Princess Yixing

Baby Sehun!


Jongin and Jongdae were born when Joonmyun was one-and-a-half. The little boy surely was happy to have not one, but two new friends. As they grew older, the three brothers got closer and closer. One-year-old Jongin and Jongdae would fight for their hyung’s attention, but Joonmyun, being the angel he is, always divides his affection fairly.


When Baekhyun announced that they were going to have another baby brother, the three boys were thrilled.


“A new friend!”


“I wonder how he will look like!”


“He’s going to be handsome like me!”


“No! Umma, dongsaengie will be handsome like me, right?”


Arguments and cheers could be heard from the twins and Baekhyun smiled. He then felt a pat on his belly and looked down to see six-year-old Joonmyun.


“Is dongsaengie in there, umma?”


The pregnant man giggled at his son. “Yes; but dongsaengie is still very tiny. You have to take care of him when he grows up, okay?”





Joonmyun couldn’t sleep that night.


One; the next day will be his first day of school. And two, he’s scared. He’s scared that when his new dongsaeng is born, he won’t have anyone to play with. Although Baekhyun and Chanyeol had assured him that everything would be fine, Joonmyun just couldn’t find himself to believe.


He tossed and turned but his eyes weren’t sleepy. The bed was getting a little to stuffy for his liking and he kicked his blanket away and being the clumsy boy he is the blanket got tangled around his legs and made him fall with it; the soft material brushing against his porcelain skin.


“Joonmyunnie! Are you okay?”


The loud thud woke his appa up and he immediately rushed to see what’s wrong. Chanyeol saw his oldest son and carried him to the bed; folding the blanket afterwards.


“Where does it hurt?”




Chanyeol was first surprised to see Joonmyun pointing at his chest. Did it really hurt him that bad?


“Y –Your chest?”


“No~ My heart…”


Thank God.


“Wait, what?”


“Appa, will you be too busy to play with me when dongsaengie is born?” Joonmyun asked; eyes blinking innocently. Chanyeol saw that they were a bit red.


“Is that why your heart hurts?”


“U-huh…” He mumbled. “And I’m scared because Jonginnie and Jongdae might  not want to play with me anymore and I won’t have any friends to play with.”


Chanyeol patted his son’s head; kissing his forehead. “Aw, sweetie. That’ll never happen. Your umma and I love you very much. And Jongin and Jongdae are always following you around like baby ducks. Don’t worry, okay?


Joonmyun broke into a silent sob. “R –Really?”


“Yes; really. Are you okay now? Come on, don’t cry.” Giggling; the father grabbed some tissues from the side of Joonmyun’s tiny bed and wiped the salty tears away. Joonmyun nodded.


“Is there anything else you’re worried about?”




Sighing; Chanyeol hugged his son. “School is fun! You get to meet new friends to play with!”


“But what if they don’t like me?”


“They’ll love you. You’re a wonderful person and only idiots would hate to be your friend.”


Hearing the small chuckle from Joonmyun Chanyeol cheered silently.


“Umma said we’re not allowed to say that word. It’s bad~”


“Well; don’t tell umma, okay? We’ll keep this a secret.” The man voiced out; winking as he placed his index finger on Joonmyun’s lips. “Now can you go to sleep? You need to wake up early tomorrow."


After his son’s weak nod, Chanyeol left; or at least; attempted to but when he felt a thug on the fabric of his white t-shirt he turned round.


“Can you sleep with me tonight, appa?”


“Haha, all right, kiddo.”



Joonmyun felt his palm sweat as Chanyeol held his hand. He was finally going to enter the school as an elementary student. Joonmyun had talked about this all vacation; he was just so excited. However now that the day is here he felt like his breakfast was climbing up his throat and doing back flips; making him want to vomit.


“You must be Joonmyun and this is your father Chanyeol-ssi!” The teacher who was taking the attendance smiled at them. Chanyeol nodded and let go of Joonmyun’s hand; helping him put his Buzz Light-year back pack on.


“Off you go, Joonmyunnie!”




Chanyeol was about to leave; he can’t be late to work again; but the sad voice of his son made him turn around and pull him into a hug.


“You’ll do great, I’m sure. Just like your appa did.  I’ll see you soon; okay? Behave and be nice to your teachers and friends. I love you.”


Chanyeol’s words were like vitamin to Joonmyun and the boy immediately stopped himself from crying. Instead, he waved as his other hand took his teacher’s.


“Bye, appa! I’ll see you later~”



The class had about fifteen students; Chanyeol and Baekhyun didn’t want their children to attend a school that has many students because they think that the teachers might end up not paying enough attention to them. Secondly, the school is recommended by their friends; Zitao and Kris. Their first son Luhan is a year older than Joonmyun and is attending the same school. Joonmyun was happy that he at least knew Luhan; even though they weren’t in the same level and class.


The class had five tables; all in different colors; with three small chairs. The teacher assigned him to seat in the purple table; where there were two other students; one boy and one girl. The girl Joonmyun recognized as one of his neighbors. They don’t really talk because Joonmyun is just too shy to communicate with strangers. The other boy; however; he had never seen before. He decided to bravely introduce himself.


