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Nothing Last Forever

Last Chapter


“W-where am I?”

“So, my Queen is awake?”

Dara felt silent as she heard Donghaes’ mocking words towards her. She cannot see anything since her eyes was covered by a blind fold yet she can feel that someone is watching her intently.  She felt her body and yes, her dress is still intact. Thank God he didn’t do anything to me… she thought just to console her worrying heart.

She tries to move but she just can’t- her body was tighed on a mono-block chair, making her feel so helpless. What am I gonna do? She thought. She doesn’t have an idea on how to get away from Donghae. She has no idea where is she.

“How are you, my Sandara?” Donghae asked, still wearing a huge grin on his face. “I’ve been missing you lately.”

“What do you want?” Dara asked. She really thought that Donghae changed and that he already accepted the fact that he cannot possibly have her for his own. She loved Lee Donghae before, that was the truth but no matter what she does she cannot possibly love him the way he wants.

“I want you.” He said, seriously saying those words as if it’s the only thing that matters to him right now. “I’ve always wanted you Dara. Since the day I first saw you, I always thought that you’ll be mine and now is the right time. I can have you for my own especially now that Kwon Jiyong is freaking out.”

“Please Donghae…”

“Please what my Sandara?”

“Please let me go…” Dara softly said. She doesn’t want to cry and she will never cry. “I-I really love Jiyong… I-I cannot love you the way you—“

“Shut up!” Donghae shouted, making Dara tense. “Shut up! Just shut up!”


Donghae sighed and went closer to Dara. He holds her cheeks and caressed it. “Why cant you see me? I am here; I was the real one for you Dara. You’ll be my queen and I will give everything to you.”

“Donghae no…” Dara pleaded. She felt Donghaes’ hands on her bare shoulder. She jerked as she felt his touch but Donghae hold her shoulder firmly. “No…”

“You’ll be mine.”


“You are mine to begin with!”

“I am owned by no one!” Dara yelled. She felt that Donghaes’ hands hardened as she shouted at him. “Please, let me go.”

“Why him Dara?” Donghae asked. He slowly sat infront of her, caressed her face as if memorizing every detail of her face. “Why him?”

“I don’t know Donghae… the last time I’ve checked, I am contented having you as my fiancé and then it hit me- I am falling for Jiyong.” Dara said while crying. “I-I’m sorry if I… if I am not true to my words. I said… I said I’ll start to like you but I just can’t… I just can’t Donghae. I’m sorry…”

Donghae removed Daras’ blindfold and caressed her cheeks. He was crying along with her, feeling the emptiness he’s been feeling for the past years. This is the only thing he wanted—the closure. Donghae wiped away the tears on Daras’ face and trying his best to catch her eyes.

“I love you…” he said, dreaming that she’ll say those words towards him but he failed- Dara shook her head saying she’s not feeling the same thing.

“I’m sorry…”

Donghae felt the sharp pain on his chest. It hurts knowing that she doesn’t love me. But it’s killing me every time I’ll say those words and she’ll say ‘I’m sorry…’ instead of saying the same words… he thought. After six years of exiling himself to America, after six years of avoiding the truth, it is all placed in front of him, trying it’s best to give him a mind-blowing slap that Dara is not for him and will never be for him.

The pail of What ifs started to over-flow again and it is corrupting his mind like a virus.

What if he confessed earlier?

What if he told her he likes her and not just giving her hints? Not just showing how happy he was when he’s with her?

What ifs…

The only thing that keeps him sane is the fact- or the idea- that Dara used to love her. Loved.

Donghae smiled and kissed her forehead. “I am giving you three seconds to run Dara and after three, I’ll chase you and will never let you go.” Donghae untied the rope on Daras’ wrist and feet and pull himself, hard, to let her go. “One…”

Dara stands-up and run. “Two…”

She opened the door yet it was locked. Her eyes widened and search for the keys and saw that it was near him. “Two…” Donghae repeated, making Dara stop on her mid-step.


“One…” Donghae continued to count, not minding the fact that he’s crying. Dara is his first love, he was sure she was, and he cannot accept it whole heartedly. “One…” he continued. “The keys were on the table- Go!”

