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Today marked the day of Leora's operation, and Charlie, Lisa, Serena, Atty. Campbell, and Dr. Anne gathered in Leora's hospital room to discuss the procedure.

"Upon checking on Leora's condition, she seems fit for the operation today," Dr. Anne began, her tone reassuring. "The surgery will take approximately 3-4 hours. We'll give Leora a few minutes to prepare, and then we'll take her to the operating room."

Charlie looked at Leora with a supportive smile. "Don't worry, Leora. We'll be right outside the operating room the whole time. You'll see us first thing once you open your eyes."

Leora returned the smile bravely. "I'm not scared, Charlie. I know you'll all be there for me."

Lisa reached for Leora's hand, her expression gentle. "Just think of it as sleeping for 4 hours. When you wake up, everything will be better."

Leora nodded, feeling reassured by their words. "Thanks, Lisa. I'll see you later."

Serena chimed in with her own words of encouragement. "Hang in there, Leora. You've got this."

Leora smiled gratefully at Serena. "Thank you, Serena. I appreciate it."

Atty. Campbell, ever the supportive mother, offered her own reassurance. "Remember, darling, you're not alone. We'll be right here with you every step of the way."

Leora's heart swelled with gratitude for her friends and family. Despite her nerves, their unwavering support gave her strength.

As the nurses prepared to take Leora to the operating room, Dr. Anne gave one last piece of guidance. "We'll take Leora now. You can wait outside the operating room if you'd like."

With determined smiles and hopeful hearts, Charlie, Lisa, Serena, Atty. Campbell, and Dr. Anne followed as Leora was escorted to the OR, ready to support her through the journey ahead.

Dr. Anne led the surgery on Leora's glands. It was a very complex procedure. Despite their best efforts to save Leora's glands, the surgery proved to be exceedingly complex, and despite their efforts, they were unable to salvage her glands. The condition had progressed to a severe stage, rendering her glands irreparable. In order to give Leora the best chance at recovery and to improve her quality of life, the decision was made to remove the glands altogether. While it was a difficult choice, it was deemed necessary to increase Leora's chances of survival.

"Dr. Anne!" Charlie, Lisa, and Atty. Campbell exclaimed in unison the moment they saw Dr. Anne step out of the operating room.

Serena stood beside them, anxiously awaiting news about Leora's condition.

Dr. Anne's expression was a mix of relief and concern as she approached Leora's family and friends.

"Leora's fine... We did everything we could to save her glands, but... her condition had progressed significantly, and it was impossible to save them.... We made the decision to completely remove her glands in order to give her a better chance of survival," Dr. Anne explained, delivering both good and bad news.

Atty. Campbell nodded understandingly, her worry evident on her face. "As long as she's safe," she said softly.

Charlie's eyes widened with hope. "But she'll be okay now, right Dr. Anne?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Dr. Anne offered a reassuring smile. "Yes, she'll be okay for now," she replied, trying to comfort them amidst the uncertainty.

A day after the operation, Leora slowly awakened to the sound of her friends' voices, their presence a comforting reminder of the promise they had made to stand by her side throughout her recovery.

"Leora!" Charlie's cheerful greeting filled the room, making her groan playfully.

"You're always so loud, Charlie," Leora teased, her lips curling into a small smile.

Charlie's concern was palpable as she asked, "How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

Leora nodded, a dryness in prompting her to request some water. Without hesitation, Lisa hurried to fetch a glass for her, earning a grateful smile in return.

"Thank you, Lisa," Leora said softly, taking a sip to quench her thirst.

Lisa's worry was evident as she asked, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Leora's optimism shone through as she reassured them, "Yes, I'm sure. I'll be fine."

Their conversation was interrupted by the entrance of Dr. Anne, prompting Leora to greet her with a smile.

"How are you feeling, Leora?" Dr. Anne inquired gently, her tone filled with concern.

Leora's response was positive, despite the lingering discomfort from the surgery. However, Dr. Anne's next words cast a shadow of concern over the room.

"We weren't able to save your glands, Leora. I'm sorry," Dr. Anne explained, her expression sympathetic.

Leora's smile remained unwavering as she accepted the news with grace. "It's okay, Dr. Anne. Alphas can manage without glands. I'll be alright."

Dr. Anne smiled at Leora's resilience before excusing herself from the room after a final check-up.

Serena and Charlie went out to grab some food.

In the room, it was only Leora and Lisa were left.

Leora's voice, tinged with vulnerability, reached out to Lisa like a soft plea for understanding in the quiet hospital room.

"Yes?" Lisa's response was immediate, her tone b with concern.

"I don't have my glands now..." Leora's words trailed off as she hesitated, unsure of how to continue.

But before Leora could finish, Lisa interjected, her words firm and unwavering. "I don't care... I don't care if you don't have glands... it doesn't matter to me... Just get better, okay?"

Leora's heart swelled with gratitude at Lisa's unconditional acceptance, her smile reflecting the relief she felt in that moment.

"Can you come close, Lisa?" Leora's voice was barely a whisper, a request laden with unspoken longing.

Without hesitation, Lisa closed the distance between them, her presence a comforting anchor in Leora's stormy sea of emotions.

Their closeness was palpable, the air crackling with an unspoken tension that neither dared to

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finale is just around the corner 💚🫶🏻


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255 streak #1
Chapter 72: WOW! I just found this story and I'm very impressed author. I enjoyed the originality. The idea is very clever and it was hard not to get attached to the characters. Thank you! Can't wait to start the next story 🧡
Chapter 63: The scene where serena slapped celia and hand her to the security is so who’s a afraid of little old me coded 😭 Serena literally be like “i was tame, i was gentle till the circus life made me mean, don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth” 😭
Minjeonglabz #3
Chapter 10: Yes serena let’s go! standing up for charlie uwu.
Kkuratingz #4
Chapter 5: Charlie please protect serena from cornelius.
Kkuratingz #5
Chapter 4: I'm curious what will be charlie's test result. Serena still doubtful about charlie's sudden change about her.
Goofy_Kid23 #6
Chapter 71: A happy ending😁 I will most definitely reread this story over and over. I absolutely loved it.
ttblub #7
It’s really good authorssi! Thank you for making this! Can’t wait for the sequel
JiHyun12 #8
Chapter 71: Thank you author!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍 ang galing mo naman
flowersemm #9
Chapter 72: Ahhh what a beautiful ending for two beautiful people 😭 and you’re telling me there will be a married life sequel!! 😭🩷
63 streak #10
Chapter 71: This Alpha-Omega SeulRene AU story beautifully captures the transformative power of love and the strength found in unexpected connections. The way Serena and Charlie's relationship evolves from resentment to profound love is truly heartwarming. Their vows are filled with genuine emotion and sincerity, showcasing their deep understanding and appreciation for each other. The imagery of their kiss sealing their union amidst cheers and applause paints a picture of a love that is celebrated and cherished by all who witness it. This story is a testament to the enduring power of love to overcome adversity and forge bonds that last a lifetime.
Hats off to Author-nim for skillfully bringing characters to life and immersing us in their journey. A round of applause for delivering a story that tugs at the heartstrings and leaves a lasting impact. 🐻🐰😌🙏