Chapter Eighteen

Nothing Last Forever

Donghae looked at Dara and the mystery bidder walking downstairs. His jaw clenched and his grip tightened. It was an ego downfall! For him, he thinks that he can get Dara as like that. Who’s this guy in black mask? He thought, killing that guy in his mind. The moment he heard his bid, he felt a sudden outburst of hatred for him. Who is he in the first place? The moment I’ll know who’s this guy, I swear he’ll regret the moment he messed with me…



“How did you get that ample amount Jiyong? Why did you bid for me?” Dara asked as both of them seated to her place along with her brother Thunder. Thunder is just silently sitting there and listening to the bidding that is happening as of the moment. For him, listening to their conversation is against their privacy, even if he’s very curious to why this guy named Kwon Jiyong waste that great amount of money for his sister. Who wouldn’t be curious? Bidding for fifty-thousand dollar is very unusual for a high school student. Oh I almost forgot, this is Sequel University. “As far as I’ve known, you’re not capable of—“

Jiyong smiled at her that melted the tensed heart of Dara. Don’t smile at me like that! She silently thought. “I am your master as of the moment Dara. You are my Noye and not the other way around.”

Daras’ lips were closed and she can’t help it but pout. She knew Jiyong for quite some time and she knew that he had a control-freak tendencies. “Yeah, right.” She said, trying to dismiss the conversation. Does she sound like a sardonic girl? “Master Jiyong, can I ask you something?”

“If you’ll ask about the ‘Why’ and the ‘How’ then sad to say, I can’t tell you the answer. Not this time.

Dara sighed and looked-away. The way Jiyong looked at her, it seems like he’s looking at her soul and it made her heat beat so fast. She can’t help it but remember the day he kissed her and all of a sudden, she felt like it was the best day of her life. Oh help me God, Jiyong is not good for my health at all… It was quite unusual to talk to the person who just stole your first kiss. Though it wasn’t that big deal for her, sure thing he gave an impact to her system. And now that she remembers it, she can’t help it but blush. It’s just a kiss Dara… he doesn’t even give a damn.

Jiyong act like he never did something but for him, it was the best ‘risk taking’ and unplanned move he ever did in his whole life.  The day he decided to move back in Korea and left his simple life in Thailand is planned: the moment he enrolled in Sequel University and entered as a Noye is planned. And meeting Sandara Park along the way is part of their plan. But falling for her is not part of the plan… he thought. The role of the King is just to protect himself and let the other chess piece protect him. But the day he kissed her is the same day he created a move, and he hope that it’s not a bad move. She’s his Queen and he let her move.

“W-why did you bid for me?” she asked, trying to convince him to answer her questions. “I-I mean, yes, you are my Noye and we’re friends but it d-doesn’t mean that y-you should bid for me with that kind of money.”

“I bid for you because I want you to feel and experience this.” He calmly said without taking away the glance.

“H-Huh? W-what do you mean?” she stares at the very beautiful set of eyes she ever laid on. For once she wanted to just stare at his eyes for a moment and forget about everything.

“Because I know that you are not taking any risk in your life Dara. You always stay in your comfort zone and let the harmful things towards you pass. You know, in some time, that comfort zone you build must be destroyed and you must go out of that comfort zone.” Jiyong explained, carefully without being harsh. The days he spent time with her, he noticed that she’s very sensitive to words. Well, words are like bullets; and they kill as good as any bullet. “I want you to experience this kind of feeling, the feeling of being vulnerable and being touched by others. You are a daughter of a very rich family Dara and the mere fact that you are a Park, everyone always looks at you as a tower: that you’ll never come down, that you always stays on top because of your family, that you always get what you want… ”

“I don’t always get what I want Jiyong…” Dara mumbled. I wanted to be with my real mom but they wouldn’t allow me…

“So I take it as a challenge: what will happen to you when you slope down? What will you do?” he said giving a glance to the bidding that is happening right now at the stage. Lee Chaerin is the person who’s at the stage. Dara looked at the stage too, trying to grasp his thoughts. And he’s not removing his hands on my hands…

“W-what do you mean? I’m not following you anymore Jiyong.”

