Sparks Fly

Baby Sehun!

Zitao was freaking out.


He continuously pranced back and forth in the living room, forehead muscles pushed together due to the excessive thinking and lips pursed in anxiety.


“Zitao,” Kris called out, unable to take his beloved’s actions anymore. “You need to calm down.”


“I can’t!”


“Is choosing a birthday present for Luhan that hard?”


“Kris, he’s turning ten. That’s an important age! It’s no longer a single digit!” Explained the younger, eyes widening at his husband’s question. “Of course it’s important!”


“Well… We can get him a computer now that he’s old enough—“


“My baby is growing up!”


Sentimental, sentimental Zitao.


“He’s still in the fifth grade, dear. Luhan will always be your baby boy. But you need to stop treating him like a child all the time.”


Zitao started to reminisce the day his first child was born and started tearing up. He had went through a lot in order to have him; his separation from Kris (that ) who moved to Canada, his first time being pregnant with a huge belly (which gave Kris extra work to do, serves him right for disappearing) and the first time giving birth which was awfully painful.


Luhan was like a blessing from the angels to him.


The boy was born with doe eyes, pink cheeks and rosy lips. He was simply divine, as if God only chose the best of Zitao and Kris’ genes and put them together.


It was not like Kyungsoo was perfect to him too; it’s just that since Luhan was the first born, everything felt more raw.




Now that his baby is finally turning ten, Zitao wanted to make sure that he gets the best present he could ever have. From now on Luhan will be having more responsibilities, which include taking care of his baby brother.


“Maybe I should get him that giant Donald Duck he wanted when we were in Disneyland…”


“He’s not a kid anymore. Besides, Luhan has many toys already. Why don’t you get him something more useful?”


Zitao rubbed his chin, finally sitting down (and Kris thanked the lord). He had considered buying Luhan a Playstation, but that might damage his eyes. And his son was more of an outdoor kind of person. He also thought about books but Luhan reads a lot as it is. More books would mean more needed space.




“Hey,” Kris nudged his wife. “Here’s an idea, why don't you ask someone to ask Luhan what he wants for his birthday? Kyungsoo, perhaps? Maybe you can get some clues.”



His lover’s words turned a lightbulb in Zitao’s head as a response, and he grinned, hugging the man he had never once in his life regret marrying.


“Kris, you are a genius!”



“Zitao texted me earlier.” Baekhyun announced that dinnertime. Chanyeol had just came back from work, his suit taken off and his tie loosened. The twins, Jongin and Jongdae, were happily munching on the potato nuggets their mother had made earlier. Joonmyun was there too, eating quietly while occasionally stealing glances at Sehun to make sure he isn’t making a mess with his food.


“Oh? What did he say?”


“Luhan’s birthday is soon. We need to get him a present, huh? He’s turning ten.”


“Lu—Lulu…” Sehun managed to voice out, his cheeks puffed at the sound of his favorite hyung’s name.


Baekhyun couldn’t help but smile, his eyes twinkling, as he continued to feed his youngest. “Yes, Lulu hyung’s birthday is coming soon. Are you happy?”




Two-and-a-half-year-old Sehun clapped his hands, causing a bit of his food to fall. Thank goodness it landed on his bib and did not make a mess.


“I’m going to make a card!” Jongdae announced.


Jongin stopped chewing and glanced up to his parents. “Me too!”


“No fair! It was my idea!”


“No it’s not! Anyone can make a card!”


“Boys,” Chanyeol warned. The twins went back to eating and mumbled a light apology.


“You can both make him a card.” Baekhyun stated, still smiling. “Here’s an idea, why don't you work together to make one big ‘happy birthday’ sign? Joonmyunnie hyung can help you.”


“That’s a great idea, mommy!”


They immediately rushed their meal and ran upstairs, dragging Joonmyun who did not even get the chance to say anything. Baekhyun muttered a small ‘sorry’ to his eldest son before turning his attention back to Sehun, who was still halfway done with his congee.


Chanyeol was still eating too, savoring his wife’s delicious cooking. It had been really busy at the office; he hardly had time to relax nowadays.


“What should we get him, Baek?” He asked in between the spoonfuls of Bimbimbap.


