It Began With A Bet


At night when they were all washed up and dressed in their pajamas, each one lying on one side of the bed in the dark, Chanyeol suddenly popped a question out of no where.
"Baekhyun, tell me five things you love."
Baekhyun looked over at Chanyeol and then back to the ceiling.
"Umm, five things?"
"Yeah, five things you love a lot." He repeated as he glanced at Baekhyun. Chanyeol wanted to know what Baekhyun loved, he wanted to know everything about Baekhyun.
Baekhyun smiled then said the first thing."Apples."
Your eyes, was really what Baekhyun wanted to say.
"Second, music."
Your smile.
"Third, reading."
Your voice.
"Fourth, the sunset."
Your kisses.
"And fifth, my teddy bear."
He was too shy to say what he truly loved from here to the stars and beyond.
"You have a teddy bear?" Chanyeol asked in amusement.
Baekhyun nodded.
"Did you bring it with you?"
Another nod.
"Then where is it?"
Baekhyun bit his lower lip."Well, it's still in the suitcase."
Chanyeol chuckled."So that's how you show your love for it?"
"No..I just," Baekhyun stuttered in embarrassment and just blurted out part of the truth."It doesn't have a place to..... sleep."
Chanyeol widened his eyes for a few seconds then laughed at the unbearable cuteness of the smaller male. Without a word he jumped off his bed and walked off to Baekhyun's suitcase placed near his closet. As soon as he opened it, Chanyeol found a teddy bear and grabbed it then made his way back to the bed.
Baekhyun was already sitting up, watching Chanyeol's movements with blushing cheeks.
"There's more than enough room for your teddy bear." Chanyeol handed Baekhyun the stuffed toy and Baekhyun took it, looking down at the dark blue blanket with bright blush on his cheeks.
Chanyeol grinned and scooted just a bit closer to the older boy. Baekhyun glanced up at him and almost immediately, Chanyeol closed the distance between them to kiss Baekhyun's lips one last time for the day. It wasn't one kiss, just peck after peck after peck until Baekhyun's heart was ready to jump out his throat and his fingers tightened around his teddy bear. Chanyeol felt as if he was on cloud nine with the softness of the smaller boy's lips against his. He finally decided to keep his lips on the other's and kiss them slowly.
Baekhyun felt Chanyeol push him down carefully on the mattress and he was too weak to do anything so he let him move him down. Once Baekhyun's head hit the pillow, Chanyeol pulled away and smiled down at a equally breathless Baekhyun. He kissed the other's forehead tenderly then covered him with the blanket.
"Good night Baek." He whispered and went back to his side of the bed reluctantly.
Chanyeol was just getting into sleep mode when he felt movement from where Baekhyun was. Next thing he felt was a complete and utter surprise. Baekhyun had actually scooted back until his back was pressed against Chanyeol's chest where his heart was beating wildly at the sudden contact.
Nonetheless, he smiled as Baekhyun cuddled closer to him while hugging his own teddy bear. Chanyeol did the same to Baekhyun; he wrapped his long arms around the smaller's waist and hugged him close. They were officially spooning for the first time and shockingly, Baekhyun was the one who initiated it. 
Before Chanyeol could say anything Baekhyun whispered in a sleepy voice."Good night, Channie." 
Then a overly cute yawn ensued from Baekhyun. 
and . Baekhyun rarely ever ever said his name and now he was already giving him a nickname. A very cute one at that. Chanyeol placed his chin on top of Baekhyun's hair and breathed in the fresh smell of shampoo as he smiled obliviously.
Let's just say that while Baekhyun was having the comfiest sleep of his life; all snuggled up in the arms of the person he loved, Chanyeol took nearly three hours to finally get sleep to visit his eyes.
It was too much, and Chanyeol knew he couldn't handle all the feelings that he can swear grew by the minute towards this boy in his arms. He adored Baekhyun so much, maybe too much, but he didn't care. Baekhyun was his and he was going to adore him even more by each passing day.
His. It felt good to think that way.
Baekhyun was his and he was Baekhyun's.
