Baby Sehun!

Baby Sehun!
Baekhyun sighed for the hundredth time that day. How could he not? How can a seven-and-a-half-month pregnant man handle all the house-related stress without his husband around?
The brunette pranced back and forth the blue-colored room; getting all the clothes essential for his oldest son; Joonmyun. He was thankful that his first-born was not as loud as—
“Umma! Jongin stole my favorite airplane shirt!”
“No! Jongdae started it! He won’t let me play with his new toy car!”
The twins, Baekhyun muttered under his breath. He patted Joonmyun’s head before handing him his clothes; Joonmyun is seven and he can already dress himself; and Baekhyun thanked God for that.
As he left Joonmyun, Baekhyun headed for a door a few meters away and opened it only to have a plastic ball thrown on his face.
“What is going on, boys?” He asked with a hint of annoyance.
“He started it!” Both Jongin and Jongdae pointed at each other; then releasing a loud huff.
The twins are five and a half and Baekhyun completely understood the fact that they fight a lot; but why must it be everyday? Can’t a pregnant man get his break? His water might break sooner than scheduled due to all the stress and work. And where was his husband anyway?
“All right, Jongdae, apologize to your brother.” He ordered the older of the two; who immediately pouted.
“But umma! It’s always me just because I’m older!”
Baekhyun sighed once again; is this really necessary? “Okay, I’m going to count to three and both of you will say ‘sorry’ together; all right? One… Two… Three.”
“S –Sorry.” The two muttered. They were going surprisingly easy on him that day. Baekhyun immediately hugged his twins and told them to change before leaving the room to check all of the things he packed. He still didn’t get why Chanyeol wanted them to go on a family trip all of the sudden.
Let’s see… Baekhyun thought to himself. He said something about a big announcement… Or was it something else?
He told Chanyeol that he didn’t want to go because of his big belly but Chanyeol insisted; even if they were only going to Daegu for three days and two nights. After forty-seven minutes of arguing –yes, Baekhyun counted –he finally agreed. Chanyeol was hard to resist; and the man gave him the sweetest smile and it made his heart melt the same way it did during their first meeting and their first date and first kiss and wedding and—
Baekhyun jumped slightly on his spot at the deep voice calling out his name. He turned around only to see the beautiful smile of the man that had made him melt thousands of times.
“Oh, there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” He squealed happily; hugging Chanyeol who grinned. “The twins were at it again…”
Chanyeol kissed his wife’s forehead lovingly. “Aw baby, were they giving you a headache?”
“They were surprisingly cooperative today… Is it the trip?”
“Maybe?” The taller giggled. “Thank you for agreeing to this, my love. I promise I won’t disappo—“
The next thing Baekhyun knew, his husband was already on the floor; helpless; as the twins tackled him. They were already dressed and had their backpacks ready with them. Chanyeol laughed.
“Someone’s excited for our trip.” He said as he ruffled the soft locks of Jongdae and Jongin; who gave both him and Baekhyun a big nod.
“Let’s go let’s go let’s go!”
“We have to wait for hyung first.” Chanyeol reminded; carrying Jongin in his arms while Jongdae jumped up and down next to him; jealous of the attention his brother received.
“Umma, can you call Joonmyunnie hyung so we can go?” Jongin pleaded with his puppy dog eyes.
Chanyeol giggled at his son’s words as he saw Baekhyun sighing. He knew how hard it is for Baekhyun to walk up and down the stairs lately. “Jonginnie, umma is pregnant with your baby brother; why don’t you and Jongdae get hyung, hm?”
The two boys ran upstairs and in a matter of seconds Joonmyun was already downstairs; shirt a little messy (Baekhyun guessed it was because of the excessive pulling of the twins) and backpack ready.
The car trip was filled with nothing but chit-chats. Chanyeol was asking the kids about school and they answered happily as they chewed on the snacks Baekhyun packed for them. Joonmyun was half-asleep; the boy acted a little bit old for his age. He doesn’t really say much unless he’s with his best friend from school; Yixing; a transfer student from China. Baekhyun is completely fine with that; Yixing is a sweetheart and he always brings Chinese snacks every time he goes back to his hometown.
“Jongin has a boyfriend, umma!” Jongdae exclaimed as he took another potato chip from the giant bag on Joonmyun’s lap (Jongin placed it there because he was too lazy to hold it).
“Really?” Baekhyun questioned; smiling. “You never told me that you had a boyfriend, Jonginnie.”