“I’m setting you free Donghae… “ Dara mumbled before leaving Donghae behind. “Please, be happy even if it means you have to forget about me…”

“Three…” he said when he felt that the doors were already closed. “Thank you Dara… Thank you for setting me free.”




Dara was running on the hallway when she noticed that the hallway is closed and she hasn’t met anyone yet. She arranged her messy hair and looked-back. She still cannot see Donghaes’ figure. She felt bad, really bad. Donghae deserve to be loved but it is not her who can love him back. She knew it the moment she realize that she still has feelings for Jiyong after six years.

She continued walking and headed towards the door. It was the first door she saw. As soon as she opened the door, the beaming light was pointed towards her. She cannot open her eyes but she manages to open them and saw many people surround her: her family, her friends and lastly the man she wanted to see.

She gave them a questioning look and tries her best to ask them but she cannot find her voice. She gasped upon seeing her whole family was there.


*Now, listen to Jason Derulos’ Marry Me’ while reading this part. It will help you to feel the emotions*


Bom went near her and manage to arrange her messy hair. “Thank God I used better make-up than Chaerin.” She said, while giggling. “I’ll just put some lipstick and viola, you’re fresh as the sun again.”

“Shut up!” Chaerin said, trying her best to not sound offended.

“W-what’s happening?” she asked. She saw camera is flashing as she roams around the hall. “Park Bom, what the hell is happening?”

Dara felt her blood is flushing and she can feel them- even the beating of her heart. “Today is your engagement party right?”


~~A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
when I think of all the years I wanna be with you~~


Daras’ eyes widened as she realize that everything was just part of the prank. “So what happened awhile ago was just a prank?”

“Err, not really.” Chaerin said. “But sort of, I guess.”

She saw her mother her Mama, her father and her brother Sanghyun in front of everyone- smiling at her. She wanted to cry because of too much emotion. She wanted to scream to know if it’s true or just part of her imaginations.


~~Wake up every morning with you in my bed
that’s precisely what I plan to do~~


She was just standing there, waiting for her to wake-up because her dream seems real. She wanted to slap herself to know if she’s dreaming or not, but when she felt Bom and Chaerins cold hands on her bare shoulders, she knew that it was true.

“Go.” They said in unison as they push Dara towards the center part of the hall. Her knees were trembling as she started walking towards the center part of the hall. She can saw many rose petals on the carpeted floor and she was on the verge of crying when she saw Jiyong slowly walking towards her.


~~And you know one of these days when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all finer things in life
We’ll be forever in love, so there  aint no need to rush
But one day I wont be able to ask you loud enough~~


“We started on the very wrong reasons, on the very wrong time. I was just using you to get some revenge were you’re there, having no idea to what was about to happen. I-I didn’t know how and when and why or what the heck happened 6 years ago Dara. I-I just woke up one day and you’re the one I-I’ve been thinking of the whole day and night.” Jiyong said as he approached her. The music automatically stopped as he approached her. He cupped her cheeks and smiled at her. Jiyong was really nervous, nervous as hell as he caressed his soon-to-be wife.


“And everything was ed-up when you run away. I got scared because I cannot find you so I went to your grandfather and asked for his approval. As a teen-aged boy what do you expect? Your grandfather didn’t allow me to be your official boyfriend. He even condemns me but it didn’t give me any feeling that I’ll give up on you Dara.” Jiyong said, still caressing her face. “Y-you’re the main reason why I-I am striving hard Dara, for me to be accepted in your clan.”


“The elder, your grandfather, wanted the best for you because you are one of his favorite granddaughters. He told me that if I cannot prove myself to him, I don’t have any rights to marry you. That’s the main reason why I was out in the picture for six years and that’s the reason why I asked alpha to be with you the whole time.”

Dara looked at his grandfather who smiled at her. It was the very first time she ever saw her grandfather smiled- at her. And it was a very heart-melting experience for her. She’s used to his grandfathers’ scolding and grumpy attitude and upon seeing his smile, everything felt right. Everything felt perfectly fine.

She really thought that everything was bad for the past six years and yet, here it goes; everything was always planned for her sake. She ought to find her ebstfriend, Joong-ki, but she cannot find him. She only saw how Chaerin and Bom cried like a baby while listening to Jiyongs’ words.