Baekhyun woke up first and he was glad to see that they were still in the same position. Because Baekhyun knew that he rolled all over the place while he slept. It was wonderful being in Chanyeol's arms, Baekhyun felt safe and lighthearted. He looked down at Chanyeol's big hands around his waist. Feeling that Chanyeol was still asleep, he trailed his right hand over Chanyeol's and carefully caressed and observed the younger's hand. The size difference really was amusing to Baekhyun, but he liked it that way. He liked everything about Chanyeol.
Scratch that.
He loved everything about Chanyeol.
Baekhyun shivered in excitement when he felt Chanyeol groan lightly against his nape. It drove him insane and going insane early in the morning was not a brilliant idea. He unconsciously gripped Chanyeol's hand tighter when that deep husky, full of sleep voice rumbled through his body.
"Good morning."
Baekhyun smiled and responded with a soft 'good morning' of his own. He was considering getting up but Chanyeol held him tighter, preventing him from moving away. Baekhyun felt Chanyeol hum one satisfied hum and then there was no more sounds emitting from him the next minute. He moved his head around to see if Chanyeol was asleep and yes, he was. At least his eyes were closed so Baekhyun assumed that he fell back to sleep.
The taller boy though, surprised him when he carefully but swiftly twisted Baekhyun's body so that he was facing Chanyeol instead. He placed one of his big hands behind Baekhyun's head and pushed it forward until Baekhyun's forehead was resting on his broad chest. Baekhyun thought the other was done but no, he continued by tangling their legs together under the blankets and hugging his waist, pulling him close until Baekhyun could feel Chanyeol's steady heartbeats. He couldn't hear them though due to his heart beating rapidly in his ears.
After five minutes of no movement, Baekhyun was sure that Chanyeol was asleep this time. He himself was getting sleepy and the rain pouring outside wasn't helping him at all to stay awake. Rain seemed to lull him to sleep every time and now wasn't any different. Except maybe that this time he was extremely happy and glorious with the fact that he was cocooned safely in Chanyeol's warmth.
Chanyeol awoke for the second time that morning and as soon as he felt Baekhyun in his arms, he smiled contently. He watched the older boy sleep for only about five heavenly minutes until his bladder decided to interrupt his beautiful moment. He couldn't hold on any longer so he went with going to the bathroom and might as well wash up while he's at it too. Chanyeol unwrapped his body from Baekhyun's, careful not to wake the smaller male up. Once he wriggled out the bed he grabbed his towel and a causal outfit; blue short sleeve shirt with black jeans, his favorite color combination.
He went to the bathroom and the first thing he noticed was Baekhyun's toothbrush beside his in the toothbrush holder. It looked much better considering that he always thought his toothbrush was lonely looking. He glanced out the window to see the streets wet and gloomy due to the rain, which had him a bit disappointed. They weren't going to be able to go anywhere today but to Chanyeol, anywhere was fine as long as Baekhyun was with him. And truthfully, it was a good opportunity to actually get Baekhyun settled in his house. They'll just stay in the house, fix Baekhyun's clothes and all his belongings to make him feel more at home. Then maybe if they finish early they'll get a chance to play games together or just simply sit next to each other. Chanyeol decided he liked that, he quickly shaved, brushed his teeth, showered, and got dressed in record time just so he could go begin a new glorious day with Baekhyun.
Baekhyun was beyond cute as Chanyeol watched him, the way he was propped on the bed trying to fix his bed hair, with sleepy eyes and a few yawns. He smiled languidly at Chanyeol when he spotted the younger get out the bathroom all fresh and dressed up. Oh, and his hair was still wet and dripping. Baekhyun liked it, a lot.
Chanyeol walked up to the bed and leaned over to look Baekhyun in the eyes. He needed a taste of those undeniable lips and he needed it now. The puppy look on Baekhyun's face only made him want to kiss the older more, so he swiftly captured the pink lips in between his. He could've stayed forever but he didn't want to scare Baekhyun in any way so he just took it slow and pulled away after a few seconds.
"Good morning, beautiful." he whispered as he connected their foreheads and he could see Baekhyun blushing. Perfect. Just the way he loves it.
"Y-you're getting me w-wet." Baekhyun stuttered in nervousness and Chanyeol only laughed then shook his hair to get more water on Baekhyun's face.
Baekhyun scrunched his nose cutely and closed his eyes tightly."A-ah! Stop!" He whined but he was laughing anyway and Chanyeol laughed along as Baekhyun tried to stop him by pushing his shoulders.
