Chapter 10

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

Chanyeol looked at his own reflection in the mirror. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt along with dark blue jeans, black jacket, and brown coat on top of it. Today’s temperature was really low, after all. He fixed his brown fringe for a moment before he took the last glance of his appearance. He was satisfied with it, he looked kinda cool and he hoped Baekhyun would also think the same.

He let out a nervous breath and looked at his wrist watch. It was 2.30 PM. Baekhyun asked to meet him in front of Yeongchu Mall at 3 PM, so better he took off now. It took approximately 15 minutes bus ride to that area.

“Going somewhere?” Yura asked as she leaned on Chanyeol’s room door.

Chanyeol grinned awkwardly, “yeah. Why are you still here, noona? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

His sister shook his head, “I have night broadcast today. Where are you going?”

Chanyeol sighed because his sister wouldn’t let him go before he explained every little details. “I still don’t know. Baekkie will decide it.”

Yura furrowed his eyebrows, “who’s Baekkie?”Chanyeol remained silent, knowing that he was saying the wrong choice of words. “Wait, Baekkie? You mean Baekhyun?”

Chanyeol decided to ignore her sister and got out from his room, but Yura didn’t let him go easily. She blocked the door and held Chanyeol. “Noona, I need to go,” Chanyeol whined.

“Answer me, do you have a date with Baekhyun?”

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, “yes, I have a date with Baekhyun. Can I go now, please?”

Yura grinned sheepishly, “no wonder you dress up really well. And is Baekkie your nickname for him? Oh my God, so cuuute.”


“Seriously, Park Chanyeol, when are you gonna introduce him to me? I really really really want to meet him so badly,”

“....Stop. I’m running late,” Chanyeol tried to snuggle his body between Yura and the door and he did it. He quickly ran toward the door, searching for his shoes for awhile before he finally wore it.

“You can’t hide him from me forever, Chanyeol,” Yura already stood behind him, hands on her waist. “If you’re going to marry him, I will meet him eventually.”

Chanyeol turned around after he finished tied up his shoes, “noona, it’s still a long way to go before I marry him.”

Yura’s face turned soft, “awww, so you really gonna marry him? My little brother is grow—“

“I’m going,” Chanyeol cut his sister off and opened the front door of their apartment. “Later, noona.”

“Have fun,” Yura waved although Chanyeol didn’t look at her, “treat him well, Chanyeol-ah.”

“Of course,” Chanyeol mumbled as he smiled and closed the door behind him.


Baekhyun fidgeted on his foot excitedly. He already arrived in front of Yeongchu Mall. A little early than what he had told Chanyeol because he was too excited to just stay at home. He really looked forward to their first date and he bet this was going to be an awesome day with his boyfriend.

He really felt bad for treating Chanyeol badly this week, so he wanted to return Chanyeol’s favor. He already planned many things for today and hoped it will go well. And he also hoped that his mood will stay good like this until the end of the day. As long as the school festival thingies didn’t bother him today, then it was all good.

Baekhyun was deep in thought when he finally snapped back into reality because he felt a pat on his shoulder. He turned around and found his tower boyfriend grinning widely, “Hi, Baekhyun.”

“You came,” Baekhyun said, also grinning excitedly.

“Of course I came,” he pouted. “Why are you here so early? Oh my, am I late?” he checked his watch.

Baekhyun laughed, “no, I’m the one who came early. Guess I’m too excited.”

Chanyeol blushed at the thought Baekhyun was excited about this date. He didn’t really expect that Baekhyun will be looking forward to this date. He thought it would only him. “Me, too,” he said briefly. “So where are we going?”

Baekhyun took Chanyeol’s hand and laced their fingers together, “let’s go,” he said as he dragged Chanyeol to the street.

Chanyeol was slightly surprised by Baekhyun’s action. He thought he will never be used to Baekhyun’s skin ship to him. “Aren’t we going to Yeongchu Mall?”

Baekhyun shook his head and smiled, “We’re going somewhere else.”


