Chapter Seven

Nothing Last Forever

The whole second period goes smoothly with Dara. She can’t help it but smile, while reminiscing the conversation she had with Donghae awhile ago. The conversation is… different. It was their first conversation that tackles about their standing. He likes me, and I like him… she thought. But there’s a sardonic truth that keeps on pushing on her mind. Even if she likes Donghae she’s not up to that extent of marrying him. Donghae is a catch, a big catch but marrying him? It’s another story. They’re too young for that concept. They could date, yes.

A gentle squeeze on her shoulder brought her back to reality. She’s on her way towards the school president with her cousin Seungri.


“You okay?” he asked, with a hesitant look. “You’re so pale.”

“I’m good.” She suppresses a smile. Even if they’re cousins, Seungri has no idea about her marrying Donghae. It’s a close family conversation.

“Well, looks can be deceiving. Have you eaten your breakfast?”

“W-well, that one…” she mutters. She didn’t eat breakfast because she’s escaping her parents. She didn’t eat that much during break-time because GD called him. She’s still thankful that Donghae got her a sandwich even if she left him there eating alone. I should thank him again.

“Great! And now we’re meeting Uncle Yang. This calls for a festive lunch.” Seungri giggled. She was about to laugh when he faced him with a serious face. Ooops! “But that doesn’t mean you should skip breakfast. You know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you—“

“Yeah, yeah.” She rolled her eyes over him. “Don’t freak-out. It’s just a breakfast. And Donghae gave me sandwich during break, so technically I’ve eaten breakfast, though it’s a little late.”

“Don’t roll your eyes on me Dara.” Seungri bawl. “You know I have grudges about that.”

“Whatever.” She giggled and rolls her small arms on Seungri’s arms. “Don’t get mad at me, favorite cousin. It’s just a breakfast.”

“You know I have grudges about skipping breakfast Dara.” He said, with thin lips.

She sighed. “I know. And I’m sorry. Wont do that again.”

Seungri didn’t reply, He hated the fact that his cousin Dara didn’t eat breakfast. He has grudges about food, roll-eyes and poverty.


When they came in, the office of President Yang is serene. An old English song is playing at the background- Crying in the rain. There they found their uncle Yang silently sleeping at the office couch, with his arms covering his eyes. His face doesn’t conform to his age. He’s barely 40 years old and yet he looks like 50 or more with the wrinkles on his forehead. Sure thing, stress gave him 10 years of addition.

“You think we should wake-up Uncle Yang?” Seungri whispered. Concern is evident on his face. “He look tired.”

Dara watched his Uncle Yang snore a little. He’s tired. “I guess we should let him sleep for more.”

They slowly went out of his office, trying not to make a noise that would wake him. Even if he’s the President of their school, he still manages to work alone. He doesn’t have a secretary. Poor man. Dara utter with empathy. He handles his business because he’s hunger for control. And both Seungri and Dara knew that their Uncle Yang doesn’t trust anyone.

“I guess I should treat you lunch then.” He mutters. Seungri is still mad at Dara because she didn’t eat her breakfast. He wants to make sure she’ll eat lunch by now.

Then, she remembers that GD wants to have lunch with her. She texted GD, asking if the lunch offer still stands.


To Kwon Jiyong:

Lunch offer still stand? :>


She then hit sent and faced his cousin Seungri who’s now seriously looking at him. “Who the hell are you texting while I am talking to you? That’s a sign of disrespect Dara!”

She giggled the clasp Seungris’ hands. Protective, control-freak cousin! “I just texted my friend who offered me some lunch today.”

“Who? Bom? Donghae?” he asked. Dara usually don’t go out with their classmate for break or lunch, except for Donghae. Even if Dara is friendly, she usually give much time to the closest friends she had.


“Nope?” Seungri repeated, with matching rising of his left eyebrows. “Who?”

“New friend.”

Just in time, her phone vibrated. She looks at it and saw GDs’ phone number registered to that. She smiled.


From Kwon Jiyong:

Yes, it still stands. Where are you? :>


To Kwon Jiyong:

I’m with my cousin, Seungri at the hallway-13. You know him?


She hit send.


“You’re smiling.” Seungri stated half bewildered and half amazed to her cousin who’s smiling like an idiot. “Are you by chance, like this ‘new friend’ of yours?”

“Of course I like him. He’s my friend.”

“So it’s a he.” He gave her a malicious smile. “So who’s this friend of yours?”

Dara stop walking and faced his cousin. They are now in the intersection of different building: Class-A, Class-B and Nobi Society building. She felt her phone vibrated again.


