A Cup of Love with a Pinch of Secrecy, Please! (2/2)

Baby Sehun!

“Umma, I think he’s waking up!”


“Okay, okay. Kris are you ready?”


“Uh… Yes.”


“Play it, Minseok!”


“Papa, don’t step of my foot…”


“Ah! Sorry, kiddo!”


“Umma! It’s dying!”


“Oh my God no!”


“Calm down, Baek. I’ll handle this.”


Chanyeol rubbed his eyes. What’s with all the noise? And why is the room suddenly so dark? Wait, are those fireflies on the wall? Impossible, aren’t the kids scared of bugs? Oh no, they’re gonna –is that –what was that song’s title again? Ugh, it’s on the tip of my tongue…


“Happy birthday, Chanyeol!”


The just-awoken man sat up to see his wife, children and closest friends as well as their kids, huge grins plastered on their faces (except Kris who had to hold on to the ‘fireflies’ which turned out to be lights normally used to decorate Christmas trees). Baekhyun then stepped forward with a giant cheesecake on his hands.


“Happy birthday, dear Chanyeollie~ Happy birthday to you!” He sang the last lines to the song beautifully that Chanyeol was starstuck.


It’s my birthday?


“W –What?”


“Oh don’t tell me. The idiot forgot, Baek.” Zitao posed, face slightly not amused before he started laughing. “Just kidding.”


“Happy birthday, daddy!” Jongin and Jongdae jumped onto Chanyeol and the man fell back onto the sofa, laughing as his twins planted kisses on his cheeks.


“Thank you, boys.” He breathed, ruffling their soft locks.


“Blow it!” Jongin requested while pointing at the cake and Chanyeol sat back up. He closed his eyes to make a wish and blew the candles. Everyone cheered.


Joonmyun scooted over and handed his father a knife, saying ‘Happy birthday’ while doing so. Chanyeol grinned and hugged him.


Fifteen minutes later, everyone was enjoying a slice of Chanyeol’s birthday cheesecake—even Sehun who is being fed by Luhan. Yixing sat next to Jongdae and fed him (they’re getting closer and closer and this makes Joonmyun sad but happy at the same time because his baby brother finally had a friend other than Jongin) while Kyungsoo is busy wiping Jongin’s cake-covered chin.


Chanyeol was being fed by Baekhyun when Joonmyun approached them with his hands on his back.


“Um, appa?”


Turning around, Chanyeol smiled. “Yes?”




It didn’t even take five seconds for Joonmyun to drop the box on the floor and run away to his Chinese best friend. Chanyeol scratched his head.


“What did he say?”


“He said; ‘Happy birthday, I hope you like it. I chose it personally. Bye.” Laughing, Baekhyun picked up the red box on the carpet. “Well that’s sweet of him, isn’t it? Why don’t you open it?”


Grinning like a buffoon, Chanyeol started to undo the bow on the box. He was so happy that his son even went so far as to get him a present by himself. I wonder what it is? Is it a—


“Oh my God.”


The words left his mouth and Baekhyun peeked inside to see a—


“What on earth!?”


Inside was a frilly, cute and super short pink dress with a white undershirt. Chanyeol dug the box a little and found a card clearly written by his eldest son which read:


Dear Appa,


Happy birthday! I saw you looking at this dress and you were smiling and drooling so I got it for you! Although I don’t know what you’ll use it for


I love you!


Your son, Joonmyunnie


For the next five minutes, Chanyeol tried his best to stop Baekhyun from laughing. Zitao and Kris who were busy talking to Minseok turned their attentions to the couple, a confused expression written all over their faces.


“What’s going on?”


“N –Nothing!” Chanyeol voiced out, covering Baekhyun’s mouth. “Baekkie, stop laughing!”


“I’m sorry, sweethea—pffft!”


Giving up, Chanyeol closed the box from Joonmyun and placed it with the other presents he received. Baekhyun had gifted him a Cartier watch with a beautiful golden lining. Zitao and Kris gave him a pair of Gucci shoes (courtesy of Zitao) whereas Minseok and Yixing gave him a new Louis Vuitton wallet (Chanyeol’s old wallet had holes and them but he refused to buy a new one because he claimed that they were still ‘decent’). A surprise for him was the fact that Jongin and Jongdae made a giant card for him in the form of a canvas and painted a giraffe on the center. It was a little messy, but he was so touched that his sons put so much effort in making it.


“Okay, okay, I’m done laughing.” Baekhyun said, taking a few deep breaths. “But why, exactly, were you staring at that dress?”




Think of a lie, Park Chanyeol! You can’t let Baekhyun know!


Before he knew it, Chanyeol’s lips had a mind of its own and started making words come out of his mouth.


“I saw it and thought it’ll look good on you and then I’d call you noona and you’d sit on my lap and we’d cuddle and do naughty things and make lo—damn it!”


So much for lying, you idiot.


