Chapter 15

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband


If Baekhyun thought that Namjoo will stop being annoying little she was toward him and Chanyeol, he was terribly wrong because even though she already knew that Baekhyun was Chanyeol’s boyfriend, she didn’t stop at all. In contrary, she became wilder on her actions.

Because when Chanyeol said that in the past Namjoo always tried to prohibit him from dating anyone was not a joke. Since the day of her arrival, Namjoo had disturbed him many times that Baekhyun had lost counting.

There was one time that Namjoo ‘accidentally’ stepped on Baekhyun’s foot really hard.

And that one time that she threw a basket ball to Baekhyun’s head, because she ‘thought’ it was her friend.

And we haven’t get to the point where Namjoo would always join them every lunch break. She will sit in the middle between them in the cafeteria and got all Chanyeol’s attention for her by talking to him.

And how she always interupted them when they were waiting for Baekhyun’s bus at the bus station, sitting beside Chanyeol and will lead the conversation.

To say that Baekhyun hated her was understatement. And the fact that Chanyeol treated her like his little sister annoyed the hell out of Baekhyun and it was getting into his nerves. Everytime Namjoo disturbed or interupted them, Chanyeol would just say ‘why are you here?’ but then he did nothing further. And everytime Baekhyun protested about it, Chanyeol would always say, ‘Baek, Namjoo is like my little sister, I can’t do anything’ and a bunch of reassuring words from him to assure Baekhyun that Namjoo will do no harm.

But Chanyeol was too oblivious to realize that what Namjoo had done to them was already out of line. Little sister wouldn’t do that far.

So when finally the weekend came and their time for a little gateaway to the beach with their other friends came, Baekhyun was really excited. Because to be honest, he still didn’t get the time to refresh his body and mind after the school festival, and this Namjoo’s problem also started to make his head hurt. He totally could use a short trip.

Turned out, Chanyeol’s plan included all of his friends, not only with Baekhyun. But do not get Baekhyun wrong, because he actually was fine with it. The more the merrier and it meant he can easily forget his problem. Chanyeol seemed can see that Baekhyun was distress, so he invited the others; Jongin, Kyungsoo, and Kris. While Baekhyun decided to invite Jongdae and Tao.

All of them had decided that they will just have a short trip since school was currently hectic. So, they chose Momchong beach to go to because it was near Seoul and it only took approximately 2 hours to go there.

This was unfortunate that they were coming to beach in almost winter so the fun might not included the water play but it was fine, as long as Baekhyun was with his boyfriend and dearest friends.

Baekhyun wore his favorite red cap and fixed his hair for a while before he checked his appearance on the mirror and thought that he wasn’t bad at all. With his cap and thick grey jacket, he was ready to go to the beach.

Baekhyun was sure that today must be so much fun and when he heard the sound of car in front of his house, he couldn’t be more excited. He checked his watch and smiled. Chanyeol had picked him up on time. They agreed to use Chanyeol’s sister car and Chanyeol would drive and picked all of them, including Baekhyun, on their house. From there, they will go straight to the beach.

Baekhyun was the last one Chanyeol picked because his house was the farthest, so Baekhyun expected the car must already packed right now. After said his goodbye to his mother, Baekhyun came out from his house and found Chanyeol’s black car was waiting for him. He smiled widely and approached the car. Baekhyun opened the front passenger’s door, then in an instant, his wide smile was washed down his throat.

Namjoo was sitting inside the car.


The silent in the car was almost unbearable. The tension was beyond awkward. Especially, for the five innocent souls who ended up being in between this supposed-to-be-fun trip. Jongin, Kyungsoo, Kris, Jongdae, and Tao could only try brightened the mood in the car. But in the end, the tension would still linger.

Chanyeol’s jaw and cheeks already hurt by the forced smiles and laughs he had been doing for the past two hours. He his dry lips and looked at the petite girl beside her, Namjoo was playing games at her phone after she nagged and whined about how boring the trip was. And then Chanyeol peeked through the mirror at Baekhyun who sat at the back together with Jongin and Tao, earphone tucked at his ears, eyes glued on the window.