From Kwon Jiyong:

Gotcha! Saw you from 3 o’clock. You want me to come near or just wait here?


Dara saw GD is smiling, slightly tilted his head for her to see him clearly. Oh Lord, he’s really cute.


“Well?” Seungri catch her attention. He looked like a bit… pissed and bored. She doesn’t know. “You come with me or with your friend?”

“Of course I’ll---“


Her words were cut when her phone rang.


Park Bommie calling…


“Who’s calling?” Seungri asked, but looked at her phone and saw Boms’ IDD number flashed. “Still talking with your flirt cousin?”

She rolled her eyes. It’s a fact that her cousin Bom and Seungri doesn’t like each other even if the three of them were cousins. “Yeoboseo? Bommie?” Seungri rolled his eyes, faced her with a sardonic smile. The other line is still silent. “Bommie?” she repeated but still, the other line is silent.


Her heart skips a bit when she heard that tiny sob from the other line. Bommie! “H-hey Bom. Park Bom, are you alright? W-what’s wrong?”

“I-I wan’t to die Dara…”

Those 5 words from the other line made her heart constrict. Poor Bommie… “W-where are you?”


“My life is a mess…”

“Where are you Park Bom! Answer me?!” she can’t help it but cry. Her cousin is vulnerable, she knew it.

“What the heck!” Seungri said. “What happened?”

“Nobody understands me Dara. They call me , they call me , a … am I that dirty to be called like that?”

“Please… tell me where you are Bom?”

“Am I that dirty? Am I that dirty to be called like that?” Bom repeated, in between sobs. “Is it dirty to be an illegitimate daughter?”

Dara sob, she can’t help it. She felt sorry for her cousin. “Please… answer me Bommie… w-where are you? I-I’m worried about you…”

“Unnie…” Bom sob.


“I tracked her. She’s on the school basement. What the hell is happening Dara? What is she doing—Dara!” she ran as fast as she can.

She forget about everything. All she knew is that her cousin and her best friend needs her. Bommie…



“Are you sure she’s okay by now?” she asked the school doctor. She’s still holding her cousins’ hands. Bom looked pale, like the usual. The only think that make her livelier is her make-up. Her hands were warm despite of her pale face. “She doesn’t look like one.”

“She just passed out because of fatigue.” The Doctor said, professionally. “Too much stress, perhaps.”


Seungri and Dara looked at their cousin whose peacefully sleeping. They found her on the school basement lying on the floor. At first she thought her cousin committed suicide but when she went closer, she felt her pulse still beating. She thanked God for not letting her attached to harm.


“Should I call Uncle?” Seungri asked, referring to Boms’ dad. He’s not close to Bom but he still care.

“They’re on their business trip.” Dara mumbled.

“How about Auntie?”

Dara gave him a sardonic smile. “You know she doesn’t care.”

Seungri let out a deep breath. “Maybe she can stay at your house then.”

Dara squeezes Boms’ hand. “Why life is so unfair for her Seungri?” she asked, trying to hold back the tears. “She’s very nice and yet she experiences this…” Seungri didn’t reply. He just squeezes Daras’ shoulder. “I didn’t saw the signs.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“But I know I can do something!” she exclaimed. “I saw her being bullied by her classmates and yet I didn’t do anything.”

“You’re not superwoman for Gods’ sake. Stop blaming yourself, it’s not your fault.”


She silently cries in Boms’ hands. She saw how Boms’ classmates bully her. She doesn’t know how they knew that about Boms’ real identity. Boms’ parents are product of arranged-marriage. Both of them don’t approve their marriage in the first place but they can’t do anything against it since their grandfather wanted to have a venture to Boms’ mom company. But life is unpredictable, they fell in love: her mom fell in love with her father and yet her father fell in love with someone else.


“I wish I can protect her…” she mumbled. ‘I wish—“

“You know you can’t…” Seungri cut her cousins’ words. “You have your own life Dara. Don’t close your life with your cousin because in all honesty, you can’t help her.”

“But I want to. I need to. And I know I can.”

“The only thing you can do is to encourage her to help herself.”



Seungri went out to buy lunch for them. It’s already 1:00 PM and the class already started. Seungri went to the school disciplines office and told her that he and Dara were excused because of family issue. Even if he doesn’t like Bom, he still cares for Dara. That’s the selfish thing he posses. It’s all about Dara and Dara alone.

Dara slowly wiped her tears when she heard that the door opened.


“You’re very fast Seung—Choi Seunghyun.” She mumbled. She was taken aback upon seeing him. She saw him the other day with an anguish expression and now she saw him with a sad one. “It’s already 1 PM and you’re supposed to be in your class.”