“Hi, my name is Joonmyun. What’s yours?” He extended his arm.


The shy boy looked at him; eyes suddenly twinkling and Joonmyun remembered a story that his umma told him once about a prince who fell in love with a princess because of her beautiful orbs.


“Y –Yixing…”


“Yixing,” Joonmyun repeated. “You’re not Korean; are you?”


Yixing shook his head.


The teacher approached them a while later after settling the class down. She introduced the girl, then Joonmyun and finally Yixing.


“This is Yixing. He is a transfer student from China. His Korean is not that good so please be nice to him. He’s still learning how to speak our language fluently. Joonmyun, you will help him; right?” She turned to Joonmyun who was sitting next to him.


“Of course!”


After she left, Joonmyun turned his attention back to Yixing.


“So you came from China? That’s so cool!”


“Cold? What’s cold? China is not cold!” Yixing replied; panicked. Joonmyun then realized it was so because Yixing got the definitions mixed up.


“No no no, cool as in wow~ cool. Not the temperature.”




“Anyway, can we be friends? I will teach you Korean!”


Yixing smiled for the first time that day and Joonmyun had to confess; Yixing is definitely the princess Baekhyun had been talking about in his bedtime story sessions.



“Do you want to come over to my house? I’m sure my papa—I mean—appa would be glad to meet you. He’s Korean too.” Yixing asked once school was finished. The two were waiting for their parents to pick them up.


“I need to ask my appa first. And cool! The wow~ cool. Your appa is Korean, that means your umma is the one’s that Chinese; right? I can’t wait to meet her! She must have pretty eyes like you.”


“My mama –I mean—umma is not with me and papa anymore…” Yixing answered; looking down. Though young, Joonmyun understood what his new friend meant. He muttered endless apologies and hugged Yixing.


The Chinese boy wiped his tears away; smiling. “It’s okay, Joonmyunnie. My papa said she’s in a happier place now! And I’m sure she’s looking over for us even though she’s not here.”




Their sort-of-intimate conversation was disturbed by Chanyeol’s loud voice. The two boys turned to see the man; smiling and waving.


“Appa!” Joonmyun shouted. He turned his attention to Yixing. “That’s my appa. I’m going to ask him now; okay?”




Joonmyun rushed to the car and Chanyeol opened the door for him.


“Whoa, slow down. Seems like you made a friend.” He grinned; eyes looking at the white-skinned Chinese boy.


“Yes! Yixing, come here! Appa, this is Yixing and he is from China. Can I play at his house today?”


“Nice to meet you, Yixing.” Chanyeol greeted. The Chinese boy flushed red and bowed. “So you’re the one who is going to steal Joonmyun from me~”


“No! I’m not a thief!” Yixing cried. Joonmyun then explained that Yixing’s Korean is not that good and he still has problems understanding terms; to which Chanyeol nodded at.


“Joonmyunnie, why don’t you invite your new friend and his parents over for dinner? You just moved in, right Yixing?”


“Y –Yes…”


“Great! I’ll—“


“Yixing! Papa is here!”


The three turned their heads to see a man; shorter than Chanyeol with skin as fair as Yixing’s. He saw the Chinese boy and ran to him.


“Sorry papa was late. I had to unpack my books and it took longer than expected.”


“That’s okay papa.” Yixing giggled as the man carried him to his embrace. The man then noticed Joonmyun and Chanyeol’s presence and turned around.


“Hi there, are you Yixing’s friend?”


“Yes! My name is Joonmyun and this is my appa.”


“Well, it’s nice to know that Yixing had made a new friend. My name is Minseok and I’m Yixing’s father.”


“I’m Chanyeol! You just moved in?”


“Yes; about two weeks ago. We still have lots of unpacking to do.” Minseok answered; sighing.


“Papa, Chanyeol shushu[1] wants to invite you and me over for dinner.” Yixing whispered to him in Chinese; earning questioning looks from the other two.


“Ah~ Really? Wouldn’t that be a trouble to you, Chanyeol-ssi?”


Through Minseok’s words, Chanyeol understood what Yixing just told him. He shook his head vigorously.


“Of course not! It’s to welcome Joonmyun’s new friend. Also, you won’t have trouble cooking or ordering out. Here—“ He handed Minseok a piece of paper with his address on in. “We’ll see you at about seven; okay? Don’t be late.”


Minseok hesitated a little but Chanyeol, Joonmyun and even Yixing begged him to agree. He finally nodded; defeated and promised Chanyeol he’ll be there. Joonmyun waved goodbye to his new friend and hopped on the car with his father.



“So your new friend is Chinese?” Baekhyun asked; making sure of what he heard. Joonmyun nodded. The two were preparing dinner together; Baekhyun with the cooking and Joonmyun with the setting up of the tables.


“His appa is Korean and his umma is Chinese but she’s in a place far far away already…” Joonmyun explained as he placed the final folded napkin. “There! All done!”


The clock showed 6.30PM and Joonmyun quickly rushed to shower; he didn’t want to smell in front of his new friend.


