It Began With A Bet

Baekhyun checked the bathroom entrance again, Chanyeol still hadn’t come out.

"You want Chanyeol?" Luhan suddenly asked him. Baekhyun glanced at the older and blushed. His lips stayed still and before he could think of anything to answer that question, Chanyeol came walking back to their table. He didn’t look at Baekhyun, in fact he didn’t look at anyone, just the wooden table. Baekhyun kept stealing glimpses at the taller and he couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong and out of place.

The food finally arrived and instead of talking, everyone excluding Baekhyun and Chanyeol started to make sounds to show their approval of the yummy looking lunch.

"Just so you were wondering baby," Kai said to Kyungsoo with his mouth full of food."Your food is still better."

"Thanks, but please don’t talk with your mouth full." Kyungsoo replied, smiling at his boyfriend then wiped the corner of Kai’s lips.

Seeing that Baekhyun was watching them, Luhan picked up his napkin and began to wipe Sehun’s perfectly clean mouth. Despite being confused, Sehun grinned down at Luhan and they smiled at each other like idiots.

Luhan’s little trick sure did work, because Baekhyun was now looking back and forth at each couple and honestly he wanted to do that too, but he still had a long way to go. Baekhyun shifted his gaze from them to Chanyeol instead. He caught Chanyeol looking at him and as soon as their eyes met, Chanyeol looked back down at his food, picking at it and barely eating.

After about ten minutes, Chanyeol finally lifted his eyes from his food and he began talking instead of making everyone feel uncomfortable. Baekhyun was relieved but not entirely, even though Chanyeol had gave him a smile. But it was a different smile, almost as if it was forced.

Baekhyun took over Chanyeol’s earlier role and stared down at his food, his appetite was nearly gone and he couldn’t look at anyone anymore. There was something wrong and he knew it. He thought after talking with each other last night they would get closer but it only seemed like they took a step backward. A pout unconsciously formed on his red lips, he was feeling sick.

His head snapped up and his eyes widened though, when two large feet trapped his right foot between them from under the table. The first person Baekhyun looked at was Chanyeol and he was delighted to see Chanyeol grinning at him as he pulled the older’s foot closer to him, until Baekhyun’s leg was stretched straight.

Baekhyun smiled back at him and their smiling session didn’t stop until Baekhyun felt his cheeks heat up, so instead he looked back at his food and actually ate this time. With an appetite.

Lunch turned out very well and fun but Chanyeol couldn’t stop thinking about the note. He was trying to not let anyone suspect anything, especially Baekhyun, although he failed in the beginning. When they were supposedly on their way home, Sehun nearly jumped out the car when he saw a carnival opened. If there was one thing he loved 2nd place, with Luhan being 1st of course, it would be carnivals.

He pouted, acted cute, rudely demanded Chanyeol to take them there, but none of them worked. Luhan only shook his head sadly to Sehun when the younger turned to him. He didn’t want to invade Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s privacy any longer, although he did like observing them -scratch that- he loved observing every move they made. But he promised Chanyeol and a promise is a promise.

Sehun huffed and sat back in his seat."Fine, but if you don’t turn your car Chanyeol, I will scream out every embarrassing thing about you that I know, right here and right now. For everyone to hear, even Baekhyun!"

And just like that Chanyeol turned his car around, driving towards the carnival. He really couldn’t get mad at Sehun because he may actually have a chance to some privacy and fun with Baekhyun there. But he still got mad at the youngest for threatening him that way anyways.


At the carnival, each couple bought couple objects. Luhan and Sehun bought cute headbands, same bunny ears, just with opposite colors. Kai and Kyungsoo finally decided on lovely couple mugs after Kai gave up on convincing Kyungsoo to get the snuggie, which was a blanket almost like a sleeping bag but was designed for couples. Kyungsoo knew exactly why Kai really wanted that but they needed mugs more than that snuggie thingy.