The elder’s cheeks flushed red but instead of laughing he kissed his husband’s now-pouting cheeks. “You’re so cute. I love you~”



“Aigooo~ Sehunnie, do you want some more cake?” Luhan playfully asked. He had helped Sehun finish his cake and was about to eat his own when the toddler reached out and took a handful and shoved it in his mouth. Using a tissue, the older of the two cleaned the tiny hands and started to feed him with his fork.


“Goo~” Sehun muttered, savoring the sweet flavor of the cheesecake. He clapped his hands vigorously and in his language it means that he’s happy.


Next to Sehun and Luhan, Jongdae had just finished his cake and he let Yixing enjoy his. He was secretly happy that the other offered to feed him. Jongdae had to admit, he has little fascination over his brother’s friend.


“Hyung is so pretty.”


Yixing stopped devouring his cake and turned his pretty face around. “What is it, Jongdae?”


“Hyung, you’re so pretty~”


“Really?” He asked and Jongdae nodded. Smiling, Yixing patted his head. “Thank you! Here, have some more cake!”


A while later, Joonmyun joined them and offered Yixing to let him feed him. Yixing was about to refuse (with a shade of pink on his cheeks –he so wants to be fed but is just too shy) but Jongdae told him to say yes (“You fed me cake, now let Joonmyunnie hyung feed you!”). In the end, Joonmyun fed his best friend the sweet treat and Jongdae –that sneaky little punk—took Baekhyun’s cell phone to take pictures.


“Mommy! Daddy! Look! Hyung has a boyfriend!”


Baekhyun laughed at the picture and Chanyeol gave Joonmyun a thumbs up. They showed the picture to Minseok who then laughed, saying something in Chinese which roughly translates—based on Joonmyun’s understanding—to “You have such a lovely boyfriend!”



Kyungsoo and Jongin finished their cakes and were playing with the balloons Kris brought earlier (turns out that the balloons were what Baekhyun kept reminding Zitao to remind Kris to pick up).


“Jonginnie don’t squeeze it too hard! It might pop!” Kyungsoo warned, running towards his friend. He tripped in the process and Jongin laughed.


“Hyungie is so cute!”


The teasing would normally make Kyungsoo whine but this time he just sat on the floor area where he fell. Confused, the younger walked over to his hyung.




“It hurts…”


“What hur—“


Before he finished his sentence, Jongin saw a bright red mark on Kyungsoo’s knees. It wasn’t a serious bruise, but the kneecap hit the floor and it stung a little. Kyungsoo’s started to form tears in his eyes but was surprised when he felt warmth on the area where he fell.


Jongin was kissing it.




“Mommy said if there’s a boo-boo we need to kiss it so that it won’t hurt anymore…”




After a few more kisses, Jongin got up and helped Kyungsoo stand. “Does it still hurt?”


Kyungsoo stopped for a moment. The bruise didn’t sting as much as before and he can walk. “No, not really. Thank you Jonginnie!”


“You’re welcome!”



The night went by nicely. It was about 1.30 in the morning when Baekhyun started to panic. His sons needed to sleep! He immediately announced that the party is over for now and will be continued at lunch time –if he and Chanyeol can wake up. He carried the now-sleepy Sehun and placed him nicely on his bed and told the twins to wash up and go to sleep. Joonmyun offered help and bid farewell before disappearing.


Before leaving, Jongin kissed Kyungsoo’s cheeks. “I hope you feel better soon, hyungie~ Good night!”


“Good night, Jonginnie! I love you!”


Meanwhile, Yixing hugged Jongdae tightly and kissed his forehead. “Good night, Jongdae. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? You too Joonmyunnie.” The Chinese boy then went over to Joonmyun and hugged him tight before whispering, “Don’t worry, I’m still your princess.”


Luhan helped tuck Sehun in earlier and kissed his forehead. He whispered another ‘I love you’ and Sehun answered it with a ‘goo~’ before falling off to dreamland.


“Thanks for the party, guys. And happy birthday once again, Chanyeol!” Zitao smiled, intertwining his arm with Kris’. Next to him was Luhan, holding a sleepy Kyungsoo’s hand.


Chanyeol shook his head. “What?! You planned this; I should be the one thanking you. I just can’t believe I forgot my own birthday.”


“You’ve always been a little forgetful, sweetie.” Baekhyun giggled. “Good night, Zitao, Kris and Minseok. We’ll see you later for lunch?”


“Sure! You’ll be there, right, Minseok?”


“Of course, I’ll be delighted. Yixing would too, right?”


“U-huh.” The little Chinese boy answered, rubbing his eyes.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol waved goodbye and their lovely friends left. The couple then headed back into the house and got to work.


“Okay, Baekkie, you can just sleep, I’ll clean up.”


“No! It was my idea, I’ll wash the plates while you gather the trash, is that okay?”


