It Began With A Bet


Chanyeol gave Luhan a look. “I’m not that bad.”

“Uh-huh . . . sure you’re not. Whatever.” Luhan raised his eyebrows.”Hurry guys we only have fifteen more minutes to eat. Eat up, Sehunnie.”

“Oh look mommy is feeding her baby~” Kai out of no where began to tease Sehun. He figured he should get over his anger at losing and he knew just the way. Teasing Sehun and making him mad. Oh yes.

“Whatever, that doesn’t make me mad stupid. Except he is not my mother, he is my lovely boyfriend. And besides, at least my boyfriend takes care of me. Unlike others.” Sehun smirked and continued to eat from Luhan’s fingers.

“Whatever to you! My baby Soo feeds me all the time. Right baby?” Kai turned to Kyungsoo who only smiled at him sweetly. Not really, it was feigned.

“I’m kinda still mad at you right now, so I reccomend you leave me alone for a bit. And if you really do want me to feed you, I can give you another bun.”

“No! No, I don’t want any food. I’m full already anyway!” Kai raised his hands in front of him. He did NOT want another bun from Kyungsoo. At least not like earlier's. No, that ing hurt his mouth and jaw.


Baekhyun smiled awkwardly at the scene then went back to his food. Chanyeol chuckled as he leaned in to whisper near Baekhyun’s ear in a low deep voice.

“Are you uncomfortable? We could go somewhere else.”

“N-no I’m fine, it’s okay.” Baekhyun blushed at that deep husky voice ringing in his ear. For goodness sake, he was nearly losing his mind, Chanyeol did not have to brush his soft lips against his ear. Baekhyun gripped his fork tighter and stuffed food in his mouth quicker. He had to leave soon or he was going to melt right then and there.

“Alrighty then,” Chanyeol smirked lightly as he caught Kai raising an eyebrow at him.



Park Chanyeol.

All that went through Baekhyun’s mind was Park Chanyeol. Chanyeol’s voice. Chanyeol’s hair. Chanyeol’s smile. Chanyeol’s eyes. Chanyeol’s hands. Chanyeol, Chanyeol and even more Chanyeol.
He couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the school day. He was so very thankful that this class was the last for today. All he wanted to do was go home, lie on his bed and rest his head and definitely his heart. Baekhyun thought he would just pass out if he saw Chanyeol again today. Of course he wanted to see him, he wanted to see him every second of the day. But he knew his heart wouldn’t be able to handle it.

After what seemed like forever the bell rang, signaling that school was over for the day. Baekhyun wished that it was a Friday instead of a Monday, because he now had four days to see Chanyeol at school, till the weekend. It was sorta of a good thing that they didn’t have the same classes unlike Luhan and Kyungsoo, they had almost all the same classes as Baekhyun’s. He gathered all his things and waited patiently for all the students to leave, he liked getting out last. Once the last student went out the door, he got up, bid goodbye to the teacher and walked out the door.

“Finally! You’re out!” Baekhyun jumped and looked to his right, where the voice that startled him had came from. There was Chanyeol standing with a big smile plastered on his face.

“What took you so long? I was waiting for you.”

“Oh . .  .you were?”


“Sorry, I like getting out last.”Baekhyun answered calmly, as calmly as he can.

Just as "calm" was working with him Chanyeol held out his hand towards him. Baekhyun only gazed at it in surprise and confusion.

“You’re supposed to hold my hand, Baekhyun.”


The way his name escaped out Chanyeol’s lips, it sounded so perfect. Baekhyun blushed but still didn’t hold the hand waiting for him. He was far too shy to do that.

Chanyeol sighed and grabbed Baekhyun’s hand gently, causing the shorter’s heartbeat to increase dramatically. Chanyeol couldn’t help but notice that Baekhyun’s hands were soft, so soft that he didn’t want to ever let go. He glanced down at their hands, Chanyeol almost let out a wow at the appearance of Baekhyun’s hands. They were beautiful, from the small soft palms and all the way around to the well trimmed fingernails. His fingers were long and slim and they were the type Chanyeol would want to and maybe even kiss.



I did not just think that, Chanyeol panicked in his head. He pushed that thought aside and decided to ignore it.

“Come on, lets go.” he began to walk, but only after he pulled his hand away from Baekhyun’s enticing small one. Baekhyun started to feel a bit self-conscious because of what the younger boy did. He couldn’t help but question his own hands, were they dirty? Were they tough? Rough? Too soft? Too long? Too small? Too big? Ugh! What was it?

Baekhyun bit his lower lip and went after Chanyeol, standing just a few feet behind. That’s when Chanyeol abruptly stopped in his tracks and Baekhyun kept on walking until he bumped into Chanyeol’s back. He quickly shuffled away as Chanyeol turned around.