"Come on, get up lazy head." Chanyeol chuckled and stopped spraying water at the other boy who had drops all over his fair skin.
Baekhyun crawled out from under the covers and jumped off the other side of the bed, further away from Chanyeol. He quickly grabbed his belongings and went to the bathroom to wash up also.
When he was out -pretty quickly since he didn't take a shower because he had already took one last night- Chanyeol immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs, to the kitchen.
Baekhyun gasped when he glanced at the clock."It's already eleven!"
"Yup, you slept in."
"I didn't, I woke up bef- nevermind." Baekhyun shook his head slightly. He didn't think he was ready to have Chanyeol flustering him by talking about what he did the first time they woke up earlier.
"Come on, let's eat something." Chanyeol said as he began fishing through the fridge.
Baekhyun walked up to him to help him or at least see what Chanyeol was trying to do."What are you doing?"
"I don't know." Chanyeol admitted, he truly was only fishing through the fridge with his eyes, he had no idea on what to take out.
"I can make egg sandwiches if you like." the smaller male suggested.
"Anything is fine but," Chanyeol raised a finger."I want to help you."
"Oh, okay then." Baekhyun smiled and pointed at the eggs in the fridge."You can start by taking out the eggs."
"Oh, and crack them. And take out the bread." He added as he pulled out the pan and other ingredients needed. It wasn't hard anymore finding what he needed because Chanyeol's kitchen was well organized and it was easy to find whatever once you've been in there a few times. Plus, Kyungsoo told him yesterday of things he needed to know in the kitchen and it seemed to Baekhyun that Kyungsoo knew this kitchen more than Chanyeol did.
He turned his head to see Chanyeol struggling with the eggs. He had got a shell in the bowl of eggs and was attempting to get it out but no, he was failing every time. Baekhyun moved closer to him and dipped his index finger in the eggs then carefully slipped out the unwanted eggshell.
"Woah, it was taking me hours." Chanyeol exclaimed then proceeded to cracking the last two eggs but not before he finally and forcefully tore his eyes off Baekhyun. He couldn't help it, it was like his eyes were glued on Baekhyun with super glue but he wasn't complaining. There was lots of beauty glowing out of the boy to enjoy.
After fifteen minutes all the cooking and vegetable cutting was done. Baekhyun continued to make the sandwiches while Chanyeol poured their drinks.
Baekhyun covered the last sandwich with its top bun then smiled in satisfaction.
"There, all done." He picked up the first egg sandwich and unwrapped the top of the wax paper that was keeping the sandwich in place, then he handed it to Chanyeol, earning him a admiring smile from the taller boy.
"Enjoy." Baekhyun smiled and took his own into his hands.
"I definitely will." Chanyeol said happily and began to eat Baekhyun's second meal for him.
"You wanna know what we're gonna do today?" said Chanyeol as he got on of the chairs beside the counter and Baekhyun did the same.
"Mmm.." Chanyeol understood for yes by the way Baekhyun nodded while chewing.
"I'm,"  Chanyeol swallowed and drank a sip of his juice."..going to help you move in properly."
"Hmm??" Baekhyun stopped chewing midway and glanced at Chanyeol, looking genuinely confused.
The younger chuckled and went on to explain more clearly.
"We're staying home today since its raining, so we'll just hang your clothes and place your items where they need to be."
"No buts, I insist. You're staying here so you have to be comfortable."
"I am comfortable though." Baekhyun mumbled, still confused.
"I want to make you extremely comfortable and I should be a better host too." Chanyeol explained and before Baekhyun opened his mouth to say anything, Chanyeol placed a finger on his lips.
"I want to do this, please?" Chanyeol didn't wait for an answer and just smiled. He was determined to make Baekhyun feel like this was his second home."Now eat, Baek."
Baekhyun didn't respond in any way other than obeying Chanyeol and eating his breakfast. He really didn't know when he was going to go back to his house so he couldn't make a final decision but Chanyeol did that for him already. Now that he was thinking of his home Baekhyun began to miss it just a bit. It's only been a few days and he was too distracted by being too happy around Chanyeol to even think about anything else. Deep down inside, Baekhyun wished that they wouldn't catch the creepy man aka his stalker, because that would mean his home would be safe. Safe for him to go back to.
