The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband





“Seriously, why are you so eager to make me change my name into yours?” Baekhyun huffed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Well, why wouldn’t you, Baek?” Chanyeol asked a matter-of-factly.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. He had been arguing about this matter with his fiance for more than half an hour, and they still didn’t get the deal.

It was four months before their wedding. After almost five years of engagement, finally, their wedding was getting near. And it just hit them that they hadn’t really arranged or agreed on anything for their wedding.

Five year of engagement put them in a relax mode every time, and it made them unaware that the big day was actually getting closer. So Baekhyun, being the smarter one in this relationship, sat his fiancé down on the stool in their kitchen counter to set everything up.

The first problem was whose family name they will use after they got married. Since both of them were males, it was kind of a big issue for them.

“Of course we should go with Byun because I’m older than you,” Baekhyun stated.

Chanyeol sipped his beer and put the can rather hardly to the table, “only by six months. Why are you bringing up this age thingy again? You know I hate the fact that you’re older than me.”

It was true though. Baekhyun remembered Chanyeol told him that the younger actually didn’t like that Baekhyun was older than him, because he thought Baekhyun was small and he needed to be the one who protected his fiancé. Therefore, Baekhyun was supposed to be younger than him.

Baekhyun snickered, “And what? You can’t change that, Yeollie.”

Groaning, Chanyeol gulped his beer again, “I know that. But still, I refused to change my name into yours just because you’re older. You’re the one who should change your name.”

Baekhyun shook his head in amusement. Seriously, at the time when Chanyeol was being stubborn like this, it became the reminder that, yes, Chanyeol was indeed younger than him. Sometimes Baekhyun forgot about that, because after all this time, especially after they graduated high school, their relationship gradually changed from Chanyeol’s part. His fiancé became much gentler, more mature, more protective, and most of the time, more possessive. Not that Baekhyun was complaining. If anything, Chanyeol had changed from boyfriend material into a husband material, and Baekhyun couldn’t be more grateful for that. But still, as mature as Chanyeol could be, his idiotic and dumb features were still the most invisible.

“Well, give me one good reason why I should change my name?” Baekhyun tried to argue.

And of course, Chanyeol’s idiotic and dumb self usually came up at the time like this.

“Because the name Park is way more cooler and better than Byun,” Chanyeol said nonchalantly.

The words were somehow stung into Baekhyun’s heart, and it made him flinched. He himself was pretty sure that his expression had changed drastically because now Chanyeol was looking rather shocked.

“Baek, I—“

“That’s my father’s name,” Baekhyun murmured as he got off from the stool he sat on, and walked out from the kitchen.

“Oh, Christ,” Chanyeol uttered when he saw Baekhyun dashed out, and he hurriedly ran after his soon-to-be-husband.

Baekhyun pressed his lips into a thin line when he felt a prick of tears forcing to come out from the back of his eyes as he sat on the couch in the living room. He was soon joined by Chanyeol, sitting right next to him.

“I’m sorry. Oh my God, I’m sorry, Baek. I’m really sorry. I’ve crossed the line. I meant it as a joke but it’s not funny at all. I’m sorry,” Chanyeol repeatedly said sorry as he tried to pull Baekhyun’s face to face him. “Baek? Baby, please look at me.”

As years went by, both of them had discovered new nicknames, and baby was one of them. Baekhyun cursed under his breath because, dammit, Chanyeol was using his card since he knew that baby was Baekhyun’s favorite nickname, and it always had the ability to  make his heart melt. And the way Chanyeol’s voice said that word wasn’t helping either.

Baekhyun slowly turned his face around to look at his fiancé’s concerned face.

“I’m really sorry, Baek. You know I didn’t mean it.”

It wasn’t that Baekhyun was so sensitive to the subject regarding his late father. But it was just that the tension and pressure from the wedding was slowly pushing him that sometimes he had his episodes of mood swing, and this was one of them

“It wasn’t funny at all,” Baekhyun mumbled and formed a pout with his rosy lips.

“I know, I’m sorry,” Chanyeol said as he raised his hand and put it on Baekhyun’s cheek, slowly caressing it. “What can I do to make you forgive me? You want me to change my name into Byun? I’ll do it.”