“I’m not sure… He’s no longer a child. Toys are definitely out of the list.” Answered Baekhyun. “Sehunnie, what should we get Lulu hyung?”




“Aw, you cutie!”




Sehun squirmed but nevertheless continued to eat his food cheerfully.


“What about a bicycle? Does he have one of those?”


“No… I don’t think so. A bike would definitely come in handy.”


Chanyeol grabbed seconds for himself and sighed. “At times like this I regret not spending much time with the kids… I don't even know what I should get for the twins or Joonmyun later when their birthdays come—let alone Luhan.”


“Aw, honey. Don’t be sad, you have work, remember?”




Sehun extended his arms towards Chanyeol and the father of four smiled sadly, pulling his son to his embrace. Baekhyun continued to feed him.


“I miss spending time with you guys…”


“We miss you too, right Sehunnie?”


“Goo…” Sehun’s eyes dropped a little and he sealed his lips.


“This’ll all pass, okay? You and Kris are doing the best you can. Don’t worry about it.”


Chanyeol looked up at Baekhyun and felt his heart stop. His wife was indeed the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. Everyday he would be home late because of the meetings he needed to attend but never once did he arrive without getting a ‘welcome home’ kiss and a delicious dinner from Baekhyun.


What did I do to deserve such a lovely person…


After the meal, he helped Baekhyun do the dishes while Sehun was quietly watching television in the living room. He gets distracted by any Disney cartoon easily and that was a good thing for the parents.


“Do you have the day off tomorrow?”


“Yeah, let’s all go get Luhan a present! Then we can go for ice cream?” Chanyeol suggested and Baekhyun nodded. The smaller man then opened the cupboards to place the plates back when he felt a pair of arms around his waist.




“I’ve missed you…”


“Heh, you missed me? You see me everyday.”


“Not… Enough…”


The naughty hand started to rub Baekhyun’s thighs and Baekhyun found himself blushing.


Sehun was right outside, for crying out loud!


“Let’s continue in the bedroom later.” He suggested and Chanyeol grinned devilishly, giving him a peck before joining their youngest in front of the TV.



That afternoon when Luhan got back from soccer practice, Zitao winked at Kyungsoo, repeating the instructions he had given him once again.


“Go ask your gege what he wants for his birthday, but don’t tell him mommy told you too, okay?”


Kyungsoo blinked, nodding. “Okay mommy.”


And so the younger of the two joined Luhan who was grabbing a glass of orange juice from the kitchen.


“Ge…” He said quietly but loud enough for his brother to hear.


“Hi, Kyungie~ Do you want something to drink?”




they sat on the dining table together and Luhan proceeded to untie his shoelaces (Zitao wanted to cry because he remembered the first time he taught him how to do it).


“Luhan gege?”


“Hm? What is it?”


“What do you want for your birthday?”


The older tilted his head to the side. Birthday? He then remembered that April 20th was in about a week.


“Oh! Hmm…” The boy started to think and Kyungsoo’s eyes widened in anticipation.


“I don’t really want anything.”


Did he just say what I think he said? Zitao tried to lean as close to his kids as possible to be able to listen to the conversation.


“I’m happy with everything right now. You don't need to get me anything, Kyungie.”




“It’s okay! I’m going to shower now! Bye!”


The mother of two quickly hid, not wanting Luhan to see him. He settled in for the curtains and thanked heavens his son was not one to pay attention to details.


Sighing, he thanked Kyungsoo, kissing his forehead before asking him to help set the table for dinner. The man started to boil water in a pot, thinking that they were going to have stew for dinner.


As he was waiting, Zitao grabbed his cell phone and pressed his speed dial.






“He doesn't want anything!”


Ah, Luhan’s birthday present, wasn’t it?


“Did you make someone ask him?”


“Yeah. Kyungsoo asked him. He said he was happy with everything right now and doesn’t want a present—Oh! My son is growing up! He’s so mature now!”


Kyungsoo curiously eyed his mother who had tears in his eyes.


“Well then, this is going to be difficult…” The older answered from the other line, slightly spinning in his office chair. He checked his watch to see that he had ten minutes before the next meeting. “Why don’t we brainstorm ideas later when I get home? After dinner, maybe?”