“I’ll say, ‘Will you marry me?’ I swear that I will mean it. I’ll say, ‘Will you marry me?’” Jiyong sang still looking intently towards her eyes. She gasped as she saw a ring in front of her and slowly, Jiyong placed it on her finger. She can feel his shaking hands and she can’t help it but laugh. “Don’t laugh at me.”

“You’re shaking.” She said, trying to act coolly and yet, she cried upon seeing how Jiyongs’ eyes sparkled. “You’re nervous Jiyong.”

“Who wouldn’t? This is a life and death situation. So here I am telling you to marry me Dara.” Jiyong asked as he kneeled in front of her. He was even shooking his head ash he kneeled and looks in her eyes. “I am not asking you because if I do, I know you have two options and that’s either you’ll say ‘Yes’ or say ‘No’. I-I told you to marry me not because you have no choice. You’re forever stuck with me Dara, so we better stuck with each other.”

She was silently crying as she watched Jiyong look at her with full of love on his face. He was still kneeling in front of her and she has no right to say ‘No’ to him because she does love this guy kneeling in front of her.


“What the!” she heard Bom exclaimed. “Sandara Park!”

“What the hell is happening?” Sanghyun asked. “Noona?”

Jiyong felt like his world collapsed as he heard those words from Dara. It felt like he was slowly fading away. He looked down as he can hear the murmurs around. He cannot possibly find the exact words to explain how he felt right now. Hurt… is just a superficial feeling because he felt like he was stabbed for a hundredth time.

Dara walked backwards and still watching Jiyong. Even if it pained her seeing Jiyong like that he smiled at her thought. “No, I wouldn’t dare to continue living without you as my husband Jiyong.”

“Damn it! I knew it!” Bom said, while giggling.

“Shut up Bom!” Seungri said.

Jiyong looked up and saw how Dara pull-up her hands and let him saw his ring on her fingers. “They say that love is a feeling and not a decision but for me it is both. I have a feeling for you and it is called love, making me decide to marry you at all cost Jiyong. I will marry you even if other people may think that we don’t have the longer time of knowing each other and we just barely know each other. Marriage isn’t equal to the number of years of being together. Marriage is a life long ‘date’ with you, my Kwon Jiyong and I am willing to date you everyday of my life. I am---“

Dara was smiling as she felt Jiyong lips crushed to her. She tilted her head and let Jiyong deepen the kiss she’s been waiting for.

“I thought… I—“

“Shhhh. I will marry you because I love and trust and respect you.”

“I love you Dara, everyday of our forever.”

“Yeah, everyday of our forever…”




“You’re acting coolly awhile ago as if that was true.” Joong-ki said to Donghae.  They’re now inside their car and waiting for Seungri and Bom to be back. “You let her go. Why?”

Donghae smiled and looked at Joong-ki. Even if he was juts asked to act coolly for Jiyongs’ proposal, what happened awhile ago is true. He badly needs a closure and he got it in Daras’ presence. “Same as the reason why you let her go six years ago.” Both of them watched as Dara and Jiyong kissed in front of many people. Joong-ki smiled at the thought: he loved Dara but not to the extent of having her for his own. He loved her that’s it.

“Sometimes, you have to let go of the things that aren’t really meant for you. “

Joong-ki looked at her bestfriends, the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Kwon Jiyong. “They’re meant for each other.”

“I know.” Donghae answered and smiled. I’ll be happy Dara, as you wish, my Queen.

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Chapter 43: Thank you authornim for this great story about love and different kind of emotional feeling while reading this amazing story ♥️
Chapter 43: Beautiful story and I hope in the near future this perfect daragon couple will end up together and also thanks for sharing your story.
Chapter 43: Wow.. great stories.. love the twist and turns.. ❤
Chapter 19: When was their first kiss.. hmmmmm.
3shhaaa #5
Chapter 43: Nice story..
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 43: Nice story..
Maria0801 #7
Chapter 43: Thanks for writing such a good story.
baboychow #8
Chapter 27: When did the first kiss of jiyong and dara happen? I tried to read back the chapter about the festival, but no kiss happened there.
Chapter 43: Chapter 41: Thank you for sharing us your wonderful daragon fantasy... :D
inevitablefluff #10
Chapter 43: I don't even know what to say anymore.
Good job, authornim! And thank you for sharing this amazing story to us.
/muliple thumbs-up