Cold-Hearted Superior [8]

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Day by day, Yoona went to see a psychiatrist recommended by Yuri. Yuri went all over the place to find a good and profound psychiatrist for Yoona, her efforts finally paid off after finding a Miss Kim Hyoyeon. As coincidental as it may sound, the psychiatrist was also Taeyeon's girlfriend and they have been together for almost 5 years. It was pure luck that Taeyeon worked in Yoona's company. 

“Yoona, how are you feeling today?” Hyoyeon asked with a gentle smile, her pen ready to write on her clipboard. Yoona’s fingers unconsciously played with the little keychain hanging off her house keys, “I'm feeling happier and more relaxed.”

Yuri and Yoona were officially living together and Yuri made another set of house keys of Yoona, differentiating them by placing a Mickey Mouse and Rilakkumma keychain respectively. 

“That's wonderful.” Hyoyeon paused for a bit, observing Yoona’s expressions and behaviour, “any sudden changes in emotion lately?”

“Hardly...” Yoona answered softly.

Yoona was blushing so hard that Hyoyeon couldn't help but let out a smile as well, looking at the shy girl in front of her. There could only be one reason - Yuri. 

“Our KkabYul treating you well?” Hyoyeon teased, putting her clipboard aside. 

For the past 2 weeks of counselling Yoona, Hyoyeon realized that Yoona was one person that was very easy to get along with once one gets to know her well enough. Talking about Yoona's favourite things and topics could often make her open up faster. Unknowingly, there was a bond formed between Yoona and Hyoyeon.

Yoona giggled, “Yes, she's treating me well. All the unnies worry too much, honestly.” Hyoyeon nodded in agreement and the thought of Taeyeon’s story the other day came to mind, “I heard from Taeyeon that she re-built and re-designed everything in your office single-handedly too.”

Hyoyeon was shocked when Taeyeon came home and told her about Yuri's stubborn behaviour in the company. There were so many other employees willing to offer their help but Yuri turned everyone down. 

Yoona flashed a shy smile, remembering how she saw Yuri working alone in her office. 



Yuri had gone back to the office on her own since Yoona wasn't awake when she was leaving. Walking through the office with a trash bag as well as a toolbox, she earned many odd and amused stares. 

“Seobang, what are you doing with those?” Jessica pointed at the things Yuri was holding with an amused look, wondering what Yuri was planning to this time. “I'm gonna fix Yoona's office and bring some files home. She keeps complaining that she's bored.” Yuri chuckled at the thought before skipping into Yoona's office with a stupid grin on her face. 

The tanned girl walked in and she took a deep breath, trying to take in the mess of the once-neat office. Yoona was a very organized and neat person; no one would be able to tell that this was Yoona's office. ‘It's gonna be a long day...’ Yuri did some stretches and cracked her knuckles, getting ready to dice into the pile of work laid out in front of her. 

Yuri walked towards the sofa first, picking up the little shards of glass lying everywhere. She wondered how someone like Yoona could ever be so strong when she looked nothing but petite. 



Yoona might have looked like she was soundly asleep when Yuri left but she wasn't. She was waiting for Yuri to leave the apartment first so she could surprise the girl at the office later. Before she could bend down to wear her heels, she spotted a little note pinned on the notice board Yuri hung on the wall for the both of them. 


Hey baby girl,

I'm already at the office. I want you to stay at home and rest, okay? Promise me that you'll eat something for breakfast and lunch if I'm not back by noon. Thank you for last night although we did nothing but talk and laugh with each other, I couldn't have felt more happy.

I love you, Yoong. See you in a while. Muacks!


Yoona was smiling to herself and it looked as if her face was going to split soon. She was indeed the happiest she had ever been in ages, spending all night with Yuri. 

She took out her phone and dialed a number. 

“Hello, Jessica?”

“Miss Im. How are you feeling?”

Yoona smiled at Jessica's words of concern and she nodded until she realised that Jessica couldn't see her actions from the other side of the phone. She giggled, “I'm feeling good. Is my Yuri there already?”

“Yeah. She came with a toolbox too. I think she's going to be come a builder or a technician soon.”

“Haha.. She's probably handling my office.” Yoona joked, hoping it wasn't true since her office looked more like a rubbish dump rather than a CEO's office now. 

“How did you know?” Jessica clearly sounded very impressed. 

“I'm on my way. Don't tell her I'm coming.”


Jessica greeted Yoona who was smiling radiantly like nothing ever happened the past week. She knew Yuri was taking good care of Yoona; Yuri had grown up. “Yuri's in your office.” Jessica winked at Yoona before going back to her table, looking through some documents. 

