It Began With A Bet


Chanyeol tried, he really did. But Luhan insisted and invited himself and Sehun to Chanyeol’s house even though Chanyeol was totally against it and he even voiced that out. He’s going to kill Luhan, he was sure. It’s 9pm, the time where Chanyeol is supposed to be in his bedroom, alone, with Baekhyun. 
 “So you never told me,” Luhan began as he searched through the box of movies for their movie night.”How come Baekhyun’s staying here?”
"I told you I can’t tell you, it’s not my secret to tell and also it’s not your business." Chanyeol said through his teeth in a low voice, afraid Baekhyun might hear. He was in the kitchen, getting himself a cup of water, probably because of all the embarrassing questions he kept on receiving from the one and only forever curious (more like nosy) Luhan.
"Fine. When am I going to know though?"
"Never." Chanyeol snapped. If Sehun wasn’t in the bathroom, Chanyeol would’ve been dead meat for treating Luhan in such a way. Luhan stuck his tongue out to Chanyeol’s back as the taller boy walked out to the kitchen.
Nunbushin nae ipsure yeah
Ppajyeobeorin naneun neoye
I'm runnin' into your heart
Oh Yeah~
Chanyeol froze. There, Baekhyun was gazing out the window with a bottle of water in his hand. And he was singing. And Chanyeol was in complete awe. It was beautiful, his voice just stole Chanyeol’s breath away and his ability to move and speak. Baekhyun couldn’t see him since he was turned around so he didn’t stop singing. It was low but Chanyeol heard, oh he heard. He never imagined Baekhyun to be able to sing like this. 
Maybe it was his voice, or the words he was singing, or the way he was singing them, or possibly even all three together, but Chanyeol felt something he rarely feels.
It isn’t right, he told himself. He’s not supposed to be by this.
 No. No. No. 
But Baekhyun just wouldn’t stop singing and it only wired Chanyeol up more. 
Chanyeol took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He was about to leave because it was too much but it was too late already. Baekhyun had already turned around and saw him. 
Chanyeol quickly smiled.”You sing very well.”
And it turns me on so much, it scares me.
He didn’t say that. But it was the truth. 
"Oh, thanks." Baekhyun blushed. He didn’t expect Chanyeol to hear him. He had no idea he was there.
Chanyeol walked forward to Baekhyun until they were close enough for a kiss. Exactly what Chanyeol wanted. It didn’t help Chanyeol’s aroused state not one bit, kissing Baekhyun only made everything harder. 
Baekhyun gripped at Chanyeol’s torso and made this tiny sound under his breath, when Chanyeol once again his bottom lip, causing the taller male’s head go dizzy with dazed pleasure. Just that sound did such things to him. 
Baekhyun pulled away because he felt it. They weren’t alone. He peeked over Chanyeol’s shoulder and all he wanted then was for the floor to open up and swallow him whole. 
Luhan and Sehun were watching them. Again.
"What the hell?" Chanyeol scowled once he noticed too."Get out you idiots."
"Thanks for the show. Better than the movies you own." Luhan smirked."We’re going, good night."
"Yeah, we’re leaving you to fix your problem." Sehun smirked also and he, for a split second looked at Chanyeol’s crotch. 
It was too obvious. Stupid tight jeans.
"Bye bye, have fun kids!" the oldest out of them practically chirped which made Chanyeol want to crush his pretty face on the wall. His boyfriend’s bratty face too, might as well.
In one minute they were gone, Chanyeol turned back to Baekhyun and it was his turn to be red all over. Baekhyun saw it, but as soon as Chanyeol turned he shifted his gaze from Chanyeol’s groin, to his face, then to the wall and every corner of the room. Both boys were beat red and it was getting hotter and hotter by the second. Chanyeol abruptly moved away from the smaller male and excused himself as he went upstairs to the bathroom. Like Sehun said, he had a problem he needed to take care of, but he was probably too embarrassed to do anything about it behind closed doors. 
He took care of it anyway.
As he thought of Baekhyun’s voice.
And Baekhyun’s wet hair.
And Baekhyun’s beautiful hands.
And those full hips.
And just…..Baekhyun.