“Sure!” Zitao replied, adding the stew powder into his now boiled water. “I’ll talk to you later. I’m making dinner. Love you~”


“I love you too, baby.”


After he hung up, Zitao was about to focus on his cooking but Kyungsoo stood next to him, offering a piece of tissue.


“Eh? What’s this for, baby?”


“You were crying mommy.”


How cute!


“Aww, thank you. I’m fine now. Why don’t you shower up? Your brother should be done by now.”




After Kyungsoo left, Zitao sighed. He was truly blessed to have such a loving family. A hardworking husband and two very loving sons.


Could he ask for more?



“Yixing?” Minseok called out, his head poking inside his son’s door.


Said boy was on his desk, doing homework while humming to a song. When he saw his father, Yixing stopped his work and gave him a smile.




“It’s Luhan gege’s birthday next week. You remember him right?”


Yixing nodded and stood up, throwing his body on the bed. He had been working on his school tasks for a while now.


“Shall we get him a present?”


“Okay! What would he like?”


“I was wondering if you knew…” Grinned Minseok. He was never really one to be good at choosing presents. “Does he have any hobbies?”


“Well… He likes soccer, that I know.”


“What about getting him a jersey then? And a new soccer ball maybe. We can go to the mall to check it out on Saturday.”


The little boy was definitely excited to go to the mall. He had not been outside the house in a while. Yixing wasn’t exactly an outdoor kid. He prefers to stay at home and read but it would be nice to hang outside once in a while.


“Sure, papa!”


Minseok smiled, obviously happy to his son’s reaction. His life with Yixing was getting better and better each day. Sometimes Yixing would have Joonmyun over and they would have dinner together which was great too, of course.


He let his son resume his homework and left to prepare their meal.



That evening, dinner went by a little awkwardly, at least for Zitao. He was sitting next to Kyungsoo, helping him get the stew on his plate while Luhan was already eating away with Kris across from him.


Kris had just come back about thirty minutes ago, his first three buttons undone and his tie off. His sleeves were rolled up as well.


“How was your day?” He asked his kids.


“I had fun at soccer practice today.” Proudly announced Luhan as he gulped his drink. “I scored three goals.”


“Wow! That’s amazing!” Answered his father full of excitement. He ruffled his oldest son’s hair before turning his gaze to Kyungsoo. “How about you, kiddo?”


“I helped mommy set the tables…”


“Aww~ You’re like mommy’s little helper.”


“Are you jealous?” Zitao smirked. “Kyungsoo loves me so much, right baby?”




They continued their meal in silence with the occasional questions coming from Kris and Zitao. Luhan offered to do the dishes afterwards with his mother before heading to his room to do his homework. Kyungsoo sat nicely in the sofa, watching an episode of Pororo, his hand clutching on a doll of the same character (it was a birthday gift from Jongin).


“Kris, upstairs.” Zitao whispered to his husband.


The older nodded and followed him to their shared bedroom, locking it to make sure that Luhan won’t suddenly barge in and foil their plants.


Kris excused himself to take a shower (playfully offering Zitao to join him only to be responded with a light punch on his chest and a shy kiss on the lips) and soon the two were sprawled on the bed, silence haunting them.


“Why is it so hard to get him a birthday present!?” Zitao finally groaned in frustration, punching a nearby pillow.


“It’s hard when he doesn’t want anything…” The other muttered, getting slightly pressured as well. “But we can’t just not get him a present.”


“Exactly. There must be something that’ll make him extra happy. But what…”


Neither of the two spoke for a while, busy with their own thoughts. They cursed themselves for not being a good parent for they don’t even know what their son would like.


Zitao heard the TV being turned off, meaning that Kyungsoo was probably off to bed.


“Hey…” Kris suddenly breathed, grabbing his attention by surprise.




“Luhan is really close to Sehun, right?”


“Well, yeah…”


Nodding, the older rubbed his chin. His brain was trying to sort everything out before he can tell Zitao his plan.


“And he likes the outdoors, no?”


“Yes… What’s your point?”


“Come here.”


Zitao tilted his head, but nevertheless shifted closer to listen to his husband’s idea. He had to bear with the voice lightly tickling his sensitive ears; Kris sounded hoarse and raspy—he must have been tired. And the minimum distance between them… And the fresh smell of his toothpaste and shampoo…


“—So, what do you think?”




