Home is Where the Heart is

Baby Sehun!

“Welcome to our home sweet home, Sehunnie!”


Baby Sehun was barely a week old when his parents brought him to their residence for the first time. Being the little being he is, he was not familiar with the surroundings; bright lights and noisy little voices here and there.


Not long after, he was moved from a larger embrace. Sehun heard his mother say, “Be careful with it, Yeol~” and assumed that he was carried by his father. Unlike Baekhyun, the man provided him with a bit more space, making Sehun feel slightly more comfortable.


But nothing beats the warmth beneath his body afterwards.


“Mommy,” He heard one of his brothers (that’s what you call them, right?) say. “Is Sehunnie going to be sleeping here from now on?”


“Yes, Jongdae.” Baekhyun answered; the voice extremely familiar to baby Sehun. “Don’t make too much noise, okay? Sehunnie needs to sleep.”


“But he’s been sleeping all day!” Another called out, Jongin was it? Jongin hyung? “Can’t he play with us?”


“He’s still very small. He needs a lot of rest, just like you when you both were babies.”


A booming voice joined the conversation and Sehun could only guess that it was his father.


The room fell silent for a while, the sound of the door to his (supposedly) room closing quietly. Sehun stirred in his sleep, enjoying the comfy mattress his mother had prepared. He heard him hum to an unfamiliar song before falling off to dreamland.


A little later when Sehun woke up, he saw a familiar figure hovering over him.


What was I supposed to call him again? ‘Daddy?’


“Hi, squirt!” Chanyeol half-whispered. “You opened your eyes!”


His oh-so-called ‘daddy’ lifted him to his arms and kissed his forehead. Baby Sehun let out a small, shaky breath, his eyes trying to memorize blurry details of the man.


“Baek, Sehunnie’s awake!”


As if on queue, Baekhyun rushed over. He smiled at the little bundle of happiness before making him some milk.


Milk! I like milk!


The mother of four took his son from his husband’s embraced and positioned the bottle near Sehun’s mouth, making sure that the temperature is not too hot and not too cold for his liking.


“Open wide~” Baekhyun instructed. Little Sehun did so and started to the milk out, his little mouth making occasional “chu~” noises.


Chanyeol stayed silent, listening to the small sound of his son swallowing. It was heavenly; the fact that someone so tiny is actually alive and breathing.


“Isn’t he cute?” Baekhyun asked his better half who was grinning like an idiot. Chanyeol vigorously nodded.


“He has your eyes.”


“He has your cheekbones.”


The younger of the two squinted his eyes. “No he doesn’t.”


“Look closer.”


Sehun had finished his milk by then and went back to sleep. His small lips were slightly opened. In his mind, he was dreaming of lying down in the clouds.


Such an innocent fantasy.


“…Okay, he kind of does. He has my hair color too.”


Baekhyun played with the soft strands on Sehun’s head and giggled. It tickled his palms. He kissed the baby’s forehead and laid him back in the crib before heading outside.


“I’ll go prepare dinner. Can you watch him a little?”


Nodding, Chanyeol smiled. “Sure. Might as well read something while I’m here, huh?”



“Fat baby.”


“Super fat baby.”


“Very, very fat baby.”


“Chubby baby.”


Baekhyun sighed in confusion, his lips slightly twitching.


“Babies, please stop insulting your baby brother, okay?”


Jongin and Jongdae turned their heads innocently, gazing at their mother who had just placed the food on the table before looking at Sehun who was carried by their father once again.




“Fat, fat.”


“Fat, fat, fat.”


Joonmyun was silently placing the spoons and forks on the table when his ears perked up due to his brothers’ words. Curiously he peeked to look at baby Sehun who had his eyes closed and cheeks puffed.


“He’s not that fat…”


“His cheeks look like marshmallow!”


“Steamed bun!”


Jongdae looked at Jongin, who looked back at him, before nodding in approval.


“Yes, steamed bun.”


At least they agreed on something, right?


Everything got a little bit livelier as the night came and baby Sehun opened his small eyes, confused as to what was going on.


Why is everything so noisy…


“He’s awake! Mommy he’s awake!” Jongdae squealed. Baekhyun told him to keep quiet or else he might make Sehun cry.


“Hi, Sehunnie~” Chanyeol greeted happily. “We’re about to have dinner now. Are you hungry? Do you want milk?”


