A Cup of Love with a Pinch of Secrecy, Please! (1/2)

Baby Sehun!


“So are you ready for today?”


“Of course!”


“Great! I’ll see you there at two. And make sure you lie properly, all right?”


“Geez, no worries. I’m not that bad of a liar.”


“Uhm, Baekhyun?”




“Yes, you are.”








“Remember that time you had a and when Chanyeol asked you what’s wrong you told him you had a banana shoved up your pants?”


“…Fine, you win.”


“I know. I’ll see you later. Oh, Kris is going to drop Luhan off so he can play with Sehun, is that fine?”


“Sure! See you.”



Chanyeol couldn’t believe it.


Why, you ask?


Well, Baekhyun –that bastard, that pretty, adorable basta—wait that’s not the point! –decided that it was hang-out-with-Zitao-and-leave-Chanyeol-alone-to-babysit day and went out with Joonmyun alongside –for this Chanyeol thanked God—the twins, his high school best friend and Kyungsoo.


Why in the world would they want to learn how to make lemonade from a guy who works in the furniture shop anyway?


As for him, the man is in charge of taking care of Sehun, who is almost two. Sehun doesn’t cry a lot but he’s quite clingy. Like Baekhyun, he likes being taken care of. As far as Chanyeol knew, Sehun could only say basic words like “Umma,” “Appa,” “Hyun” (He can’t say the ‘ng’ in ‘hyung’ yet) and the most recent one, “Luhannie gege.” He would refer other things as “da!” or “goo!” which Chanyeol finds very cute.




Here he is now, trying his best to stop Sehun from crying. He had no idea what went wrong because he could’ve sworn that a minute ago his son was just fine, playing with his colorful building blocks Minseok gave him on his first birthday. Suddenly the poor kid started to cry uncontrollably and usually, based on Chanyeol’s observations, carrying him would stop the tears.


But it didn’t.


Sehun kept crying and crying and the amateur father (he wonders why he so much considering that this is his fourth son) panicked. He tried calling Baekhyun a few times but the other didn’t pick up.


“Damn it, Baek! How could you!?” Chanyeol yelled at no one in particular. Sehun clinged onto his shirt tighter and the tears kept flowing.


Ding dong!


Oh great.


“I’m coming!”


Running towards the door, Chanyeol fumbled with the lock (he only used one had because the other one is used to support Sehun’s body) and opened the handle to see his best friend Kris with his son, Luhan, who carrying a green backpack.


“Um, can Luhan stay here for a while? I need to get some work done back at the office. I—“


“Sehunnie, why are you crying?!” Luhan cried and Sehun’s arms reached out for the hyung he loves the most. After being hugged by the other, the two-year-old’s tears stopped and instead he snuggled in Luhan’s chest. The nine-and-a-half-year-old smiled and hugged Sehun and the two walked inside the house.


Chanyeol, who witnessed the whole thing, was dumbfounded. How did Kris’ son do that? I’m the father and I can’t even make my own son stop crying… He was a bit disappointed that Sehun preferred Luhan over him.


“…So, is it ok with you?” Kris’ words broke his trail of thoughts and Chanyeol nodded almost too quickly that he got a little dizzy.


“Sure! I’ll see you later then. Good luck with work!”



Back in the living room, Sehun snuggled closer to Luhan, who patted is head. The crying had stopped a while ago and the salty tears were drying off. Chanyeol joined them and sat on the sofa, confused.


“Are you okay now, kiddo?” He asked Sehun whose response was only snuggling closer to Luhan.


“He’s hungry, uncle.” Luhan stated. “He wants something to eat.”


“…Okay?” Chanyeol wanted to ask how Luhan knew but he thinks it’s best to leave it alone. “Does he want milk?”


“Sehunnie needs to eat yoghurt, it’s good for his growth. And besides, he likes yoghurt, right Sehunnie?”


Sehun clapped his hands and nodded, a smile plastered on his baby face. Luhan smiled along and kissed Sehun’s cheeks before getting up. “Come on, uncle! Let’s prepare his lunch!”