“You weren’s listening, were you?”




“Yes I was!”


“Really?” Kris smirked, suddenly full of domination. He slowly hovered on top of Zitao. “Can you prove it?”


“W—Well…” , I must be blushing right now, goddamnit! “Fine… You win.”


Kris leaned closer against Zitao’s ear and started to repeat the scheme he had said previously, this time dropping his voice by a few octaves on purpose.


Zitao flinched but tried as much as possible to listen.


“—Got it?”






Next thing he knew, his husband had leaned in for a kiss, arms on both sides of his head, trapping Zitao’s body.




“Hmmm… Less talk… I’ve missed you so, so much…”


And so, Zitao willingly let himself be ravished for the rest of the evening.



“Happy birthday!”


That evening when Luhan had just came back from soccer practice, Kyungsoo hurriedly grabbed his hand and lead him to the garden.


When they arrived, the birthday boy could not believe his eyes.


There were balloons everywhere. Everyone was wearing a party hat and in the middle of the garden was a giant cake in the shape of a soccer field with the words that spell out “Happy 10th Birthday Luhan!” There were also flags that spelled the same thing.


“Thank you!” The boy cried, hugging his parents and Kyungsoo. “This is so cool!” Luhan then remarked as he saw the cake.


“You like it? It took us ages to make it.” Zitao grinned, looking at Baekhyun.


“It was even harder to hide it.”


“Thank you so much!”


Jongin and Jongdae were the first two (after Kyungsoo) to greet the boy, handing him a handmade card that they worked together on.


“Happy birthday, hyung!”


“Jonginnie and Joonmyunnie hyung and I made the flags! Do you like it?”


“I love it!”


Yixing also handed him a present, wrapped nicely with a red bow. Luhan asked his parents if he could open it and they nodded.


“Wow! This is so cool! A Manchester United jersey! Thank you so much Yixing, and uncle Minseok!”

“You’re welcome! I hope you like it!”


“There’s a ball too!”


Baekhyun and Chanyeol pushed the bike together towards the birthday boy and Luhan shrieked in happiness, stating how much he loved the color and how he was so excited to start using it.


After a full twenty minutes, the boy finally calmed down and they all sat down on the picnic table that Kris had bought especially for the event. He brought the cake near his son and lightened the candles.


“Make a wish and blow the candle, baby~” Zitao requested, unable to contain his joy.




Luhan took the moment to look at everyone with a wide beam, but then he noticed that a special little fellow was not there.


Where is he?


“Where’s Sehunnie?” He asked Baekhyun.


“I was waiting for you to ask.” The mother of four replied, pointing at the glass door.


Luhan turned his head and he wanted to scream at the sight.


Sehun was in a little deer costume, a balloon tied to his hand (the idea was to make him hold it but the boy might let go and that would spoil the surprise). He ran towards his favorite hyung and giggled.




“Hi, Sehunnie!” Cried the other boy, kissing Sehun’s cheeks. “You’re so cute!”




Everyone squealed in excitement as Sehun grabbed Luhan’s hand.


“Come on, let’s blow the candle together!”


Luhan closed his eyes and made a wish. Everyone looked at him in anticipation and a moment later he opened his eyes, instructing everyone to blow the candles with him.


“Happy birthday, junior!” Kris ruffled his hair, earning a yelp from his oldest son.


“Thank you, daddy! This is the best birthday ever!”


Zitao pulled Luhan onto his lap, playing with his golden locks. “You’re now ten years old, baby. I love you so, so much…”


“I love you too mommy! Don’t cry!”


They all had cake (Luhan gave the first piece to Sehun then the next three to his family members) and exchanged small chitchats here and there. The sun had finally set and it was getting really dark.


Zitao looked at Kris who gave him a wink while mouthing ‘five more minutes.’ Nodding, the mother of two told everyone to sit on the mat he had prepared earlier on the grass. Jongin and Jongdae were still eating cake while Joonmyun and Yixing had finished theirs. Luhan was, as always, helping little Sehun, who was still in his deer suit. The icing was everywhere and Kyungsoo helped his brother clean the two-and-a-half-year-old’s cheeks and lips.