Yoona took this chance to observe her staff that had been working ever so seriously without her having to be at the helm everyday. She finally realized how disciplined and independent her staff were. 

“Hey, Taeyeon. How's everything going?” Yoona asked, greeting the eldest employee in the company. “It's pretty great. What about you, Miss Im? The black kid taking care of you?” Taeyeon teased, seeing a shade of pink creeping onto Yoona's cheeks. When there was no response, Taeyeon said, “I'll take that as a yes.” Taeyeon chuckled and walked towards another staff's table, discussing some things with her for the next meeting.

Even among her numerous employees, she always felt comfortable with Taeyeon since she was mature yet dorky at the same time but she knew when was the right time to get serious.

Yoona smiled to herself until she saw a very familiar young boy standing near the fax machine. Her favourite male employee in her company. “Junhong. Hey, I'm so sorry for the injury.” Yoona placed her hand on his shoulder with an apologetic expression, her doe eyes showing how guilty she felt inside. 

“No, it's really fine! It's not painful anymore.” Zelo flashed his goofy grin and patted his boss's shoulder in assurance, he didn't want Yoona to feel more guilty since it wasn't even deliberate. Zelo pushed Yoona gently towards her office and winked at her, making sure Yoona knew that everyone was aware of what was going on between her and Yuri. 

“Yuri-ah...” Yoona called out sweetly, looking at the girl who was crouching on the ground. 

Yuri had her back turned towards the door so she just continued picking up all the files that were on the floor after mumbling a hello in return to the person who called her. 

“Baby....” Yoona bent down slightly, wrapping her arms around Yuri's neck from the back. “Huh? Why are you here, Yoona? I told you to rest at home, right?” Yuri might have sounded a little upset but the smile on her face told Yoona otherwise. “I was bored and I missed you…” Yoona whined, burying her face into Yuri's shoulder. 

Yuri stood up, standing slightly away from Yoona to show her the full view of her office after reformation. “Take a look. Do you like your new décor?” Yoona's jaw dropped and her eyes widened, everything was different. Her sofa had two Rilakkumma plushies on it for her to hug whenever she needed comfort. 

Her table lamp was back to normal and it was working perfectly. Instead of the bright white light it always shone, it was showing an assortion of different colours so that Yoona could choose a colour. On her desk, there was a new glass panel that had name encrypted on it. Next to it was a photo frame of Yuri and Yoona cuddling together in the playroom at Yuri's apartment. 

Yoona wanted to cry there and then but she held it in, looking towards the area where she first spotted Yuri. “Don't look at the bookshelf now, I'm not done yet.” Yuri mumbled in embarrassment and blocked Yoona's view with both hands. “Thank you so much, Yuri…” Yoona whispered and cupped Yuri's cheek, ignoring the sweat, dust and dirt on the tanned girl's face. 

Yuri just smiled in return before kissing Yoona's forehead. 

Flashback End. 


Hyoyeon continued with her own revelation, “Jessica told us that Yuri had never once treated anybody other than herself with so much care before. But since she was Yuri's best friend, it was fine.” 

Yoona nodded slowly. She couldn't express whatever she felt towards Yuri in just a few words when her heart was pumping too quickly and her voice stuck somewhere in . 

Hyoyeon took the clipboard she carelessly threw on the table, giggling when they both realised they had gone off-topic. “Let's get back to business, shall we?” The blonde looked at Yoona and saw her patient giggling to herself with blushing cheeks. Anyone who saw Yoona this way would let out a smile of their own as well. 

“Are you ready to face her again if needed?”

Hyoyeon saw Yoona halt her actions abr

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Chapter 1: I'm shipping taeri nowadays :)
stellakwon91 #2
Chapter 95: hi authornim
more taeri and yulkrys please and yulsic too
ChoWife #3
Chapter 96: Seoriiii
ChoWife #4
Chapter 96: Seoriiii
Luv-Ra #5
seori pls :(
Chapter 96: I'm vote for A and B...YoonYul all the way ^^
Chapter 96: Hi author nim~~
Yulsic shipper here
Im new to your story so i hope u can create more yulsic story....i love your multishot so much
Chapter 96: Im vote 1 and 2 yoonyul forever!!!!!
bingbingdo #9
Chapter 96: keep my head up to YULSIC only.. i vote for my son and my stupid investigator well for the first story 'My Son' i've read this somewhere before where sica left her son but of course she got her own reason. So i hope, author can create the story which would only ended up with Yulsic. Hahaha. Selfish arent i. Dont care cuz author ask to vote right. Keke.. well anyhow its up to you who will Yul/Sica ended up with. cant wait for this.. kyaaaa !!
Luv-Ra #10
seori please:U