Chanyeol followed Luhan into the kitchen while helping Sehun sit on the baby chair. Luhan took out a bib and tied it nicely around the toddler’s neck. Chanyeol recognized it as the one Sehun received from his grandmother –Baekhyun’s mother—last week (she was on a trip to Europe). The almost-ten-year-old then opened a few cupboards and took out a small bowl and a matching spoon and cup, handing it to Chanyeol who then placed it nicely in front of Sehun.


Luhan opened the fridge and took out two containers filled with Chocolate and plain yoghurt. He went over to Sehun and extended his hand.


“Sehunnie, can you give gege the bowl? I’m going to get you some yoghurt!”




Sehun handed the bowl happily and Luhan pinched his cheeks. “Good boy!”


Luhan motioned Chanyeol to come over. The man followed suit and stared at the Chinese boy who –apparently—was way better than him. Luhan took a few spoonfuls of Chocolate yoghurt and mixed it with three globs of the plain one.


“Uncle, is there any cereal?”


“Oh, we have Fruity Pebbles.” Chanyeol said, still dumbfounded. He grabbed the box and handed it to Luhan who took a bit and sprinkled it all over the food. Giving it one more look, Luhan took a spoonful of the ‘concoction’ and fed it to Sehun.


Chanyeol wanted to vomit at the look of his son’s food; it looked gooey and wet, but for some strange reasons Sehun seemed to enjoy it. Luhan fed Sehun a few more times before handing the bowl to Chanyeol.


“Feed him, uncle.”


“O –Okay…”


Carefully, the father brought the spoon to Sehun’s mouth who ate the mixture happily. Luhan took Sehun’s small cup and filled it with warm water before sitting next to Chanyeol.


“Here you go, Sehunnie! Drink~!”


“Da!” Sehun chirped, grabbing his cup before carefully drinking from it. Luhan smiled and wiped the yoghurt that splattered all over his lips.



After lunch, Chanyeol decided that it was time for Sehun to take a bath. He filled the bathtub with warm water and some bubbles while Luhan stripped Sehun off of his checkered overalls before carrying him inside the bathroom.


“Luhan, I’m gonna go take a shower. Can you take care of Sehun while I’m gone?” When the words left Chanyeol’s mouth he immediately regretted it. He knew Luhan was doing so much better than him and the kid should be the one saying that.


But instead, Luhan only smiled. “Okay, uncle!”



Luhan took the sponge and scrubbed Sehun’s Vanilla-scented soap back gently. The little boy receiving the treatment giggled, continuing to play with his Rubber Ducky.


This made Luhan smile.


It had been a while since he had a close friend to play with. Sure, he plays with his little brother a lot but Kyungsoo has been paying a lot of attention to his best friend, Jongin. Luhan didn’t mind, he was glad that his brother could find a friend to play with, considering the fact that Kyungsoo’s really shy. Jongin makes fun of Kyungsoo sometimes but overall they’re good.


Luhan still remembered the event two years ago clearly, the day he was first introduced to baby Sehun. From the moment he laid his eyes on him, he promised to take care of the young boy and be his best friend.


“Gege~” Sehun uttered. His hair was covered in bubbles and Luhan couldn’t help but laugh. He soaked the sponge in the water and washed Sehun’s face.


“You’re so cute.”




“Saranghae.” The words Luhan voiced out seemed to be something normal to say, but his cheeks flushed red. He turned redder when, instead of responding, Sehun got up to hug him. Luhan didn’t mind getting his favorite Bambi shirt wet and covered in bubbles, he’d do anything for Sehun.


After five more minutes of playing with bubbles (Luhan eventually got wet but that’s okay, his father already told him to bring extra clothes), Luhan carried Sehun out of the bathtub and dried him off. He took a pair of cozy hamster pajamas and put it on the smaller boy. It was getting cold outside, the older of the two realized that it’s almost winter. He took out his red sweater and wore it, hugging his body because it was cold.




Catching Luhan by surprise, Sehun ran over to hug him.


“Aw, Sehunnie. Do you want to go take a nappie?”


Sehun nodded and Luhan carried him to the bed. The two snuggled and Sehun fell asleep in Luhan’s embrace.


“I love you so much."


After kissing Sehun’s forehead once again, Luhan fell asleep.



Chanyeol sighed. His hands were busy drying his wet hair and though he didn’t really do anything he was quite tired. A minute ago he went over to check on the two boys to find them asleep on Sehun’s bed, which is completely fine.


