" She muttered, and he laughed in respond. "They do, well, at least the ones I go to does." He shrugged when she lightly nudged him on his arm.  


"Will you be back for dinner?" The lift buzzed, and the door swung open. He clicked his tongue and stepped into the lift. With his hands still tugged into his pocket, he raised an eyebrow on her. "Why? Is my wife going to give me a surprise party?" He asked, which she interpreted as a large amount of sarcasm. She furrowed her eyes, arms crossed as she waited for him to answer her question.


"No, I was hoping that you'll be watching over me making dinner for myself." She clicked her tongue and said, which resulted in a light chuckle coming out of his mouth. 


He clicked on the button to the lobby. "I'll page the house." He said, short enough before the door clamps close.


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260517 | I took a 'triple-take' before it finally came to me that I got featured. Holy shiat.


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this and it's great!! I like how it's not overly dramatic tho Mark has abstained for four years is quite 🤣
Chapter 41: Well again re-read this story for the several times. Never get bored with the storyline and it always be one of my fav story of all time 💕
Chapter 41: I always love going back to this story! Such a nice material!
Chapter 13: This story always managed to put a smile on my face. Giggles and all that xD
tiffany_gunawan #5
Chapter 41: I re-read this after such a long time and it's still gold 😍
Daepits #6
I can’t wait to read this!!
Wow I'm so glad I found this
Chapter 11: chapter 10 : this story is not logic at all hdhdjsjs but i'm not complaning. Their relationship is too natural and how do i say it? It's impossible to be so friendly and lovey dovey to a stranger that you're going to marry right? Or maybe it's just how Jiae bright and strong personality works. The plot is pretty cliche but i like the characters. Love how you potrayed them!
I suddenly miss this one. It has been almost a year since I’ve re-read this
KimHyeJoo #10
Chapter 41: Im re read this.
Theyre so cute together, both stubborn too cD