Chapter 30

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

Drowning yourself into a bunch of activities, like study, council works or clubs were the best solution to mend the heart break, in Baekhyun opinion. During lunch, Baekhyun can’t go to the cafeteria anymore since he didn’t want to run into Chanyeol. He can’t go to the rooftop either because it will only break his heart even more. The place he used to consider as his haven wasn’t one anymore. So, Baekhyun decided that he’ll just have to bring lunchbox everyday to school so he can eat at his class or the student council room.

It had been a full week after the break up, and Baekhyun hadn’t seen his ex-boyfriend since their massive argument a few days ago. Baekhyun should’ve felt grateful, instead he found himself grieving over it. He missed the bubbly and loud figure so much.

Baekhyun missed how Chanyeol would greet him at the end of the hallway, and they’ll head to either cafeteria or rooftop together. Baekhyun missed how Chanyeol would tell him numerous funny stories, and made him smile and laugh. Baekhyun missed how Chanyeol was talkative but at the same time, was a great listener, too. He’ll listen to Baekhyun’s stories with great concentration, and will give his own opinions on them. Baekhyun missed how Chanyeol always took care of Baekhyun first and foremost. Baekhyun missed how Chanyeol called him ‘Baek’ or ‘Baekkie’. Baekhyun missed how Chanyeol held him, hugged him, and kissed him.

But mostly, Baekhyun missed how Chanyeol was his.

Baekhyun found it magical how his tears hadn’t ran out of stock after all the crying he had done for days. He felt like a zombie. It was like Chanyeol took away his soul and heart along with him as Baekhyun left the rooftop the moment they officially broke up.

As the second ticked by right now, Baekhyun tried to shed a prick of tear in the corner of his eyes as he shoved a piece of kimbap with his another hand. He hated how his tears oftentimes came anytime, anywhere without permission. He hated how Chanyeol came to his mind every single time without his consent.

“Hyung, you okay?”

Baekhyun looked up from his lunch box filled with kimbap and some fruits, like watermelon and grapes. He saw his vice-president stood in front of him with a concern face of his. Since when Tao came in?

“Oh,” Baekhyun uttered. “I don’t hear you came in, Tao. I’m sorry.”

The concern look hadn’t left Tao’s face as he took a seat beside the president who had resumed his lunch session. “You don’t look good, hyung,” Tao stated, eyes didn’t left the president. “In fact, you haven’t looked good for quite some times.”

Baekhyun chuckled bitterly, “I know.” He didn’t need anyone to state the fact. He already knew it by himself.

Everyone knew. Everyone already acknowledged that Baekhyun and Chanyeol, the couple which succeeded to create a really big commotion in the beginning of semester, had broken up. Everyone talked about it. Everyone gave Baekhyun a knowing look. Everyone seemed to feel sorry for him.

Baekhyun felt sorry for himself too, honestly.

Baekhyun heard Tao let out a soft sigh before the younger boy stood up and stuffed a document to the drawer. Tao stared at him for a mere second before spoke up, “You know, Hyung. Two people who love each other that much should be together.”

Baekhyun froze. Zitao had opened the water dam of Baekhyun’s eyes once again, and Baekhyun didn’t dare to look up to face his vice-president.

“I’m going, Hyung,” Tao said before he took his leave, but when he opened the door there was a small girl standing in front of the council room. “Oh? Namjoo-ssi?”

At the mention of the girl’s name, Baekhyun raised his head, and immediately found Tao making a way for Namjoo to enter the room. The tall boy bowed his head to the girl before he left the room, leaving Baekhyun who was surprised by the sudden visit of the younger girl.

“Namjoo? Why are you here?” Baekhyun asked as he stood up. His legs were kind weak. His condition somehow turned bad due to the stress.

Namjoo didn’t answer the question. She instead walked fastly toward Baekhyun and pulled the boy down by his neck, and hugged him. “Oppa,” she whimpered. “I really miss you.”

“Wh-” Baekhyun blinked in confusion. “Hey, Namjoo.What’s wrong?”

Namjoo broke their hug and he looked up to Baekhyun with her slightly wet eyes. “You never come to eat lunch again with us. I miss you. You asked if something was wrong, then yes, something is clearly wrong.”

Baekhyun stared at Namjoo in bewilderment, surprised by the girl’s abrupt explosion. The girl in front of him, who he befriended with, who he got close to in a no matter of time, who he had considered as his sister, was now glaring at him with a sad expression plastered in her pretty face.

Baekhyun sighed and massaged his forehead, and then he brought the petite girl to sit with him. As soon as they sat facing each other, Namjoo immediately spit out again, “You’re cruel, Oppa. You both are cruel, actually. How can you two leaving us behind? Not saying anything even a single word, leaving us in the dark.”

“Namjoo, it’s complicated, really,” Baekhyun defended.

