Chapter 26

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband


The urge to run was almost unbearable. Chanyeol put all of his strength to not either run back to the changing room or run toward his boyfriend who was just a couple meters in front of him. Well, no run necessary needed since he actually could just extend his arm a little bit to grab Baekhyun and pulled him into his embrace.

How many days since Baekhyun was this close to him? Two? Yes, only two days, yet the frustration already boiled inside him.

He missed his boyfriend so much, but he couldn’t just get his together to face him because he was too embarrassed. Baekhyun must be ashamed that Chanyeol didn’t even pass the passing grade. Let alone the university real entrance exam. Baekhyun probably regretted being his boyfriend, Chanyeol thought.

Now that the smaller male was in front of him, Chanyeol can’t really read his expression. He never really great at body language reading, but please give him mercy, because Chanyeol thought that Baekhyun’s eyes screamed...longing? But Chanyeol didn’t want to put too many hope.

“Ready, everyone?” their teacher yelled.

Chanyeol gulped.

“Hi, Baek,” he said quietly. He didn’t really know where the gut came from but he said it nonetheless. He missed calling him that.

Chanyeol decided to focus on the game first although he almost sure he won’t since he was against his own boyfriend. But he needed to at least try to focus.

But, of course, Baekhyun won’t let him. Because the next thing Baekhyun had said, succeded to destroy all the attempts Chanyeol put to focus on the game.

“Hi, Yeol. I missed you.”

It felt like he was paralyzed because Baekhyun’s words made him hard to move even after the teacher blew the whistle, resulting Baekhyun was the one who jumped first and got the ball despite of his short height.

“Oh, ,” Chanyeol muttered when Baekhyun ran passed him to enter his side of the court, aiming to score right away.

Baekhyun might be small, but he was really fast, and he could easily dribble the ball passed all Chanyeol’s team mates and scored in just 10 seconds after the game began.

“What the hell, dude?” Kris snapped at Chanyeol.

“Hey, Park,” this time his friend, Hyunwoo, who snapped at him. “I know your boyfriend is pretty, but you can admire him later after the game, ‘kay?”

“Sorry,” Chanyeol said apologetically to his friends as he ran again because this time, his team was the one who had the ball.

He shared a look at Baekhyun, and the latter gave him a smile, which made Chanyeol’s stomach flipped. Dammit, Park Chanyeol. Pull yourself together.

Both of the team ran to the center of the court, all of them focusing on the ball. Jaehyun, from Chanyeol’s team, passed the ball to Kris. After a while Kris dribbled the ball, he passed it to Chanyeol. Not wanting to fail again, Chanyeol quickly brought the ball. But just like the last time, Baekhyun was blocking him.

Chanyeol stopped on his track, contemplating to just pass the ball or try to escape from Baekhyun. His breath was rapid, and he started to feel the sweat rolling down his face.

“Why are you avoiding me?”

Chanyeol’s eyes widened at the question thrown by Baekhyun. He knew that Baekhyun was talking about his action for the past two days. But Chanyeol quickly regained his concentration back, and he ran to the side so Baekhyun couldn’t catch him. He was lucky that the basket was unguarded, so he threw the ball and scored for his team.

He took a glance toward Baekhyun whose shoulder was tapped by a guy who Chanyeol recognized as Youngwoon, and he could hear Yungwoon said, “What is this? Marriage fight?”

 He saw Baekhyun laughing. How he missed hearing the sound of that.

He shared a knowing look again with Baekhyun, and he immediately knew, this game wasn’t an ordinary basketball game anymore.

It was 1-1 for both Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

The rest of the game was spent by both of the team trying to beat each other off. The score was 16-15 for Baekhyun’s team. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun had contributed 3 shots for their team.

It was one hell of a match for Chanyeol because Baekhyun had been his biggest rival throughout the game. It was like the smaller male was trying to corner him every single time he had the chance. Not to mention, Baekhyun always asked questions which Chanyeol couldn’t really answer.

“Where were you these past two days?”

“Why did you never call or text me?”

“Why you didn’t wait for me after school?”

And other questions which Baekhyun brought every time, either when he was blocking Chanyeol or when he was running side by side with Chanyeol.

Chanyeol never answered them. A part of it because he didn’t have time to answer since they were in the middle of a match and other part of it because he himself didn’t know the answers.

It was 2 minutes before the time was up, and Chanyeol already bathed with sweat. He cursed under his rapid breath because when he saw at the other side of the court, Baekhyun was currently ruffling his wet hair and he looked so damn y. Chanyeol could see the girls and boys at the side of the court were swooning at how gorgeous Baekhyun was.

He’s mine. Or was he? Chanyeol thought.

“One minute left.” The teacher yelled the time they had left before the change of players, and Chanyeol let out a sigh of relief. He was already damn tired.

As it was being said, the teams were on fire again to make the most at the last minute. Chanyeol was also running with his last strength since his team had the chance to score with the ball in their hands.