“No umma! Kyungsoo hyung is just a friend!”
Kyungsoo, the pregnant man smiled. Of course it would be him.
“They hold hands and hug!”
“Hyung and I are just friends!”
Chanyeol laughed; his deep voice echoed in the car. “Kyungsoo is really nice. He can be your boyfriend, Jongin.”
Jongin’s cheeks flushed red as he tackled his brother with a giraffe doll Baekhyun once bought (it reminded him of Chanyeol; he said) and Jongdae faked a scream; waking Joonmyun up from his slumber. Chanyeol took this opportunity to talk to his oldest son.
“How’s Yixing, Joonmyun-ah?”
“He’s in China…” The sleepy boy replied. “We haven’t played together for a long time…”
“Aw baby, he’ll be back soon; right?”
Joonmyun’s face automatically lightened up and he nodded vigorously. “U-huh! He promised to bring us Mooncakes!”
“That’s so sweet of him. Don’t forget to say thank you, all right?”
The oldest son nodded again at his mother’s words and started to eat the chips that were on his lap.
“By the way, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun suddenly said. “What was it that you wanted to tell us? You know; the reason why you created this trip.”
The man on the wheels smiled and oh God that smile had just succeeded it making Baekhyun’s heart melt again. “I got a promotion! You are now talking to the CEO of Park Enterprise!”
“Baby! I’m so happy for you!”
It took Chanyeol about two minutes to prey Baekhyun off of him; his wife was just so happy and tears came out. Chanyeol had worked hard –sleepless nights and coffee—and it finally paid off. It was like a dream come true. Park Enterprise belonged to his father and Chanyeol started off as an office boy because he wanted to experience working with his soon-to-be employees. He wanted to know what they think about the company itself as well as the leadership style of his father. He wanted to make sure that when he leads someday his workers would feel comfortable. His selflessness made Baekhyun fall for him even more.
“I’m sorry, Baekkie. As much as I want to hug you I’m driving right now. We might get into an accident if I just jump onto you.” The last few words were said a little too seductively and Baekhyun’s cheeks turned rosy pink.
The vacation went better than expected; the twins behaved and listened to everything Baekhyun and Chanyeol said and with the help of his father (Chanyeol had to look for Yixing’s father’s e-mail) Joonmyun was able to Video Call Yixing. The two boys were so excited to see each other’s faces on the computer. Yixing would be coming back in four days and he had bought two gigantic Mooncakes for Joonmyun’s family. Joonmyun didn’t forget to say thank you and Yixing’s smile got wider as he said ‘you’re welcome’ in his intermediate Korean.
“Bye Joonmyun~ I need to go! Papa is calling…” The Chinese boy nearly whispered; a tone of sadness in his voice.
Joonmyun smiled at his best friend whom he truly missed. “Bye Xingxing! See you soon! Tell your papa I said hi!”
That night after the call, Yixing told his father he wanted to go home earlier; to which he smiled at. He knew that his son had a certain fondness over his Korean friend; Joonmyun. Seven-year-old Yixing’s mother passed away when he was two but he’s been going through a decent life with his father; Minseok. He brought his son to move with him to Korea but occasionally goes back to China to visit his grandparents from his mother’s side.
“Papa, can we go home soon? I want to see Joonmyun and his baby brother…” Yixing pleaded as he crawled on Minseok’s lap.
“But Aunty Baekhyun’s not due yet. You can wait for four days; can’t you?”
The pout on Yixing’s face was enough for Minseok to call his agent to change the date and time of his tickets back to Seoul.
“What do you like to eat? I like eating eggs.” Luhan repeated in almost-perfect English and earned a smile from his father; Kris. The two were having their normal routine; English lessons from 11.00 to 12.00PM for Luhan and 1.00 to 2.00PM for Kyungsoo.
“Good; now try this one.” He pointed to a sentence he wrote on Luhan’s book and his oldest son immediately read it in English.
“That was all right; but ‘angel’ is pronounced en-jel and not an-jel.” Kris corrected and his son nodded.
The blonde man patted his son’s head; meaning that he has done well and the lesson was over. They were off to have lunch and then it would be time for Kyungsoo’s lessons.
“Lunch is ready~” The two heard their wife and mother from the kitchen and rushed. On the dining table, Kyungsoo was already seating nicely in yellow shirt, red shorts and red suspenders.