Sehun blinked innocently.


“I’ll go get him the milk.” Joonmyun offered sweetly. Baekhyun thanked him and instructed the twins to start eating. To celebrate Sehun’s arrival, the mother of four made a feast with all of the family members’ favorite dishes.


Jongin and Jongdae quickly said their prayers and started to eat. They thanked Baekhyun, who smiled in approval, before feeding Sehun. Chanyeol sat next to Jongdae and took a plate, starting his meal as well.


“Thank you for the meal, Baek!” He voiced out, a little bit of tiredness detected in his tone. “Boy, these look delicious!”


Joonmyun, unlike the others, sat next to his mother. He watched the way Baekhyun’s delicate hand would hold the bottle, tilting it slightly to help Sehun drink. He was paying attention to the small details, eyes squinting occasionally.


Baekhyun, who noticed this, tilted his head to the side. “Something wrong?”


“I’m concentrating.”


“On what, exactly?”


“How to feed Sehunnie…”


“And why is that?”


“So that I can help you next time.”


Joonmyun caught his mother by surprise and Baekhyun felt his cheeks go red. At times like this he really wants to give his eldest son a big hug, but unfortunately he was unable to due to the fact that Sehun was in his embrace.


“Aww, baby. Why don’t you go eat now, hm?”


“But what about you, mommy?”


“As soon as you’re done, you can watch over Sehunnie while I eat, okay?”




Quickly Joonmyun joined his father and brothers. He said his prayers and started to eat, not forgetting to thank Baekhyun.


“How cute.” The mother mumbled, secretly smiling at his family.



Sehun’s arrival, day two.


Kris and Zitao, alongside Luhan and Kyungsoo came to visit the Park Household that day. They brought a few presents: baby bottles, tiny baby pajamas, a few toys and small towels for little Sehun.






The mothers hugged and exchanged greetings before they all headed to Sehun’s small room. Kris had taken the chance to have light talks with Chanyeol about work before congratulating him once again.


“Kyungie hyung!” Jongin called out, running to Kyungsoo before giving him a bear hug. Kyungsoo hugged him back and the two held hands. Jongdae followed them.


Out of everyone, Luhan was the most estatic. He nearly tripped on the way to Sehun’s crib if it was not for Zitao’s strong grip on his wrist.


“Sehunnie!” He half screamed half whispered once they arrived. Sehun was still asleep against his soft bed sheets and pillows but the noise made him stir.


“Luhan, go wash your hands if you want to play with Sehun.” Kris reminded. The said boy pouted and did as he was told, making sure to use extra soap to kill all the bacteria (hey, it’s not his fault he likes soccer!).


“Can I please see him now daddy?” He nagged at Kris. Chanyeol laughed and he helped Baekhyun carry Sehun in his arms. The little baby made a small yawn and slowly opened his eyes.


Luhan gasped.


“So cute!”


The boy simply could not contain his joy. He slowly touched Sehun’s hand and giggled at the softness of the other’s skin.


“Do you like him?” Baekhyun asked and Luhan nodded vigorously.


“I love him so, so much!”


The corner of Sehun’s lips went up and the mother’s eyes grew wide. Did his youngest son just smiled for the first time?


Because of what Luhan had just said?


“Actually…” Chanyeol stated, also witnessing what had happened. “I think Sehunnie loves you so, so much too!”






“Yay! Did you hear that, mommy?”


Zitao could only smile. He was glad that Sehun was such an adorable baby that even Luhan had grown softer towards him.


“Do you want to try to carry him?” Baekhyun offered.


Luhan was about to scream a loud ‘yes’ when his mother suddenly stopped him, shaking his head.


“Your arms aren’t strong enough, baby. You might drop Sehunnie.”


“No, mommy! I won’t, I promise!”






The other set of parents witnessed the whole thing and felt their chests swelling. Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a look of pity before he suddenly smiled, a thought escaped his mind.


“I know!”


Carefully he lifted Luhan to the sofa and made him sit there nicely. He then instructed something to Baekhyun and the wife smiled, carefully placing Sehun on the little boy’s lap.


As if on cue Luhan’s hands held on to the baby’s body. Now his face was so close to Sehun and he felt his heart beating rapidly.


Sehun looks so much cuter up close!