One thing that Baekhyun really loved after their status change into fiancé, was the fact that they didn’t need hours or days to solve their fights. They had matured, and if they were fighting, one of them would quickly man up and ask for forgiveness and the other would forgive.

Smile gradually crept into Baekhyun’s face, and he just couldn’t hide it anymore because he was never able to handle the sweet and gentle Chanyeol even after one year dating and years of engagement.

“Byun Chanyeol sounds nice, right?” Baekhyun took Chanyeol’s palm on his cheek and brought it down so he could wrap it with his own. “But on a second thought, I guess Park Baekhyun sounds cooler, isn’t it?”

Chanyeol’s concern face turned bright again, and he smiled widely, “Are you sure?”

Baekhyun shrugged, “Yeah, you know, although I want you to change your name, I always secretly want to put your name on mine. It makes me feel that I’m truly yours. That I really belong to you.”

Chanyeol’s smile turned soft, and he gave the fondest gaze to his future husband. “You are mine, and in just four months, it will become official.” Chanyeol put a light kiss on his fiance’s lips before he spoke again, “I love you, and I’m really sorry for earlier, okay? Am I forgiven?”

Baekhyun smiled and nodded, “Apology accepted and I love you too.”

Chanyeol grinned and pulled Baekhyun so the latter could rest his head on his shoulder. There was a pregnant silence around them and the only sound they could hear was their soft breath. Chanyeol’s mind felt so calm. This was one of the rarest day that they could enjoy sitting on their couch, in the apartment they bought just months ago after they saved enough to get their own place. After they graduated college, Chanyeol and Baekhyun managed to get a job in the same company. And after months of working there and got big payment after their big project, they decided to have their own place.

The apartment was nothing big. It was simple because their money wasn’t that much anyway. But it’s their home. The place that Chanyeol always looked forward to go home to after a tiring and stressful day at the company. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun were one of the best people in the company although they just less than one year ago. And that made their work schedule was kind of packed and it was hard to have a time to relax with his Baekhyun like this.

Chanyeol put his hand around Baekhyun’s shoulder to make the latter felt more comfortable. But just as Chanyeol tried to put his head on top of Baekhyun’s head, the elder sat straight up all of a sudden, making Chanyeol’s chin almost became a victim of Baekhyun’s big head.

“What?” Chanyeol asked.

Baekhyun turned to him, “Hey, we still need to sort things out.”

Chanyeol blinked in confusion for a while before he finally caught up, “Oh yeah, wedding. I almost forgot.”

They sat up straight again, and Chanyeol could see that Baekhyun was contemplating on something. “Yeol, let’s play a game.”

Chanyeol’s brows raised, “Game?”

Instead of explaining, Baekhyun stood up and left Chanyeol’s side, and sat on the couch across Chanyeol.

“What are you doing there, Baek?” Chanyeol still didn’t get it.

“Let’s make this planning thing interesting, shall we?” Baekhyun grinned. “I bet we’re gonna disagree on a lot of things. So, the game is, we’re gonna take off one of our cloth items every time we lose the argument.”

Chanyeol only got more confused, “What kind of game is this?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, “For example, I lose to you about the name thingy right? It means I should take off one of my cloth item.”

“I understand the game, but,” Chanyeol looked at his excited fiancé, and he started to wonder how 23 years old man could look so much like a high school student. His fiancé seemed didn’t age even for a bit. “Are you sure you want to take off your clothes because it’s still February. You’ll freeze to death, baby.”

Baekhyun smirked, “who says I’m going to take off my clothes? I’m going to win.”

“What if we have the same answer and agreed on it?” Chanyeol asked.

“Then we both take off our cloth,” Baekhyun answered almost immediately.

After contemplating on the childish game, Chanyeol nodded. It wasn’t that he was going to win the argument with the ex-student council president anyway.

“Sounds fun,” Chanyeol said as he saw his fiance’s smile got wider.

“Okay,” Baekhyun clasped his hands together. “First question, our tuxedo. Black or white?”

“White,” Chanyeol answered.

Baekhyun quickly rejected, “No, I want black.”

Chanyeol wasn’t going to let his little fiancé win this, “White is the best for wedding, Baek. And I think you look the best with white. Your skin will shine brighter.”

