PART TWO: u n t o l d #9

Nothing Last Forever

Nothing in This World




The room is dark yet few people were there. Some of them were smoking and drinking brandy, while some were just silently waiting for the elders to come. This is the exclusive meeting of the members of the knights and familiar faces were there- Song Joong-ki, Choi and Lee Songhyun and some Knights.

Joong-ki along with Seungri was silently waiting for the elders to come. TOP was just intently watching them while drinking his second glass of brandy. “Do you know the reason behind this, alpha?” Seungri asked. “The elders don’t usually ask our presence because of some childish issues. Is there any problem?”

Joong-ki sighed and watched the others. “I have an idea but I don’t want to entertain it.”

“Does this include Jiyong and Dara?” TOP asked. “I’ve been hearing discussion awhile ago and it includes about the elders recent games.”

“I really don’t know what’s with the elders recently. I talked to them 3 months ago and they told me that they wanted to play game but I don’t know that it was human chess game that they’re pertaining. They even asked me to join but I declined since I am very busy lately.”

“But Dara and Jiyong met a month ago. Does this mean that they’ve been planning the whole thing ahead of time?” Seungri said. “All this time, they’ve been planning on how to wreck Jiyongs’ life again?”

“I… I don’t have an idea Seungri.” Joong-ki said. “All I know is that when the elders play games, they don’t let go of their game without being contented. Most of the time, when they play games, they include people and money. And… and I am scared that my bestfriend, Dara, will be harmed this time. If I play dirty, they play dirtier.”

The loud chatting stopped upon hearing foot-steps from the doorsteps. Almost all of the members of the knight watched as the elders come in and sit on their respected chairs. The elders are just consisting of two men, two powerful men that have a lot of connections and money. The elders just sat there then eventually smirked upon seeing particular group of knights- the group of Joong-ki.

“It’s been a long time brothers.” One of the elder said. “How are you?”

No one dared to answer- not because they’re afraid of them but because they’re intimidated by them. Who wouldn’t? They’re powerful, they’re influential. They can do anything they want in just a snap. But one thing about them is that they don’t look down on someone else- they’re all brothers in this pact.

“I want to tell you guys that my granddaughter is about to marry one of the members of this brotherhood.” One of the elders said.

“And to be specific, her granddaughter will marry my son!”

Joong-kis’ eyes widened, along with TOP and Seungri. “What the hell is my grandfather is saying?” Seungri said, with gritting teeth.

The elders were composed of Kwon Jiyongs’ father and Sandara Parks grandfather…

“They’re broadcasting the whole thing to everyone. Are they okay with Jiyong and Daras’ relationship?” TOP asked.

The room went silent. All of them knew that they’re referring to Jiyong and Dara. Joonbg-ki clenches his fist as he saw how Daras’ grandfather smirked. “Your grandfather is planning something.” He mumbled towards Seungri.

“As what I’ve said, my granddaughter and his son is about to marry and since we’re part of this brotherhood, we’ll play a game together.”

“What the…”

“My granddaughter and Jiyong will have there engagement party next week. The one who can steal away my granddaughter from Kwon Jiyong will have a prize. Porche car, a Villa from Jeju or company share: name it, you’ll have it all.”

Everyone was shocked upon hearing the elders’ words. Who wouldn’t? Aside from the fact that he’s not a type of person who crack some jokes which involves money, it is his granddaughter at stake.

“But first you must surpass my security team and of course, Kwon Jiyong and his friends.” Jiyongs’ father said. “Right, Song Joong-ki?”

Joong-ki smirked. Showtime…




Dara is smiling from ear-to-ear while she was watching her soon-to-be husband, Kwon Jiyong, in front of her while arranging his tie. She smiled and come near him. She put her arms on his tie and smiled at him. Everything is going smooth and she’s happy with that.

“This is a normal doings of a wife right?” she said, while giggling. She’s used to putting some neck-ties because of her father and her younger brother, Sanghyun when she was still young. They’ll always ask her if the tie they wear is okay or a bit upside-down.