Shaking his head in disbelief, Zitao let out a half-grin. “Be careful, Luhan.”


“I will!”


He continued to eye the parcel of cuteness in his embrace and that was when Sehun opened his eyes.


Luhan couldn’t believe it.


Baby Sehun was staring back at him, lips slightly parted.


Who is this? So warm…




Sehun did not make a sound. He continued to look at the other, trying to focus on the doe eyes and thin lips.


“This is Luhan hyung, Sehunnie.” Baekhyun lovingly explained. “He loves you very much, right Luhan?”


“U-huh! I love you so much Sehunnie!”


Sehun snuggled closer to the other.


“He really looks like you, Baekhyun.” Kris commented, eyeing the little baby in his oldest son’s arms. “His skin is so white, too. He’s even whiter than Kyungsoo.”


“Is it possible for anyone to be whiter than Kyungsoo?” Chanyeol commented, knowing quite well that Kyungsoo’s nickname was Milky-skin-Kyungsoo for a reason.


“Apparently it is.” Added Zitao who had inched a bit closer to watch the baby. “He’s extremely white. I bet he has a cute bum.”


Baekhyun giggled at his friend’s statement. “His bum is like a marshmallow. So are his cheeks.”


Joonmyun came in a few minutes later, watching Sehun being fed by his mother while still in Luhan’s embrace.


“You must be very happy.” Kris told the boy. “Your brother is so cute.”


“Thank you… He is cute but Jonginnie and Jongdae are cute too. Because mommy is cute.”


“Mommy is cute?”


“Yes, daddy said so. Daddy said mommy is short and cute.”


Kris couldn’t help but giggle. He had to agree with Joonmyun; Baekhyun really is short. Compared to Zitao, he’s really petite.


For the next few minutes, everyone stayed in Sehun’s room to exchange small talks. Jongin and Jongdae, alongside Kyungsoo, who had been watching TV outside (‘Pororo’ was on) came in and Kyungsoo almost melted at the sight of baby Sehun.


“See? My dongsaengie is cute!” Jongin stated proudly.


“Really cute!” Added Jongdae.


“So cute…” Kyungsoo managed to mutter, eyes never leaving Sehun. At this point, Sehun had finished his milk and Baekhyun is carrying him while patting his back, helping him burp.


The two families stayed together until it was time for dinner and Baekhyun and Zitao collaborated in the kitchen, making the most delicious Chinese dishes. They had small talks and ate their food happily and Baekhyun had to admit, he felt even closer to Zitao and his family. It really has been a while since they first met, huh?



After dinner, the kids stayed in the living room to watch TV with Chanyeol (‘Captain Tsubasa’ was on) while Zitao helped Baekhyun fold Sehun’s clothes that had dried earlier that day. Kris was in the dining room, sending a few e-mails regarding work before joining his best friend and sons.


Little Sehun had fallen asleep so Zitao and Baekhyun had to talk quietly to avoid waking him up. They were basically talking about everything: children, their school, their husbands, plans for tomorrow and it practically goes on and on. Since Baekhyun was pregnant with Sehun, he had been occupied with a lot of bed rests and whatnot while Zitao had to run errands; hence the two had a lot of catching up to do. Despite the temporary distance, they are still really close.


“So when is Chanyeol going back to work?”


“Maybe next month, after Sehun’s monthiversarry. Is Kris handling okay with the fact that he has to handle everything for a while?”


“Yeah, he’s fine.” Zitao replied. “But he’s quite the workaholic, that idiot. If he keeps this up he’s going to catch a cold.”


“Oh my… Make sure you make him soup or something!”


“That’s the thing, he’s been eating outside with clients a lot and they usually eat Korean Barbeque and all the greasy stuff. It’s so unhealthy.”


Biting his lips, Baekhyun nodded, understanding. He would feel the same if it was Chanyeol who has not been eating healthy food.


“Everything all right around the house? The kids helping you with Sehun?”


“Definitely. Joonmyun is a lot of help, actually. Chanyeol helps to. The twins, though, they can’t really do much…”


“Well they’re children, we can’t really blame them.”


Baekhyun stacked all the bibs together and placed them inside one of the drawers. “I guess so… How are Luhan and Kyungsoo?”


“Same as always, Luhan playing soccer, Kyungsoo staying inside, coloring books and crayons with him at all times.”


