It Began With A Bet
They stopped at a gas station for obvious reasons and Chanyeol still wasn’t speaking to him. Baekhyun secretly watched Chanyeol pump fuel into his car, he wanted to apologize to him but Baekhyun was afraid he’ll ignore that too. He was stuck and gosh it was horrible.
"Would you like something to drink?"
Baekhyun nearly squealed, Chanyeol really did just talk to him. He glanced at Chanyeol, who’s head was in the car, waiting for an answer. He still didn’t have his bright smile on but Baekhyun considered himself lucky to get Chanyeol to even look at him.
"No thanks," With that said, Chanyeol got in the car and they were on the road again. It was like nothing happened, Baekhyun couldn’t handle it anymore. Chanyeol ignoring him was like hell.
"I’m sorry." He blurted out as soon as they were at a red light. Chanyeol looked at him, confusion etched in his features, watching Baekhyun bite his lips in nervousness.
"For what?"
"For whatever got you ignoring me, I won’t do that again. I promise to punch the next person who tries to force me to do something, ok? Just please stop being mad at me."
He laughed. Chanyeol laughed. 
Why in the world?
"I’m serious!" Baekhyun frowned as he looked down at his feet.
"I’m not mad at you." Chanyeol assured him, well at least tried to.
"You are."
Chanyeol sighed as he leaned in closer to Baekhyun, he held Baekhyun’s chin and turned his head to look at him. Gosh, Baekhyun loved when Chanyeol did that.
"I’m not mad at you, I was just upset that you belittle yourself too much," Chanyeol nearly whispered."You’re too precious of a person to be treated that way and you shouldn’t allow anyone to do that."
His face was burning, Baekhyun was sure of it.”Okay, I won’t.”
“I’m still a bit upset,” Baekhyun’s expression fell.”You can make it go away though.”
"Kiss it away." Chanyeol breathed out and Baekhyun swallowed. He didn’t move, so Chanyeol only waited. But not for long because the light was on green again. Chanyeol looked sad alright. Baekhyun stole glances at Chanyeol as the other was driving again and not talking to him, again.
Oh whatever, forget everything, Baekhyun needed to do this. As soon as the next red light came, Baekhyun tugged at Chanyeol’s sleeve until he was facing him. He leaned in and kissed Chanyeol. A quick peck on his lips, sending tingles up both their spines.
Baekhyun remained centimeters away from Chanyeol’s face,”Are you okay now?”
"No, I need more to feel better." the younger boy grinned at him.
Baekhyun blushed but did it anyways, another sweet kiss on awaiting lips. Chanyeol didn’t let him pull away though, he cupped Baekhyun’s cheek with one hand and proceeded to kiss him deeper. Their lips met over and over again, it was blissful to both of them every time they touched.
"You’re so cute." Chanyeol whispered on Baekhyun’s lips and Baekhyun blushed even more, Chanyeol was driving his heart wild.
Their moment was ruined as the car behind them beeped, they both looked up and saw that the light had turned green. Chanyeol chuckled and gave Baekhyun one last peck on the corner of his lips then went back to driving.
It was the next morning and Baekhyun was making the bed as he waited for Chanyeol to get out the shower. It was a pretty big bed so he was having trouble with it. Usually the sheets wouldn’t be all over the place but because of the sudden hot weather last night they both were kicking the uncomfortable fabric off themselves. But no matter how hot it was Chanyeol still had Baekhyun in his embrace even though that could bring more heat due to their own body heat.
Baekhyun was still in his pajamas, they had wore another pair of the “couple pajamas” last night. He could clearly see the excitement and happiness on Chanyeol’s face every time they were matching. Baekhyun didn’t know why it made him so joyful but he was okay with it if it was going to make Chanyeol feel that way.
"Oh, you’re awake!" Chanyeol exclaimed from the bathroom entrance. He was already dressed in clean clothes but his hair was still wet as he was drying it with a towel.
"Good morning." Baekhyun said as he was still struggling with the sheets. He’d get one sid then try to fix the other but by the time he got there the first side was already messing up, it frustrated him so much.