Chanyeol was confused about Sehun. Did he not love him? He feels like a bad father because even Luhan does a better job than him. And Baekhyun didn’t pick up his calls or reply to any of his messages. He had to admit, he was worried.


Chanyeol decided to text Baekhyun one more time before preparing dinner for himself and Luhan as well as making Sehun some milk.


To: Baekhyunnie

Message: Hey honey, how’s the lemon tutorial? I miss you. See you soon :)



Since he’s pretty clueless about the kitchen, Chanyeol decided that it would be the easiest to heat the leftover Bulgogi from yesterday’s meal. He placed the bowl in the microwave and proceeded to the rice cooker.


How is this supposed to work, again? One cup of rice is to one-and-a-half cup of water? Or was it two?


“Uncle, what are you doing?”


Luhan’s sleepy voice made Chanyeol jump that he almost spilled the uncooked rice on the floor. The boy walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes before sitting near the counter.


“I –uh—am trying to cook some rice for our dinner.”


“Do you need any help?”


“…You know how to cook rice?”


“U-huh.” Luhan answered. “Mama teaches me and Kyungsoo basic kitchen stuffs.”


“O –okay. Is one cup of rice to one-and-a-half cup of water? Or two?”


“It depends. If you like soft rice then use two cups.” Carefully, Luhan removed the small pot from inside the rice cooker and poured in one-and-a-half cup of rice. He then went towards the sink to wash it a couple of times.


“Do you like soft rice?” Chanyeol asked and Luhan nodded. “Oh. Me too.”


“Then we’ll use four cups of water.”


Chanyeol watched in awe as Luhan cooked the rice. He then washed his hands and set out the plates and eating utensils. How can a kid be this good with housework? Not only that he’s good with children, he’s also good with kitchen duties.


“Uncle, why are you looking at me like that?”


“I—“ Scratching his head, Chanyeol sat next to the Luhan on the table that has been wonderfully set.


“Uhm, you’re pretty good with housework, aren’t you? Did your mama make you do these things?”


“No.” Luhan’s cheeks turned pink and though it was unnoticeable Chanyeol could see it. “I want to learn to be good so I can take care of Sehunnie.”






“U-huh! I promised him that I’d take care of him until we both grow old.”


Talking about Sehun makes him happy, Chanyeol mentally noted. “That’s nice. Thank you, Luhan.”


“I only do it because I want to.”


The room fell silent for a couple of minutes then Chanyeol realized that he needed to make milk for his son. In the end, Luhan made it and the father went to Sehun’s room to wake him up.


He nudged his youngest son’s small body and Sehun woke up, his small hands kneading his sleepy eyes.


“Hey, you.”


“Appa~” Sehun whimpered. He reached out for his father’s embrace and Chanyeol smiled.


“Come here, it’s time to drink your milk.”



Sehun and Chanyeol were greeted by the sweet smell of Bulgogi and just-cooked rice. Luhan sat on the dining table, a cup of warm milk in his hands. Sehun slowly climbed down his father’s embrace and ran for his meal.


“Thank you for the meal, Luhan.” The man blessed. Luhan smiled and helped Sehun drink with a straw (Baekhyun didn’t want Sehun to keep using the baby bottle because researchers found out that babies who still use bottles at the age of 24 months and above will become obese by the age of five).


After Sehun finished his milk, Chanyeol carried him to the front of the Television and they both watched 'Winnie The Pooh.' Luhan had his dinner and joined them a while later.


It’s not such a bad day after all… Chanyeol thought to himself, still smiling as he fell asleep on the couch.


“Psst, is he asleep?”


“Yes, auntie.”


“Okay, thank you sweetheart. Come on, Zitao! Let’s get down to business!”


“Wait, I’m texting Kris. He’s on his way now.”


“Okay, perfect. Did you remind him to—“


“Yes, a thousand times, yes. Baekhyun. No worries.”


“Okay, okay. Come on, don’t make too much noise. He might wake up.”




A/N: stay tuned for part two :3

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Baby Sehun! || /squeals Thank you for 1000+ subscribers, I love you all omg! xx


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Chapter 1: Aww luhan is crushing on sehun ever since the younger ones birth. So cute.
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