“How cute! It’s nice to have kids that can, you know, calm down. The twins are always so loud.”


Zitao grinned and told Baekhyun he agreed and the two let out a small lough. Soon all the clothes were folded and they left the room, giving Sehun some peace and quiet.



“It’s time to go home.”


To Kris’ announcement, Chanyeol groaned childishly and so did the other kids (except Kyungsoo and Joonmyun).


“Five more minutes!”


“It’s getting late. You have school tomorrow Luhan, Kyungsoo.”


“Uncle Kris is right,” Baekhyun added; now back in the living room with the others. “You need a good night sleep. That includes you both too, Jongin, Jongdae.”


“But mommy—!“


“No ‘buts.’ You’ve played a lot today. Time for bed.”


Jongin and Jongdae mumbled ‘but I’m not tired’ under their breaths but nonetheless stood up. Chanyeol turned the TV off, pouting at Baekhyun, who, unfortunately for him, did not even care.


Luhan got up as well, taking Kyungsoo by the hand. His brother was already quite sleepy, rubbing his eyes. The two sons joined their mother who was heading towards the door.


“Thank you for today, Baek. We’ll see you tomorrow, ‘kay?”


“Sure! And thank you for the presents. Sehun’ll love them.”


Kris told his sons to thank Baekyun and Chanyeol as well and they did so before exiting the door with a ‘good night.’


The twins had bid their farewells and headed to their room with Joonmyun, changing into their pajamas. Chanyeol, still pouting, headed upstairs to his shared bedroom with Baekhyun.


The mother of four was about to lock the door when it suddenly opened again, revealing Luhan.


“What’s wrong, Luhannie?” He asked.


“Um… Can I see Sehunnie again tomorrow? I forgot to say goodbye today but now he’s already asleep…”


The small request made Baekhyun smile. He suddenly thought of his high school days where it would pain him to not say goodbye to Chanyeol.


“Of course! You can come whenever you want, okay? You’re always welcomed here.”


“Thank you, auntie! Good night!”


This time, Baekhyun successfully locked the door. He was indeed tired and was relieved that Zitao and Kris had helped him with the dishes earlier. The man slowly dragged his feet upstairs, ready to drift off to dreamland.


But he definitely did not expect Chanyeol on the bed, a towel around his waist, smiling sleepily at him.




“Hmm… Let’s take a bath together, Baekkie…”


“What are you, a baby?” He smiled playfully. “You can go bathe by yourself.”


“But I wanna bathe with you…” The other puffed his cheeks. “Pwease?”


“Oh now you’re going to talk like a child too?”


“Pwease mommy… Yeollie wants to have a bubble bath with mommy~”


“You child.”


Baekhyun continued to insult him, but in the end the two ended up in the bathtub together, immersing their bodies in the hot water.


“Feels good, doesn’t it?”


“Yeah… It does, actually.”


Baekhyun had his back against Chanyeol’s chest, their legs intertwined and Chanyeol’s arms around the other’s small waist.


“I think I’m falling asleep…”




“I’m so sleepy…”


“It’s been a tough day for you, huh? Why don’t I wash your hair for you?”


“Thank you mommy…”


Baekhyun fought the urge to flush red and rolled his eyes. He took the bottle of shampoo and massaged Chanyeol’s scalp.


They ended up staying in the tub for a few more minutes before drying themselves up, falling asleep almost immediately afterwards.



Little Sehun snuggled closer to his sheets, trying his best to remember everyone and everything that had happened that day. Being the small baby he is, he can’t really remember that many things.


But his chest felt warm.


Little Sehun was happy. He was happy to be born in such a wonderful family.


He was happy he met a certain ‘Luhan hyung’ that made him smile.


Little Sehun simply couldn’t wait to grow up and thank everyone for all that they have done for him.


He fell asleep once again, dreaming of anything that is beautiful in life: mommy, daddy, hyungs, everything.


What a lucky baby he truly is.



A/N: i tried ;w; i really, really tried to make this chapter sehun-centric. how was it...? i'm sorry if it's not good enough asdfasgadg i'll try harder i promise! anyway, i hope you liked it, heehee :3 ask me stuff on ask.fm! and wheeee 700 subs ;w;


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Baby Sehun! || /squeals Thank you for 1000+ subscribers, I love you all omg! xx


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