That night when they were cuddled in bed together, it felt different from all the other nights. Chanyeol was still holding Baekhyun in his arms and Baekhyun still intertwined their fingers together. It was just a bit uncomfortable. Chanyeol was sure, so sure that Baekhyun knew about the problem he caused him earlier and he just wanted to hide from the smaller male. Baekhyun, on the other hand, did know about it but he wasn’t sure that he caused it. Just thinking about it made his cheeks burn because…he….saw.
It was just too obvious in Chanyeol’s tight blue jeans. His long t-shirt wasn’t able to hide everything either. It wasn’t long enough to save everyone from the embarrassment.
 Chanyeol managed to sleep but Baekhyun just couldn’t stop thinking, and thinking, and thinking. Endless questions kept spinning in his head, making him confused and skeptical about things.
Was this really happening? Him and Chanyeol? Him and Park Chanyeol? It once seemed so far away and the most impossible thing to happen. Only in his dreams, he sat beside Chanyeol and only in his dreams he talked to Chanyeol. Kissing Chanyeol and cuddling with Chanyeol wasn’t even in his dreams, it was that impossible.
Baekhyun tilted his head to look at the younger’s face, the only source of light was the moon, but that’s all he needed to stare at the man that made his world spin. 
Chanyeol was perfect to Baekhyun. Everything about him, from head to toe was beautiful and Baekhyun still didn’t understand what such perfection was doing with a person like him. Just a nerd. 
He’s only a nerd but he’s still human and he still deserves great things but he didn’t deserve something as great as Chanyeol. Baekhyun was convinced that this must be just a dream or a very very beautiful miracle. Either way, he was gonna enjoy it because it’s what he’s always desired. Baekhyun smiled and pressed a soft kiss on the corner of Chanyeol’s lip, careful not to wake the younger up.
Three days and no friends annoying the crap out of him. They were blissful days as he was with Baekhyun alone. Chanyeol took him out nearly everywhere in town. Baekhyun’s favorite place was the butterfly exhibition, that was unexpected but a very pleasant surprise. Chanyeol wouldn’t say a word until they got there and the smile that lighted up Baekhyun’s face when he saw butterflies flying everywhere made the younger kiss him right on the spot. There were a few kids around at that moment but Chanyeol could’ve cared less. They could’ve just covered their eyes if they didn’t want to see him kiss the most adorable thing on earth. 
The second day they walked so much on the streets, going from one place to another, that their feet became sore. When they got home, Chanyeol immediately made Baekhyun sit on the couch and he began to massage the other’s small feet. Baekhyun insisted on massaging Chanyeol’s too, Chanyeol really couldn’t resist so he let him. The tickling began when Baekhyun commented on how HUGE Chanyeol’s feet were. Chanyeol had tickled Baekhyun’s feet and then moved to tickle his waist next. He could’ve killed the older boy by tickling him to death because he was so mesmerized by the beautiful sight of Byun Baekhyun laughing heart fully beneath him. If it was only that but no, Baekhyun was yelling his name and begging Chanyeol to stop in between laughs. 
And at that moment, Chanyeol thought of something that surprised him and made him freeze in the middle of tickling Baekhyun. He couldn’t believe he had thought that but it was the truth.
He wanted to make love to Baekhyun.
Not . 
He wanted to kiss every centimeter of the other male’s body. He wanted to hold him close and make Baekhyun feel good in the most blissful ways. Chanyeol had the need to take care of Baekhyun and show him just what he felt for him. Things he never ever felt in his long (not really) years of life. He just couldn’t explain it, no matter how he tried to put it. 
 Chanyeol was seeing Baekhyun in different ways; ways he never thought of. He noticed the y things Baekhyun did, even if Baekhyun didn’t intend to make it y but Chanyeol saw it that way. 
Like when Baekhyun bends down to grab something from the fridge and Chanyeol can only stare and gulp lightly until Baekhyun stands straight. Or when they kiss, Chanyeol pays attention to the way Baekhyun’s fingers curls into his arm or neck or even clothes. The thing that gets him the most though is whenever Baekhyun sings.
That was just…..indescribable.
And it was the reason Chanyeol stayed in the shower a little longer now. Chanyeol did it once and he thought that would be the first and last time but no, Baekhyun’s voice just made his brain melt every time. 