“I hope you like watching movies, Yeol.”

“I love it.”

“Awesome, what should we watch today?” Baekhyun said as he looked up to the screen in front of them which showing some posters of movies that being played today.

Baekhyun was taking Chanyeol to a small movie theater near Yeongchu Mall. As much as people said it was cliche to go to cinema on the first date, Baekhyun loved the old school way of dating. He thought it was a mandatory for a couple to watch movies in cinema together.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol also couldn’t be more excited. He loved watching movies, and dating at the cinema on the first date was perfect. No need fancy restaurant or going somewhere far, like Lotte World.

“I always wanted to watch this movie,” Baekhyun pointed at one of the posters.

Chanyeol’s eyebrows knit and his face turned into a disbelief expression, “really, Baek? You want to watch romance movie?”

“I don’t like romance movie. I wanted to watch it because Yuri noona,” Baekhyun left Chanyeol to the ticket counter.

“Yuri noona?” Chanyeol asked as he already stood beside his boyfriend.

Baekhyun hummed, “No Breathing, two tickets please,” Baekhyun said to the young girl behind the counter. After that, he turned to Chanyeol, “SNSD’s Yuri. Haven’t I told you that I’m a SONE?”

Chanyeol eyes widened, “what? Really?”

“Here’s the tickets, sir,” said the cashier.

Baekhyun smiled to the cashier and reached for his tickets before he spoke to Chanyeol again, “yes, what’s wrong with that?”

Both of them moved to the food and beverages counter and Chanyeol put out his wallet, “I’m paying now, since you already bought the tickets. What do you want, Baek?”

“Caramel popcorn and strawberry slushie,” he answered. “So what’s with you surprised with me being a SONE?”

“Two caramel popcorn, one strawberry slushie and one mocha frapuccino, please,”
 Chanyeol said to the seller. He turned to Baekhyun and answered, “I just surprised that the tough school president is SNSD’s fan-boy.”

Baekhyun pouted, “what’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing’s wrong, Baek. I’m a Blackjack.”

“Wow, really? We’re rivals, then.”

Chanyeol laughed and ruffled Baekhyun’s hair, “we are.”

Upon hearing the call from the speaker that their movie will be starting soon, they soon walked toward their studio. As soon as they sat, the movie was playing and Chanyeol could see that Baekhyun was excited. So, he leaned his back to his seat and enjoyed the movie.

They didn’t talk much during the movie. It was only Baekhyun who once in a while commented about Yuri, and the rest of it, they just stayed silent. Chanyeol actually didn’t expect anything to happen inside the theater, so when Baekhyun rested his head on Chanyeol’s shoulder, the latter was a little bit tensed. Not to mention, Baekhyun’s left hand was also on Chanyeol’s chair, making Chanyeol pressed the urge to grab that beautiful hand of Baekhyun.

But then, Chanyeol realized that he was someone who think too much when Baekhyun leaned closer to Chanyeol’s ear and whispered, “aren’t you going to hold my hand?”


Chanyeol hadn’t had let go of Baekhyun’s hand since they got out from the theater. They walked side by side in the crowd of Sungwondae street. It was already dark outside and Chanyeol’s stomach started to protesting.

“I’m hungry, Baek,” Chanyeol said.

“Me too, it’s dinner time already,” Baekhyun looked around the street. The street was a bit crowded because it was weekend. But Baekhyun liked it since he rarely went out, and Chanyeol by his side made all of this even better.

“What do you want to eat?” Chanyeol asked as he looked at Baekhyun who seemed cold because of the cold autumn weather.

Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol consideration on him. Throughout their date, Chanyeol always let Baekhyun choose what he wanted, making Baekhyun felt special. “I want samgyeopsal,” he answered briefly.

“Okay. Let’s look for samgyeopsal restaurant now. You’re freezing,” Chanyeol said as he dragged Baekhyun along with him and searched for a samgyeopsal restaurant. He knew that Baekhyun wasn’t a fan of cold weather so he wanted to quickly find a warm place because he actually worried of the smaller boy’s condition rather than his starving stomach.