As for Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Chanyeol picked out couple pajamas. He skimmed through all there was and cursed mentally as he found that a huge majority of the pajamas were designed for male and female couples, of course. Chanyeol suddenly smiled widely and pulled Baekhyun to the pajamas that caught his interest. They were Spongebob couple pajamas, bright and yellow, with Spongebob’s eyes being hearts. The tops were short sleeved and the fabric seemed very comfortable for spring and summer nights. He quickly checked the sizes, not bothering to check the price, and he almost jumped in happiness. Chanyeol finally after a full hour of looking for pajamas for them, found the perfect set.

He payed for them, ignoring Baekhyun as the older kept telling him that he could pay for his.

"I want to buy them Baek, I picked them for us and I’m supposed to get you things since you are my boyfriend. So no more protesting Baek, ok?" Chanyeol said in one go with a grin plastered on his excited face.

Baekhyun only nodded and didn’t say another word. Chanyeol just called him Baek. Twice. It was a cute nickname and because of it Baekhyun’s smile wouldn’t leave until Chanyeol dropped him off at his house.


Time seemed to go as slow as a slug for Chanyeol. He had planned to go to Baekhyun’s house during ‘that’ time. He had to go and see what this note and stranger was going to lead to. Chanyeol kept reminding himself of how lucky he was to find the note in the first place. Who knows what that person wants from Baekhyun? Who knows what they could do to Baekhyun?

Baekhyun might actually know that stranger because in the note it said “it’s your last chance." Which means they’ve definitely met before. It was making Chanyeol very uneasy, but there was only one thing running in his mind like a mantra.

Protect Baekhyun.

He was going to leave his house at 8 and guard Baekhyun’s house from a distance. Being early was better than late, perhaps that person planned to go earlier. Chanyeol groaned, it’s been four hours since he separated from Baekhyun and he was constantly texting him useless questions just to make sure he was okay.

He looked at his clock; 7:39 pm. He wasn’t going to wait any longer, he grabbed his keys and went out to his car. When he got to Baekhyun’s, he stayed a short distance away, so that Baekhyun wouldn’t be able to see his car. It was already dark out and by each passing second, Chanyeol became more impatient.

Honestly he wanted to go in and stay with Baekhyun, but how was he supposed to explain himself? And also maybe the stranger who wrote the note was watching over Baekhyun’s house and if he or she sees Chanyeol go there, they won’t come. Then that means Chanyeol won’t catch whoever was trying to obviously harm Baekhyun.

Chanyeol sighed and took off his seatbelt, eyes never leaving Baekhyun’s front door. He ing felt like Superman or something but he didn’t care, it was all for Baekhyun’s saftey. Chanyeol wasn’t trying to predict what will happened because in his head he’s got it all planned out. He keeps a watch out and when he sees anyone going near Baekhyun’s door, he immediately runs up to them and catches them. Then report them to the police after of course, beating the crap out of the person for threatening Baekhyun. And then, The End.

He just hoped the person wasn’t taller or stronger than him. But he was pretty confident of his strength and ability to fight back. So everything was solved, all there was left is to just wait.

8:54 P.M.

It was almost time. Baekhyun’s whole house was off except for one light, far away from the front door. Chanyeol’s eyes caught blinking light from his side, he looked down and saw that he had a text message from Kai. Kai’s messages were always stupid and useless. He decided to ignore it till later, after this, whatever it was. Chanyeol’s eyes nearly popped out their sockets when he spotted a man just entering Baekhyun’s door.

"!" Chanyeol swung his car door open and as fast as lightning he ran to Baekhyun’s house. The man was just about to close the door, just a few seconds.



Chanyeol pushed the door with all his strength causing the man to fall on the floor. He quickly took the advantage of the guy’s position and pinned him down to the floor. The man, no doubt was bewildered at Chanyeol’s sudden appearance. Chanyeol noticed almost immediately that it was Baekhyun’s dirty old neighbor, the same one he caught giving him glances the other day.