Chanyeol nodded and his wife disappeared into the kitchen. He started to gather the gift wrappers on the floor and compiled them, dumping the pretty papers into the trash bin. Behind him he heard Baekhyun say ‘Honey, I’m moving your presents, okay?’ and answered a ‘yes’ before continuing his work. The kids are already in their respective rooms and Chanyeol thanked God he didn’t need to clean with them around because they might make a mess again.



Chanyeol had just dumped the last bit of trash and was about to turn around and head to his bedroom when he felt a pair of arms around his waist.


“B –Baekhyunnie?”


“Yes, baby?”


From the corner of his eyes, he saw something snaking around his left leg. Chanyeol looked down to see his wife’s beautiful, bare thighs—wait, bare?


The man immediately turned around and was stunned. There his wife was, in the dress that Joonmyun gave him earlier, with a long, brunette wig (Chanyeol then realized it was the wig Baekhyun bought for Halloween last year when he went as Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast’ with him as the Beast).




“So rude, that’s Baekhyun noona to you~” Baekhyun giggled, twirling his hair with his right hand. Oh, those those beautiful fingers that Chanyeol would like to have wrapped around his—


Before he knew it, his lips devoured Baekhyun’s, and they kissed and kissed like there’s no tomorrow. When they parted, Baekhyun was already lying on the sofa with Chanyeol on top of him. Both of them were breathless and there was a trail of saliva connecting them.


“How’s that for your fantasy about this dress, hm?”


“Oh God, Baekhyunnie, you’re so—“


“Baekhyun noona.


“Right, Baekhyun noona~ Why don’t we take this to the bedroom?”


“I thought you’d never ask.”


Chanyeol and Baekhyun connected their lips again as the smaller man was carried in his husband’s embrace. They headed up the stairs and continued to battle their tongues.


Little did they know, two little pairs of eyes were spying on them.



Chanyeol woke up later that day to find Baekhyun gone from his embrace. Groaning, he sat up and the image of his ‘session’ with Baekhyun flashed in his mind. His cheeks flushed red and deciding that it was probably a bad idea to imagine Baekhyun at this hour, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Afterwards, grabbing a shirt and a pair of shorts, Chanyeol headed downstairs to meet the eyes of his lovely wife, cooking pancakes for their children. Joonmyun was helping Baekhyun by feeding Sehun yoghurt and a few small pieces of the sweet, maple-y dish.


The man took a seat next to the twins and yawned.


“Good morning~”


“Good morning, honey!” Baekhyun replied, eyes still focused on his cooking.


Chanyeol was about to greet the twins when the two suddenly stood up and took ten steps away from him.




“You evil man!”


“Go away, appa!”


Confused was what Chanyeol felt. He tilted his head to the side. “What’s wrong, boys?”


“Mommy! Daddy was kissing a girl last night! Behind your back!” Jongin declared.


“A really pretty girl!” Jongdae added, slowly reaching for his plate of pancakes before running to stand behind his twin.


It took Chanyeol about a minute to understand what the twins were talking about. Pretty girl? Kissing? Me? But I was with Baek—He then remembered that Baekhyun was in a dress and wig last night.


“He’s a bad man, mommy! Let’s attack him with pancakes!”


Chanyeol wanted to explain but he didn’t have the chance to because Jongin and Jongdae practically attacked them by throwing small bits of their breakfast at him. He squealed when the part with Maple syrup touched his face.


“Aigoo~ Jonginnie! Jongdae! Stop it!” He pouted but the twins had no mercy. It was only when Baekhyun told them to that they stopped.


Baekhyun sat next to Sehun and fed him, letting Joonmyun eat his own breakfast. “Oh? Is the girl really pretty?”


“Baekhyunnie! Tell them I didn’t kiss a girl! Tell them it was yo—“


Jongin’s eyes grew wide as he cut off his father's words. “Yes! Really pretty! And she was wearing the dress Joonmyunnie hyung got for daddy! Right, Jongdae hyung!?”


“Yes! And she has pretty hair! Like a princess!”


“Aw~” Baekhyun cooed before feeding Sehun again. “There you go, Sehunnie. Are you full now?”


Sehun nodded. “Da!”


“Okay then, honey. Mommy’s gonna go upstairs and take a shower now, okay? Stay here with daddy and hyungs.”


“Baekhyunnie! Don’t leave me here! They’re gonna attack me—Aaah!”


Baekhyun giggled and continue to head upstairs, wanting to let his husband be tortured a little longer on his birthday.


Oh how I love my family.


A/N: finally done! to those of you hunhan-deprived angels out there, part 1 is dedicated to you :3 i hope it's not too rushed and i hope you all enjoy it! i know i promised/proposed the idea of a jongin-jongdae chapter but ugh my brain is not being cooperative =_= i'm planning on doing stuffs like kyungsoo and jongin in high school but i'm still not sure. in the mean time, comment and subscribe please? :3 and tell me what you want to see on the next update!


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Baby Sehun! || /squeals Thank you for 1000+ subscribers, I love you all omg! xx


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