“It’s not complicated at all,” Namjoo snapped. “I know, Oppa. I already know because my parents have told me about the arrangement. But I don’t want to tell the other guys about your problems. You or Chanyeol Oppa has to be the one who tell them.”

Baekhyun eyes widened, “You’ve known about the arrangement?”

Namjoo rolled her eyes, “of course I do. But that’s not my point because I’ll turn it down anyway. My point is-”

“No!” Baekhyun cut her off. “You can’t cancel the arrangement, Namjoo.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Namjoo shook her head. “There’s no way I’m marrying Chanyeol Oppa.”

“But you want to, right?”

“Used to want. Yes. But not anymore,” Namjoo leaned her back to the chair, and folded her arms. “How could I dare to break your bond with Chanyeol Oppa.”

Baekhyun sighed. His head suddenly spun. Stress really took a toll on him. “There is no bond between us since the beginning, Namjoo.”

Namjoo looked like she wants to pull all her hair out due to Baekhyun’s stupidity. She clearly knew that both of her closest boys were suffering. Both of them were hurting because obviously they still loved each other so much. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun hadn’t come to the cafeteria for days, and it made Namjoo and the other boys were worried about them.

They knew that the couple had broken up, but none of them were aware of the reason behind it, except Namjoo. And becoming the only person who knew really , so Namjoo decided to knock some sense out of the two idiots. Since Baekhyun was practically the wiser one, Namjoo chose to talk to him.

But after looking at Baekhyun’s condition, Namjoo thought that neither both of them were in the right mind to talk.

“Oppa,” Namjoo called him, and Baekhyun looked up. “Do you love Chanyeol Oppa?”

It took some times for Baekhyun to answer, but Namjoo can see that Baekhyun wasn’t thinking or hesitating about the answer. He was just contemplating to tell Namjoo.

“Yes,” Baekhyun answered simply. “I love him. Yes.”

“Chanyeol Oppa loves you, too. And don’t you try to deny it,” Namjoo quickly added when she saw Baekhyun want to refute. “Chanyeol Oppa is basically a walking dead now. There’s no...light in his eyes. He’s only physically here. His soul and mind are in somewhere else that he himself doesn’t know.

“You’re the light of his eyes, Baekhyun Oppa,” Namjoo continued. “And when he lost you, he lost his light to guide him along the walk. He’s lost. All of him is lost.”

Baekhyun closed his eyes, pressing the tears to go back to its place. He didn’t want Namjoo to see him crying. He already looked like a mess, and he didn’t need tears to worsen his condition.

“Do you know, Oppa?” Namjoo talked with a low voice. “I used to hate you because Chanyeol seemed to like you a lot. He smiled the brightest when he was with you, and it pissed me off. I thought I was jealous of you, but,” Namjoo put her hand on top of Baekhyun’s, making the latter opened his eyes and looked at the girl. “I realized that I wasn’t jealous of you. I was jealous of the love you both share for each other, and I still do. You guys make me want to fall in love deeply like that. I want to become the reason behind someone’s smile, like you’re the reason behind Chanyeol’s.”

Baekhyun should feel ashamed because now he was being comforted by a girl, younger than him in fact. But he can’t help but ate up all Namjoo’s words and digested them in his system, especially to his brain and heart.

Namjoo was right. Dammit both of them were in love; madly in love. How stupid he was to even dare to let the love of his life go away so easily. Chanyeol is his future husband, not because the fortune-teller said so. But because Chanyeol wanted to make Baekhyun his.

Baekhyun now remembered their very first conversation on the rooftop the day they got together.

“But, seriously, how can you just believe her? What if she pointed at...let’s say...a murderer. Would you believe her, too?”

 “I think because it was you. Because it was you, so I believed her.”

How stupid could Baekhyun be? He wanted Chanyeol, and Chanyeol wanted him, too. Why make things more complicated than it already was?

“I want him,” Baekhyun murmured. “I want him back.”

Namjoo beamed as she heard the sentence. She frantically threw her hands around the small boy, but Baekhyun quickly blocked her hands, “What, Oppa?”

“But Namjoo,” Baekhyun’s eyes looked crestfallen. He gulped the lump in his throat before he said, “I’m going to Japan tomorrow.”




Chanyeol opened his eyes when he felt his bed dipped in. He immediately found his best buddy sat at the edge of the bed, looking at him with a betrayed face.

“What are you doing here?” Chanyeol said with his deep voice; deeper than his usual voice since he had been crying for the past hours.

“How dare you, Hyung,” the boy in front of him said.

“Jongin, please,” Chanyeol rubbed his eyes, wiping out the tears. “I want to be alone.”

“You didn’t go to school today, so I guess you have had your alone-time enough now, Hyung,” Jongin said softly, afraid to make the elder boy broke. Chanyeol looked so fragile right now despite the fact his body was so big. “Yura noona has told me everything. I’m sorry, but you didn’t tell me anything for a week, and I can’t take it anymore.”