A bit of compliment always did the credit to win Baekhyun’s heart, Chanyeol knew this. Because now Baekhyun seemed contemplating before he finally groaned, “Ugh, fine. You’re right,” he said as he took off his sweater, revealing his pink t-shirt with a logo of SMTown on it. “Next question, the theme of our wedding?”



“Garden? Really Baek?”

“What?” Baekhyun raised his hands. “I always wanted to have a garden wedding.”

“Our wedding is going to be in June. It would be really hot,” Chanyeol reasoned.

“But it’s my dream,” Baekhyun whined, making a cute pout and turning his eyes like a lost kitten.

Baekhyun knew too well to melt Chanyeol’s heart.”Fine,” the younger said as he took of his tee. He cursed under his breath that he didn’t wear more clothes like his fiancé. Now that he was topless, he couldn’t let Baekhyun took off more of his clothes. “Next question, quick.”

Chanyeol was fast enought to see that Baekhyun was gulping when the elder was looking at his bare chest. Baekhyun cleared his throat before he put his concentration on again. “Our honeymoon?”

Chanyeol himself was also starting to lose his concentration that it took sometimes for him to answer. And this time he was determined to make his fiancé strip. “Japan.”

Baekhyun shook his head, “No. I want more like Bali or Hawaii. I want beach.”

“We could go to Busan if you want beach,” Chanyeol smirked.

“I won’t take off my shirt for Busan,” Baekhyun deadpanned.

“We don’t have much money to go far, Baek baby. Japan. Take it or leave it.”

“You’re cruel.”

“Take off your top, baby,” Chanyeol wriggled his eye brows.

Baekhyun groaned while murmuring something like I hate you to Chanyeol, and the latter could only snicker. It didn’t last long though because he was welcomed with a white milky skin in front of him, and it made him freeze.

, Chanyeol was starting to regret to make his fiancé strip because now the urge to jump on him was so strong that he can’t really take his eyes off him. It wasn’t his fault though. The recording schedule in the company was really full these days that they didn’t have the time to have with Baekhyun recently. He didn’t realize that he was that thirsty to touch the soft texture of Baekhyun’s skin chest until now.

Realizing the slight shift in Chanyeol’s eyes, Baekhyun smirked and changed his position into a seductive one; crossing his legs and putting his hand on the armrest.

“Question, Baek,” Chanyeol urged, almost groaning.

Pursing his lips to suppress a smile, Baekhyun started the next question. “You haven’t decided your best man, right Yeol? Jongin or Kris?”

“Why my best man become your concern?”

“Because your best man also takes the roll on the success of our wedding,” Baekhyun stated. “I choose Kris.”

“But Jongin is my best friend, and he was the one who helped me find you, remember? He pulled me out of my house so I met the fortune-teller that day.”

“But are you sure that Jongin could help you with all the wedding s? Kris is much more responsible, you should admit it.”

Chanyeol sighed, “Jongin would be really really mad if—“

“Take off your pants, baby,” Baekhyun cut him off, victory smile plastered on his face.

Chanyeol groaned before he stood up and took off his sweatpants, revealing his SpongeBob boxer. It would be a major turn off for anyone, but Baekhyun wasn’t just anyone. Whatever Chanyeol wore would make him high in a matter of second.

Chanyeol took a seat again, sighing heavily as now he was practically . But when he took a glance on his fiancé, staring at him shamelessly, he didn’t bother about him being almost anymore.

Baekhyun gulped without tearing his gaze from Chanyeol’s body across him, “Can I—“

“Come here, Baek,” Chanyeol demanded, more like ordering him, before he himself would be the one who will pull Baekhyun to sit with him.

Baekhyun didn’t take any second to grant Chanyeol’s demand. He immediately flew to Chanyeol’s side, on top of him, precisely, sitting with his thighs on the both sides of Chanyeol’s while his hands were squeezing Chanyeol’s toned arms.

Chanyeol put his palm on Baekhyun’s waist securely, eyes never leaving Baekhyun’s eyes. “The question, Baek,” he urged. His voice was starting to get raspy. “I want you to take off your pants.”

“Right. I forgot,” Baekhyun laughed awkwardly. “Can we have right after this?”

Chanyeol shot his brows up, “is that the question?”

“Not exactly. I just want to make sure,” Baekhyun shrugged.

Chanyeol giggled in between his rapid breath, “Yes, we must. I’m going to ing kill you if we don’t have after you make me like this.”

