Chapter 18

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

“I still can’t believe we really got detention,”


“All because of ing PDA,”


“This is all your fault, Yeol. Why did you kiss me?”


“Yah Park Chanyeol! Your boyfriend’s talking to you, and you keep reading magazine? This jerk seriously,” Baekhyun hit Chanyeol head.

“Ah, Baek, it hurts,” Chanyeol whined as he rubbed his head after got hit by Baekhyun. That kid seriously can hit despite his small body. “This quiz is interesting. Besides, don’t tell me you didn’t like the kiss because you literally grinned from ear to ear.”

“Not literally, you dumb, what am I? Joker?” Baekhyun hit his boyfriend again. “And I didn’t like it...that much. Anyway, what the quiz is about?”

“Relationship quiz,” Chanyeol replied. “Whether you like it or not, because of this detention, we could go here to check on your head.”

“My head’s okay. We come to the hospital just to change the bandage. Why is it take them so long to call my name seriously?”

“Be patient, Baek. Hey,” Chanyeol leaned his body on Baekhyun who sat beside of him at the hospital waiting room, “this question is interesting, look at this, ‘describe your partner in one word.’ Describe me, Baek.”

“Stupid,” Baekhyun answered immediately. Seeing Chanyeol’s face fell, he chuckled and patted his boyfriend’s cheek lightly, “I’m kidding. Ice-cream. Is that one word?”

“Ice-cream? Why ice-cream?” Chanyeol blinked several times.

Baekhyun shrugged, “I really like ice-cream, it makes me happy. I really like you, you make me happy. As simple as that. What about me?”

Chanyeol smiled. Not his usual dumb wide smile, but warm smile which he rarely showed others. “Mine,” he answered simply.

Baekhyun shutted his mouth close, as he fell into the deep stare of Chanyeol’s and the radiating warm feeling came from his smile. But he quickly recovered himself, looking away and clearing his throat, “look how cheesy you are.”

“You’re happy when I’m cheesy. Admit it, Baek,” now Chanyeol had changed his smile into the usual one. “You like my definition of you, don’t you?”

“I don’t. And remember I’m still mad at you because you got me detention for kissing me in front of everyone, even the president of other school. Seriously, Chanyeol, why do you like to make a scene so—“

“What the hell is he doing here?” Chanyeol cut Baekhyun off who still talked to him, as he saw a familiar figure walked toward them.

The hospital wasn’t crowded at all, so when Baekhyun turned his head around, he immediately found the person that Chanyeol was talking about, “Dae-Daehyun?”

“Isn’t that the Daehyun guy? The president of the jerks?” Chanyeol raised his voice until Baekhyun needed to hit him so he could lower his voice. “What is he doing here?”

Baekhyun stood from his chair, looking slightly dazed. He didn’t know himself why the president was here, “Daehyun, hi,” he greeted and smiled at him.

“Don’t hi him, Baek,” Chanyeol now also stood up, standing beside Baekhyun with eyebrows knit.

“Shut up,” Baekhyun shushed him before he also walked toward Daehyun, “hi, fancy seeing you here.”

Daehyun, still wearing his school uniform, waved and smiled brightly at Baekhyun, “I come to see you.”

Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised, and before he even asked Daehyun, Chanyeol already overlapped him.

“Can I know why did you want to see Baekhyun?” Chanyeol asked with a snarky tone.

Daehyun looked a little taken aback, but he smiled nonetheless, “well, uhm, Baekhyun’s gonna have his bandage changed, right?”

“How did you know?” Chanyeol asked.

Baekhyun was the one who answered him, “I told him.”

Seeing Chanyeol didn’t actually catch up, Daehyun elaborated it for him, “Baekhyun texted me last night.”

Chanyeol widened his eyes, “what?”

“Daehyun, you don’t have to come seriously,” Baekhyun ignored Chanyeol.

“You texted each other?”

“No, this is the least I can do to pay my friends’ fault,” Daehyun also decided to ignore the giant and talked to Baekhyun instead.

Baekhyun seemed still “You shouldn’t pay anything. But anyway, thanks for coming.”

As he was pressing his lips into a thin line, Chanyeol tried to steer Baekhyun to face him, “Are you ignoring me, Baek?”