“I skip class.” He mutters, still looking at Boms’ pale face. “How’s she?”

“She’s not alright…”

“I know.” Seunghyun went closer to her bed, and then holds her hand slightly squeeze it. “She’s very vulnerable.”

“Indeed.” She said, trying to hold her sob. “Do you know anything about this?”


Then, silence. She knew Seunghyun knew something, she can feel it. “I think she’s pregnant.”

“W-what?” she utter in full shock. “P-pardon please?” she tried her best not to be angry but she can’t help it. How this man could accuse her cousin like that? She knew Bom so well.

“Me and Bom… we’re not into this romantic relationship.” Seunghyun said. Dara cannot fathom the right words she wanted to say, so Seunghyun continued. “I am her outlet of stress, her Noye, her best friend. Just best friend.”

“I am her best friend.” She whispered, trying to convince herself. Am I?


Seunghyun continued, ignoring Daras’ remarks. “Last year, her parents told her that she’s marrying a guy named Lee Dongwook because their company is about to bankrupt.” She gasps. Bom never told her anything about that. She knew Lee DongWook, he’s her classmate. Seunghyun continued. “I saw him; he’s a senior student just like us and he is your classmate.

I think she gave herself to DongWook during summer vacation at Jeju. She told me her plans over the phone. I got mad at her because I know it’s absurd but she didn’t hear me. She’s too close minded because she wanted to please her mom...”

Oh dear Lord. She looked at her cousin. “Why… why Bommie…”

“She’s in love with that bastard. A lucky bastard to be exact.”

“I-I don’t know what to say.” She stutters. “Bom will never give herself to the man she… barely know.”

“She just now.”


Dara closed her eyes, trying to process all the things she learned today. I got my own Noye. I’m about to marry Donghae, my classmate that likes me. Bom is engaged and ‘pregnant’ as Seunghyun said. She felt like her head is about to explode. A lot of information’s coming. And it all came in just 2 days!


“Do you like her? Do you like my cousin?” Dara asked. Even if they aren’t close, she can feel something. Deep inside, she knew that Seunghyun felt something for her cousin… or maybe nothing at all.


“Yes I like her but not to the extent of dating her.” Seunghyun said. It’s true, he like her, but just as a friend. No more, no less.

“This is madness.” Dara mutter.


She went out of the clinic. She wanted to breathe some fresh air. She felt like the world is about to collide towards her. A lot of information is being fed on her mind and it’s bugging her. She didn’t read the signs correctly.


She thought that Seunghyun is her cousins’ best friend when in fact, they’re just best of friends.

She thought that her cousin is okay when in fact, she’s not.

She thought that everything is just alright.


She let out a sigh, trying her best not to cry but her eyes betrayed her. Tears are falling down freely from her eyes dark black eyes. From tears, she felt herself being embraced with her silent sobs.


“A beautiful girl shouldn’t be crying like this.” She momentarily stop from crying and faced the person who spoke to her. It’s Jiyong!


“The Sandara Park I knew, based on my research, is mirth and bubbly, friendly and happy-go-lucky, always positive and never ever frowns and cries.” He went closer to her and cupped her face. He wipes away the tears that are falling on her face freely. “Hush now…”

He enveloped her to his embrace and momentarily, she was taken aback. But the situation is too harsh towards her and her emotions are subtle. When he hugs her tightly, she didn’t protest. In his arms, she felt serene. She felt now that she’s vulnerable too, just like Boms’ situation. Like a lost child in a crowded street.

“I don’t want to see you cry…” Jiyong felt like he wanted to protect her with his embrace. “It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.”

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Chapter 43: Thank you authornim for this great story about love and different kind of emotional feeling while reading this amazing story ♥️
Chapter 43: Beautiful story and I hope in the near future this perfect daragon couple will end up together and also thanks for sharing your story.
Chapter 43: Wow.. great stories.. love the twist and turns.. ❤
Chapter 19: When was their first kiss.. hmmmmm.
3shhaaa #5
Chapter 43: Nice story..
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 43: Nice story..
Maria0801 #7
Chapter 43: Thanks for writing such a good story.
baboychow #8
Chapter 27: When did the first kiss of jiyong and dara happen? I tried to read back the chapter about the festival, but no kiss happened there.
Chapter 43: Chapter 41: Thank you for sharing us your wonderful daragon fantasy... :D
inevitablefluff #10
Chapter 43: I don't even know what to say anymore.
Good job, authornim! And thank you for sharing this amazing story to us.
/muliple thumbs-up