“Hey kiddo,” Kris said as he sat next to his younger son. Kyungsoo smiled at his dad. The man had to admit; he was lucky to have such peaceful sons; especially because his best friend; Chanyeol; owns twins who run around the house. He had to thank his and his wife’s genes; the two were calm, collected people and it passed onto their sons; although he had to admit that Luhan can sometimes be brutal when it comes to his bed and soccer.
“Mama, what are we eating today?” Luhan asked sweetly.
Zitao came out of the kitchen with plates of spaghettis; two of which are slightly smaller than the other. He handed them to his kids and gave the bigger ones to himself and his husband.
“Spaghetti! I’m actually trying out that recipe Baekhyun gave me. After all these years…” He mumbled; loud enough for Kris to hear.
Luhan and Kyungsoo both said their prayers before eating. Zitao had taught them how to use chopsticks and forks at a very young age and now they do not make a mess while eating anymore.
“It’s yummy!”
“Thank you for the food, mama!”
The two boys’ chorus made both Zitao and Kris smile at each other; and then their children. They truly are grateful.
“Hey Zitao, when is Baekhyun due?”
Zitao paused to wipe his mouth with a napkin. “In a week or so. I’ve wrapped the present we got for him and the new baby. I honestly can’t wait!”
Here it comes; Zitao’s childishness, the older of the two smiled to himself and earned a questioning look from his wife.
“As I was saying, we can buy the little baby Gucci shoes; there’s this pair I have been wanting to buy for a long time but our kids are not babies anymore. I’m planning on giving it on the baby’s one-monthday.”
Zitao had this thing about his culture, which celebrates a baby’s one-monthday. It was a cute tradition; Kris had to admit; and decided to go with it.
Kris promised Zitao to take him to the mall after his lesson with Kyungsoo; Zitao even forced him to finish at 1.30PM. Kris was hesitant at first, but the look in his wife’s eyes reassured him.
Kyungsoo sat on his tiny blue chair and Kris sat on the floor in front of him; making their heights more or less the same.
“Okay, when did we last stop?”
“Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Yesterday was Sunday.” Kyungsoo chanted out and Kris laughed. His younger son’s pronunciation is better than Luhan’s; but he’s too monotone; as if he’s memorizing. Kris wants his English to be more natural.
“Why don’t you relax, hm? Say it slowly.”
Zitao watched as the two practiced English. He was glad that he married a man who spoke the language for he had always wanted his offsprings to be able to speak it. Kris was also a very patient and wonderful teacher.
Bored with nothing to do (besides watching Luhan play soccer in the backyard), Zitao decided to call his dearest best friend; Baekhyun. The two had been friends since high school and went to the same University together.
“Baekhyun! It’s me, Zitao.”
Baekhyun laughed. “I know; what’s up?”
“I’m bored~ Kris is teaching Kyungsoo English right now. Luhan is playing soccer alone. What are you doing?”
“I’m folding the twins’ clothes. It’s Laundry Tuesday.”
Zitao could imagine Baekhyun folding tiny clothes with his giant belly and he stifled a laugh; which; unfortunately; was heard by Baekhyun.
“Hey! Don’t laugh at me!”
“Whoops, sorry.” The Chinese answered; still laughing. “Isn’t Chanyeol helping you with chores?”
“He is, he cleans the beds and vacuums the floor.” Baekhyun sighed. “I just want to rest; you know? I’m almost due and here I am folding clothes. You should be here helping me.”
“I know, I’m sorry. But I’m going to the mall as soon as Kyungsoo finishes his less—“
“Oh my goodness! I forgot!” The tone in Baekhyun’s voice made Zitao a little worried. “Jongdae said Jongin and Kyungsoo were dating.”
Zitao exhaled in relief.
“Luhan said that once; too. But then Kris told them that they were too young. But they are pretty close.” He commented afterwards.
“It would be nice if we become in-laws, eh?”
The two wives laughed and it wasn’t long before Zitao felt a tap on the shoulder from Kris; telling him that Kyungsoo’s lesson was done. Zitao hung up; telling Baekhyun to tell him once his water breaks so he can immediately rush to the hospital.
Breathe, Baekhyun. Breathe, The brunette told himself multiple times; but the pain was unbearable and Where the is that nurse I will cut her if she doesn’t show u—
“Sorry for the long wait, Baekhyun-ssi. The doctor is ready now.”
There she is.
The nurse pushed Baekhyun’s bed inside the Operation room and there was Chanyeol; panicked and excited plastered all over his face.
