It Began With A Bet


Chanyeol rolled on his bed for the umpteenth time, groaning loudly. He was so bored and lazy that he hadn't even attempted to change from his pajamas, even though it was almost evening. It was official, this Friday or first day of spring break was the most slowest, emptiest, most uneventful day of his life. His friends were all gone on their own dates and having their own fun while he was stuck in his capacious, boring house.
Of course he could of went anywhere he wanted. Chanyeol was the type to go out, not lounge in the house. He could've went to the mall, a restaurant, park, lake, anywhere but he already admitted to himself. He only wanted to see Baekhyun and if he was going to go places he wanted to go with Baekhyun, only. But Baekhyun wasn't here. Now because of that he was being a lazy , just lounging around his home. Kai would then definitely have the right to call him a couch potato if he saw him.
His eyes shifted languidly at the clock on his nightstand.
7:37 p.m.
Baekhyun was going to be home in about two hours and it really made no difference because he couldn't just go over to see Baekhyun that late at night and Baekhyun sure wasn't going to come to his house. Baekhyun doesn't even know where he lives. Then it clicked. He actually had forgotten that he had Baekhyun's number. Chanyeol could actually call him and hear his velvety voice but maybe Baekhyun was tired or he may still be busy. Chanyeol groaned again and sprawled his long limbs all over his fluffy king sized bed, closing his eyes for a little rest.
Chanyeol was awoken from his deep sleep by his phone's loud and irritating ringing. He closed his eyes, choosing to ignore it and get back to his dream, in which consisted a lot of Baekhyun and his addictive smiles.
However the phone only seemed to get louder and more annoying by the minute. He gave up on sleeping (mainly because the dream was refusing entirely on coming back) and dragged himself out of his bed to his desk then snatched his phone.
"What." He snapped rudely at Kai through the phone.
"Geez. Is that what I get for checking on you?" Kai snorted.
"I was fine up until you disturbed my sleep." Chanyeol said grumpily.
"Whatever. Soo wanted to ask you about.......I don't know." Kai stayed silent for a second."Here talk to him, but hurry up we have business to take care of!"
"Hey, Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo chirped in the phone.
"Hi." Chanyeol replied, voice thick with sleep and annoyance.
"Do you still have the cookbook I lent you about a year ago?"
Chanyeol groaned in his head, he was awoken just for that stupid cookbook that he didn't even remember opening. He had borrowed it to show his first cook the food he wants, the food that Kyungsoo makes but she left her job because of family matters. Chanyeol hadn't seen it since, although he's pretty sure it was somewhere in the kitchen.
"Yeah, I do." Chanyeol responded."Are you going to come for it?"
"Oh no, I was just making sure. I 'll come for it another day." He paused for a second."It's late n-now-  Jongin stop!"
"Alright then." Chanyeol said, he really wanted to hang up for he didn't want to hear anything happening on the other line.
"Okay bye!" His voice was wavering and he hung up before Chanyeol had a chance to say bye himself.
Well that was useless.
Chanyeol plopped down on his bed then sighed tiredly as he raised his phone to check the time. It was 9:43 and that means he had slept for a while and he was going to have trouble getting back to sleep. He realized it also meant that Baekhyun should be home by now or at least on his way home.
But what if Baekhyun got into trouble or something? So many what ifs ran through Chanyeol's head until he smacked his own forehead to stop them. He wasn't supposed to think negative thoughts about Baekhyun but he couldn't help it. He hadn't heard about Baekhyun the whole day and it was nearly killing him.
Chanyeol sighed and unlocked his phone. He was determined to call Baekhyun and make sure he was fine. His thumb was right on top the call button and then he completely chickened out. He wasn't going to trust his voice therefore he stuck on texting instead.
Okay, here it goes. Stop being nervous and just go with it. Chanyeol relaxed himself with a deep breath and he typed the first two letters.
Chanyeol: Hi.
Hi? Really? Is that all he could say? That was so lame. Chanyeol wasn't expecting a response but after waiting nervously for a full minute he received a reply.