Chanyeol glared at him angrily. “What the are you trying to do!" the criminal struggled underneath Chanyeol. He was much weaker than Chanyeol, at least he seemed so. He wasn’t thin nor was he brawny, but Chanyeol knew he could probably handle him.

"Get off me." The man strangled out.

"Tell me, what the do you want bastard!" Chanyeol yelled loudly, he didn’t care about anything, he was ing pissed and the only thing that was holding him back from beating up the guy’s guts was Baekhyun. He didn’t want him to see anything unpleasant.

"C-Chanyeol!" Chanyeol looked up, there was Baekhyun standing in his brand new Spongebob pajamas, shock and fear etched his pretty features."What is-"

Before anything else was said in the tense moment, Chanyeol was pushed harshly to the ground and there was a hard, sharp heel of a shoe stepping on his foot. And all in just a few seconds the man was up on his feet, running out the door. Chanyeol quickly dashed out the door and ran after him, but unfortunately he had disappeared down the road, like a ghost.

"! ! !" Chanyeol cursed over and over again, he was so pissed at that moment that he could kill. He couldn’t even damn run any further because his ing ankle was now in ing pain. He was able to make it back into Baekhyun’s house though, his face red in rage.

Baekhyun was standing right at the doorway, unable to move. Neither one said a word for long long minutes as they glanced at each other. Baekhyun was obviously scared, just as obvious as Chanyeol’s infuriation.

"You know him, right?" Chanyeol gritted out, voice low and full of anger, still.

Baekhyun remained silent but his eyes refused to leave Chanyeol’s dark angry ones. They were giving him away.

"Who is he and what does he want from you?"

More silence.

"Baekhyun, answer me for s sake! Do you know him?!?" Chanyeol was losing his patience.

"Yes, I know him! B-but I’m not sure want he wants from me, he threatens me but he had never actually came in the house! I just don’t know! It’s.." Baekhyun blurted out, tears at the corner of his fearful eyes.

"Why didn’t you tell anyone?" Chanyeol asked.

"There was no one to tell." Baekhyun barely whispered.

"How about me?"

"You knew nothing about me, no one would’ve cared anyway, not even you!" Baekhyun looked away from Chanyeol to lock his gaze with the floor instead.

Chanyeol swallowed as he tried to calm down."How long has this being going on?"

"About….four months." Baekhyun admitted sourly.

"Why didn’t you tell the police then?"

Baekhyun didn’t answer.

"You could’ve gotten ing killed! You’re supposed to tell someone not ignore it!" Chanyeol raised his voice.

"He wasn’t going to kill me, he jus-"

"He just what? Just wanted to rob you or even you?!? He’s a damn stalker Baekhyun, he could do anything to you! Who knows what could’ve happened tonight if I didn’t find the letter. Baekhyun, I- " Chanyeol immediately froze when he saw tears flowing out of Baekhyun’s eyes.

Chanyeol sighed, he felt horrible. Horrible was a big understatement, he’s a ing idiot. A big ing jerk for making Baekhyun cry. Baekhyun was probably scared of him now and he really wouldn’t blame him, considering the way he was yelling at the older. He was supposed to calm down and solve this problem properly instead of losing his temper so easily and bursting all out on Baekhyun. As if Baekhyun wasn’t afraid already and he just had to make it worse.

So much for protecting him.

Chanyeol stood there, frozen, not able to move for minutes. His mind was filled with questions to yet be answered by Baekhyun but he wasn’t going to ask anymore, at least for now. Now, he had to keep Baekhyun safe, the stalker could come back any other day to get what he wants. Just the mere thought of Baekhyun being harmed by anyone almost made him flip all over again.

"You’re coming to my house." Chanyeol blurted out abruptly.

"W-what?" The older boy lifted his head slightly.

"You’re not staying here any longer until that guy is behind bars." Chanyeol continued."I’m not letting you stay here."