Baekhyun bit his lips, trying to surpress his anger for Chanyeol’s annoying behavior. He turned to Chanyeol who also looked a little angry and a little...Baekhyun didn’t know what expression was that.

“No, of course not,” Baekhyun answered with a fake sweet voice, signaling the taller that he was mad. “Daehyun, this is Chanyeol, my boyfriend.”

Daehyun, a little oblivious of the situation, just smiled widely, “I know. I saw you guys kissed yesterday.”

Chanyeol quirked on of his eyebrow, “fantastic. Then why are you—“

“Mr.Byun.” The three of them turned their heads around when a nurse called Baekhyun from inside the room. She nodded, cueing him that it was his turn.

“Okay, uhm,” Baekhyun faced Chanyeol for awhile and mouthed ‘behave’ to him before he finally approached the nurse and went inside the room.

As soon as the door was closed, Chanyeol turned his attention again to the only guy in front of him now, “listen, prez, what do you want?”

“Why are you so—okay, Chanyeol, right? I just like Baekhyun. He seems really nice. I don’t mean any harms.”

“That’s true he’s ing nice. But don’t you dare liking him. Why? Because he’s my boyfriend, and he’s going to be my husband someday. So stay away.”

“Woah, relax,” Daehyun put both of his hands in front of his chest, trying to stop Chanyeol who was walking closer to him, “I’m not going to steal him away from you. I’m just doing my job as a student president.”

“Well, then, stop doing it,” Chanyeol snapped at him.

Daehyun decided to give up because Chanyeol looked actually furious right now. He combed his brown hair with his fingers before he smiled at Chanyeol, “okay, I’ll leave,” he took some steps backward, “send my get well soon for Baekhyun. Nice seeing you, Chanyeol.”

Daehyun turned around and left Chanyeol behind. As soon as the former was out from his sight, Chanyeol let out a desprate breath and sat at the chair harshly that he actually hurt his . He put both of his hand on his face, closing it tight as while he was trying to calm down. He didn’t actually expect himself to be like that to Daehyun. It was like his body and mind turned into a defensive mode when he saw the guy. Chanyeol really didn’t like him. He did look harmless, but who knew.

Not long after, Baekhyun got out from the room. His bandage was changed into the smaller one already.

Chanyeol stood up as Baekhyun approached him, “your head’s okay?”

Baekhyun smiled, “definitely fine. Where’s Daehyun?”

And Chanyeol’s face fell again, “he’s gone. Why are you looking for him anyway?”

“Did you make him go? You shoo him away?” “Yeol, what the hell is wrong with you?”

“He’s hitting on you.”

“No, he’s not.”

“He obviously is. Look at the way he looked at you. He’s literally stripped your clothes off with his stares.”

“Do you even know what literally means?” “He just felt responsible as the president that’s all.”

“He said it to my face that he likes you.”


“He said he likes you. Happy now?”

Baekhyun fell silent for awhile, and he sighed, “are you jealous?”

“You think with the handsome face like that I won’t be jealous?”

“Yeol,” Baekhyun gave him a look, “whatever he is, he’s not an ice-cream.”


Baekhyun should’ve known from the beginning that Chanyeol was the posessive and jealous type. Maybe even worse than him. It turned out Chanyeol became grumpy all day and Baekhyun drained all of his energy to make the younger boy cheered up again.

It was terrible. Baekhyun decided. Chanyeol was being jealous was terrible and, he didn’t want today’s event to repeat in the future ahead. He’ll make sure that there will be no other men or women who got closer to him.

Baekhyun decided to put his last effort to make his boyfriend to become his usual self again. By having a duet with him.

“Hey Yeol,” Baekhyun called Chanyeol who was busy, or acted busy, with his ice-cream. Chanyeol was just hummed in response, and Baekhyun took a deep breath before he spoke up his last card, “we haven’t sing together again since the school festival.”

It succeeded to take Chanyeol’s attention because now he looked up to face Baekhyun who sat across from him, “what about that?”

“Let’s sing!” Baekhyun took Chanyeol’s hand and clutched to it. This would be also one of the attempts to get Chanyeol’s heart, being all cute.