Baekhyun: Hi, how are you?
Chanyeol: Good, and you?
Baekhyun: Okay. Why aren't you asleep yet?
Chanyeol: Actually I just woke up from a nap. Are you at home or not?
Baekhyun: I've been home since about a hour ago, earlier than usual.
Chanyeol: What are you doing now?
Baekhyun: Just got out the shower then you texted me, now I'm talking with you. :)
That meant he was wearing a bathrobe. Chanyeol swallowed as he remembered that day he saw Baekhyun in a bathrobe, he couldn't deny it. Baekhyun was pretty y in his bathrobe and his scent was just mind numbing, at least for Chanyeol it was. Chanyeol shook his head to get the erted thoughts out of it, he couldn't think such things about the older when Baekhyun was as innocent as someone could get. Or at least Chanyeol thought so because if you stay with Kai for five minutes your innocence is ruined, and unfortunately Baekhyun has been around his erted friend enough times.
Chanyeol: Are you sleepy?
Baekhyun: Not anymore.
Chanyeol: Why not anymore?
Baekhyun: Because you're talking to me.
Chanyeol smiled.
Chanyeol: Do you want to go to bed?
Baekhyun: I'm already in bed.
Crap. Now Chanyeol was imagining Baekhyun in a bathrobe and on his bed.
Okay, something else, talk about something else.
Chanyeol: Did you get everything done?
Baekhyun: About my parents, yes.
Chanyeol: You know...
Baekhyun: What? 
Chanyeol decided to take another step into their relationship instead of them being shy and nervous 90% of the time.
Chanyeol: Your hands are really pretty.
Baekhyun: Thanks, although I know that already.
Well, someone's being cocky. Chanyeol thought with a smile.
Chanyeol: Do you also know that your face is beautiful?
Baekhyun: Well now I do, since you said it.
Chanyeol: You should've realized earlier, it's obvious.
Baekhyun: Did you go anywhere today?
Chanyeol grinned, Baekhyun was obviously trying to change the subject. Only if he was near, then he'd be able to see Baekhyun's blushing cheeks.
Chanyeol: No, I only wanted to be with you.
Baekhyun: Why didn't you go out with the others?
Chanyeol: They each had their own dates today and I was all alone.
Baekhyun: So you didn't do anything?
Chanyeol: All I remember doing is think about you.
Baekhyun: Really?
Chanyeol: Yup.
Baekhyun: Good, cause that's kinda what I did today too.
Chanyeol beamed in happiness and shifted his position to lie comfortably on his bed. Might as well.
Chanyeol: What were you thinking about me?
Baekhyun: Just you, in general.
Chanyeol: Nothing in particular?
Baekhyun: No, just you, from head to toe.
Chanyeol: Baekhyun
Baekhyun: Hmm?
Chanyeol: Nothing, I just wanted to write your name, it's beautiful.
Baekhyun: Oh. Okay then...Chanyeol.
Chanyeol: What?
Baekhyun: Nothing I just wanted to write your name, it's beautiful also.
Chanyeol bit his lip and smiled widely, Baekhyun was so cute it was just making him want to see him ASAP.
Baekhyun: Chanyeol..
Chanyeol: Hmm?
Baekhyun: About what happened yesterday, don't let anyone know please.
Chanyeol: Your secret is safe with me, don't worry.
Chanyeol: You know, I'm going to be honest and tell you.
Baekhyun: Tell me what?
Chanyeol: I miss you.
Chanyeol: So much.
Chanyeol: I feel so lonely and bored and I want to hold your hand, I want to hear your voice, I want to be beside you. I want to see you, so bad, and most of all I want to see your smile.
 Baekhyun almost had a has he read every word.
Baekhyun: Well. . . to make you happy I am smiling now. Because of you.
Chanyeol: I want to see it though. :(
Baekhyun: You can see it tomorrow. ^^
Chanyeol: Tomorrow is too far away. I can't wait any longer.
Baekhyun: Well I can't show you now, so you'll have to wait.