Chanyeol chuckled and went up to him. Gosh, he looked so adorable in those blue and white polka dotted pajamas and with his bed hair and his struggling with fixing the bed. Chanyeol felt like he was going to combust with all the cuteness. He got to Baekhyun but before he could capture him from behind, Baekhyun had moved forward trying to complete his job. Chanyeol knew Baekhyun was oblivious to him, all his attention obviously on making the bed.
All Chanyeol could reach was Baekhyun’s ankle so he got a hold of it and Baekhyun yelped in surprise when Chanyeol pulled him gently towards himself.
"No!" Baekhyun pouted and whined but Chanyeol only laughed and pulled him closer."I was just about to finish that side."
Baekhyun turned his body around so he was lying on his back rather than flat on his stomach. Chanyeol wanted nothing more than to kiss the daylights out of the boy. He had on a face that resembled a puppy and it was driving Chanyeol’s heart crazy with adoration.
"Can I have my morning kiss?" He asked and he could tell Baekhyun was having a hard time hiding his smile.
"I was almost done though." Baekhyun complained which only seemed to make Chanyeol laugh more.
"Come on, morning kiss first then we’ll both fix it." He said with a coy smile tugging at his lips.
Baekhyun gazed up at the younger, trying to pull off a mad expression but the blush was ruining everything. Chanyeol only stared back until Baekhyun gave in and smiled shyly. “Fine.”
With that he pulled his body up from the mattress and Chanyeol hugged him by his waist. Chanyeol kissed him slowly with a smile still on his lips. God, he can kiss Baekhyun all day and night if he’d only let him.
"Good morning." Chanyeol finally replied to his morning greetings. He tightened his grip on Baekhyun’s waist and pulled him closer.
"Why does the sun even need to come up when I have you?" Baekhyun’s eyes widened for a moment then he laughed at Chanyeol.
"You’re so cheesy." He commented despite his blushing cheeks because of the cheesiness itself.
"Only for you." Chanyeol smiled and pecked his lips again.
"Time to fix the sheets."
"No," Chanyeol frowned."A few more kisses."
"No, we have to make the bed first." Baekhyun insisted and Chanyeol just frowned even more when Baekhyun pulled away. Oh well.
Chanyeol tugged at the sheets to help Baekhyun and suddenly a smile creeped up his lips, “Let’s have a pillow fight.” he said, using that coy tone of his that made Baekhyun’s ears go red.
"What?" Baekhyun’s only response.
"Pillow fight. Do you not know what a pillow fight is?" Chanyeol raised an eyebrow.
"Of course I do!" Baekhyun looked at him, completely confused.
"No, you don’t.
"I do."
"I do know."
"Show me then." Chanyeol smirked.
"See, you don’t know." Mere seconds and a pillow was thrown at him. Yes, exactly what he wanted.
"So you do know, bring it on." Chanyeol laughed, grabbing a pillow and aiming at Baekhyun’s torso. Of course he wasn’t going to throw hard, he just couldn’t. But Baekhyun on the other hand was putting his everything into attacking Chanyeol, he wasn’t even looking at him properly. Just swinging the fluffy pillow towards the other and trying to avoid Chanyeol’s at the same time.
Laughter filled the air as they attacked each other over and over again. Chanyeol climbed onto the bed causing Baekhyun to jump up to his feet, getting ready to run if he needed to. Chanyeol stood on his feet too, hovering over Baekhyun.
"Now that’s unfair," Baekhyun breathed out."You’re much bigger than me, you should sit down."
"Afraid I’ll win?" Chanyeol laughed.
"You’ll win cause you’re a giant, now sit." Baekhyun pointed at the bed, just having Chanyeol stand beside him made him feel weak, he was really tall after all. Chanyeol could just push him down that easily and there you have it, Chanyeol being the winner.
"I’ll go easy on you." Baekhyun smiled slyly at those words and he quickly, before Chanyeol could react, pressed the pillow on Chanyeol’s chest and pushed him down until they both fell on the mattress. Baekhyun was lying on top of Chanyeol with the fluffy pillow in between them. He looked down at the younger in triumph," I’m still a strong man, you know."
"You are." Chanyeol agreed as he stared at Baekhyun’s flawless face and his radiant smile that seriously had Chanyeol wondering why they needed the sun after all.