"I can take care of myself." Baekhyun said weakly.

"I’m not going to wait for an answer Baekhyun, you’re going to come with me and that’s final. I’m not leaving you here."

Baekhyun swallowed an invisible lump as he tried to stop the tears from coming out his eyes. He was scared and confused and really, Chanyeol wasn’t helping. He couldn’t just leave his house like that and all of a sudden. But just with one glance at Chanyeol, Baekhyun began to change his mind. Maybe he should go, because honestly, even though he hasn’t even admitted to himself, he was getting sick and tired of putting up with his stalker. And he really needed and deserved a break from it.

"Just pack a few clothes, we’ll be back to get the rest another time." Chanyeol told Baekhyun as the older went to his room to get his belongings.

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun leave and he couldn’t help wanting to punch himself for all that happened. Baekhyun was going through all that for three months and all alone, without anyone knowing a thing. He looked around him and saw that he was in the living room, everywhere was perfectly clean, as if no one touched a thing. Chanyeol turned around and made his way to the couch, resting his body and also injured ankle, thank goodness it was minor though.

He took a few deep breaths, inhale and exhale until he was relaxed, not entirely but it was better than before. Chanyeol turned his head to the right and he found Baekhyun going out a room, with a mini suitcase in his hands. He was still in his spongebob pajamas though, they were going to eventually sleep anyway, so no problem.

Chanyeol examined the other’s face. Baekhyun had obviously washed it as the tears and the tear stains were gone but his eyes still remained red. Emptiness was written all over Baekhyun’s face, he seemed lost and wounded. Chanyeol couldn’t help but compare him to a wounded puppy, even if the puppy part was cute, Chanyeol would rather not have it. He doesn’t want Baekhyun wounded, he wants Baekhyun’s smile, he wants Baekhyun’s happiness.

Baekhyun walked up to the couch, where Chanyeol was sitting at and stopped there, as if telling Chanyeol silently that he was ready. The younger got up immediately and made his way to the front door, with Baekhyun following him. He waited for Baekhyun to lock the door then they went to his car, Chanyeol keeping an eye on Baekhyun the whole time, just in case that decided to appear again.

They each sat down on their regular seats and Chanyeol drove off without saying a word. He was feeling more and more guilty by the second with every time he would steal glimpses at Baekhyun. The shorter boy never let his eyes leave the window and his sad mien never left his face. Not being able to take it anymore Chanyeol stopped his car abruptly and really, he could care less that he was in the middle of the street. Although he was lucky that the road was nearly empty.

He reached out for Baekhyun and cupped his soft cheeks in his hands. Baekhyun’s eyes were wide and surprised as he gazed into Chanyeol’s. Their faces were only inches away and that made Baekhyun unconsciously hold his breath in.

"Baekhyun." Chanyeol’s voice was soft and low and most of all, caring."I’m doing this because I don’t want you to get hurt in any way. I’m sorry I yelled, I really am. But I wouldn’t forgive myself if you ever get harmed."

Baekhyun’s eyes lowered their gaze from Chanyeol’s warm ones, that were melting him, along with Chanyeol’s voice and what it was saying.

"Please don’t cry anymore, I can’t take it. I feel like it’s all my fault and actually it is. I just don’t want to see you sad." Chanyeol finished with a whisper."It hurts me."

Chanyeol stayed a good amount of more seconds just staring at Baekhyun’s face. He was just not getting over how beautiful the older was, although Chanyeol thought that Baekhyun was much more dazzling with his charming and angelic smile.

"You know?" Chanyeol began with a small smile."You look really cute in these pajamas."

Baekhyun’s lips quirked up just slightly to a smile of his own. Even if it wasn’t one of those big wide radiant smiles, Chanyeol was still happy he made Baekhyun smile at all and he couldn’t take back what his tongue rolled out, without his permission.

"I love your smile."


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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....