“But, we have work tomorrow, Yeol.”

Chanyeol groaned, “Baek, don’t test me.”

“I’m serious,” Baekhyun smirked naughtily. “The company demands me to make new lyrics for this new rookie group. And you need to make the arrangement for it.”

“I don’t care. The company knows their favorite composer and lyrics writer are getting married in four months. They need to give us a break.”

“Oh, they will.”

Chanyeol was getting impatient as the seconds ticked by, “Baek, I swear—“

“Fine,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Who will be going down the aisle?”

Chanyeol grinned. He was sure that he was going to win this. “Isn’t that obvious? You.”

“No, what? You think I’m a girl?” Baekhyun protested.

“Well, you’re more beautiful than any girl I know.”

“But still, why me?” Baekhyun whined.

Chanyeol shut Baekhyun’s whine with a kiss, sealing it completely with his. Chanyeol can feel the warm on Baekhyun’s lips, and it was amazing how it was only a quick kiss but Chanyeol was already this high.

“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol whispered, lips still ghosting on Baekhyun’s. “You’re lost. Take off your pants.”

Baekhyun shuddered in response; because not only Chanyeol’s voice and breath, but Chanyeol’s big hands were also roaming on his back. “Take it off for me,” Baekhyun breathed out.

Baekhyun didn’t have to ask him for the second time as Chanyeol immediately moved his hands from Baekhyun’s back to his waist, abruptly pushing down the sweatpants.

“,” Chanyeol cursed as the pants was stuck because of Baekhyun’s sitting position. “Get up,” he hissed.

Baekhyun did as he was told, getting up a little so his fiancé could take his pants off completely. As soon as the pants left his legs, Baekhyun shivered as the cold February air hit him.

Chanyeol’s neck craned again, trying to reach Baekhyun’s tempting lips. His mind was already long gone. The pleasure of only kissing his fiancé and touching his bare skin was already too much for him that he started panting in between his rough kiss.

Dammit, more than two weeks of no did him no good.

“Chanyeollie,” Baekhyun moaned, trying to call his future husband while his lips were still molded with the other. “I’m cold,” he whispered. “Make me warm.”

Without breaking the kiss, Chanyeol got a grip around Baekhyun’s waist, and with an easy push, he was able to pull Baekhyun with him. He felt Baekhyun’s legs were locked around his waist, and in a speed of lightning, Chanyeol brought him to their bedroom.

Baekhyun grunted when his back was met with a cold board of the door. He broke the kiss and let out a moan both from pain of the bump and the excitement pumping in his heart.

A slip of moan from Baekhyun’s lips succeeded to throw Chanyeol into madness. Chanyeol groaned as he hastily opened the door with his other hand freed from holding his fiancé. As soon as the door opened, Chanyeol enveloped Baekhyun’s waist with his arms again, and abruptly brought him to their king bed.

“, Yeol, it hurt,” Baekhyun hissed when his landed hard on the bed.

Chanyeol took no time hovering above him, trapping the petite male in between his bare hands and legs. “Sorry not sorry,” he said before he crashed his lips on his lover again, molding them completely, and once in a while biting them, making the male below him moaned in pleasure.

“Please,” Baekhyun whispered, body completely shuddered when Chanyeol’s tongue met his. “Can we now—“

With lips still strongly attached with each other, Chanyeol scooped Baekhyun’s torso with his left arm, pulling him slightly so they could lay in the middle of the bed.

“Not yet,” Chanyeol growled.

Baekhyun’s breath hitched when Chanyeol lips were locked on the smaller’s soft neck. “My god,” he gasped, as he ran his hand to Chanyeol’s back, trying to push their body closer.

Baekhyun roamed his slender hands to Chanyeol’s back. His soft hands were the complete opposite with his lover’s defined and solid back. In a span of five years Chanyeol’s body had built into a toned muscles which Baekhyun could never compete.

 When Chanyeol had finished eating his neck, he returned his head above Baekhyun’s, and the elder male could totally see the hunger gaze Chanyeol was giving him.

“You’re so beautiful,” Chanyeol whispered, barely audible but Baekhyun could catch it through Chanyeol’s lips movement.