The bed was a bigger mess than before but Baekhyun didn’t even seem to care as Chanyeol’s arms wrapped themselves around his waist .”Such a strong wifey I have.”
"I said I’m a man."
"You’re my wifey remember."
"I’m a man, Park Chanyeol."
"Say that again." Chanyeol said.
Baekhyun looked at him for a second.”I’m a man, Park Chanyeol.”
"My name sounds so perfect." Chanyeol said dreamily, making Baekhyun blush.
"Come here." Baekhyun complied and leaned down until their foreheads met.
"What?" he whispered.
"Say it one more time."
"Park Chanyeol."
Chanyeol couldn’t resist, watching Baekhyun’s lips moving with every letter of his name made his mind go numb and all he needed was to kiss them.
"Cheater." Baekhyun whispered when they pulled away."We’re supposed to make the bed."
“Ok, fine.”
Chanyeol was sweating nonstop and he wanted nothing more than to splash a bucket of cold water over his heated body. He checked the temperature and he wasn’t surprised to find it in the eighties. Baekhyun looked at him from the other side of the couch.
"You should take a cold shower." He suggested, Chanyeol was obviously struggling in the heat. Chanyeol jutted his lips out a bit and Baekhyun would be straight up lying if he said he didn’t want to run up to Chanyeol and kiss him. Of course he didn’t have all that courage unlike Chanyeol, who just kisses him out of the blue every little bit which makes Baekhyun melt and melt and melt endlessly.
"Ah!" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who had a expression on that said he had an idea in mind."We should go swimming."
Baekhyun eyes opened wide, for a moment Chanyeol gazed at him as if wondering what the heck did he say wrong but then he laughed.”Pools still exist Baekhyun and I’m pretty sure they don’t have fish in there.”
Baekhyun blushed. “Oh, right.”
Wait. If they went that would mean they’d be with other people and….and are they going to be half-? Is Chanyeol going to be half-? Does Baekhyun have to be half- too? Oh gosh, Baekhyun didn’t want to go.
They went anyway. He wasn’t able to tell Chanyeol that he didn’t like the idea. What was he supposed to say? I don’t want to go because you’ll be half and wet and I’ll just die from a severe nosebleed? He’ll rather bury himself alive than say that to Chanyeol.
The pool they went to was at a gym, where they could get a private one. Chanyeol and his friends would go there often but now they were too busy with their own dates, but Chanyeol didn’t mind because he’s got his. 
Baekhyun remained in his shorts that were just below his knees and a light t-shirt while Chanyeol changed into swimming trunks above his knees and for goodness sakes a freaking wife beater. Baekhyun was dying inside and he hadn’t said much since they were in the car. He couldn’t even look at Chanyeol for long, knowing that he looked that hot and amazing. Baekhyun sat down at the edge of the pool and only stuck his feet in, splashing the water a bit.
Baekhyun wasn’t expecting Chanyeol to just jump in the pool, which caused water to come at him. Chanyeol jerked up from under the cold water, smiling widely to Baekhyun.
"Come on!" He called out cheerfully. "The water’s really nice!"
Baekhyun smiled back at him and before he could get down, Chanyeol was in front of him, reaching his hands out to him. He grabbed onto Chanyeol’s big hands and let the younger boy pull him into the pool.
They swam for a good fifteen minutes, racing from one side to the other and each time Chanyeol would win. Baekhyun blamed his height, yes it’s his height’s fault or he’d win. Definitely unfair.
"For the the fourth time, Park Chanyeol is the winner!" Chanyeol cheered himself when he touched the "finish line".
Baekhyun was smiling at him when he got to Chanyeol, finally.” And for the fourth time Byun Baekhyun is the loser! Yay.”
Chanyeol chuckled.” Let’s do it one more time.”
"And you’ll let me win?" Baekhyun asked.
“One, two-“
"Hey wait! I’m not ready!" Baekhyun protested as he swam forward to be ahead of Chanyeol. It was only fair since Chanyeol had the advantage of long limbs. " Ok, now."
Chanyeol laughed and continued.” Three! Go!”
As expected, Baekhyun won. He was like a foot ahead of Chanyeol to begin with and maybe Chanyeol went slower for him to win. He’d do it again and again to see that smile on Baekhyun’s beautiful face.
