
Not Twelve, Not Two, But One
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I was walking to the CEO’s office by myself. Normally at times like these Jinyoung is always by my side but today I didn’t want me accompanying me. Actually I hadn’t seen him or the other Zapter members since yesterday. I already knew what was going to happen to me when I entered the doors before me. I knew who and what was waiting for me on the other side. I simply sighed deeply before walking through those doors.

As soon as I entered the doors of the CEO’s office firm hands grabbed my wrist and roughly threw me into the room causing me to fall on my hands and knees. I looked at the floor before looking up and facing the CEO who was standing before me.

“Minah. I’m glad you could come in. I have a few concerns that are affecting the other idols in my company.” The CEO said as he squatted down and faced me. I looked at him before I felt someone pull my head back by grabbing my hair.

“So you waited until I wasn’t there to confess you were an SM artist?” Xing asked me and I looked at him before he threw my head forward.

“Minah. You know I can protect you from Xing unless you disobey him or me. In this case you raised suspicion to the Zapter members and practically confessed your real identity. So Xing has my full permission to do as he pleases with you.” The CEO said and I looked at him horrified. The CEO stood up and left his office as Xing locked the door. I stood up and backed away from Xing.

“You shouldn’t have come alone Jessica. You should’ve bought your sidekick.” Xing said as he laughed and made his way towards me. I backed away until my back hit the edge of the CEO’s desk. I looked behind me softly cursing myself before facing Xing again and when I did he slapped me hard across the face. The impact of the hit caused me to fall onto the floor knocking down the CEO’s things. My face burned like if it was on fire and I could feel a trickle of blood escape my lips where I was cut. I didn’t feel any pain. All I could feel was numbness. Xing grabbed me by my hair and forced me to stand.

“I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you gave me this opportunity. After what Jinyoung did to me last time I did something I could vent my anger and revenge.” Xing said as he looked at me before throwing me to the floor again causing me to fall sideways landing strangely on my bruised wrist. I groaned as I held onto my wrist.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.” Xing said as he made his way toward me once again before kicking me on the stomach with full force. The impact knocked the air out of me and I gasped for air. Xing then went and kicked me on my back and I was able to in deep breath of air.



I walked down the halls of the company. My whole body ached from Xing’s beating but my mind was blank from any thoughts. The staff around me didn’t notice the cut on my lip or my bruised cheek. No one cared and that frightened me. What if Xing had killed me? Would no one notice? Will no one care? Will no one stop him? I hung my head down as I continued to walk. All I wanted to do was go to my dorm and lay on my bed. I continued to walk before someone grabbed my shoulders and I looked up into Jinyoung’s worried and angry eyes.

“What the hell did they do to you!?” Jinyoung shouted as he looked at me up and down causing the staff to look at me finally. I grabbed Jinyoung’s hand and pried them off of my shoulders. I let my hands fall to my side as I looked at him emotionless.

“Jinyoung don’t overreact. My makeup artist did this with makeup for a music video I will appear in.” I lied as I walked past him. Jinyoung froze on his spot as he watched me walk away.

“Minah.” Jinyoung whispered as I walked past him. I kept walking down the halls as I saw the rest of the Zapter members appear. They all stopped before me as they stared at my injuries. I sighed softly to myself as I walked past them before Young G stopped me. He grabbed onto my elbow and forced me to stop walking.

“Minah. What happened to you? Who did this to you?” Young G asked as his eyes scanned all over my body and the other members did the same. I sighed once again before pulling my elbow free. They all looked at me worriedly and confused.

“My makeup artist did this with makeup because I’ll be appearing in a music video.” I lied once more before walking away from them. I didn’t want to talk to them especially after what happened yesterday. No, I wasn’t angry with them. I was embarrassed but I didn’t want them to see me embarrassed from Xing’s beating.

“Minah.” They all called out to me before I walked away and left them there. There was no point in explaining to them what happened since it would affect them.



“Who could have done that to her? From the moment she left the restaurant till now who could have hurt her?” Shiwoo asked as he and the other members tried to think of anyone who could possible do this to Minah but no one came to mind not even Jinyoung.

“Should we tell the CEO?” Hajoon asked as he looked at his older members. The members shook their heads except Jinyoung who was still trying to think of a suspect.

“We can’t bother him again after this morning.” Young G said and as soon as he did Jinyoung looked up at him and frowned.

“What do you mean you talked to him this morning?” Jinyoung asked and s faced him.

“The CEO called us in this morning while you had vocal practice. He gave us a lecture and a scolding for lacking.” Hajoon said with an embarrassed chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Nothing else was said?” Jinyoung asked as an idea and suspect came to mind at that moment.

“No, oh wait. We also told the CEO about Minah’s weird behavior. He said he’d talk to her to make sure she was alright.” Shiwoo said as Jinyoung’s expression darkened.

“Where’s Xing? He hasn’t been back from his talk with the CEO?” Young G said and Jinyoung knew his hunch was right. He knew exactly who and how Minah got hurt. Jinyoung got up from the floor and ran out the door of the practice room.

“Jinyoung!” The Zapter members yelled after their leader as they ran after him not knowing what suddenly got into him.



Xing was walking towards the practice room to meet up with s. He was in a very good mood. His CEO had told him that if he continued to do well like today then he could go solo which was always his dream. He was tired of being in Zapter with a bunch of guys he despised especially Jinyoung. All of a sudden Xing was pulled back and was punched in the face. He fell to the floor with a cut and bloody lip. Angry at whoever hit him he looked up as he glared at the culprit, Jinyoung, He sat there on the floor as he looked at Jinyoung.

“I take it you’re not here to talk.” Xing had said and without giving him a chance to even defend himself Jin

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8.17.13 | Chapter 3; Updated


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ikongirl #1
Chapter 30: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!! loveeeeeee the story. It's so different than other stories... Please update! I really want to know the ending!!
Girlly #2
Chapter 30: Thanks for the update ♡♡♡ I hope thy aren't going to be seperated and I hope they meet Jessica again :-) Update soon please ;)
Jungsica22 #3
Chapter 29: Please update..
Girlly #4
Chapter 29: Why didn't they just leave with her ?
Thx for the update ♡♡♡
SmTownOfficial_ #5
Chapter 29: Finally Jessica is leaving that cruel place!!!!!!! THX for the update :)
mandy8888 #6
Chapter 28: Thanks for the update author-nim~
SmTownOfficial_ #7
Chapter 28: Wheres Donghae at he is nowhere to be found thanks for the update btw :-)
Chapter 27: Yet!! An update!!!! Nice continuation to your story :) we'll be waiting for more updates :) :) :)
Girlly #9
Chapter 26: Thank you so much for the update
SmTownOfficial_ #10
Chapter 26: Just have Leeteuk rip Jessica's wig off i can't handle this