This was so ed up.

Chanyeol mentally cursed under his breath why this could happen. This trip was supposed to be spend only with him, Baekhyun, and his friends. Namjoo was like number one on the list of who should not join the trip, but it still ended up like this. Thanks to the power of Namjoo’s annoying as hell of nagging.

And of course, don’t forget to thank Chanyeol’s weak determination that he could easily agreed to Namjoo.

Baekhyun had been literally say nothing since he got in the car, except for the greetings. And Chanyeol had a feeling that Baekhyun will stay silent if he didn’t say sorry to him.

Which was why now Chanyeol abruptly got out from his car as soon as they arrived at the beach and the car stopped. He relied on Jongin and the others to take care of Namjoo while he talked to Baekhyun.

Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s wrist and dragged him to the back of the car, hidden from the others, “Baek, please, let me explain,” Chanyeol asked.

Baekhyun didn’t resist at all, and Chanyeol was relieved. But then, he looked at Baekhyun’s eyes, and it was as cold as the weather now.

His boyfriend said nothing so Chanyeol began, “I didn’t ask her to come. I was closing my apartment door, and she was just outside. I know, such a bad timing. She asked me where I was going, I answered, and a second later, she was jumping in her feet and screaming ‘wait for me.’ I waited because I didn’t know what she was doing but she got out, already dressed up like that and the next thing I know, she nagged like crazy that she wanted to join the trip.”

Baekhyun’s lips was glued close and he didn’t even blink when he heard Chanyeol’s explanation. Not to mention, his face was as still as a rock.

“Baekkie, please say something,” Chanyeol begged, “I’m so so sorry. I’m such an idiot—“

“I hate you,” Baekhyun cut him off.

Chanyeol sighed in relief, at least Baekhyun talked to him, “can you hate me later, Baek? After the trip? I promised we won’t get near her, we’ll play by ourselves.”

Baekhyun seemed contemplating, because honestly, Chanyeol’s offer was tempting and it was all he wanted, to be only with Chanyeol today.

Baekhyun cursed himself because damn Chanyeol’s puppy eyes, he’ll never be able to reject those eyes, “fine, but with one condition,” Baekhyun said. Chanyeol bit his lips, waiting for Baekhyun to continue, “we must not get near her in 20 meters radius. If she get closer, we must run.”

Chanyeol grinned happily, “I’ll run for my life if she get closer.”

“Good, now let’s get to the beach,” Baekhyun said as he started to walk leaving Chanyeol behind.

After Chanyeol locked the car, he immediately ran toward Baekhyun and put his arm around his shoulder, he leaned closer to whisper to him, “once again I’m sorry okay. Please forgive your stupid boyfriend here.”

Baekhyun’s lips quirked and Chanyeol could feel his stomach was being lightly punched, “you’re lucky I didn’t punch the living daylights out of you,” Baekhyun said as he put his arm around Chanyeol’s waist.

Chanyeol couldn’t be more relieved that Baekhyun seemed okay right now. And the beach was beautiful, not as beautiful as beaches in the country sides but this was enough for their first time.

Surely, the view of the beach in front of them had make Baekhyun’s mood up to the point he grabbed Chanyeol’s hand and dragged him, running toward the beach while screaming excitedly.

“, it’s cold!” Baekhyun screamed while running, and Chanyeol could only laugh and let himself being dragged by his boyfriend.

Baekhyun had definitely meant it when he said he didn’t want to get near Namjoo because now they ran to the other side of the beach. Chanyeol could see that they were far away from Namjoo and the others.

When they got near the water Baekhyun quickly let go of Chanyeol’s hand and moved to Chanyeol’s back and pushed him, “Yah, Baekhyun!”