 “Tomorrow is school again.” Chanyeol groaned.
"It’s not that bad, really." Baekhyun said, sitting down on the couch beside Chanyeol.
"Math makes me want to pull my hair out." He complained even further.
"Math?" Baekhyun smiled to himself, because he really did like it a lot. "It’s actually my favorite subject."
Chanyeol glanced at him with a ‘how in the world’ expression, making Baekhyun chuckle.
"I can help you with it," The older offered."If you want."
"Ok, but when I get one question wrong, I get ten kisses in return." Chanyeol grinned then pouted exaggeratedly when Baekhyun smacked his arm lightly.
"You get nothing if you get your math wrong." 
"Fine, if I get one right I get twenty kisses in return." Chanyeol tried again, he didn’t expect the soft ‘ok’ slipping out Baekhyun’s lips before he switched on the tv. 
He was so ready to get math right.
 School was just a few hours away, Chanyeol knew by looking at the time after he finally comforted Baekhyun from his nightmare. 
Chanyeol hated every time Baekhyun awoke, scared and crying. He just wished and hoped and prayed that he could do something to make it all stop. It pained him seeing Baekhyun like that, and it pained him even more that he knew that Baekhyun was sad and depressed about Tao, even after all this time.

Chanyeol just didn’t know what to do anymore. He stuck with comforting Baekhyun since it seemed like it worked. Maybe just temporarily but it was better than nothing.
"Remember, if any one comes near you, let me know." Chanyeol warned and Baekhyun sighed again.
"Ok, you’ve told me that seven times already." 
"You counted?"
"Ok, but please be careful, if anyone at all harms you, even teachers. Just let me know."
"Eight. Now drive before we arrive late." Baekhyun smiled softly.
Chanyeol just wouldn’t stop warning about safety in school, since they both knew he was a target for many students. Just because he was with Chanyeol. It was stupid but people are like that. 
Stupid and blinded by jealousy and hatred.
 They arrived after about fifteen minutes to the school. Students were all around the parking lot, meeting up with classmates whom they haven’t seen during the week of spring break. Chanyeol had to admit, he missed his stupid, nosy friends these past days. But he only wanted to stay with Baekhyun because with Baekhyun he feels at complete peace. And just merely looking at Baekhyun made him happy beyond words. He was going to see his friends today anyway, so no worries.
 “I’ll be in my classes that I told you, so if-“
"Chanyeol, I get it." Baekhyun said a bit too harshly, he knew what was going to come out Chanyeol’s lips. Of course he was happy and thankful that Chanyeol was concerned but he was worrying just a little too much. He wasn’t a kid, he was totally capable of taking care of his self.
"Ok. Then we’ll just get out." Chanyeol said slowly, his smile off his once bright face.
 Baekhyun noticed and he felt horrible.
Chanyeol gathered his books and unbuckled his seatbelt whilst Baekhyun did nothing but stare at Chanyeol as he bit his bottom lip. Just as Chanyeol’s hand touched the door, Baekhyun spoke up.
"I’m sorry."
Chanyeol turned his head, confusion written all on his face.”For what?”
"For…snapping at you. And-" Baekhyun mumbled but was cut off.
 “That’s fine. I just want you to be safe, that’s all.”
"I know and thank you for that." Baekhyun looked down at his fingers."But you’re mad at me and I’m really sorry, I won’t do it again."
"I’m not mad." Chanyeol smiled but who was he kidding. Not Baekhyun. Chanyeol definitely was upset.
He tried to turn again but Baekhyun grabbed his hand and Chanyeol looked at him. 
"Please? Can you just stop being mad, I’m sorry okay?" Baekhyun whispered, his heart relaxed just a bit when Chanyeol smiled lightly, looking into his eyes since they were only inches away. The next thing Chanyeol said made Baekhyun blush and nearly roll his eyes.
"Give me a kiss then and I’ll feel better."
 “Fine.” And he kissed Chanyeol. A small peck on awaiting lips. 
 The school day went well. Until it was lunch time, where they’d be with the other four. Luhan would NOT shut up about the day they went to the pool and caught Chanyeol and Baekhyun making out until it turned him on, apparently. 