But his house didn't have Chanyeol and Baekhyun disliked that. He didn't want to go anywhere without Chanyeol. After loving him from afar for so long and now finally having him near all the time, Baekhyun didn't want that to go. And now that Chanyeol has actually kissed him he was drowning deeper. Baekhyun didn't believe you could love someone more and more by each passing day, but his love for Chanyeol proved that wrong. With every thing Chanyeol does Baekhyun loves him just a bit more. Every day, every hour, every minute.
And even though it was still hard for him to believe any thing that was happening he enjoyed every moment. Treasuring it dearly, just in case it ended up being just a dream.
They finally were finishing up with the clothes, hanging Baekhyun's last few shirts in Chanyeol's closet, which had more than enough room. Baekhyun's suitcase was officially empty and as Chanyeol was putting it away in the storage room he wished that it would never be used again by Baekhyun. It'd be nice if it just stayed there, unused.
Chanyeol closed the door to the storage room and instead of going back to his bedroom, where Baekhyun was, he skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen. He was sure he had apples in the fridge so he quickly grabbed two and washed them. He had to give Baekhyun every thing he loved.
Just as he was about to walk back into his room he heard Baekhyun's voice. He was talking to someone or something but Chanyeol couldn't see him since the door was nearly closed all the way. It reminded him of last week when he caught Baekhyun yelling at himself in the bathroom. If that wasn't the cutest then Chanyeol didn't know what was.
"I'm so happy." He heard Baekhyun sigh and it made Chanyeol beyond glad that Baekhyun was indeed happy. That was his goal.
"Yeollie~  " Who is Yeollie? Chanyeol adjusted a bit to the right so he could try and see Baekhyun and figure out who he was talking to. Even though most likely he wasn't going to know since Baekhyun was most likely on his phone.
"His kisses," Chanyeol could hear a smile in Baekhyun's voice. Now he wanted to see it but first he wanted to know...
"They're so... magical." 
Chanyeol was sure his face was going to tear at any moment due to the really wide smile his lips formed. Was Baekhyun talking about his kisses? He was, since Chanyeol was the only one who has kissed him. Right?
His first kiss was with Baekhyun and he regretted nothing, he just hoped that that was Baekhyun's first kiss also. He straightened up and intentionally made a few sounds with his feet to avoid in awkwardness when he entered. Baekhyun shouldn't know that he was eavesdropping on him and whoever he was talking to.
Baekhyun was lying on the carpet with his teddy bear in his hands. He quickly sat up though when he saw Chanyeol come in with two apples in his hands.
"I brought apples, since you love them." Chanyeol plopped down on the floor beside Baekhyun and handed him a fresh apple while biting into his own. He noticed that Baekhyun's phone was no where near him and it was actually placed on the bed, untouched.
Chanyeol suddenly shifted from his sitting position to a lying position and daringly rested his head on Baekhyun's lap. He smiled up at the smaller boy and continued eating his apple. Baekhyun's cheeks were that perfect color Chanyeol loved on him. It was just mesmerizing and Chanyeol wanted to stop doing everything, even breathing, just to stare at Baekhyun.
"Baek?" He called out for him in a low voice.
"Come here."
Baekhyun's eyes widen and his mouth stopped moving. What exactly was Chanyeol asking him to do?
Chanyeol chuckled and reached his hand up to place it on Baekhyun's nape. He noticed how Baekhyun shuddered at the touch, obviously sensitive in that area. Seconds after, Baekhyun was leaning downwards (thanks to Chanyeol) and their lips were once again together engaged in another breathtaking kiss. Baekhyun was glad that he had managed to swallow the bits of the apple in his mouth before this.
Despite the sort of uncomfortable position Baekhyun was in, he enjoyed every second of the kiss. They were now smiling at each other and Chanyeol decided to just ask the question that's been ringing in his head.
"Was I your first kiss?"
It's surprising but then again Chanyeol just asks him weird questions out of no where and Baekhyun was not not going to answer.
Please please forgive me for not updating like I'm supposed too, I`M SORRY. So cause of that I'm going to update another chapter after this veryyyy soon. Thanks and please comment because all your nice comments keep me going. <3 <3 <3
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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....