“The kids are waiting outside; so are Zitao and Kris and apparently Yixing and his dad is here to—“
“Shut up Chanyeol just let the doctor get the baby out of my stomach it’s killing me!” Baekhyun felt bad for yelling at his husband but all he could focus on at the moment was the excruciating pain in his lower regions. He felt like a balloon that was about to pop.
Chanyeol understood what the other is going through and kept silent. After positioning Baekhyun properly (Baekhyun held Chanyeol’s hand because the truth be told he was scared), the doctor told him to push.
“Jesus Christ I’m going to die!”
After what felt like an eternity, the baby’s head started to come out. The doctor grabbed hold and motioned Baekhyun to push harder.
“I’m pushing with all my might what the do you want!?”
Seeing the glint of worry in Baekhyun’s eyes, Chanyeol held on tighter. “Push, Baekhyunnie! Our son’s almost out!”
Three pushes later, a new baby boy was born.
“How do you feel?” Zitao asked as Baekhyun lied helplessly on the hospital bed; eyes half closed.
“I think the diameter to my hole increased by 10 centimeters.”
Kris held back a laugh.
Just as Baekhyun was about to sleep, the door opened; revealing Chanyeol with a light blue bundle in his arms. He had his melting-Baekhyun-again-and-again smile.
“Say hello to umma, Sehunnie.”
The bundle was placed gently on Baekhyun’s chest and as he cradled it he nearly cried. His new-born son was beautiful; he had white skin and pink lips. Perfection.
“Hi Sehunnie, this is umma… I’m glad you made it out safely…”
Chanyeol leaned to kiss Baekhyun on the lips before lovingly looking at is beautiful wife and fourth son.
Minseok came in a while later; a trail of children behind him. “They wanted ice cream so I –Oh my goodness! It’s the baby!”
Like a lightning bolt, Jongdae and Jongin ran towards their mom; excited to see their baby brother. The little creature smiled slightly at the arrival of his brothers.
“He’s so small!”
“He’s so white, not like Jongin.”
Joonmyun came closer as well; curious at the look of his new sibling. He pulled Yixing with him.
“He’s so cute…” The Chinese boy said and Joonmyun nodded; smiling.
Zitao carried Kyungsoo in his arms so he could see the new addition to the family and Kyungsoo immediately curved his lips. He had a thing with babies; Kyungsoo couldn’t keep his eyes off of them.
“Congratulations, Baekhyun, Chanyeol!” Minseok said; grinning. “And to baby …Sehun, was it?”
Chanyeol nodded; face filled with joy. “Thank you.”
Luhan was the last of the kids to see baby Sehun and when he did his face flushed light pink. His eyes started to go glassy as he looked at the baby’s features; not missing an inch.
“What’s wrong, Luhan-ah?” Baekhyun lovingly asked the awe-d child.
“He’s… Perfect…”
The parents laughed at Luhan’s innocent comment.
“What’s his name, aunty?” He asked again.
“Sehun. His name is Sehun.”
Luhan desperately tried to crawl up the bed so he can sit next to Baekhyun and Sehun but failed. Laughing; Kris helped him up and sat him perfectly on the white sheets. He told his son to be careful for Baekhyun’s lower regions are still painful. Luhan nodded and leaned in.
“Sehunnie, this is Luhan gege; but you can call me Luhan hyung. Let’s be friends; okay? I will take care of you and we can have sleepovers like Kyungsoo and Jongin. Promise me that we will be best friends!”
Baby Sehun smiled and it made Luhan so happy that he nearly fell off.
A/N: fwee~ finished it! i hope you like it and comment if you want a sequel? and subscribe! subscribers make my day brighter <3 thank you!
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Baby Sehun! || /squeals Thank you for 1000+ subscribers, I love you all omg! xx


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Chapter 1: Aww luhan is crushing on sehun ever since the younger ones birth. So cute.
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness hunhan T.T I'm soft ♡
Chapter 1: This is so sweet <3
Chapter 15: If this is not cute then i dont know what is. long live everyone !!
ReadRealize #5
Chapter 8: this chapter made me think what would my married life would be like.
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 14: awwwwww hunhan
Chapter 1: Awww so cute
Chapter 6: asdfjkl;asdfjlk;asdfjl; omg this is so beautifulllll!!!! It's actually my birthday today and you made me so happy!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
Chapter 15: Are you kidding me. This is like the most adorable thing ever?!?!? My gosh, my heart is going to burst of overflowing cuteness wut