
Nothing Last Forever

The smile on Jiyongs’ face is still intact as they head towards home. Dara just shrug and pouted her lips. Jiyong was being like- smiling like a crazy man- and it made Sandara a little bit irritated.

“Yaah, why are keep on smiling like that Jiyong? I am irritated, seriously!” Dara said, with her lips still pouted.

“Why? Is it wrong to smile like that when you’re happy, huh, Mrs. Kwon?” he said, while giving her a short glance. He’s driving his car and he wouldn’t take a risk on meeting an accident.

“But you’re smiling since… since… argh!” Dara ranted, making Jiyong smile. He holds her hand and gently squeezes it; still his eyes were on the road.

“What’s wrong with that? Knowing I’ll have my second baby.” Jiyong said while grinning.

That’s the reason why he’s smiling- because they’ll have their second child. Sandara is five weeks pregnant. They just got back from the OB Gyne to confirm her morning sickness-issues three days ago. And that made Sandara pout.

“Hey don’t frown like that baby. I’m not smiling anymore.” Jiyong said but Dara just shrug.

“Whatever.” She answered.

She looked at the backseat and saw their five year old son, Mino, who’s now sleeping peacefully. He just got from his soccer practice and that’s the reason why he’s sleeping at the back. Dara hated Jiyongs’ genes because Mino and Jiyong really look-alike. What her son got from her is just her playful attitude. Is it even included? Argh! She thought. Mino is very playful- he even got a lot of friends and he’s also sweet and charming- just like his father.

“Come on baby.” Jiyong said, still pouting. Dara wanted to nsupress a loud laugh because his face is so epic- he really look like their son Mino when he’s having a tantrums.

Dara faced Jiyong and smiled at him. She’s been married to Jiyong for seven years already and she never ever regretted the day she said ‘Yes’ to him. Jiyong really thought her what is the real meaning of love. They’ve been through a lot of struggles- they fight over petty things like ‘Who came first: the Egg or the chicken’ and when she labored Mino. She thought she’s about to die because of too much emotion since Mino, their son, was labored in a caesarian method.

They’ve been through a lot of tough moments because in reality, there’s no such thing as perfect love and life. They’ve been through a lot but they surpass those obstacles because they love each other. Dara even remembered when she told Jiyong that she’s two months pregnant with Mino, their first son. He kept on shouting and yelling and even told our friends that he’ll be a father soon. Dara really thought that those acts and emotions were just from movies but she’s wrong- Jiyong is really happy that he’ll be a father.

“Eyes on the road Mr. Kwon Jiyong.” Dara reprimanded when Jiyong stares at her for a long time.

“Oka, Mrs. Kwon.” Jiyong said, and he pulls her hands from her lap and gently kisses it. “I love you, always and always.” He said, making Dara blush.

Dara keep on asking herself, why did she even love this man? Why did she even wait for him for six long years? Why did she even find herself loving this Kwon Jiyong? Dara must admit that loving Jiyong is really hard- he’s sweet then eventually he’s a snob. He’s unpredictable in many ways but one thing that she will never regret is loving Kwon Jiyong and the feeling of being loved back.

He matured in many ways: he always put Dara and Mino first in all his decisions, he has stables that even looked good to him. He even looked good as he aged every year. He got wiser and got sweeter. He’s not even a sucrose. Tsk.

“Hmm, I guess Minos’ sibling will be a baby boy again.” Jiyong said. He gave her a glance then put his attention back on the road.

“Why? And how sure are you?” Dara asked. I just love him the way he was…

“Deep penetration, baby.” He said making Dara blush. “We made our baby on our seventh anniversary remember? That was five weeks ago. Geez, we could make a football team if you want.”

“Jiyong!” she shouted.

Eomma?” Mino asked, while rubbing his eyes. “Are you arguing with Appa?” Dara smiled as she saw how their little Kwon pouted. His eyes weren’t focused- indicating that he’s still sleepy.

“No baby, we’re just playing around.”

“I love you eomma, I love you appa.” Mino said while going back to sleep.

“I love you too baby.” Both of them answered.

“I love you too baby.” Jiyong said playfully making Dara love.