Chanyeol face palmed and Baekhyun blushed deeply, it was a sight that made Luhan coo over for the rest of lunch period.
Chanyeol frowned, knowing it was time for them to do homework. But then he saw Baekhyun and remembered their small bet. They had their books spread out on the carpet of the living room, both boys lying on the floor with pencils in their hands. Baekhyun grabbed his science book but Chanyeol noticed quickly and dropped his math book in front of the shorter boy then gave him a mischievous smile. 
Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at him but Chanyeol only smiled wider,”Math tutoring first, please?”
Baekhyun cleared his throat, not going against Chanyeol but instead opening the book to their lesson for the day. 
"What do you not understand?" Baekhyun asked without looking at Chanyeol.
"Everything." Chanyeol answered as he kept his eyes on Baekhyun’s blushing face.

"Ok so….let’s start with equations."
Chanyeol nodded and suddenly turned serious because he was determined to get his kisses. Twenty minutes passed with Baekhyun explaining and explaining to Chanyeol on how and what and when and why. It was hard as always but Baekhyun somehow made it go through his mind easier. Chanyeol worked out the first problem and…..got it wrong. He groaned and immediately tried it all over again and with four more shots at it alone, without any help, he finally got the correct answer. His face was beaming and Baekhyun’s was red, because Chanyeol had already crawled on top of him and was kissing him softly.
"That’s four already." Baekhyun said between Chanyeol’s sweet innocent butterfly kisses. 
"Mmm…hmm" Chanyeol hummed and continued but unfortunately, was disturbed by his phone that was ringing near their heads. He grabbed it and put to his ear after answering. 
It was Kai. This was going to be useless, as always.
"What do you want?" Chanyeol asked, surprisingly calm. Partly because he was still pecking Baekhyun’s lips and watching Baekhyun’s face go red and his breath increasing in speed.
"What are you doing?" Kai groaned into the phone.
"Homework." Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun and kissed him again. 
Twelve kisses.
"You ing idiot, I need help!"
"With what?" Another peck.
"Kyungsoo won’t let me touch him! He keeps saying something about I’m addicted or whatever. I’m not addicted, I only love to make love to him!" 
"You are addicted, don’t you think? You want it everyday." The fourteenth kiss planted on Baekhyun’s pink lips and Baekhyun made this tiny sound that sounded like a helpless whimper, which caused Chanyeol to chuckle lightly.
"What the are you really doing?!?" Kai nearly shrieked into the phone. Wow, he must be extremely deprived, Chanyeol thought.
"Nothing much, just kissing someone much cuter than Kyungsoo." Another kiss. Another smile. Another blush. And then an overly dramatic gasp.
"Park ing Chanyeol get your facts straight! No one is ing cuter than my Baby Soo!!
 “Sorry to break it to you but this sweet boy named Byun Baekhyun is way cuter than Kyungsoo. Accept reality Kim Jongin.” 
". This day is so messed up. Everyone is ed up, what the hell?!?" Kai said and all Chanyeol heard after that was a beeping sound. He laughed lightly as he looked down at the smaller boy who had been losing his mind for the past five minutes. Chanyeol finished his promised twenty kisses but remained staring at Baekhyun because he was just too beautiful to not look at. 
"You have the prettiest lips. I would kiss them even if they were poison." Chanyeol whispered and Baekhyun bit his lip, trying to avoid eye contact. It was too much. 
"We…n-need to do homework." Baekhyun blurted out and finally breathed properly when Chanyeol got off and away from him, beatific smile still on his face.
 They were almost done with their work when Chanyeol just burst out a question that had Baekhyun’s eyes go wide.
"Who’s Yeollie?" 
"Yeah, the person you were talking to the other day." Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun, happy that the other boy was blushing madly. He wanted to see more."And you were telling them how good my kisses are and all~" 
"I don’t know w-what you’re talking about." 
"Come on, Baek. I heard everything." Chanyeol smiled teasingly.
Baekhyun looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows, feigning anger.”You’re not supposed to eavesdrop.”
"I didn’t, I just heard you when I was minding my own business." 
Baekhyun remained silent after that. 
"So, who is it?" Chanyeol said slowly, moving closer to Baekhyun.
"It’s no one." Baekhyun looked away.