Chanyeol moved his limbs again, trailing his lips from the top of Baekhyun’s forehead, going downward to his nose, his chin, his neck, his chest, his belly, and last his two thighs. Every spot he kissed, Chanyeol never forgot to mutter “mine” under his breath, claiming that every single inch of Baekhyun was his.

“Yeollie, come up here,” Baekhyun whimpered, the needy tone was transparent. Cannot wait any longer, Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol’s hair and forced him to come up. But he didn’t stop there. Instead Baekhyun threw Chanyeol’s to lie beside him and he got up, and now was the one who hovered above Chanyeol.

Both of them were already panting when Chanyeol gave his fiancé a smirk, “So impatient, huh?”

Baekhyun his lips, “my turn,” he said as he crawled backward and leaned down to take off Chanyeol’s SpongeBob boxer. After the stupid boxer was long gone, Baekhyun leaned down again, this time he put his mouth around Chanyeol.

It succeeded to rip Chanyeol’s sanity away. The action drove Chanyeol crazy as he felt Baekhyun’s head was going up and down. He held into bed sheet really tight like his life was depending on it or he would lose control and take Baekhyun right here and then.

Chanyeol felt all of him was melting inside and his body felt weak for a moment before lust rushing in again, and he quickly grabbed Baekhyun’s arms and forced him to get away from him.

Slightly dazed, Baekhyun blinked when he saw his fiancé crawled out of the bed and got to the drawer beside the bed. He opened the drawer and pulled out a bottle. “Oh? Finally ready?” Baekhyun smirked.

“Shut up,” Chanyeol groaned as he got back to the bed, not forgetting to push Baekhyun down, making him lie down with his back facing Chanyeol who was already pinning him down. “Why the hell you still wear your boxer?” Chanyeol cursed while he forcefully take off his lover’s boxer.

Baekhyun was about to argue when he felt his thighs was spread out slowly. Baekhyun didn’t even know when Chanyeol opened the bottle and poured down the liquid to his fingers, but Chanyeol was always fast, so he tried to put that matter aside, especially now when Chanyeol slowly inserted the first digit on him.

Baekhyun let out an inaudible gasp. The rush of pleasure blinded him, and he could only bury his face into the pillow when Chanyeol put in the second and third digit gently and carefully not hurting him.

No matter how hurry Chanyeol was, he wouldn’t let his fiancé hurt. He would wait patiently until Baekhyun felt better, whispering him endless I love yous and you’re gorgeous, kissing him, and pushing his sweaty bangs aside with his other hand, until Baekhyun was ready.

“I’m ready,” Baekhyun whispered impatiently. “Hurry up.”

After gently putting out his fingers, Chanyeol entered Baekhyun quickly, sending an instant bliss to the both of them. Chanyeol’s hands reached out to Baekhyun’s waist. A droplet of sweat fall from his chin and fall on Baekhyun’s glistening back. He started to , slowly at first and faster at the end until both of them come together.

Chanyeol fell shamelessly on top of Baekhyun, panting hard. They were silent for a while, trying to catch their breath. After a few moments, Chanyeol rolled over to lie beside his fiancé. He worked in silence when he slowly cleaned himself and Baekhyun up, because Baekhyun looked like pretty much a wreck.

After they were clean enough, Chanyeol dropped the big puffy blanket over them, and made Baekhyun turned to him. “You okay, baby?” Chanyeol asked in a soft voice.

Baekhyun opened his eyes and smiled. And Chanyeol swore he could feel his stomach was scrunched. Baekhyun’s smile, especially after they made love, was glowing and dazzling. He even became more beautiful.

Baekhyun gave him a quick nod, and Chanyeol put a kiss on top of Baekhyun’s head. And as always after the end of their making love session, Chanyeol would scoop Baekhyun into his arms, securing him with the wave of possessiveness in him, which was sort of ridiculous, since Baekhyun wouldn’t going anywhere anyway.

“Go to sleep, Yeollie. There’s a rookie we needed to take care of tomorrow,” Baekhyun mumbled while his face was buried in his fiancé’s bare chest.

Chanyeol hummed as he put his face on Baekhyun’s fluffy hair, “I love you, Baek. I love you so much.”

It was silent again until Chanyeol thought that probably Baekhyun had fallen asleep, but then he felt a warm breath again on his chest. “I love you, too.”