“Where’s your locker?”

“Umm...just around t-the corner.”

They continued to walk till they got to Baekhyun’s locker as he led the way when they were near it. He took what he needed and left what he didn’t need. After he locked it up again, Chanyeol didn’t even think twice, he took Baekhyun’s hand in his again. He didn’t care, he wanted, so badly, to feel that undeniable softness again. It was like tasting delicious food and craving for more and more.
Except Chanyeol wouldn’t really eat Baekhyun’s fingers, he could maybe try to see how they taste. Maybe as good as they look?

Chanyeol shook his head vigorously to stop with all the foreign things he was thinking about. He looked down and saw Baekhyun look back at him oddly.

“I’ll go home now.”

Oh great, now he must think I’m a freak.

Before Baekhyun could even start walking, Chanyeol flashed a big smile at him and spoke up.”Give me your backpack.”

“Hmm? Why?” Baekhyun raised his eyebrows.

“Give it.” Chanyeol held out his free hand.”Come on.”

“But I’m going home, and I obviously need my backpack.”

Chanyeol sighed then walked behind Baekhyun to take off the backpack himself. He hung it on his shoulder and took Baekhyun’s hand again to lead him to his car. Baekhyun only followed 
silently, with blushing cheeks.

“You don’t even know where I live.” he blurted out.

Chanyeol shrugged then smiled.”You’ll just have to lead me then.”

After a few seconds they reached Chanyeol’s car. It was a silver lexus, one of the types Baekhyun likes the most. Baekhyun was amazed at how awesome it looked from up close. He’d only seen them on t.v. and he liked them obviously, but he surprisingly never knew Chanyeol had one.

“Get in..” Chanyeol opened the door for Baekhyun.

Baekhyun froze.

Wait, I shouldn’t get in, I shouldn’t trust people that fast even if it is Chanyeol, he ranted in his head.

It may seem weird but his mother taught him of stranger-danger scrictly. Although Chanyeol wasn’t entirely a stranger but still. 
Oh well . . here it goes.

“But I walk home, I can’t get in . . . sorry.” Baekhyun spoke up, his voice slightly quavered in the process.

“Aww come on, my baby won’t eat you and I won’t neither.” Chanyeol replied, he was truthfully confused. Baekhyun confused him.”I’m now your boyfriend and I should protect my Baekhyun. Come on.”

Baekhyun’s heart was at it again (as if it wasn’t already) and in a split second he agreed. So this is what they call “stupidly in love.”
His mom would be angry at him if she knew he was in someone else’s car. Someone he barely knew but loved tenderly, without showing it much.

Once he got in the car Chanyeol closed Baekhyun’s door then went to his seat. He glanced at Baekhyun and noticed that he didn’t put on the seatbelt. With a smile he leaned in closer to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun began to panic, he should’ve known this was a bad idea. He was not supposed to get in this car, he closed his eyes and held his breath, he didn’t even know why he did that. 

A click was heard in the quiet car and Baekhyun opened his eyes, feeling someone hover over him. Chanyeol was just backing away after he put the seatbelt on Baekhyun and he had thought that the younger was going to do otherwise. Baekhyun blushed at his own thoughts, looked around the car, trying to distract himself from whatever ran through his mind. Chanyeol took another glance at the other, first thing he realized was that he was blushing, the bright red painted on his cheeks made Chanyeol feel weird. He actually liked it, it made Baekhyun look even more beautiful than he already was.

For the second time today Chanyeol shook his head like a madman, his hand reached out in front and started the engine.

Chanyeol drove carefully out the school’s parking lot.”So, where’s your home?”

Baekhyun was busy observing something he really doesn’t see everyday but he answered anyway, without looking at Chanyeol.”It’s the blue one, around the corner.” It was very close to the school and that’s why he walks instead of riding such a luxurious vehicle or a vehicle at all.

Chanyeol chuckled, he found that interesting.”You have a thing for corners, don’t you?”

Baekhyun ended his adventure with the car there and sat up straight.”No. . . . they just come to me.”

“I know, I was just joking.” Chanyeol took a look at his surroundings until he found what he wanted. The blue house. It wasn’t big like his, it was small and sophisticated but he had to admit, it was cute. The yard was very clean and even had a few flowers decorating it here and there. His eye caught a glimpse of the house beside the blue one, that one wasn’t cute, in fact, it was the opposite. Chanyeol knew one thing, whoever owned it, really needed to take care of it, big time.”Well, we’re here. Right?”

“Yes. It’s the only blue house in the whole neighborhood.”

“I can see that. The house beside yours looks like it’ll fall anytime though, what kind of neighbor is that?” Chanyeol asked causally but he couldn’t help but notice that Baekhyun almost seemed scared when he answered.