Chanyeol’s feet almost got into water and Baekhyun hadn’t stopped his push, but Chanyeol didn’t let him that easy. However, the wave was strong and coming toward him, and , Chanyeol’s shoes were now wet.

Baekhyun was laughing so hard that he fell on his knees, while Chanyeol was looking down at his wet shoes with sad face, “Baek, you—“

“That’s...” Baekhyun tried to talk in between his laugh, “ revenge for you ruining my trip.”

Chanyeol let out his snarky smirk, “my turn, Baek.”

Chanyeol approached the still kneeling Baekhyun and reached out his hands, “no, no, no, what are you doing, Yeol? No, wait, don’t you even try—hey, put me down!”

Although Baekhyun was trying his hardest to snatch Chanyeol’s hands away from him, but the taller man succeeded to carry the smaller boy on his shoulder. Baekhyun kept hitting Chanyeol’s back and when he could see the water was just one step away, he closed his eyes.

Chanyeol threw Baekhyun into the water and immediately step back, in case the water splash will get him wet too. Good thing that Baekhyun didn’t fall on his and he could manage to stand still on his legs. But, still, his shoes were as wet as Chanyeol now, and Baekhyun’s jeans was also wet up until his knee because of the splash of water.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and put on his fake pissed off expression, “you’re so dead, Park Chanyeol.”


Baekhyun shivered as the wind blew. His jeans was complete soaked and though Chanyeol has given him his extra jacket to cover his jeans from the chilling wind, Baekhyun was still cold.

Baekhyun folded his legs and pressed it to his chest, hugging it tight. All of them now, including all of his friends and of course Namjoo, were sitting on the sand and drinking warm coffee.

As much as Baekhyun wanted to stay away from Namjoo, he knew that he and Chanyeol couldn’t do that until the end. It would be rude for their friends if they didn’t join.

But Baekhyun had had fun with Chanyeol, more than he knew he would when he knew Namjoo was coming with them. They had endlessly played and laughed together for the past one hour. Their jeans were soaking, and Chanyeol’s coat was also somehow wet. Good thing that Chanyeol was thoughtful so he brought a lot of extra coats and jackets for himself and Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looked at Namjoo who was leaning to Chanyeol’s side and he rolled his eyes, annoyed. He also looked at all his friends, and smiled right after because seemed like his friends were also enjoying the trip as much as he was. They were laughing and chatting excitedly albeit their clothes were also wet like Baekhyun’s.

“Should we play games?” Jongin said. “Since we’re here it will be a waste if we don’t play games.”

“Sure,” Jongdae responded excitedly, “the one who lose should get into the water until they get wet from head to toe.”

“Agree!” Jongin yelled.

Baekhyun seriously thought that Jongdae and Jongin would make a great combo.

“We should do race, you know. It’s a must game when we’re in beach,” Jongin said.

“Who says?” Chanyeol joined.

“Me,” Jongin replied, and Chanyeol rolled his eyes exagerratedly.

“But I’m not good at running,” Baekhyun sighed. “Another game, please.” And Baekhyun saw in the corner of his eye that Namjoo was scoffing.

“I know,” Jongdae jumped and stood up, “we should play this.” Jongdae built up a pile of sand until it looked like a small mountain and put a stick in the middle of it.

“Ah, this game,” Kyungsoo also stood up, and the rest followed.

“What is this game?” Tao asked hesitantly. Baekhyun forgot that Tao wasn’t from Korea, so he probably wasn’t familiar with this game.

But then, Kris was the one who answered the question, “you need to get rid of the sand little by little until the stick fall. The last person who make the stick fall is lose,” Kris explained.

“The point is,” Jongin continued him, “don’t get the stick fall, okay?”

Tao nodded, “got it.”

Namjoo clasped her hands together, “so, who get to start first?”

“We should do it from oldest to youngest,” Kris said.

The only girl there pouted, “what? But then I’ll be the last. It’s not fair,” she whined.