Lucky that there were many restaurants which served sampgyeopsal at that area. As soon as they found a rather empty place, they got inside and Chanyeol was relieved that Baekhyun’s pale face slowly getting normal again.

After they ordered, they sat across each other, and while waiting for the food, Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun who was rubbing his own hands. “Are you still cold?” Chanyeol asked, a little worried.

Baekhyun only smiled weakly. He mentally cursed that the restaurant heater seemed not high enough to warm him up. It was warmer than when he was outside, but still cold, and he doubted that he could eat with this freezing temperature.

Chanyeol stood up from his seat and walked to Baekhyun. He took off his coat and gave it Baekhyun, “wear it,” he said.

Baekhyun immediately shook his head, “no, Yeollie, you’ll be freezing.”

Looking at Baekhyun who wouldn’t take his coat, Chanyeol put the coat on Baekhyun’s shoulder instead. “I still have my jacket. Beside, I don’t want you to freeze to death.” He sit on his chair again and smiled when Baekhyun finally wore his coat. Baekhyun looked so small wearing his coat. “Seriously, Baek, it’s still autumn and you already like this. What would happen in winter?”

Baekhyun’s lips formed a pout, “It’s not my choice that I easily get cold.” He could talk normally again since he felt warm right now. Thanks to his boyfriend’s warm coat.

When their foods finally arrived, Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s face lightened up and in a lightning speed, they grabbed their spoons and chopsticks and started eating. Hot samgyeopsal succeeded to make them warm. They both ate in silent since they were really hungry.

Despite of his small body, Baekhyun was actually the one who finished his meal first. “Where are we going next?” he asked Chanyeol who still finishing his soup.

“We’re going home,” he answered.


“The temperature will be colder, Baek. We’re going home,” Chanyeol said with a determined voice. He needed to bring the older boy home before he froze.

Baekhyun pouted but he himself knew that he couldn’t survive in this weirdly cold weather, “fine, you win.”

Chanyeol smiled as he drank his hot tea and got up from his seat, “come on, let’s go home.” Baekhyun also stood up and started to take off Chanyeol’s coat, “You can wear it until you arrived at your home,” Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun gave him a questioning look, “but...”

Chanyeol grinned sheepishly, “I’ll get you home.”

Baekhyun’s eyes got bigger, “are you serious, Yeol?”

The said boy nodded and reached for Baekhyun’s hand, “since it’s already near your home, anyway.”

Baekhyun could only just grinned widely and let Chanyeol dragged him out. The temperature surely got colder than before. And Baekhyun was thankful that he had Chanyeol’s coat. He looked at his boyfriend worriedly but it seemed Chanyeol was okay. Baekhyun thought, maybe he really was the only one who weirdly got cold easily.

Chanyeol was right when he said Sungwondae was already near Baekhyun’s house. Both of them only walked for a good 10 minutes before finally they arrived at Baekhyun’s house. They stopped in front of Baekhyun house gate and faced each other for awhile. Chanyeol remembered that he once came here to accompany Baekhyun but he didn’t get to come inside at that time.

Baekhyun bit his lips. Today was really wonderful. He thought it was really awesome for the first date even though all they had did just watch a movie and had dinner, but he was really satisfied. It was perfect that he didn’t want this to end.

“Hey, Yeol,” he said a little hesitated for a moment. But he knew he will going to regret it if he didn’t do it, “do you want to come inside?”

Chanyeol blinked a few times before it hit him that Baekhyun just invited him to get inside, “really? You want me to come in?”

Relieved with Chanyeol’s reaction, Baekhyun nodded excitedly, “the night is still early. It’s such a waste if you go home now.”

“O—okay...” he said a bit unsure, “you sure it’s okay? Your mom...”

“Nah, she’s cool. He already knew that I dated you,” he said as he opened his gate and Chanyeol followed him.