They went to the ancestral house. Christmas is coming and every Christmas they have their get-together at the ancestral house of the Park. Their car entered the private vllage fo the Park clan were Daras’ parents and relatives live. The moment Jiyong parked the car, Dara went out immediately and open the baxck-seat area to get their sleeping son.

“Little boy, wake-up, we’re here.” Jiyong gently said, while waking their son.

The maids immediately came and get the bags they bought. They’ll spend Christmas here so they packed few clothes for them. Dara unconsciously smiled as she saw how her husband and her son interact. They really looked-alike. Blame Jiyongs’ gene! Mino isn’t still awake so Jiyong decided to carry him. He put his sons’ arm on his leg and started walking.

“Let him sleep on our room. He’s maybe tired.” Dara said.

Jiyong just nod and went upstairs. Dara went to their garden and greeted her parents and grandfather. She even saw that her cousins, Bom and Seungri, was there too. Her real mother died three years ago after a long battle for her cancer. Yet in her heart, she always felt like her mother was there for her.



“Hello.” He greeted them he kissed her cousins and her parents and her grandfather.

“Where’s Jiyong?” her father asked as she sat next to Bom.

“Upstairs. Mino was sleeping so he just made him sleep comfortable on our room.”

“How’s married life?” Bom asked. Seungri just rolled his eyes at his cousin. “What?”

“Every Christmas you’re asking the same question Bom.” Seungri said.

“Whatever.” Bom rolled her eyes on Seungri. “I want to play with little Jiyong-ssi.

“He’s sleeping, pabo.

“Shut Seungri!”

“Kids, enough!” Their grandfather sad. Even if she got the blessing from his grandfather, she’s still afraid of him. Every time she’ll remember everything, she can’t help it but laugh at it.

“So, how’s your married life to Jiyong?’ her grandfather asked. He sipped a cup of tea and looked at her. “You look beautiful by the way.”

“Thank you grandfather.” She smiled.

“Is Mino giving you a hard time Dara?” her mother asked. “Please let him stay with us one of these days.”

“Sure mom, if Jiyong will allow you.” She said, while giggling. Jiyong is a hands-on father and he doesn’t want to be away with their son. “I am happy with Jiyong grandfather.”

“My decision is great, letting you meet in an unexpected way huh?” her grandfather tease making her laugh.

She remembers when her grandfather told her about Mr. Yangs’ plan.


It was sunny afternoon and she’s five months pregnant. She’s silently sitting on the swing on their backyard, waiting for Jiyong to comeback with the strawberry shake she requested. Since Jiyong is very hands-on to her, he will agree to whatever she’ll request- even if she’s just joking sometimes.

She heard footsteps and she was shocked upon seeing her grandfather is here, along with Jiyong and his father, Mr. Yang. She stands up and slightly gave them a bow.

“Grandfather.” She greeted him. “Father…”

“I didn’t realize that you’re already five months pregnant. Look at your tummy!” her grandfather exclaimed. Dara smiled t him and let them sit on the bench near the garden. The maids came with the tea Jiyong told them to bring.

“Is Dara giving you a hard-time?” her garndfather asked, making Dara giggled. “Pregnant women usually request weird stuffs Jiyong, if you ever encountered it.”

“Yeah she always does.” Jiyong answered. “She’ll crave banana with ketchup in the middle of the night or bitter-gourd and tomato shake. Those moments are really mind-blowing.”

Both Mr. Yang and her grandfather laughed. “Yeha it’s a good thing that we let you meet in an unexpected time. Look at you now, both of you was happy.”

“Eh?” Both Jiyong and Dara asked.

“We let you meet in Thailand even if we already planned upon letting you meet each other. I don’t know why but when I told you Dara that I want you for my son I am not referring to Taeyang but for my younger son, Jiyong.” Mr. Yang said.”We already arranged everything ever since you two were still young. If you haven’t realized yet Dara, you already meet each other, other than the Thailand trip and on your school. Remember when you went to my office during kindergarten and you saw a kid on my office who’s crying?”

Dara remembered him: he’s a crying boy who keeps on punching Mr. Presidents’ shoulder. Dara has no idea who he was but he was really crying at that time. She even remembers what she told to that boy; “Stop punching Mr. Yand and please, don’t cry.”