Baekhyun actually did it since Chanyeol was contemplating in his mind. In the end, Chanyeol gave up, “where?”

The smaller boy cracked a smile and looked at the ceiling, trying to think the best place for them, “do you have a guitar at your apartment?”

Nodding slightly, Chanyeol could see what Baekhyun would say next.

“Let’s go to your apartment, then,” he jumped in his seat as he thrown his ice-cream spoon to the table. He stood up from his seat, and tugged Chanyeol’s sweater, “come on, Chanyeollie let’s gooo.”

The said boy could only stared at his nagging boyfriend and tried to process that Baekhyun was actually asking him to visit apartment, “ really want to go to my—“

“Yes,” Baekhyun didn’t let him finished his words. He needed to do it fast, before Chanyeol’s mood began to fall down again.

Upon seeing Chanyeol still didn’t move his from the seat, Baekhyun was pulling him hard out of his seat, and pushed him out of the ice-cream shop.


Chanyeol fidgeted on his feet, trying to calm himself as he reached out his hand to push the code machine to his unit apartment. The only he hoped for now was that his sister wasn’t at home. Seriously, because he would be totally screwed if his sister was here, and—

“Yeol?” Baekhyun put him out from drowning in his own thought, “aren’t you gonna push the code or what?”

“Ye-yeah, I was just...okay,” Chanyeol quickly pushed the buttons. The code was the combination of his and his sister’s birthday.

The door let out a ring, signaling it was opened. Chanyeol took a deep breath before he opened it and entered the house. Baekhyun was trailing behind him, smiling giddily, eyes wandered around the big apartment.

“This is cool,” Baekhyun threw his comment, “I like your place already.”

Chanyeol actually didn’t pay too much attention on Baekhyun’s saying, as he put his ears to catch any signs of his sister’s being around the house. But he got nothing, so he let out a nervous breath before turned around and found Baekhyun was seeing his family picture on the wall.

“You guys are all really pretty,”

Chanyeol smiled and approached him, “of course we are. I’m the most good-looking though.”

Baekhyun scoffed, “are you kidding me? You’re ugly. I have said that countless of time, haven’t I?”

“But you like me,”

“That’s,” Baekhyun clasped his hand with Chanyeol’s, “exactly my life’s question. Now, would you like to show me your room, Mr.Park?”

Chanyeol smiled and squeezed the small hand of Baekhyun’s, “sure. Follow me, Mr.Park.”

“Did you just call me ‘Mr.Park’?” Baekhyun asked as he let Chanyeol dragged him to a room, which he expected it was Chanyeol’s.

Chanyeol pushed the doorknob and the door was opened, revealing a medium sized room with a plain white wall and large bed. “Welcome to my room. And yes, I called you Mr.Park. It’s your future name.”

The fact that Chanyeol talked about it like it was nothing, made Baekhyun’s cheek flushed. He cleared his throat to wash his nervousness, “Why should I change my name? Why don’t you the one who change it to Mr.Byun?”

Baekhyun mentally slapped himself because somehow it came out wrong. It sounded like he agreed and excited to the idea of marrying Chanyeol. Well, he did, but, he never thought he will speak about it out loud.

Meanwhile Chanyeol could only smiled at the scene of fluttered Baekhyun. He dragged the latter to the bed, and pushed him to sit down on top of it, “I’m fine with Mr.Byun. Byun Chanyeol is nice.”

Baekhyun thought this will be the very first time he was fluttered by Chanyeol’s words and actions after all this time. Other than the first kiss at the rooftop. After all the Daehyun’s incidents and Chanyeol being grumpy, he thought latter was kind of change a little bit.

“Are you still mad at me?” Baekhyun unconsciously asked him.

Chanyeol blinked once, didn’t know what Baekhyun meant, but a second later he understood. He shook his head lightly and took a seat beside his boyfriend, “I can’t get mad at you for more than 3 hours.”

Baekhyun sighed in relief, “good. I can’t with you being mad at me although I’m happy you were jealous—“

“Don’t talk about this,” Chanyeol cut him off, “or I’ll remember that Daehyun guy again and I’ll get pissed off of him all over again.”