“ being the youngest, isn’t it?” Baekhyun snorted in low voice.

But it seemed like Namjoo heard him because she pursed her lips and scoffed, “fine, I won’t be lose anyway,” she said as she walked toward the end of the line.

Chanyeol was giving Baekhyun a look but the smaller boy couldn’t care less. Everyone knew that he hated her anyway.

They were surrounding the sand and standing according to age. Kris got rid a big pile of sand and left a little sand for the others. Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Chanyeol were having a quite hard time to play. Kyungsoo and Jongin also almost lost. And when it was Namjoo’s turn, all of them could see that the girl somewhat wanted to cry because the amount of sand was really little.

“It’s okay, you can do it,” Chanyeol said to Namjoo as the latter kneeled down, and Baekhyun really wanted to strangle him.

Namjoo smiled widely and looked down at the sand and the stick. She sighed before finally put her hand on the sand carefully and tried to get rid of the sand.

It was a moment of silent for everyone, but luck seemed not in Namjoo’s side because the stick was falling immediately after the sand was moved.

The shout of ‘ah’ and ‘no’ were heard and Namjoo’s shoulder fell down. But it took no longer that one second for them to start to yell happily that finally someone other than them were lose. And Baekhyun secretly cheered.

“Quick, take off your coat and get into water, Namjoo,” Jongdae said in between his laugh.

 Namjoo pouted, “you really want me to get into the water? I’m a girl.”

“You lose the game, accept your punishment,” Baekhyun said, with a higher tone that he wanted.

Namjoo gave him a glare, and Baekhyun just shrugged. “Can someone replace me? I didn’t bring any change,” she begged, “please...”

All of the boys seemed thinking hard, because it meant the game was useless, if they should replace her.

“Fine, let me replace you,” Jongin raised his hand and began to strip his clothes, “I’m already wet anyway.”

“Are you sure?” Kyungsoo asked worriedly.

“No,” Namjoo snapped, “if someone should volunteer, I want Chanyeol oppa to volunteer for me,” she looked at Chanyeol and repeatedly blinked, trying to get Chanyeol’s pity.

“Uhm, okay, then,” Jongin put on his jacket again.

“Wait, then it wouldn’t be called volunteering since you ask him directly,” Baekhyun protested. Namjoo was starting to play her card and it was starting to make Baekhyun sicked.

Namjoo snorted, “who says? Oppa, you will replace me right? Right?” she clinged onto Chanyeol’s jacket.

Chanyeol bit his lips, “I guess so?”

Baekhyun’s mouth hung open, “what?”

“I know it,” Namjoo hugged Chanyeol, “oppa will do anything for me.”

Right there, Baekhyun really wanted to throw up.


Baekhyun dumped Chanyeol’s wet hair with a towel and tried to dry it up. Chanyeol was looking at him intently, and if Baekhyun wasn’t not in the angry mood, he will seriously melt by it.

“You’re mad at me,” Chanyeol said, more like a statement than a question because it was crystal clear that Baekhyun was mad. Madder than when they arrived at the beach. “Baekkie, she don’t bring any change—“

“I’m gonna buy you a hot chocolate,” Baekhyun gave him the towel.


“Wait here,” Baekhyun took his leave.

Baekhyun walked away from Chanyeol’s car. He really needed some times alone to calm his nerves. Namjoo and Chanyeol had succeeded to make him almost pulled out his hair. Yes, of course he was jealous when maybe he shouldn’t, because regardless of Namjoo’s annoying behavior, Chanyeol was only trying to help.

He knew that Chanyeol had a close relationship with the girl. Almost as close as Chanyeol with Jongin. And his boyfriend already told him countless time that Namjoo had always been a sister to him. But Baekhyun somehow couldn’t go easy on her. Namjoo had this aura that made Baekhyun felt heavy every time she was around.

“Baekhyun oppa,” Namjoo tapped Baekhyun’s shoulder, making Baekhyun jumped in surprise.