“So, you’re already a skilled soon-to-be wife uh?” Jiyong said, while smiling from ear-to-ear.

Today is their engagement party and both of them were excited. Jiyong is intently watching Dara as she manages his tie. “In-out-side-in-out then arrange.” She said. She looked at Jiyong and smiled at him. “Now, you’re ready for work honey.

Jiyong kissed Daras’ forehead and hugged her. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Are you ready for our engagement?” Jiyong asked. “Your eomma and appa will be there.”

Dara smiled. “I know, they informed me already.”

It’s been a month since that day- the day Daras’ parents got their guts to come near their child. That was the most dramatic scene they’ve watched- Dara went home along with her Mama. At first she was really hesitant since she doesn’t want to leave her Mama- her real mother. She’s still thankful that she accepted her but her Mama insisted. So, she was with her parents for a week and she still find herself going to her Mamas’ house- their home.

“So, in few hours you’ll be Mrs. Kwon.” Jiyong said.

“Who told you? I still have the rights to say ‘No’ to your proposal, Kwon Jiyong.” Dara joked, making Jiyong pout. Dara kissed his lips shortly and giggled. Jiyong just tsk-ed and pull her closer.  “I’m sorry but I lied.”

“Don’t you think that what is happening right now is too fast?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Just forget about it. But always remember that ‘Jiyong is for Sandara’ only.”




Sandara is patiently waiting for Jiyong to knock on her room. They arrived in the hotel earlier and she’s with Bom and Chaerin right now. She’s wearing her long white engagement gown that gave an accent of a wedding dress. Dara remembers the history of that dress as she traces her hands on that dress- ever bead of that gown.


It was her usual study time and she was at the library, waiting for her Noye- Kwon Jiyong- to arrive. They decided to study there because examinations were fast approaching. Since she’s currently on her fifth rank, she badly needed to be on top again even if she’ll step down on Jiyong.

Dara usually draw random dresses when she’s bored. And right now, she already draws 3 gowns. But what she’s drawing right now is her dream gown- her engagement gown. Since she and Lee Donghae are already engaged and she’s trying her best to grow her typical crush on Lee Donghae.

She’s lines and gave an effort on every detail to that gown. She wanted to have a very beautiful gown that she could imagine. And since Lee Donghae and her share the same feeling, it is easy for her to visualize the gown she’ll wear.

For her, being engaged with Donghae is fine with her. She already knew him and it is easy for her to adjust to their situation. Aside from that, Lee Donghae is still a good catch.

“Hey…” Jiyong said, as he sat next to her. Dara is still busy lines when Jiyong put his hand on the paper. “You’re busy. What are you drawing?”

“My wedding gown.”

“Wedding gown?” Jiyong asked. Dara nods and continue to draw something. “Are you engaged?”

“Secret…” she said playfully.

Jiyong just shrug and watching Dara. She’s really beautiful and he has no idea that one of these days… he will fall for her- hard and big time.

“So, why all of a sudden Dara?”


“You drawing these stuffs.” Jiyong said. He was holding on his right hand the sketches Dara is been doing. But what catches most is the drawing she made for him. “You had a drawing for me…” It wasn’t a question since Jiyong is holding a specific sketch of a gown that has an initial of ‘K. Jiyong’ at the bottom part.

“O, that one.” Dara said. She lean closer and pointed a finger on her drawing. “That’s my advance happy-birthday gift for you. I know sooner or later you’ll get engaged and I want to give sketch of the possible engagement dress for your girlfriend.”

Jiyong looked at the drawing intently and he can’t help it but smile. “But it screams elegance and wealth. You know I am not as wealthy as you are Sandara Park I cannot afford this very expensive engagement gown of yours.”

Dara pouted upon hearing his mockery. Since the very beginning, Jiyong is keeping on saying the difference of their social status. “Then, I’ll give it to you as an engagement gift.”