Baekhyun laughed and was about to taste the Japanese curry he just made when he felt a pair of strong arms around his waist. A kiss landed on his exposed neck.


“Why hello to you too, Chanyeol.”




Chanyeol hummed as he continued planting kisses on his wife’s neck and eventually on his ear. Baekhyun moaned.


“Yeol-ah, the guests are coming soon…”


“Let them see then.”


Giggling, Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol off; earning a pout.


“Why don’t you help me by tasting this? Is it salty enough?” He offered a spoonful near the taller man’s mouth. Chanyeol immediately drowned the soup down his throat.


“It’s good!”


“Good then. Now go change your clothes; Yixing and his father will be here anytime now and you still smell like your office.”



“So what brings you to Korea, Minseok hyung?” Chanyeol asked casually. They originally started really politely (“Thank you for having us, Chanyeol-ssi!” “You’re welcome, Minseok-ssi! Oh, meet my wife; Baekhyun.” “Nice to meet you, Baekhyun-ssi. I’m Minseok and this is my son Yixing.”), but Chanyeol being Chanyeol decided that it was too awkward.


The two fathers learned so much about each other; Minseok told Chanyeol that his wife passed away when Yixing was two and they moved back to Korea so Minseok can focus on his career; which involves journalism. Chanyeol revealed that he works in his father’s company as a manager but is currently striving to become the CEO.


To Baekhyun, Yixing was a sweetheart. The Chinese boy was the most polite little thing he had ever met in his life and he could actually stand Jongin and Jongdae’s endless questions and shouts and arguments. Joonmyun was also happy that his family liked Yixing; he was smiling the whole night.


“Hyung, why are you so pretty?” Jongdae asked Yixing while stuffing his mouth with mint chocolate ice cream; the desert Baekhyun prepared for the night.


“Am I really pretty?” Yixing asked back and patted Jongdae’s head. The boy nodded and Yixing let out a small laugh. From a distance, Joonmyun could be seen curving his lips like a cresent moon. He was glad that Yixing was happy that night; the endless giggles were evidences.


“Let’s get married when we grow up, hyung!”


“No, Jonginnie! You have Kyungsoo hyung!”


“Be quiet Jongdae I like Yixing hyungie~”


Baekhyun laughed at the twins. He also saw discomfort in Joonmyun’s eyes for a brief moment and figured that his oldest son is jealous.


“Boys, can Yixing hyung hang out with Joonmyunnie hyung now?” He requested; earning a pout from the Jongin and Jongdae.


“But umma! Yixing hyung is our princess! We must protect him!”


“Yixing hyung is your hyung’s princess~”


Baekhyun’s statement made Joonmyun flush a deep shade of red. “U –Umma!”


“No, hyung! Yixing hyung is ours!”


Jongdae and Jongin stood in front of the confused Yixing (he was starting to become dizzy because the others were speaking in Korean too fast and he couldn’t comprehend what they were saying) and pretended to be soldiers. Joonmyun sighed.


Yixing noticed the slight sadness in Joonmyun’s eyes and smiled. Carefully, he passed the twins and sat in front of Joonmyun.


“It’s okay, Joonmyunnie. I’ll be your princess.”


“W –What?”


Innocently Yixing tilted his head to the sight. “You don’t want me to? O –Okay…”


“No! I mean; I do want you to be my princess…”



“Thank you for having us, Chanyeol-ah.” Minseok said; smiling. In his embrace was a half-asleep Yixing.


“It was our pleasure, right, Baekhyunnie?”


“Of course! We’re so glad to make new friends. Please promise that you’ll come visit again!”


Minseok nodded and and Yixing opened his eyes; realizing that he was no longer on the soft carpet in Joonmyun’s living room.


“Say ‘thank you’ to Joonmyun and uncle and auntie, Yixing.”


“Goodbye… Thank you for the meal…” The small Chinese boy muttered; eyes still half closed. “Bye Joonmyunnie, see you in school~”


“You too~” Joonmyun answered; sleepy as well. He and Yixing were nearly asleep while watching ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ when Minseok announced that it was a night.


Closing the door; Chanyeol lifted his oldest son up; carrying him to his room. He helped Joonmyun change into his pajamas and laid him on the bed. He was about to leave after tucking him in when he heard Joonmyun’s soft voice.




“Yes, kiddo?”


“You were right about today~ Thank you.”


“Anytime, Joonmyun-ah. I’m glad you made a friend. Although he seems more like a princess to you.” Chanyeol joked and though the room was dark he could see Joonmyun’s rosy cheeks.


“Do you like Yixing, appa?”


“Yes; he’s a sweet boy.”


“Good… I like him too…”


The next source of voice came from Joonmyun’s light breathing and Chanyeol giggled. He couldn’t wait to see how he and Yixing would be like in ten years.


“Goodnight, son. I love you.”

[1] Shushu: ‘Uncle’ in Chinese


A/N: i feel so much better though i looked like a zombie this morning =_= and really; im just so thankful that i wrote this at one go. enjoy :3 jongin-jongdae side chapter; anyone?

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Baby Sehun! || /squeals Thank you for 1000+ subscribers, I love you all omg! xx


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