Chanyeol received the ball, and he was just starting to run when he saw Baekhyun blocked his way for the umpteenth times at this game. Chanyeol was already used to it. He would quickly run to the side, but this time was different. Because this time, Baekhyun didn’t only block him, but he went closer to Chanyeol that the latter was froze on his feet. The thing Baekhyun did a second later totally made Chanyeol’s mind went blank, and the ball slipped from his hands.

Because Baekhyun was holding a handful of Chanyeol’s hair at the back of his head, and he pulled down Chanyeol’s head closer to his, resulting both of their foreheads bumped into each other.

Chanyeol’s breath hitched, not because of the pain on his forehead, but because Baekhyun’s and his face were just a mere inches close, and he could totally feel the rapid breath of Baekhyun on his face.

“You can shut everyone out. But not me, Yeol. You can’t shut me out,” Baekhyun said, more like whispered, but his voice was firm and strong, and Chanyeol saw there was a glint of sadness in Baekhyun’s eyes, but also determination.

The sound of whistle from the teacher was the one which made Chanyeol got back to his sense. The approximity between their faces made it hard for him to breath, so Chanyeol put both of his hands on Baekhyun’s shoulder, and pushed him off.

Then, Chanyeol did what he had been doing for these past two days; running away.


“One last minute.”

Baekhyun tried to calm his breath after he endlessly running throughout the game. He didn’t really pay attention to the game. His goal wasn’t to score but to get Chanyeol to talk to him.

He did his best. Baekhyun had tried numerous times to get the taller male talk to him. But every time Baekhyun asked, Chanyeol never answered. He knew this was the only chance he got to be able face to face with Chanyeol. Because after the game ended, Baekhyun was sure that the giant will be gone again like before.

Now he only had one minute, and it frustrated him.

He saw Chanyeol received the ball, and Baekhyun though, it’s now or never.

So Baekhyun put his last strength to his feet, and he ran toward his boyfriend. Chanyeol was fast. The latter was aiming to run to Baekhyun’s side, avoiding him. But, Baekhyun was faster.

He was running out of idea to make Chanyeol spoke up, so he let his body took over. And he himself was surprised by his own action. He put his hand at the back of Chanyeol’s head, and right after he grabbed Chanyeol’s hair, he forcefully pulled down the taller, because of course, Baekhyun was much shorter than him.

Their foreheads met, and Baekhyun could feel Chanyeol’s sweat on his skin. He could say that his boyfriend was shocked by his action because the ball fell from his grasp.

Baekhyun saw with the edge of his eyes that all the players stopped running and glued at their position, and the whole gym fell silent. Baekhyun tried to ignore all of that, and focused on his voice.

“You can shut everyone out. But not me, Yeol. You can’t shut me out,” he said in between his fast breath.

The next thing happened really fast. Baekhyun couldn’t get the expression on Chanyeol’s face before the latter finally pushed him and ran away.

Baekhyun had enough of Chanyeol running away and avoiding him for the past few days. He wouldn’t be able to get through that again. Besides, he needed Chanyeol’s answers which surely the latter hadn’t answered.

Baekhyun ignored the yell from his teacher and whispers from his friends as he dashed out of the gym, running after Chanyeol. He already lost the sight of him, but he was pretty sure his boyfriend was heading to the changing room.

And he was right. The door to the changing room was opened, and Baekhyun took no time to enter. He immediately spotted Chanyeol sat on one of the long chairs, with his head rested on his palm.


As if Baekhyun’s voice was a lightning, Chanyeol shot his head up, and his eyes widened. “Baek, please.”

“Please what?” Baekhyun snapped as he took a step forward. He was surprised by his own voice because he sounded so angry, but he did. He did angry at Chanyeol because he was Chanyeol’s boyfriend. It saddened the hell out of him to see Chanyeol like this, and the fact that Chanyeol didn’t want to open up to him really hurt him.

“Please leave me alone,” Chanyeol begged.

“Until when?” Baekhyun’s voice wavered, because his breath hadn’t really steady because of the match and the lump on his throat made it harder to talk. “I know that you’re sad because of your scores, but it doesn’t mean you can shut everyone out, including me. I really want to be there for you, Yeol.”

“You don’t understand,” Chanyeol yelled as he stood up.

Baekhyun turned his palms into fists until he felt his nails were digging into his skin. Never did Baekhyun saw Chanyeol like this. He looked angry, sad, wounded, and broken that it almost brought a tear to Baekhyun’s eyes.

“Right,” Baekhyun exhaled, “I’ll never understand what you’d been going through. But please at least don’t avoid me, Chanyeol. I can’t—“

“I promised you,” Chanyeol cried. “I promised you to get into the same college with you. We’re going to the same university no matter what.”

“Yeollie, I don’t really care—“

“I care, Baek. I care,” Chanyeol shouted. “I really want to be together with you. And most of all, I always wanted to get into Chung-Ang.”

Chanyeol’s voice cracked, so did Baekhyun’s heart.

“I’ve wanted to enter Chung-Ang since forever. It was my dream. And now, that dream was cruelly washed away.”