White. All he could see was white. His suit, his pants, his face, his lips. The blood was drained off his face as he heard the seconds ticked by from the watch on the wall.

Baekhyun looked at his reflection on the mirror, suited with a white tuxedo covering him coolly. He might be looked really handsome right now if not for his pale face. Gosh, he needed to stop being nervous.

“Mom, can you help me to tuck this flower on my tux?” Baekhyun called his mother who was in the same room with him.

The thing was, he forgot that now he had two mothers. His mother and Chanyeol’s mother were now standing in sync. Realizing that the both of them were standing, the two mothers laughed.

“Which mom do you refer to, honey?” Mrs.Park giggled.

Baekhyun smiled, probably the first smile he had for the past hour. “I mean, my mother, mom. Or the both of you, I need the both of you.”

Baekhyun’s mother turned frantic before she finally took steps toward her son. “Hey, sweetheart, are you sick?”

“Yeah, honey, you look pale,” Chanyeol’s mother joined him. “You have eaten, right? Don’t tell me you haven’t. Oh my—“

“No, no, I have,” Baekhyun tried to calm the women. “I just...I’m nervous.”

The ladies’ worried faces turned soft. His mother looked like she wanted to cry as she took a step back, so Chanyeol’s mother step forward. “Aw, honey, you’re gonna be okay. Everything’s gonna be okay.”

“I’m getting married,” Baekhyun’s breath quickened. “I’m getting married in twenty minutes. Oh God.”

He was sort of having a panic attack, he guessed. He couldn’t breathe evenly, and both his mothers cannot calm him down. Before he knew, Baekhyun was sat down to the sofa, with his mothers sat in both of his side.

When his panic attack had died down, Chanyeol’s mother handed him her phone. “Here, call Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun shook his head, “I can’t call him.”

“You’ve been saying you need him for the past ten minutes, honey. It was said that the couple can’t see each other before the wedding because it means bad luck. If you really need him to calm down, then call him,” his mother said as she kept rubbing her son’s palm.

Baekhyun was hesitating for a while before he finally decided to call Chanyeol. He waited for a few moments until the call was picked.

“Hello, mom?”

Chanyeol’s voice was sure had that ability to make him calm. Because as soon as he heard the deep soothing voice of his fiancé, his heartbeat started to get normal.


“Baek? Why are calling me with my mom’s phone?”

Baekhyun was too engulfed with his phone call with Chanyeol that he didn’t realize that the mothers had left the room.

“Yeah, I—“

“Baby, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” Baekhyun shook his head although he knew Chanyeol could see him. “I was having a panic attack earlier so your mom asked me to call you.”

“Panic attack? Oh my God, where are you now?”

“I’m... I’m in my waiting room. Why?”

“I’m coming there.”

Baekhyun’s eyes widened, “What? No, no, no, you can’t.”

“Really? But—“

“I’m okay,” Baekhyun smiled. “I’m okay now after I heard your voice.”

There was no sound from the other end for a mere second, “So, panic attack, huh?”

Baekhyun chuckled, “Yeah. I don’t know. I suddenly felt nervous.”

“You were okay this morning when we parted.”

“I know, right?” Baekhyun laughed. And it felt like a deja vu. Chanyeol was always able to make him laugh in any situation.

“You’re marrying me. Why are you even nervous? The one who should be nervous is me because I’m marrying the love of my life.”

Baekhyun smiled. After he thought about it, it was stupid though, him being nervous and panic. This was Chanyeol after all. Chanyeol, the man he was dating for one year and he was engaged to for five years. They belonged to each other from the start; they knew it by heart.

“I love you,” Baekhyun blurted out. “See you on the altar?”

Baekhyun heard Chanyeol laughing, “I love you too, baby. Make sure you don’t fall when you walk, okay?”

“Yah, Chanyeollie! You’re not helping at all!” Baekhyun yelled but the line was already cut.

Before he could curse more at his really really soon-to-be-husband, Baekhyun heard a knock.

“Come in,” he shouted, and the door was opened, revealing a tall man with a black suit.

Baekhyun blinked. “Mr.Park? Go-good morning,” he stuttered as he bowed down to the old man.