"Byun Baekhyun is the winner for our fifth round!" Chanyeol cheered for him, grabbing both his hands and throwing them in the air. Baekhyun laughed and Chanyeol’s heart was going to stop soon. It was so great and just so beautiful. So so beautiful.
"And his prize is a kiss." Chanyeol added on, watching as Baekhyun’s eyes went a little wide. He stared down at Baekhyun, Chanyeol was having a hard time controlling himself. Baekhyun’s wet hair just did things to him. Baekhyun’s everything did unusual things to him.
He leaned down and connecting their lips, just as he intertwined their fingers together. Chanyeol couldn’t ask for more than this in his life. He was sure, he needed nothing else in this moment. They kissed sweetly, and slowly for a few minutes.
Chanyeol pulled away and gazed at the beauty looking back at him.
What the hell was Kai’s voice doing in his head at this time?
¨It’s just love.¨
It wasn’t, Chanyeol said to himself. He just really really liked Baekhyun. Kai was wrong. He only liked Baekhyun and his presence. But he loved his smile, and his fingers, and his lips, and his eyes, his voice, his laugh and really, everything. Baekhyun was still looking at him, his lips slightly red from the kissing and his cheeks, oh gosh the blush.
He’s in love.
He admits it.
He loves Baekhyun.
In matter of seconds, he’s got Baekhyun’s lips embraced with his again. Their heads tilted slightly to get more comfortable. Chanyeol brought their hands down to their sides and moved a bit closer to Baekhyun.
Baekhyun’s heart was rocketing when Chanyeol’s tongue swiped so very careful at his bottom lip. He didn’t know what to do, he was just so-
"Mmmn~" He didn’t mean to make that sound. Really. But Chanyeol- His tongue was in Baekhyun’s mouth, Baekhyun couldn’t think straight as Chanyeol the rooftop of his mouth. Chanyeol only wanted more when he heard Baekhyun make such a beautiful sound, his mind was slipping away from him. It was music to his ears, and Chanyeol was going to do anything to hear it again.
One of his hands released from Baekhyun’s and he moved it to the smaller boy’s waist, holding him softly. His other hand reached up to Baekhyun’s wet hair, removing the bangs from his eyes, then Chanyeol cupped his face in one hand, kissing him deeper. It was pure bliss.
"Woooooo~" Both boys pulled away when they heard a whistle from the entrance. Chanyeol was going to kill whoever that was. They looked over to the source of the sound and found Sehun and Luhan watching them with amused expressions. The two had towels and drinks with them, and Chanyeol was planning to drown them both with everything they have ever loved, and they do love, and will ever love. Baekhyun was planning to drown himself, because of the darn embarrasment.
"Already there?" Luhan asked, moving forward to his seat with a big huge, humongous teasing smile on his face.
"The are you doing here?" Chanyeol glared at him.
"We came here to swim, of course." Luhan kept that annoying smile on."What do people come do at the pool? Make out? "
"We can come if we want Park Dumbyeol." Sehun spat out, placing his things down too. They both sat at their seats and grabbed their drinks, watching Chanyeol and an extremely embarrassed Baekhyun.
"Go on. We were enjoying the show." Luhan said.
"Should we call Kyungsoo and Kai too?" He added.
"Weren’t you out of town, es?" Chanyeol gaped at them, seriously, did they have to cut into his and Baekhyun’s very special moment. They were such turn offs.
"We were going to come over, but you weren’t at home so we figured we should go swimming since its hot, and look at what we found! Such a pleasant surprise. Isn’t it Sehunnie?"
"Why’d they let you in?" Chanyeol asked and Luhan only shrugged.
"They know we always come together so yeah~"
Chanyeol pulled away from Baekhyun then swam up to his friends with a totally fake smile on.”Come here you two, let us play a game called Chanyeol’s so gonna drown these s.”
"I’m scared." Sehun said lifelessly as he sipped from his drink.
“Good. Be scared.” Chanyeol threatened but before he could grab Luhan’s ankle, the older boy was up and grabbing some balls and other toys.
"Ok! Let’s play!" He yelled, staying away from Chanyeol.