Setting aside his thought, Baekhyun cleared his throat, “what’s up?”

“I just want to come with you. I feel responsible to make Chanyeol oppa cold like that,”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, and mentally asked, can this girl be more annoying.

They walked side by side and both of them seemed didn’t have the intention to talk. Or so Baekhyun thought, because Namjoo was actually talking to him now when they finally reached the hot chocolate machine.

“You should stay away from Chanyeol oppa,” she said, turning her body to face Baekhyun.

Baekhyun clenched his fist, trying to control his emotion, “and why should I?” he didn’t even spare her a glance and just focused on Chanyeol’s hot chocolate.

“I’ll get straight to the point here. Chanyeol oppa is not gay. He never dated boy before,”

Baekhyun smirked, “well, sorry then if I make him gay,” then Baekhyun could see that Namjoo was also trying her best to hold her emotion, “Namjoo, you know you’re cute. You’ll get every boy out there. Chanyeol isn’t interested in you.”

Namjoo yanked Baekhyun’s shoulder and made him spilled the hot chocolate a little, “Chanyeol oppa loves me. He would do anything for me,” she yelled.

“That’s because he acknowledge you as his sister,” Baekhyun was now facing her too, “and for your information, I didn’t steal your oppa away, Namjoo. He’s the one who asked me out in the first place.”

Namjoo’s lips was trembling and Baekhyun for a second thought that maybe he was too harsh. But then, her gaze left Baekhyun’s, she smirked, and without Baekhyun realizing, she grabbed the hot chocolate cup in Baekhyun’s hand. For a moment there, Baekhyun thought she was gonna pour the hot chocolate on him, but what had happened was far from Baekhyun’s expectation. Namjoo was pouring the hot chocolate on herself.

“Ah, it’s hot,” she screamed as the hot chocolate dripped on her white coat, and she dropped the cup to the ground.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened at what had happened, “Namjoo, what the hell are you doing?”

“Namjoo-ya, what’s wrong?”

Baekhyun heard Chanyeol’s voice behind him and when he turned around, Chanyeol was approaching them, “Yeollie, Namjoo was—“

“Baekhyun oppa threw the hot chocolate on me,” Namjoo cut him off.

Baekhyun can’t believe what he just heard, “what?”

Chanyeol eyed Baekhyun in disbelief, “you poured it on her?”

“Yeol, I—“

“I was just telling him about how much I like oppa, then Baekhyun oppa suddenly poured it on me,” she once again cut him off with her fake sad voice.

Chanyeol abruptly held Baekhyun’s wrist and dragged him harshly that Baekhyun winched because it hurt. Chanyeol, whose hair was still damp, was pulling him into a somehow hidden place. Chanyeol turned around to face him but not loosening his grip on Baekhyun, even just a little.

“How could you do that, Baek?” he slightly yelled.

“Chanyeol, I swear I didn’t—“

“I know you hate her, but I don’t know you could do that far.”

Baekhyun pressed his lips into a thin line.

Chanyeol continued, “yes, she’s annoying and clingy and everything, but you don’t have the right to do that, Baekhyun. And you poured the hot chocolate just because she said she likes me? Baek, what if it burnt her skin? You’ll take responsibility for it?”

Baekhyun’s eyes were stinged because of tears he knew that it was threatening to get out from the back of his eyes. He swallowed the invisible lump on his throat before he finally let out his shaky voice, “I didn’t do that, Yeol.”

“And what? She poured it by herself?”

And that was the last straw for Baekhyun. His expression turned blank and stiff. He pulled his arm from Chanyeol’s constant grip. After a few attempts, Chanyeol finally let him go. Baekhyun took one last glance of Chanyeol, and he chuckled with a clear hurt tone in it.

“I can’t believe you trust her,” Baekhyun said in an extremely low and cold voice before he finally left Chanyeol.





please don't kill me

kill Chanyeol. stupid chanyeol.

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


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161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!