Baekhyun opened the door and Chanyeol could immediately see Baekhyun’s small yet warm house, though he still only at the front door.

“Mom, I’m home,” Baekhyun yelled and he took off his shoes. “Come on in, Yeol.”

Chanyeol awkwardly walked in and also took off his shoes. A second later, a mid age woman was seen and it made Chanyeol almost chocked because she really looked like Baekhyun.

“Hello, baby,” she hugged Baekhyun. “How’s your date—oh well, who’s this?” she asked as she noticed Chanyeol stood behind Baekhyun, standing awkwardly.

Chanyeol quickly stepped forward and bowed to the elder woman, “good evening, Mrs.Byun. I’m Park Chanyeol. Nice to meet you.” Chanyeol mentally patted himself for being relax in front of his boyfriend’s mother.

“Mom, this is Chanyeol, my boyfriend,” Baekhyun said proudly.

Baekhyun’s mom mouth formed an small o and finally she nodded, “so you’re my future son-in-law?”

“Mom!” Baekhyun protested.

Mrs.Byun laughed gleefully, and Chanyeol now knew where Baekhyun’ beautiful laugh came from. “Sorry, honey. Don’t you want to invite Chanyeol inside, Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun nodded, “can he come to my room, mom?”

Chanyeol choked with his own saliva. Baekhyun wanted him to come to his room? Was Chanyeol dreaming?

Mrs.Byun gave her son a knowing look before he finally smiled, “fine. Just remember that I was outside, okay?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, “mom, stop your dirty thoughts.”

Chanyeol could only blushed.

“I didn’t say anything about dirty thoughts,” she son.

“Whatever, mom. Come on, Yeol,” Baekhyun dragged Chanyeol to his room which located in the second floor.

Chanyeol followed behind him quietly and it felt a lot like deja vu to Chanyeol. Like when Baekhyun brought him for the first time to the school’s rooftop. The time when Baekhyun showed his private spot for the first time. And now, Baekhyun also brought him to his another private place. Baekhyun’s room.

Baekhyun opened his door, “it’s kind of messy, I’m sorry,” he said as he the light.

Chanyeol’s breath hitched when he finally saw Baekhyun’s room. This was like he stepped on another level of their relationship. This place, this room was Baekhyun’s hidden place. The fact that Baekhyun allowed him to see and enter his room was like, the wall of distance, of space, of casual, was slowly coming down. And here was Chanyeol, in Baekhyun’s world where not everyone can see. And here was Baekhyun, wanting him there. Chanyeol. No one else.

 “Why are you standing there? Come in, you dumb,” Baekhyun said to Chanyeol as he took off Chanyeol’s coat.

Chanyeol was dumbfounded, “yeah, okay.” He came in and closed the door behind him.

“What do you think?” Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol took a seat on Baekhyun’s study chair, “think about what?”

Baekhyun shrugged, “my mom, my room?”

“Your mom is wonderful. Just like you,” Chanyeol answered without any hesitation, and it made Baekhyun blushed. “So, you told your mom about me being your future husband?” he teased Baekhyun.

“Shut up,” Baekhyun scoffed as he laid down on his bed. “Of course I told her. I told her everything about me and what happen to me.”

Chanyeol grinned happily at the thought that Baekhyun really did tell his mother about him. It made him felt important in Baekhyun’s life.

He looked around Baekhyun’s room and realized how it was actually tidy, much more tidy than his own room. There wasn’t much furniture in the room, only a bed, a dresser, a chair, and table...and a guitar?

Chanyeol stood up from his seat and walked to the guitar and grabbed it. “You have guitar?” he asked and brought the guitar to his seat again.

Baekhyun got up and looked at Chanyeol, “yeah, it’s my father’s.”

Chanyeol’s mouth gaped, “oh my God, Baekhyun I’m sorry, I shouldn’t just take it right away before I asking you.”

Baekhyun laughed, “it’s okay, Yeol.” He was quiet for while, “my dad loved music. He played guitar and I’ll be singing for him.”