Chanyeol: You can, we're living in the 21st century, send me a picture of your smile.
Baekhyun: I hate taking pictures.
Chanyeol: You're depriving your boyfriend from your beautiful smile, you're going to kill me that way.
Baekhyun: You won't die cause of that.
Chanyeol: Really? When you don't hear from me tomorrow, that means I'm dead and it's all your fault.
Baekhyun: Your'e silly and dramatic.
Chanyeol laughed whole heartedly, he loved talking with Baekhyun. But seriously he was craving for Baekhyun's smile so bad right now he thought he was going to go nuts. And Baekhyun was being a cute little tease that Chanyeol wasn't really expecting. Maybe he's just nervous when they're actually together but over the phone it was like a new part of Baekhyun was revealed to Chanyeol.
Chanyeol: Oh well, we'll see. You're going to regret it when you see me right here on my bed, dead of deprivation.
Baekhyun: Whatever.
Three hours passed with both boys texting back and forth, joking, learning, and even flirting (mostly Chanyeol did that).
What made Chanyeol the happiest was when it struck 12, Baekhyun sent him a picture of himself, with a pretty and sweet smile that made Chanyeol's heart skip a beat. As soon as Baekhyun claimed the reason he sent it was because it was already tomorrow, Chanyeol set it up as his wallpaper, in the home and lock screen. Although it satisfied him, it also made his desire to see Baekhyun even bigger. He was honestly beginning to ache to be near the older.
When Baekhyun scolded him that it was really late and they should sleep, they stayed about a good twenty more minutes saying their goodbyes. And as soon as the final official goodbye came from Baekhyun, Chanyeol immediately missed talking with him. He was going insane, no one as ever made him feel this way and he never imagined that there was someone that would be capable of it. 
But apparently Byun Baekhyun was capable and more.
Baekhyun swore he woke up smiling with Chanyeol on his mind. He cuddled with his soft stuffed teddy bear, kissing it occasionally, his smile getting wider by the minute. It's been four days since the unexpected asking out thingy and Baekhyun had enjoyed and loved every second of them. Except, maybe not the embarrassing ones.
He gazed at his teddy bear as memories of last nights texting flew in his Chanyeol-filled head. Baekhyun grabbed his phone and reread their messages countless times. He never imagined his life would turn out that way, with Chanyeol by his side. Baekhyun was falling more and more in love with Chanyeol everyday. There was nothing wrong with him, he was perfect from head to toe. And even if there was imperfection in Chanyeol, Baekhyun would only know how to love his flaws, simply because he was Chanyeol.
"You know, Yeollie?" He looked at his stuffed toy. Yup, he named his teddy bear Yeollie and he had no regrets whatsoever."I'm going to smile so much now just to make him happy."
Baekhyun kissed the toy's, supposedly, lips and jumped out of his small comfy bed then practically skipped to the bathroom, humming a happy tune throughout the whole hour.
"But why??" Chanyeol whined into his phone.
"Because, it'll be fun, believe me." Luhan reassured his grumpy dongsaeng.
Chanyeol's morning was perfect up until his now very annoying friends just came and messed up all his plans with Baekhyun. It was a good thing he hadn't told Baekhyun yet. Apparently his stupid friends weren't going anywhere today and they decided to go out for lunch as a group since the other day they went out, "it was loads of fun", as Luhan says.
"But I want to be with Baekhyun," Chanyeol said for the hundredth time."Alone."
"I understand, that's why we won't be bothering you the whole time, just for lunch. Okay?"
Chanyeol scoffed, Luhan just admitted it, he said they won't bother them even though they were probably just going for that.
"Fine!" Chanyeol agreed, he still had a soft spot for his irritating friends."But when I say leave, then you leave.
"Yeah, yeah ok whatever." Luhan sing songed into the speaker."Ok, at 12:30 pick us up. Bye sweetie pie!"
His nose scrunched in disgust and he tossed his phone on his bed.
Sweetie pie?  Really?