Baekhyun pressed his lips, trying to suppress a smile, “okay. I won’t talk about it again. As my apology, let me sing for you, Mr.Byun.”

The said Mr.Byun grinned widely before he picked his guitar which was placed below his own bed. He positioned his guitar on his lap and strung it once, “what song?”

“Follow me,” Baekhyun said before he began to sing the first line, and Chanyeol was following the tone. And soon, the song flowed on its own.

I can call your name and I can hold your hand
Is the falling sunlight only shining on me? Can I be this happy?
You call my name and you lean on my shoulder
Is the sky’s sunlight only shining on you? Can you be that dazzling?
So lucky, my love

We smile brightly in the photo, we’re a perfect harmony
I think I’m a lucky guy, it’s so good like we’re in a fairy tale of our dreams
Oh my god, it’s the best thing to hear
Your voice melts me like
ice cream
You are picture perfect


Right at the end of the song, Baekhyun leaned in to Chanyeol and kissed his cheek, “that was so great.”

“It’s that for me? The song? Because—“

“Yes and yes. Noticed the ice-cream part?” Baekhyun nudged Chanyeol on his stomach.

Chanyeol’s eyes turned soft. He eyed every line of Baekhyun’s face before he spoke breathlessly, “you’re so beautiful.”

Baekhyun’s mouth gaped, surprised by the sudden confession from Chanyeol, “what—“

Chanyeol didn’t let Baekhyun finished whatever he wanted to say because now Chanyeol was attacking Baekhyun’s lips with his own. He threw away his guitar to the floor as he kept his lips to Baekhyun’s. Chanyeol parted his lips, first intention was to get some air, but when you kissed someone, you practically lost your brain. And Chanyeol didn’t really meant to put his tongue inside Baekhyun, but he did it anyway. Also, the important thing that Chanyeol also noticed, Baekhyun also received his offer and returned it with his also aggressive kiss. Both Chanyeol’s hand were now already tucking to Baekhyun’s sweater, and damn, he really wanted to feel Baekhyun’s smooth and soft skin. But the universe was cruel, and it decided to disturbed the currently hot and steamed couple with the help of Chanyeol’s sister.

“Oh my ing God,”

Baekhyun was the one who broke the kiss upon hearing the voice of Yura. Looking slightly dazed and messed, Baekhyun opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, trying to explain but failed.

“I can’t believe this,” Yura’s expression was actually unreadable. It was the combination of excited, confused, excited, surprised, and excited. Mostly excited. “OH MY GOOOOD!”

Yura got out of the room while laughing really hard. Chanyeol was facepalming himself before he turned to the red-faced Baekhyun, “why every time we kiss, someone always intrude us?”

Baekhyun blank face turned into amused, and he also felt like laughing like Yura right now. They needed to fix this problem soon. The problem of always being so oblivious to their surrounding every time they kissed, because it was bad.

“Go to your noona. I think she kinda freak out,” Baekhyun patted Chanyeol’s shoulder.

Chanyeol nodded and placed a light peck on Baekhyun’s cheek before he got up from the bed and walked out of the room.

Today was sure a long day for both of them. And Baekhyun thought that it was a good thing to get detention, so he and Chanyeol could hang out and be together after all the drama they had been for the past week.

But once again, the universe was cruel. It somehow didn’t let someone to even breath. And Baekhyun was just about to lay down in Chanyeol’s bed when he heard a ring from his phone.

He got a text. A text which made him to broke the promise he made for himself. The he-didn’t-want-to-make-Chanyeol-jealous-anymore.

From: Mr.Heechul

The principal asked me to tell you this. You have to join a leadership camp on Busan for two weeks. It’s an event made for every student’s president of high school in Seoul. You will leave on two days.





I'm really sorry for the late update seriously internship is killing me slowly and just now I just had problem with posting this chapter, turned out it was because of browser cache *are you kidding me aff*

and yes it was 3.20 am in my place I should sleep now because at 5 am I need to go to mountain with my college friends yeah screw me. I'll be gone for the next 4 days guys. AND I'M TERRIBLY SORRY FOR NOT REPLYING THE COMMENTS UGH FCKING INTERNSHIP!


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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!