Baekhyun said nothing. Because now Chanyeol was crying. Chanyeol was crying. His face was covered by his palms and he took a seat again.

Baekhyun felt like his heart was in his throat, and it hurt him physically to see Chanyeol cried. He absent-mindedly approached his boyfriend, and took a seat beside him. Chanyeol didn’t move, so Baekhyun pulled him to his embrace.

They stayed like that for a good minute before Chanyeol pulled away. His eyes were red, his face was covered between tears and sweat, and his hair was wet. Baekhyun was sure that his appearance was similar like his boyfriend.

“You see now that I’m not as great as you once thought I was?” Chanyeol said with his gaze landed at his hands, not wanting to meet Baekhyun’s eyes.

Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows, “What the hell are you talking about?’

“I’m not compatible with you, Baek. Can you understand? You are perfect. You have a golden heart, you have a great determination, you’re handsome, your voice is magic, you’re smart. You’re everything. And me? I’m just me.”

“Exactly,” Baekhyun tried to fixed Chanyeol’s hair which sticked on his forehead gently. “You are you. I am me. We’re different that’s why we’re compatible with each other.”

“No, Baek,” Chanyeol put Baekhyun’s hand away. “You don’t understand. How am I supposed to face you everyday knowing that I can’t fulfill my—our promise? I’m just your little useless boyfriend who can’t even pass his midterm—“

“I love you.”

“—Test...what?” Chanyeol stopped talking when he heard the words came out from the person sat in front of him. He was almost sure that his hearing was doing the hallucination thing, because he just heard... he thought he heard Baekhyun was saying...

Baekhyun rest his hand on top of Chanyeol’s hand, but his eyes never left the taller male. He smiled fondly, “I love you. I’m falling in love with you and all your little things.” He stopped for a second to cup his boyfriend’s face with both of his hands. “So, please stop saying those things as if you’re not worthy. Because you are worthy. You don’t need to be ashamed of yourself in front of me because I’ll never judge you for who you are and what you are doing. And I want you to know that I’ll always support you.”

Baekhyun could see that Chanyeol was looking on something in his eyes, the sincerity and honesty. Chanyeol was still not sure if Baekhyun was true with his words.

Baekhyun put down his hand, and put it back to its original position, on top Chanyeol’s hand. It always belonged there.

“I know that you only wanted Chung-Ang, but,” Baekhyun put his reassuring smiled, “there’s other school you can attend to which as good as Chung-Ang, right? There’s always another option.”

Chanyeol shook his head slowly, “I don’t know about that. That means we can’t go to the same college.”

“It’s okay,” Baekhyun carressed Chanyeol’s hand. “It’s okay even if we go to the different university, we’ll still be together.”

“Okay,” Chanyeol’s deep voice got even deeper after he briefly cried, and it made Baekhyun shivered a little. The taller of the two put his head on his petite boyfriend’s shoulder, and sighed loudly. “I’m a mess, Baek.”

Baekhyun smiled, and put his hand around the other’s shoulder, hugging him closer. “I’m a mess, too. So, let’s clean each other up.”

Chanyeol scoffed, “you’re tidiest person I’ve ever met.”

“Everyone’s a mess, Yeol. As cliche as it sounds, but it’s true, nobody’s perfect, including me.”

Chanyeol snuggled into the crane of Baekhyun’s neck. It was his sensitive spot, but for now he didn’t care because Chanyeol needed it.

“But you’re perfect to me,” Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun snickered, “my cheesy Chanyeollie is back. Thank goodness.”

Chanyeol’s body shook along with his laugh, and the younger male really wanted to ask the lord what were the good things he had done in his previous life to deserve someone like Baekhyun.



“Nothing. I just missed calling your name.”

Baekhyun smiled.


Baekhyun hummed again in response.

“Did you mean it?”


“That you love me?”

“You think I’m kidding?”

“You didn’t say it just to make me feel better?”

Baekhyun fell silent for a mere second before he answered, “Well, partly yes. But I say it because I mean it. I want you to know that I love you and I’ll always be there for you.”

“You do?”


“Say it again.”


“Those three words.”

Baekhyun smiled once again, “I love you.”

Even when Chanyeol’s face was buried on Baekhyun’s neck, the latter could feel his boyfriend was grinning really wide right now.



“You smell nice.”

“Is that sarcasm? I’m sweating like crazy.”

“No. Really,” Chanyeol buried his face deeper into Baekhyun’s neck, “you smell really nice.”

“You’re gross.”

Baekhyun heard Chanyeol laughed.


“What now?”

“Don’t you ever pull my hair again like that when we were at the gym in front of people. it only take one last string in me to not kiss you back there. And I know you don’t want to get detention again.”

Baekhyun laughed, “okay.”

Baekhyun could feel that Chanyeol’s hands slowly creeped around his waist.



“You give the best hug ever.”

Baekhyun tightened his hug around the bigger male’s shoulder.


This time, Baekhyun didn’t even bother to response. He just let Chanyeol said what he wanted to say.

“I missed you, too. And I love you, too. So much.”






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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


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161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!