“I take you as a new challenge for me. My stay here is just for one mission but knowing you and meeting you is beyond my plans Dara. I did my best to beat you in the exams and see what’s the result? You slope down to rank 4.” Jiyong stated, as if he just said that she’s beautiful tonight. Dara can’t help it but become teary eye. Jiyong, who become guilty of his harsh words, holds her hand tightly and squeeze it, “But you know what I’ve learned along the way? You’re not that easily to beat Dara. I struggled studying the night before the exams while you, you had a goodnight sleep. And I learned that sometimes, things in life are reachable and the only thing that hinders you, us, from reaching it is because of your self-restraining.

I want you to experience failure that you don’t usually get. I want you to experience the pain of creating failures in a way that you’ll learn something because in reality, life is really harsh. Not all the time you’ll be protected by your parents and stay in your comfort zone. There’s no such thing as ‘comfort zone’ in the field of reality Dara. Everything and everyone is harsh.”

“But, why me? I-I mean, I… I’m not capable of doing anything.”

She knew that Jiyong was right: she doesn’t want taking risk. She never takes any risk that could harm her or could harm anyone. I’m playing safe as usual… She always says ‘yes’ to her mothers’ decision even if she doesn’t like to, for the fact that she’s afraid that if she’ll stand-up for her own at the end of it, she’ll realize that her mother is right and standing alone is a very wrong decision. Everything that is happening in her life right now is because of her mother: why she’s at Sequel University, why she’s maintaining grades and her standing, why she can’t fall for Jiyong and many more. Her mother is a big factor for her existence and her disposition in life.

“Humans are capable of doing everything with the help of others.” He said and gave her a very lethal smile that made Daras’ heart beat fast. “Do you want to go with me to the buffet table? I’m now hugry because of our conversation.”



Thunder was left at their table and watches the bidding that is happening right now. He can’t help it but be jealous of his older sister. She’s with their parents, living happily while he’s with their grandparents. Even though he’s happy being treated like he’s the king of the world, he can’t help it but seek attention to their parents. Their grandfather sees him as his son and him always saying that he’s the successor of the Park clan. And he can’t help it but be sad about his older sisters’ fate.

His sister now is at the buffet table along with the mystery guy. Seeing how blooming her sister become when the guy approached her made him happy. He can see that this guy can make her happy. He was about to walk away when someone bump into him. He wears a mask that is covering his eyes only.

“I’m sorry.” He casually said. He must not be caught since he’s an outsider.

“It’s okay.” The man replied, with a sly smile on his face.

Thunder watched him as he walked along with a girl. The girl gave a glance at him and she wears a very sly smile too. People in this school is weird… As he was about to continue to walk, he saw a piece of wood on the floor. Pawn? A piece of chess? Then, he continued walking.



They went to the buffet table and get some food. Dara get a pineapple drink and waited for Jiyong at his back. Jiyong is busy assessing Dara and makes sure that she’s enjoying his company. He doesn’t know why he’s acting like a seven-year old boy who had a crush as their very cute neighbor. Oh you had a crush on Dara! You like her, you idiot.

“You’re not eating anything?” Jiyong asked. Dara shook her head and smiled. Jiyongs’ eyebrows furrow, “Maybe that’s the reason why you’re too slim.”

“This is my natural body structure.” Dara protected herself. “I was born with tiny bones inside my tiny body.”

“But look at Lee Chaerin, our classroom vice-president. She really looks good on her gown because her body has flesh.” Jiyong stated as a mater of fact. He heard that many of their classmates look at Chaerin as hot but for him, he just find Chaerin as a little sister and seeing her as ‘hot’ will never happen.

Dara, on the other hand, felt a sudden pang of envy towards Chaerin. She never felt this kind of feelings before, even when her parents’ attention went to her baby brother, Thunder, when he was born. She felt like her stomach was being punch and she can’t help it but bit her lower lip. She felt it, she’s trembling now.