"Come on~" At this point Chanyeol was practically whining and Baekhyun thought it was just adorable. Just how gigantic he was, and his deep voice, and those big eyes and then being extremely cute made Baekhyun’s heart go wild. Did he have to do that??
"Please tell me? Please??" Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol then back away quickly.
"It’s just…it’s," Baekhyun stuttered."It’s m-my teddy bear."
He said it so quickly that it took a moment for Chanyeol to comprehend what he said. Then he just laughed and laughed until Baekhyun was staring at him in a way that made Chanyeol crack up even more.
"Stop laughing! I know it’s ridiculous but-"
"It’s not ridiculous," Chanyeol calmed down a bit and kissed the smaller’s cheek."It’s really cute."
“It’s not.” Baekhyun muttered under his breath.
"It is."
"It’s not, stop lying. I just named it after you because it’s really special and I love it." Baekhyun said, his voice wavering because he was so embarrassed.
And he realized then, what he just blurted out.
Stupid mouth.
 Stupid, stupid, stupid mouth.
 Chanyeol’s face was going to tear at any giving moment. He should stop smiling like that. It was making Baekhyun feel even more embarrassed. He wanted to dig a hole and just bury himself in it.
 “So….Yeollie is my other nickname, besides Channie?” Chanyeol asked slowly, his heart racing because of Baekhyun and everything about him. Chanyeol was beginning to get emotional again.”Hmm?”
 “We should do our homework.” Baekhyun looked away, flustered.
 Suddenly and out of the blue, Baekhyun was lying on his back and Chanyeol was on top of him, gazing down at the older male with eyes that nearly made Baekhyun whimper.
 “We’re actually done with homework.” 
"We still ha-"
"Baekhyun, I want…" Chanyeol cut him off but soon forgot his words when they became nothing but mush in his mind, all because of Baekhyun’s dark alluring eyes.
They definitly sparkle, Chanyeol thought.
 For a minute or two, or maybe even three, all they did was look at each other. Baekhyun was still embarrassed, shocked, but he couldn’t lie, he loved the way Chanyeol was looking at him, he loved the closeness.
Chanyeol, on the other hand, was going crazy internally. His feelings were all mixed up and he wanted to say everything and nothing at the same time. But first he wanted to punish himself severely for even agreeing to such a bet, playing around with a boy that he was sure, 100% sure, was an angel. Baekhyun was perfect, Chanyeol couldn’t get enough of him and he didn’t know what to do anymore. He drove Chanyeol crazy but he also kept him sane and it sorta scared Chanyeol. 
"Baekhyun, I.." His mouth opened again, and Baekhyun gulped visibly because of his deep voice whispering too close to his face.
"I want you to know something." Chanyeol took a second to breathe."If anything happens in the future, please know that I don’t mean harm and its really all unintentional,"
Baekhyun’s expression changed automatically, he was entirely confused by Chanyeol’s unexpected choice of words.
"And I want you to know that I really, really, really, really like you. And you’re special to me, I can’t really explain it in words. You make me feel things I never knew existed and I’m thankful because you make me happy."
 Baekhyun was red, and he was flustered and speechless, and he was so ready to pass out. 
Chanyeol was saying these things to him ?
The next moment, he couldn’t think anymore as Chanyeol was passionately kissing him, in a way he never had. The room was spinning when Baekhyun opened his eyes, after Chanyeol pulled away, minutes later.
And just like that Chanyeol was off Baekhyun and back at his previous spot. He flipped his literature book to a random page and began reading, not looking at Baekhyun again. 
Baekhyun was dazed and beyond confused. What did Chanyeol mean by those words? What did he really want to tell Baekhyun? And what was he hiding from Baekhyun? Why was he acting this way???
The stupidest person would know that Chanyeol was definitely hiding something. 
Baekhyun wanted to know so badly. He didn’t know what to think. His head was a mess. Chanyeol told him he likes him, really likes him and he was very happy but he couldn’t brush off the negative feelings because of Chanyeol’s other words.
He decided to try to push them away because eventually, he will know.
Time reveals everything.
Good and bad.

Sorry, this isn’t going to be very innocent like before. But it won’t be super erted either haha.
Hope you enjoyed this! :)
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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....