“Who are you? Why are you here?”

“I am Mr. Yangs’ future Rank-one!”

“Whatever. Get out on my way.”

“I am hurting because I can see you crying while hurting Mr. Yang. Please, don’t cry, I’ll be sad..”


“Father…” Jiyong said while blushing. He remembers it all and from that day onwards, he developed a little crush on that little girl.

“We already arranged your meet-up at school but then your parents decided to have a vacation at Thailand so we decided, why don’t we let them meet there?” her grandfather said, while smiling. “You met but an unexpected thing happened and everything change.”

 “But you know what, what is bound to happen will happen.” Mr. Yang said. He gently holds my hands and squeezes it. “And I will tell you this for a hundredth time, I really like you for my son Dara. It never changed from the day you entered my office and told him to stop crying up to now that you two were already married…”

“I-I don’t know what to say…” Dara said, still cannot comprehend a right sentence to say.

“It’s nice playing with you Jiyong, you really deserve my granddaughter.”

“Thanks Mr. Park.”




“Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Park.” Jiyong came in and gently kissed her forehead. “Good morning, grandfather.”

“Jiyong is so sweet.” Bom said, dreamingly. “How I wish I can find someone as sweet as him.”

“You wish.” Seungri mumbled, making Bom punch his tummy. “This brat!”

“Whatever, old !”

“Kwon Jiyong, my favorite human chess piece.” Mr. Park said while giving Jiyong a short tap on his shoulder. “How are you? What are you father doing lately?”

“He’s busy with playing with my brothers’ daughter.” Jiyong answered.

“Ahh, Taeyang and his wife.” He said. “So, I heard you have news for us.”

Dara smiled and faced them. “We’re having a second baby.”

Jinja? OMG! OMG! OH MAY GOSH!” Bom reacted.

“Park Bom!”

“Congratulations! I’m so happy for you Dara.” Her mother said, while giving her a tight hug and kissed her temple.

“Thank you Mom.”

“Is it a boy or a girl?” Bom asked.

“Stupid. How would they know if Daras’ tummy is still little?” Seungri answered.

“I don’t know but I am hoping it’s now a girl.”

“But if he’ll be a boy, it’s great! I mean, we can make a little Dara for you.” Jiyong said, while kissing her lips making Dara blush.

“Wow, another little Kwon.” Her grandfather said. “I’m happy for you Dara, very happy.”

“Thank you grandfather.” She said, feeling grateful because of everything, with her grandfather. If he didn’t play with her life, her life with Jiyong, chances are she wouldn’t me be as happy as she was right now.

“Little Jiyong is awake!” Bom yelp as she approached Jiyong and Daras’ son. “Come to tita, baby boy.”

Eomma… Appa…” Mino said and didn’t even give a budge to her Tita Bom making Seungri and everyone else who saw that scene laugh.



Life isn’t about searching for the things that can be found. It is about letting the unexpected happen and finding the things you never searched for.

In Jiyong and Daras’ case, both of them searched for their hearts desire: for Jiyong it was revenge for his brother and for Dara it was acceptance from her family. Little did they know along the way an unexpected thing happened, they fall in-love. And for them, that was best unexpected thing that ever happened to them: to fall in-love, to be loved and to have their hearts desires.




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Chapter 43: Thank you authornim for this great story about love and different kind of emotional feeling while reading this amazing story ♥️
Chapter 43: Beautiful story and I hope in the near future this perfect daragon couple will end up together and also thanks for sharing your story.
Chapter 43: Wow.. great stories.. love the twist and turns.. ❤
Chapter 19: When was their first kiss.. hmmmmm.
3shhaaa #5
Chapter 43: Nice story..
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 43: Nice story..
Maria0801 #7
Chapter 43: Thanks for writing such a good story.
baboychow #8
Chapter 27: When did the first kiss of jiyong and dara happen? I tried to read back the chapter about the festival, but no kiss happened there.
Chapter 43: Chapter 41: Thank you for sharing us your wonderful daragon fantasy... :D
inevitablefluff #10
Chapter 43: I don't even know what to say anymore.
Good job, authornim! And thank you for sharing this amazing story to us.
/muliple thumbs-up