Mr.Park approached him with his stern expression, and all of a sudden, Baekhyun felt small. The man was towering in front of him, and put his hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder. “I think you need to stop this, Baekhyun,” he said with a firm voice.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened and his lips parted forming a gape. What did Mr.Park just tell him? To stop?


“I think you need to stop calling me Mr.Park, and call me Dad. Don’t you think?”

Baekhyun’s knees wobbled, and he almost fell on the floor if he didn’t get a grip of himself. He felt a bream of tears in the corner of his eyes when Chanyeol’s father’s face turned into a really soft one; a fatherly one. And after all this years, years of being treated as nothing like a future son-in-law, Mr.Park finally accepted him. And that was Baekhyun had ever asked for.

“Hey, don’t cry,” Mr.Park smiled. “You need to get married with my son in ten minutes. Remember?”

Baekhyun laughed in between his sobs, trying his hard to not let his tears fell, or else his make-up would be ruined on his precious day.

Mr.Park handed out his hand, “I come to take you to the altar, Baekhyun. Are you ready?”

Baekhyun smiled as he reached out to receive Mr.Park’s hand. And Baekhyun wondered in his mind, can this day be anymore perfect?

“Oh, before I forgot,” Mr.Park turned to him. “Welcome to the Park family.”

Oh, yes, it can.




“Can you stop fidgeting? You make me nervous, dude.”

“Kris, I think Baekhyun is running away,” Chanyeol bit his lower lip; neck never stopped craning to see the figure he was waiting for.

Kris who stood beside him at the altar, rolled his eyes to the fullest. His best friend even got stupid in his wedding day. What’s new?

All the seats were already taken. The garden was filled with white flower, white ribbon, white silk, everything white. It was beautiful, really. But Chanyeol couldn’t appreciate anything’s beauty if Baekhyun wasn’t beside him.

He wasn’t nervous before, but Baekhyun’s being late certainly got into his nervous system. Where the hell was his groom?

Chanyeol was starting to contemplate to run into Baekhyun’s waiting room to check on him when suddenly the guests were shushing, and he felt the priest was coming behind him.

Before Chanyeol could register what was happening he saw a silhouette coming behind the tree. It was a petite male along with a big male. The big one was wearing a black suit, and the small one was wearing white. And Chanyeol never saw a more beautiful sight like this in his life.

The guests were now standing as the two figure started to enter the aisle. It was obvious that the petite one was nervous, but after a brief moment, he landed his eyes on the man on the altar. His nervous eyes turned into the most beautiful crescent eyes. If he could, he didn’t want to walk, and just ran to the man waiting for him in the end of the aisle, taking his hand, and promised the always and forever with him.

So it was true, Chanyeol thought. People were saying about scenes playing in front of him when someone was faced to the most important moment in his life, was true. Because now as Chanyeol saw Baekhyun approaching him, with a dazzling smile of his, Chanyeol could see particles of moments, all his big moment flashing in his eyes.

And Chanyeol thought that it was amazing that Baekhyun was in all of that.

It didn’t take long until Baekhyun arrived in front of him; smile didn’t faltered even a little. But now that he could take a closer look, he could see that Baekhyun was actually crying.

Chanyeol reached out to receive Baekhyun’s hand from his father’s hold. And it was weird how it could give a wave of electricity to Chanyeol’s body, just like the first time Baekhyun held his hand for the first time in their high school’s corridor while they were heading to the rooftop.

They smiled the brightest that day when they finally looked at each other, standing side by side, facing the priest who will tie them up together forever.

This was their new page. This was their new story. This was their new life. And this was their forever.

“I do.”

“I do.”




“And that was how I asked your father out.”

Chanyeol clasped both of his hands together as he grinned widely to a little boy and girl sitting in front of him. The three of them were sitting comfortably in their living room. The big man was nodding oh so proudly to himself. The little girl who was seven years old was frowning at him. And the little boy who was only five was looking at him with full admiration.

“You asked appa to date you just because an old lady told you that appa is going to be your husband?” The little girl frowned. “Dad, you’re weird.”

“Daddy, you’re cool!” The little boy jumped on his feet. “You asked appa in front of the whole school!”

The sound of rush was coming from behind him. Chanyeol turned around to see his husband was fixing his hair with his left hand while his right hand was holding a bunch of bags with cartoon characters on them.