“Y-you see her as b-beautiful?” she can’t help it but ask. Her jealousy is eating her up. No! No, I’m not jealous. And will never be jealous.

“Yep, Chaerin is very beautiful.” He confirmed. Daras’ heart sank. Jiyong didn’t mention to her that she’s beautiful too. He didn’t find me beautiful… she thought making her sad. She frowns, unconsciously. Seeing her frown made Jiyongs’ heart melt. Dara haven’t notice that Jiyong is observing her face the whole time. And he can’t help it but smile.

“O-okay.” That’s the only word she can tell. She doesn’t want to sound as a bitter-type of person even though her heart and mind is saying that’s she’s bitter.

Jiyong can’t stand it anymore. He holds Daras’ hands and went outside the room. Dara who’s now being dragged by Jiyong don’t know what to do. It’s a good thing he provided a rubber shoes. She just followed him. They went upstairs and when they got to the rooftop, she can’t help it but smile. Even if the rooftop is just as empty as it is, something made it more special.

The sky is full of stars…

Jiyong lifted his hands in front of him and smile, “May I have the honor to have a first dance with my Noye?” she asked. “Though I know that this must be time that you’ll dance with your partner, I want to be your first dance.”

“My father is my first dance when I had my debut.” She said, restraining herself from giggling. Jiyong is simply cute… “But if you insist.”

Jiyong wrapped his hands on Daras’ tiny waist. He put her hands on his shoulder and stares at her. Dara can’t help it but smile. “We’ll dance without music?” she asked.

Jiyong laughed hard. “I’m sorry this thing is beyond my plans.” He said. He unwrap his hands on her waist and gets his phone. He scans the music on his phone and when he saw the right music for them, he can’t help it but smile. “Perfect.”

The music started to play and he wrapped his arms on her waist again. Both of them smiled to each other and they can’t help it but giggle because of their actions. I think I’m falling in love… really hard. Both of them said on their own.

Jiyong motioned her body to him, closer, that the spaces between them aren’t recognizable. His mouth is at her ears, making her hear his soft breathing. And Dara was shocked when he sing along with John Lenard. He’s singing…for me.


“Cause all of me

Loves all of you.

Love your curves and al your edges

All your perfect imperfections.

Give your all of me

I’ll give my all to you.

You’re my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I’m winning.

Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, Oh…”


“I-I’m falling for you Kwon Jiyong. Really hard.” She can’t help it but whispered. “Are you willing to catch me?”

Jiyong smiled, “I can’t catch you Dara…”

Dara tried her best not to cry. But her lips are trembling and her tears fall like an open faucet. I’m pathetic! She smiled but she knew it formed like a frown. “I’-I’m sorry if I said those words. I-I—“ she can’t even control her sobs.

Jiyong wiped her tears. He smiled at her and whispered, “I can’t catch you because along with you, I am falling too. Falling deep, hard and uncontrollable.”



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Chapter 43: Thank you authornim for this great story about love and different kind of emotional feeling while reading this amazing story ♥️
Chapter 43: Beautiful story and I hope in the near future this perfect daragon couple will end up together and also thanks for sharing your story.
Chapter 43: Wow.. great stories.. love the twist and turns.. ❤
Chapter 19: When was their first kiss.. hmmmmm.
3shhaaa #5
Chapter 43: Nice story..
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 43: Nice story..
Maria0801 #7
Chapter 43: Thanks for writing such a good story.
baboychow #8
Chapter 27: When did the first kiss of jiyong and dara happen? I tried to read back the chapter about the festival, but no kiss happened there.
Chapter 43: Chapter 41: Thank you for sharing us your wonderful daragon fantasy... :D
inevitablefluff #10
Chapter 43: I don't even know what to say anymore.
Good job, authornim! And thank you for sharing this amazing story to us.
/muliple thumbs-up