“What are we doing, mommy?” Luhan asked once he sat on the mat with the others. Zitao gave him a flutter and turned the lights inside the house off to make sure it was dark enough.


And where did Kris go?


“I’m so excited.” Baekhyun whispered as he leaned against Chanyeol’s chest.








“What’s going o—“


The words were left hanging in Luhan’s mouth as his eyes darted towards the sky.


Heck, everyone else was star struck as well.


There against the darkness were fireworks that spelled out his name, all in different, bright colors. All together, it spelled “Happy Birthday Luhan” in all sorts of shapes and the sparks would occasionally shape a heart or a star.


It was beautiful—


No, magnificent.


The tones contrasted against the dark and as the small flickers exploded in the sky, new hues popped out, as if begging for attention.


Jongin and Jongdae’s eyes lightened in delight, not being able to take their attentions off of the upper atmosphere.


Joonmyun secretly grabbed Yixing’s hand as the two continued to watch the cracks of light in the sky.


Even Sehun was excited, clapping continuously while muttering “goo” and “da!” Kyungsoo held on to the little boy’s body to stop him from tumbling.


Zitao smiled, satisfied that the plan was a success and turned to face his son.


“Do you like i—Luhan, why are you crying?”


Luhan hadn’t noticed that tears were flowing, his heart overjoyed. He had never expected such a wonderful surprise from his family.


Kris came back a while later and Luhan ran to him for a hug, mumbling repetitive ‘thank yous’ (Zitao had told him that it was his father’s idea).


“Hey, stop crying! You’re a big boy now!” Kris giggled as his son shifted closer in his embrace.


“I—hic—I’m so—hic—happy! Thank you, daddy!”


“Heh, anything for my little man, right Zitao?”


The said mother nodded, carrying Kyungsoo before he walked over to his husband and son.


“Happy birthday, Luhannie. We love you.”


“I—I love you too! All of you!”


He turned to face the others who were still sitting on the mat, smiling at how cute he looked when he was crying.


“Thank you everyone! This is the best birthday ever!”


“We’re just happy that you’re happy.” Chanyeol stated cheerfully. “Study hard in school, okay?”


“And don’t get sick!” Minseok added, still awed by the fireworks.


“Have a great year ahead, Luhannie.” Baekhyun finally said as a closing speech.



That night, Zitao tucked Luhan, Kyungsoo and Sehun, who was sleeping over, in. He gave them all a kiss on the forehead and turned the lights off, heading back to his room.


He was greeted by the sight of his husband lying on the bed, clamped in a white shirt. When he saw him, a smile escaped his lips.


“What do you think?” Asked Kris, pulling Zitao into his arms.


“It was amazing. You’re amazing.”


“I know~ That’s why you love me, right?”


“Hmm… Maybe?” A little teasing wouldn’t hurt, right?


“Now I want my reward.”




Instead of an answer, Zitao received a kiss on his lips and he found himself melting against Kris’ advances. His body was laid on the soft mattress and there was a weight pressed on top of him.


“At least lock the door…” He managed to voice out.


“They’re asleep… Don't make too much noise, all right?”


Not again…


As Kris started to plant butterfly kisses on his neck, Zitao knew he was not getting any sleep that night.



A/N: finally ;a; i wrote this at one go to make up for the fact that i've been a dickhead to all of you by not updating. i hope you like it ;___; i've been busy lately because i've just started university and i'm currently writing a story for my friend's birthday. anyway, talk to me on! ask me things and i'll answer fweeee and its a good way to keep in touch with everyone <3 love u all!

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Baby Sehun! || /squeals Thank you for 1000+ subscribers, I love you all omg! xx


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Chapter 1: Aww luhan is crushing on sehun ever since the younger ones birth. So cute.
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Chapter 1: This is so sweet <3
Chapter 15: If this is not cute then i dont know what is. long live everyone !!
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Chapter 14: awwwwww hunhan
Chapter 1: Awww so cute
Chapter 6: asdfjkl;asdfjlk;asdfjl; omg this is so beautifulllll!!!! It's actually my birthday today and you made me so happy!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
Chapter 15: Are you kidding me. This is like the most adorable thing ever?!?!? My gosh, my heart is going to burst of overflowing cuteness wut