Jongin watched Chanyeol slowly move into a sitting position, placing his back to the wall, eyes red and puffy. He looked extremely tired, both physically and emotionally. He could see that Chanyeol also hadn’t shaved for days.

The room was too dark and gloomy to Jongin’s liking, and it only made Chanyeol’s condition look even worse, so Jongin got up and the light. Chanyeol’s eyes flinched for a second because of the bright light but he didn’t protest. He had lost all his strength, even to speak. That was why he didn’t come to school today. Coming to school for the past few days after their argument only consumed his energy.

On the 7th days after their break up, Chanyeol completely lost the reason of his existence.

“So,” Jongin sat down on the bed beside Chanyeol, leaning his back to the wall, too. “How do you feel?” Jongin asked. It was a stupid question, Jongin knew, but he just didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t good at this.

“I don’t,” Chanyeol answered soullessly.

Hearing Chanyeol’s answer, Jongin’s eyes widened, “Hyung...”

“I think now I’m numb,” Chanyeol blurted out. “I can’t...I don’t want to feel anything. It really hurts.”

Jongin felt like crying. Because he knew that Chanyeol was referring to his heart, and Jongin hated the fact that he can’t do anything.

“Don’t let anyone broke your heart, Jongin, I tell you. It really hurts, I’m not kidding,” Chanyeol raised his left hand and clutched it on the fabric of his sweater, right at the place where his heart was placed. “It’s not only broken but it’s like your wound is poured by salt and alcohol at the same time.”

It was scary, Jongin thought, that a broken heart can turn someone as bright as Chanyeol into an emotionless person.

“He loves you, Hyung,” Jongin assured. “He loves you so much, I can see it.”

“I know,” Chanyeol chuckled, but it was an empty chuckle. “I know that he loves me, I’m not blind. But Baek is-" Chanyeol stopped in the middle, and sighed. “Dammit, it hurt saying his name.”

“He was just emotional, Hyung. He’ll come back when he can grab a hold of himself.”

“But what if he doesn’t?” Chanyeol looked at Jongin. His eyes gradually turned sad. “What if he doesn’t come back? What should I do? What will happen to me?”

Jongin shut his mouth because he seriously didn’t know what to answer. Never he imagined that Chanyeol and Baekhyun will broke.

“He’s half of me,” Chanyeol continued. “What am I supposed to do when half of me is gone?”

“Hyung, people said if you were happy before you knew someone, you can be happy after they’re gone.”

“Well, they lied,” Chanyeol stated, voice rising. “They obviously haven’t fallen in love or haven’t lost the love of their life.” Chanyeol shook his head, “I probably can live without him, Jongin. But I’ll never be happy again. Never. I won’t be the same Park Chanyeol again without him.”

“He thought that I don’t love him,” Chanyeol continued. “My Baekhyunnie was so stupid, wasn’t he? He’s not perfect Jongin, I know. He was moody, stubborn, and hot-headed. But nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them. If what I feel for him isn’t love...” Chanyeol sighed heavily. “If it doesn’t break your heart, it isn’t love. And see, what am I now?”

“He thought that I only love the idea of him being my future husband. Jongin, when I know that he’s my future husband, I only liked him, I admitted it. But as time goes by, I spent my time together with him, I just-” Chanyeol stopped when a tear rolled down his cheek, and Jongin swore that he just saw his Hyung shattered into pieces beside him. “I just really love him,” Chanyeol’s voice cracked. “I met him, and we just clicked. I’m comfortable with him, like I’ve known him for my  whole life. He made me love him without me even realizing. I’m being dwelt into him. I don’t love him only by my eyes and my body, I love him with my heart.”

“He thought that I won’t even notice him if the fortune-teller didn’t tell me. But dammit Jongin, I’ll always find him. Whether it was at the beginning of the semester, the middle, or when he walked through the corridor, or later when he’ll give his speech at the graduation ceremony, or maybe later when we met at the college, or maybe when I’m sipping my cup of coffee and he’ll just sit in front of me.

“I’ll always find him, and he’ll find me. The fortune-teller was only the medium to make me find him faster and easily. But if I must go through every hardship in the world and years of living, I’m okay. It's okay to wait, wait, and wait if it’s him. Whenever or wherever it will be, I’ll see him right through his eyes and I’ll know that he’s mine.

“Byun Baekhyun is mine from the beginning, and it’ll stay like that forever.”







Fast update!

Namjoo and Jongin to the rescueee~

One more chapter and an epilogue, this story ends :)

thank you soooo much for the comments and supports, (and hatred since you guys really hate me for making our precious baekyeol broken). I appreciated and enjoyed every single comment. and I love every single one of you <3

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!