Chanyeol remained silent and held the guitar tightly, waiting for Baekhyun to continue.

“When he died, I took the guitar for me. My brother was mad because he wanted it, too,” Baekhyun laughed a little sourly, “but in the end, I got the guitar. But I never have the time to learn it.”

Silent filled the room. And Chanyeol didn’t dare to speak because he realized how Baekhyun seemed a little sad right now. But then Baekhyun looked up to him and smiled widely, with no indication of sadness in his eyes.

“Play it for me, Yeol,” he said.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened in shock, “you sure?”

Baekhyun nodded excitedly, “you play, I sing.”

Chanyeol eyed his boyfriend for a moment, but the older boy seemed sure and really excited, and it made Chanyeol loosened up. “What should we play?” he asked as he straightened up his sitting and arranged the guitar on his lap.

Baekhyun moved and sat at the edge of his bed, so they sat facing each other. “There’s this song I like so much. I’m not sure if you know it. It’s Taeyeon noona’s song, Like A Star,” Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol was relieved that he actually knew that song although it was SNSD’s song. “I know it. Taeyeon with The One, right?”

Baekhyun nodded with his eyes shine brightly, “awesome. Okay, hit it!”

Chanyeol took a deep breath because he actually nervous. This would be the first time he played in front of his boyfriend, and it would also be his first time to hear Baekhyun singing. He began to play the intro of the song and he could see that Baekhyun was closing his eyes and swaying his body. And then a second later, Chanyeol heard the most beautiful voice he had ever heard in his whole life. Baekhyun was singing.

Where ever you are hiding

I can find you

If there were no you

If there were no you

...Then my heart would stop

Even if you don’t say “Love”

I can feel with my heart

If you are here

If you are here

I don’t need anything

You’re my everything to me

You’re my everything to me

Please shine like a star in the sky

You are my only love

Forever my love

We love each other

All I need is you


Chanyeol finished the last note at the same time Baekhyun finished his line. Baekhyun was grinning from ear to ear while Chanyeol was still dumbfounded upon hearing Baekhyun’s voice.

“Baekhyun, you...” Chanyeol was speechless. “How could you be so perfect?”

“Please, Yeol, everyone can sing. Not like you, playing guitar so coolly.”

Chanyeol reached Baekhyun’s hand, “no, Baek, really. Your voice is...oh my God, I thought I heard an angel singing.”

Baekhyun laughed, “you’re exaggerating. Am not that great.”

Chanyeol was serious. He really thought that Baekhyun’s voice was beyond wonderful that it made him shivers throughout the song. It was amazing how he could still manage to play guitar until the end even if he was too mesmerized by Baekhyun’s voice. Not to mention the lyrics of the song also made him a hard time to breath. It wasn’t that Baekhyun sang it for him though, but still Chanyeol was happy.

“I’m going to marry your voice, Baek,” he absent-mindedly said.

It made Baekhyun laughed again and Chanyeol decided that Baekhyun’s singing voice was his number one favorite sound, second was Baekhyun’s laugh.

“We should do a duet, Yeol,” Baekhyun suddenly said. “For the performance at school festival.”


“I’ll sing, and you’ll play guitar and maybe even rap. What do you think? It would be really great.”

Chanyeol blinked in disbelief, “but, we only have one week to go.”

“Nah, we could pull a great performance just now. One week is more than enough for us to practice,” Baekhyun already jumped on his feet excitedly.

“Baekkie, are you sure?”

“100% sure.” Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol to his feet and made the taller stumbled, “promise me, we’ll perform together.”

Chanyeol smiled and nodded, “I promise.”

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by a sound of Chanyeol’s phone. The latter groaned and reached his pocket to pull out the damn thing, and become more annoyed when he saw the name of the caller. It was Jongin.


“Hyung, where are you? I’m in front of your apartment but it seems like no one in here.”

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, “I’m not at home.”

Baekhyun gave him a questioning look, and Chanyeol said, “it’s Jongin.”