After 5 minutes of calming himself down Chanyeol grabbed his phone again to inform Baekhyun.
Chanyeol: Good morning :)
Not less than 30 seconds and Baekhyun replied.
Baekhyun: It's almost 11, but good morning anyway.
Chanyeol: Can I pick you up for lunch later on?
Baekhyun: Sure, what time though?
Chanyeol: 12:45, but the others are coming too, it was all Luhan's idea. Sorry..
Baekhyun: It's okay, they're fun too.
Chanyeol: I really wanted to be with you only but their plans got canceled and they decided to bother me. I'm sorry.
Baekhyun: It's really fine, we'll have some time together alone. I guess.
Chanyeol: I can't wait for that.
Baekhyun: Me neither. I'll get ready now, see you.
Chanyeol: See you, and I want to see your smile today.
Baekhyun: You will. :)
Chanyeol had to pick up his friends first since the restaurant they were going to was nearer to Baekhyun's place. He pretty much gave them the silent treatment until Luhan began to coo him and Kyungsoo told him about funny encounters that had happened to Kai, just to cheer him up. With that, he couldn't help but laugh at them even though he'd still rather be with Baekhyun alone.
Chanyeol walked up to Baekhyun's front door, the older wasn't out the house yet so he went to get him instead. And again he left his friends in the car. He pressed the doorbell once then waited patiently, but that's when his eyes caught something under his feet. It was a small yellow paper folded in half, just lying there, right in front of the door. Chanyeol bent down and grabbed it, just as he was about to unfold it he heard noise on the other side of the door. He had a sudden feeling that he should probably hide the paper from Baekhyun, even though it most likely was for the older but Chanyeol wasn't going to betray his feelings. He quickly stuffed it in his back pocket and smiled when Baekhyun appeared with a sweet smile that caused Chanyeol's breath to hitch in his throat.
"Hi." Baekhyun said softly.
It took Chanyeol a minute to reply with his own adieu as Baekhyun's appearance was mixing his head all up and he couldn't make up any words. He thought he knew how much he missed Baekhyun but when he finally saw him just inches away, he realized that he missed the older way more than he thought he did.
Instead of Chanyeol holding out his hand as usual, Baekhyun did it instead. He reached his small hand out and wrapped it around Chanyeol's big one. Chanyeol smiled and walked them to the car, where they had an audience watching them keenly. He opened the door for Baekhyun to settle in and then went around to his own seat. To his disappointment Baekhyun had already buckled his seatbelt which meant he wasn't going to do it for him today.
Everyone else greeted Baekhyun and he only smiled at them, although his smile wasn't as bright as it was for Chanyeol.
The six boys entered the restaurant, which was pretty empty, for some reason but it was better that way for them anyway. The table they chose to sit at had enough chairs, three on each side. Luhan and Sehun quickly made it to the first chairs, sitting beside each other. Followed by Kai and Kyungsoo who imitated the other two, leaving Chanyeol and Baekhyun the last two chairs, across from each other. Baekhyun sat beside Luhan while Chanyeol was beside Kai.
Baekhyun glanced around the restaurant, it was an ordinary and pretty comfortable restaurant and what he liked the most about it was that they actually served healthy foods instead of sandwiches full of fat and empty calories. All of the boys had their eyes on the menu list that was on their table, except for Chanyeol. He had already knew what he wanted so he excused himself and walked to the bathroom.
Instead of actually using the bathroom, he quickly pulled out the paper he picked up earlier, out of his pocket. The paper seemed very old and dirty which was one of the main reasons Chanyeol decided to take it. Also it wasn't in an envelope but just a paper with a few words in it. In very very messy handwriting but Chanyeol read it again and again till he finally made it out.
He was shocked and furious in matter of seconds at the words displayed across the paper. Chanyeol had never been as grateful than now that he actually followed his senses and took the note before Baekhyun did. Chanyeol sighed angrily, biting his tongue as he read those words again.
This is your last chance. I'm coming at 9 tonight and you're giving me what I want. Like it or not.
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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....