“Thank goodness our baby girl Baekmi is still sane,” Baekhyun giggled as he approached his little family on the floor. He put the bags on the floor before he put a kiss on the little girl chubby cheek.

“Well, our baby boy Chansung definitely has a romantic sense just like me,” Chanyeol refuted.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes before he gave the kiss to his baby boy. “It’s not romantic, Yeollie. It’s dumb.”

“But you loved it. Admit it, Baek,” Chanyeol grinned, pulling his head up so Baekhyun could also give him his daily dose of kisses.

Baekhyun giggled it before he also put a kiss on his husband forehead. “I didn’t love it,” Baekhyun answered. “But I love you, at least.”

“Oh, look, my husband is being cheesy in the morning,” Chanyeol as he stood up to give his small husband a kiss on the cheek and hugged him lightly.

“I’m with you for ten years. Guess where I get my corniness,” Baekhyun chuckled, leaning to the warm hug before he forgot that they were already late. “Oh my God, it’s 9 AM already. Hurry up, we’re late!”

Chanyeol groaned, “Ugh, ing recording.”

“Yah, Chanyeol, your language!” Baekhyun glared at him as he started to get his children up and fixed their clothes.

“But it’s weekend,” Chanyeol protested. “I wanted to spend my weekend with my kids.”

A ring echoed across the house; the house they finally bought after years of saving. Now it became the house of their little family.

Baekhyun grunted, “Stop whining, Yeollie. We have to make this group get the Daesang award if we want to get the money to build the swimming pool at the back,” Baekhyun said as he ran to the phone near the TV. “Can you put the coats for the kids, Yeol?” Baekhyun asked before he picked up the phone. “Hello, Parks residence. This is Park Baekhyun speaking.”

Chanyeol felt a butterfly in his stomach. After five years of his marriage with Baekhyun, he still got a tingly feeling every time he heard the term ‘Park Baekhyun,’ It was just still hard to believe that, wow, he really really got married with a man who once he could call as his future husband. Now he clearly can call him as a husband.

“Come on, Baekmi, Chansung, put on your coats,” Chanyeol said while handing out the coats to his kids.

His kids. Yes, after all the consideration, three years ago they decided to have an addition to their family. They adopted Baekmi, and Chansung followed one year after.

Baekhyun and he still worked as a composer and lyrics writer, making hundreds of hit songs for a bunch of group. Their parents lived happily. Their best friends were also happy and successful in their own life.

Sometimes Chanyeol wondered what will his life would be without Baekhyun. The very man standing in front of him, talking to the phone while smiling happily. But then Chanyeol thought that, no, there would be no life without Baekhyun.

Chanyeol existed because of Baekhyun. All of this, his kids, this house, his job, and the entire thing surround him, existed because of Baekhyun.

Because Baekhyun was a part of him, always has and always will.

“Yeollie? Are you daydreaming or what?”

Baekhyun’s voice pulled him out from his trance, and Chanyeol smiled awkwardly. “Yeah, I was just...nothing.”

“We better hurry,” Baekhyun said as he handed some of the kids’ bags to Chanyeol.

“Who was calling, appa?” Baekmi asked, and held his appa’s hand.

Baekhyun smiled fondly, “it’s Pop-pop Park. He can’t wait to meet you guys today.”

“I can’t wait to meet Pop-pop, too!” Chansung shouted happily. “And I missed granny’s pancakes, too!”

“Good boy,” Baekhyun patted his son’s head. “Don’t be naughty to Pop-pop and granny while appa and daddy work, okay?”

Chanyeol watched the scene in front of him in an absolute delight. His little family was really perfect. His life was perfect.

Baekhyun turned around to him, and reached his hand out, asking for Chanyeol to join them, “Yeollie? Are you ready?”

He smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I’m ready.”

And Chanyeol held his husband’s hand.






oh yeah this is 6300k. this is a total word vomit. probably will proofread later /sigh

I'm sorry for the lateeeeee update.

and I'm sorry this is my first . please don't throw me bricks (you guys don't know the amount of I read before I made this chapter)

and I'm so sorry that this is really the end ^^

for some of you asking for sequel, there will be no sequel ^^ they lived happily ever after lol

this is my last good bye for this story! once again thank you for reading, subscribing, and upvoting. thank you thank you thank you. I love you all <3

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:

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161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!