Jiyong raised his eyebrow. “You would?”

“Yes.” Dara said, as she tries to get his sketch but Jiyong smirked and pull it away from her. “Give it to me.”

“Why would I?” Jiyong said playfully. “I could sell this since this is really beautiful sketch. I could make money out of these sketches you had.”

“Give it back Jiyong…”

“You have very talented hands Dara.” Jiyong commented making Dara blush. “But the gown is really ‘Sandara Park’, if you know what I mean. And since this is your gift, I’ll have this one. I’ll make sure that the one I’ll marry will wear this gown.”


Dara can’t help it but smile. She still can’t believe that everything is falling on their right places. “Still can’t believe that this is happening?” Bom said, while arranging Daras’ hair. “This is it unnie. This is your engagement party and everything will fall on their right places.”

Chaerin is smiling at her and said, “I’m happy for you Dara.”

“Thank you Chae…”

Their conversation was paused for awhile since they heard knock. Dara stare at Chaerin and Bom and reality hot her—this is her engagement party.

“Oh my god! Eottoke? Eottoke?” Dara keep on chanting while walking around the room. She wanted to scream because of too much emotion she felt. She’s excited and nervous all at the same time.

“Relax Dara, maybe that was just the room service I asked.” Chaerin calmly said while shooking her head. “So this is what we called wedding jitters eh?”

“Well, it’s just their engagement party and look at her reaction.” Bom commented making Chaerin giggle.

“You’ll eventually feel this when you’re on my shoes.”

Chaerin opened the door and got shock upon seeing a masked-guy heading towards them. But what shocked her most is the fact that those guys were holding a gun and is pointed on her forehead.

“Chaerin-unnie, still there?” Bom called.

“B-bom…” Chaerin nervously said.

“Don’t move or your forehead will have a hole in less than 1 second.”

Chaerin gulp the lump on as she walked slowly towards them. Bom gasp upon seeing guys holding Chaerins’ neck with a gun on their hands. “Don’t move…”

Dara was silently chanting her mantra when she felt the sudden silence of her surroundings. As she looked around, she almost yelps upon seeing Bom and Chaerin being held by some mask-guy. But what made her more nervous is the fact that a gun was being pointed on her forehead.

She saw how the guy behind those mask smirked. Even if the mask wasn’t unveiled, she was sure he smirked and that made her more nervous. “W-what do you want?”

The guy removed his mask and Dara felt like everyone betrayed her. No… “I want you. I still want you, my Sandara Park because you’re still mine to being with…”

What do you want, Lee Donghae?” she mumbled trying her best to compose herself.

“I have everything in the world yet I don’t have you and to answer your question, I want you.”

“I-I thought you and Jiyong were already friends.”

“Friends my .” Donghae said, while smirking. “I don’t do friendship to people who get what I want.”

“No… this is not happening.” She mumbled before losing her consciousness as she inhaled something unfriendly to her system.

“No Dara, this is the reality. You and Jiyong will never have you happy ending.”

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Chapter 43: Thank you authornim for this great story about love and different kind of emotional feeling while reading this amazing story ♥️
Chapter 43: Beautiful story and I hope in the near future this perfect daragon couple will end up together and also thanks for sharing your story.
Chapter 43: Wow.. great stories.. love the twist and turns.. ❤
Chapter 19: When was their first kiss.. hmmmmm.
3shhaaa #5
Chapter 43: Nice story..
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 43: Nice story..
Maria0801 #7
Chapter 43: Thanks for writing such a good story.
baboychow #8
Chapter 27: When did the first kiss of jiyong and dara happen? I tried to read back the chapter about the festival, but no kiss happened there.
Chapter 43: Chapter 41: Thank you for sharing us your wonderful daragon fantasy... :D
inevitablefluff #10
Chapter 43: I don't even know what to say anymore.
Good job, authornim! And thank you for sharing this amazing story to us.
/muliple thumbs-up