“Are you with someone, Hyung?”

Chanyeol hesitated for awhile, “uhm...I’m with Baekhyun.”

“Really? Are you guys having a date?”

“None of your business,” he said and he saw Baekhyun laughing.

“Fine! Sorry to interrupt your date with Baekhyun hyung. But can you go home now? My house is empty and my parents told me to stay at your house for awhile.”

“God, Jongin, you’re so troublesome.”

“Hyung, I swear I’m freezing right now.”

Chanyeol sighed, “fine, I’ll go home now. But you need to buy me food next time.”

“No problemo! I love y—“

“I’m hanging up.” Chanyeol cut Jongin off and put his phone into his pocket again.

“You’re going home?” Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol thought that he heard a slight sadness in Baekhyun’s voice but he might be wrong. “Sadly, yes. That damn Jongin.”

Baekhyun chuckled, “okay, then. It’s getting late anyway. And I don’t want you to miss the bus,” he said as he took Chanyeol’s coat which he wore before and gave it to Chanyeol. “Come on, I’ll walked you until the gate.”

Baekhyun took Chanyeol’s hand and walked him out through the door. At the living room, Baekhyun’s mother was watching television and when she saw her son and his boyfriend walked down the stairs, she stood up.

“Mom, Chanyeol is going home,” Baekhyun said.

“Mrs.Byun I’m going home. Thank you so much for having me tonight,” he bowed without let go of Baekhyun’s hand because the latter was holding in tight.

“I barely welcomed you, darling. I don’t have any snack and I thought you maybe busy with Baekhyun, so yeah,” she teased Baekhyun again.

“Mom, please. Let’s go, Yeol,” he dragged him again.

Chanyeol gave Mrs.Byun his last bow before finally following Baekhyun to the front door. After he put his shoes on, Baekhyun brought him outside and that was the time for them to part, but Baekhyun seemed didn’t want to release Chanyeol’s hand.

“I had a really good time today, Yeol.”

“Me, too,” Chanyeol nodded, “thank you so much for today, Baekkie.”

Baekhyun’s lips formed a wide smile, and he finally let go of Chanyeol’s hand, “take care on your way, okay? Text me when you arrive.”

“I will,” Chanyeol answered as he ruffled Baekhyun’s hair.

Chanyeol turned around and started to walk but only to be stopped again when he felt a pair of arms wrapped his waist from behind. Chanyeol stood still, frowning. But he could felt Baekhyun’s breath on his back of the neck. “Baek?” he said because Baekhyun stayed quiet for almost a minute.

So much had happened in just one day that Chanyeol couldn’t believe that all of those was happening. But, Chanyeol thought nothing which had happened that day could beat what will Baekhyun said as he still cling on Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol, I really like you.”

It was like Chanyeol’s world and time stopped. Baekhyun’s word kept ringing on his ear and made him lost his mind. Chanyeol turned around and lowered his head a little because Baekhyun was one feet smaller than him. He didn’t know where his guts came when he did the next thing that crossed his mind.

He pulled Baekhyun closer to him and planted a kiss on Baekhyun’s forehead, as softly as a kiss could be. He was relieved when he broke the kiss and looked at Baekhyun, the latter was smiling at him.

“I really like you too, Baekhyun.”






this is my long AN for this chapter:

- it was a long chapter, more than 4100 words vomit. I'm so sorryyyyy

- Yeongchu mall and sungwondae street are not exist. I made it up.

- the paragraph about Chanyeol entered Baekhyun's room, I made it from 500 days of summer narration when Tom entered Summer's room for the first time

- this chapter is gross, isn't it? I cringed throughout the fluffy part when I re-read it. so sorryyyy

- I'm sorry for the uninteresting chanbaek's date :( idk it would be that hard *sigh*

- okay this AN is getting really long

- no update for 3-4 days ahead because I need to work on my thesis

-kisses for you who subscribe, upvote, and comment. I love you all :*

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!