They played. Chanyeol was a bit calmed down but he’d still drown those two any minute. That’s if he wasn’t so distracted by Baekhyun and his beautiful laughter. Thirty minutes playing in the water together, and Chanyeol totally felt himself falling for Baekhyun deeper and deeper.
They all decided to get out for a little rest and drink. Chanyeol had went to get him and Baekhyun drinks since they didn’t have any. Baekhyun stayed at the edge again and kept his feet in the water, enjoying the cold liquid running through his toes. Luhan came and sat beside him, after he grabbed his own drink.
"So, how have you been doing Baekhyun?" He asked.
"Okay." Baekhyun smiled at Luhan and Luhan gave him a sly look.
"Of course, being with Chanyeol will make you okay."
"Making out with him in the pool will definitely make him okay." Sehun snickered from beside Luhan.
Baekhyun’s face went completely scarlet as he remained silent, hoping Chanyeol would come in anytime soon to save him from their dirty minds.
Luhan laughed, glancing at Baekhyun.”Is he a good kisser?”
"Huh?" Baekhyun couldn’t answer that. Of course Chanyeol was an amazing kisser, it was as if it was his profession, ok? But he couldn’t say that to Luhan, to anyone really. Oh, except his teddy bear.
"Does he turn you on well?" Luhan asked so straight forwardly, never in a thousand years did Baekhyun imagine someone asking him these kind of questions.
All he wanted now was for the floor to open up and swallow him whole. This was so embarrassing, he just-
"So?" Luhan raised his eyebrows, smile still on his lips.
"Luhan hyung." That deep voice came from right behind them, all three boys turned to look at Chanyeol."Let me hold your drink for you." Chanyeol said kindly.
"What?" Luhan eyed him but didn’t protest when Chanyeol took his drink and placed it on the table.
Oh and hell no, he wasn’t expecting Chanyeol to freaking push him back into the pool.
Baekhyun gasped as Sehun stared in the water in shock and anger.”Oh no you didn’t.”
Oh Sehun, I did.”
Sehun jumped up to his feet as quick as lightning. He was just about to kick Chanyeol into the pool for revenge but he changed his mind last second and pushed Baekhyun instead.
Now that’s what’s called revenge.
Chanyeol was anything but happy with this brat.” you, you brat.”
"Hey! I’m not a-" Sehun was already in the water before he could finish his sentence. Chanyeol smiled in triumph but then remembered Baekhyun. The smaller boy was already up from beneath the water, shaking his head and wiping his eyes to be able to open them. Luhan was out too, looking for Sehun. Chanyeol jumped in and swam up to Baekhyun, helping him remove the water from his face.
"Are you okay?" He whispered to Baekhyun and Baekhyun only nodded, grinning at Chanyeol.
Sehun was out and swimming to Chanyeol, he was so not done with his revenge.
"Calm down, Thehunnie." Chanyeol mocked as Sehun was already trying to push Chanyeol down.
"You pushed me in and you pushed my baby too!" Sehun screamed as he tried and tried to get Chanyeol down.
"Well you pushed my baby!" Chanyeol defended himself as he laughed at Sehun’s failing attempts.
"You pushed my baby first!"
"I pushed your baby, Baekhyun didn’t push your baby. So you’re supposed to push me you !"
"I do what I want!" Luhan and Baekhyun stared at the younger two in amusement as they were fighting all around the pool.
"Ok then, I do what I want too!" Chanyeol made a silly face at his dongsaeng as he missed him again, hitting the water instead of Chanyeol.
"Except touch my baby!"
"Well you touched mine!"
Luhan face palmed.”And they’re calling us babies.”
Baekhyun laughed lightly.”They’re cute though.” he said, gazing at Chanyeol’s bright smile from a distance as the tall boy kept getting away from his pissed off attacker.
"Yeah." Luhan scooted closer to Baekhyun."So, you never answered my questions."
"Which questions?" Baekhyun knew exactly which questions Luhan was referring to.
"Lu ing Han!" Chanyeol yelled from the other end of the pool where eventually he was getting tired of Sehun and he also spotted Luhan whispering ‘things’ to Baekhyun again."Get your brat away from me and stay away from Baek or I’ll kick you back to China!"
Sorry for all the fluff lol
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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....