“I-I don’t know ….” His voice quavered. Baekhyun reached out to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. What the . . . stupid rich cars, he thought with slight annoyance.

Chanyeol chuckled at the sight, Baekhyun could really pass as cute. Really cute. Really really cute. The ‘really’ s only increased in his mind by each passing second as he watched Baekhyun struggle with the door. He chuckled and pressed a button on his door, eyes not leaving the other. 

And when Baekhyun’s door open automatically, he nearly had a heart attack, jumping back and gasping out a loud “Woah~” After a few seconds he calmed down and whispered to himself, but Chanyeol heard him anyway, he wasn’t the best whisperer ever and he would randomly blurt words out, so there.

“That was cool.” Baekhyun grinned, he really liked the car but what made him nearly lose his mind was the fact he was with Chanyeol. And alone. Which reminded him that he should probably get out.

“Bye. Thanks for the ride.” he hurriedly murmured and jumped out the car.

Chanyeol smiled. Now it was confirmed. From the struggling with the door, screaming in surprise, murmuring, jumping out the car and finally that smile. It was ing cute, all of it. Cuter than Kai ever thought Kyungsoo was.
Oh if Kai only knew, he’d throw Chanyeol down the Niagara Falls for even thinking about thinking that way.

Just as Baekhyun began to step away, Chanyeol yelled out to him from the car.”Not going to invite me in?”

Baekhyun widened his eyes. What? He wanted to come in? But . . . things might happen.

“Uhhh . . . maybe next time,” he wanted to escape as soon as possible before his heart burst right out from his chest and in front of Chanyeol. He was not going to invite Chanyeol in, no.

“Alright then, aren’t you going to give me your phone number . . . boyfriend?” he smirked.

Baekhyun gulped, he actually wanted his phone number. Oh gosh. He stepped closer to the door as he saw Chanyeol unbuckle his seatbelt, leaning closer to the passenger door, so they would exchange numbers through the open window.

Baekhyun handed the younger his phone without a word, letting Chanyeol do all the exchanging process. Chanyeol was done in less than a minute, he smiled and returned Baekhyun’s phone to him, but still didn’t go back to his seat. He only stared at Baekhyun with the same smile plastered on his face.

“How about a goodbye kiss now?” Chanyeol muttered softly.

Oh no, he definitely needed to leave now. His heart beat could almost be heard from ten feet away, or at least he thought so.

“Uhh . . . maybe next time also,” He quickly turned his back to Chanyeol and walked off. His steps stopped after only a few seconds though then he turned around just to smile sweetly at Chanyeol and Chanyeol heard himself gulp and his lips nearly went dry as he gazed at Baekhyun’s smile.

Chanyeol’s mouth gaped open, his eyes never left Baekhyun’s back. What just happened to him? 

He could’ve swore his breath was gone the moment Baekhyun smiled that way.

He watched Baekhyun until the boy closed the door to his house and was no longer in sight.

Chanyeol laughed lightly to himself.
When was the last time was he happy this way? His breath was stuck in his throat, that last smile, it was cute, it was a lot of things Chanyeol couldn’t explain.
Chanyeol, now with a beatific grin on his face, backed up to his seat and took a second to breathe before driving off with one last glance at Baekhyun’s house.



I have nothing to say really. I hoped you liked it. Oh and the Baekyeol will be moreee and I must warn you, there`s an overload of fluff.

See you next week! :))


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guys im done with the last chapter but too afraid to post it cause it might ;(


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My_Baek_ #1
Start: April 15, 2024 11:44 a.m.
Listening To: 24H By Seventeen
In: Earth , Space and Science Class about to go to lunch in 1 minute
Reading It: In my school computer
Crying: Because my man Taeyong enlisted today 😭
akipop #2
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 1: Rereading and enjoying the Kai/baby Soo vibe!!
Chapter 34: Hello. I've been around since I was a teenager, so the first time I read your story, I was young and a hardcore exo-l as well. But now that I'm a grown woman, I can now tell that Chanyeol had his bouts of red flags here. Realistically speaking, the flow of their story is impossible, yet my adult is still screaming from all the fluff. Nostalgia hits hard when you re-read what you used to obsess with. And I'm happy with my decision to re-visit this along with the other stories I've loved when I was younger. Have a blessed life!
SolJiwan #5
Chapter 29: Okey.. But why none of them go and slap the stella ? Idc if she's women or what she deserve to be hit
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 34: Found this on a recommendation list and so glad I read it - nicely done author-nim ✌️
Chapter 25: Awwww chanbaek is falling appart :(
Chapter 17: Awww my babys!
Chapter 17: I have a strange feeling like Chanyeol really knows nothing about Baekhyun....