Chapter 9

Almost Heaven


Mrs. Jung was shocked and extremely worried when she saw the cut on my face. She began to fuss all over me and demanded to know what had happened. Eun Hee and I practically begged her to not to tell my parents. I didn’t want to even think what they would do if they found out the truth about I got injured at school. After a long discussion, which was really just me pleading and Eun Hee nodding in encouragement, she agreed and put a band-aid over my cut after disinfecting it with a spray that stung after she applied it.


We were sitting down and having our dinner that Mrs. Jung had prepared for us when I received a text message from Seunghyun saying that he was sorry for what happened at school today. I smiled softly at the concern I imagined was laced within his words, but I didn’t reply.


Within minutes I got another text, only this one was from Seungri. From what the message said, in addition to his obscene usage of caps lock and exclamation marks, I sensed that he was angry about me going home without telling him what had happened. 


However reading the second half of the message just made me feel ashamed. Overall, Seungri seemed more hurt then angry that he wouldn’t have even known about the incident if Daesung hadn’t stopped me. He just wanted to know why I didn’t trust him. I didn’t mean to make him sad; I just didn’t want him to worry. I was touched by both Seunghyun and Seungri’s concern, but I didn’t have the bravery to text them back. I would just talk to them at school. 


About an hour after the texts, Taeyang called to check on us and inform us that he would pick us up in the morning. Apparently Eun Hee had forgotten her phone at their place, and he had been worried when she wasn’t answering. He and Eun Hee talked for a few more minutes, and then my phone stayed silent for the rest of the night.


That night, even though it was a school night, we stayed up late. I had wanted to get to bed early and just forget about the day, but Eun Hee was enjoying herself too much trying on my clothes in my dressing room. I didn’t have the heart to ruin her fun. She was studying fashion, and she was far too into her element for me to pull her away from her world.


 While she was rifling through my closet of dresses, skirts, and tops, I sat on the floor – as my bed was flooded with outfits Eun Hee had put together – watching amused as her eyes lit up at the equisetic fabrics pooling under her palms. The expression on her face when she found my shoes and accessories was priceless. You would have thought she had unearthed a rare treasure.


The rest of the night she continued trying on the entirety of my wardrobe, while I talked to her about random pointless topics that we forgot about by the time we finally decided to go to bed. 


The next morning, neither of us could wake up easily. We did our best to get ready in time, but I was convinced that we were going to be late when I had finished pulling on my shirt, and Eun Hee was still huddled in her mound of blankets. Eventually I was able to wake her up, and as she got dressed with the clothes she was going to borrow from me, I grabbed my coat and gloves since the weather forecast called for a cold day. 


When we finally made it downstairs, Mrs. Jung was waiting for us with plates of toast, and Taeyang was perched at the kitchen table eating pancakes. When he saw Eun Hee, you would have sworn that they had been separated for years. He bounded out of his chair and enveloped her in a heartwarming hug that made me desperately wish that someday I would have someone care about me, the way that Taeyang cared about her.


When we arrived at the university, the others were already there waiting, and once they saw us, they immediately started asking questions. I was slightly shocked by the sudden burst of questions coming from all directions, but what startled me the most was when Seunghyun walked right in front of me, and lifted my chin to examine my face. I had almost forgotten about my cut, so at first I was extremely confused. I wasn’t used having such close skin ship with him, and I couldn’t figure out what he was looking at. When I realized what he was doing, I was only capable of focusing on how close in proximity he was to me. He was so close that I could smell the agreeable mixture of his sweet cologne and cigarette smoke. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy the contact, but I was definitely uncomfortable. 


“I’m fine…really, it’s nothing.” I stamped as I ducked my head in a desperate attempt to shield the blush creeping across my cheeks. He let go of my chin, but not without a slight frown tracing his lips which I noticed as he retraced his hand back down to his side.


 Eun Hee and Taeyang were still acting as though they hadn’t seen each other for decades, and their lovey-dovey actions, as sweet as they were, were now both endearing and disturbing. Jiyong lit up and smoked his first cigarette, and was reaching down to take another out of the plastic cartridge, but before he had the chance, Seunghyun swiped it away. With a teasing tone he swung the packing tauntingly back in forth tattling, “Hey, it’s really bad for your health.” He winked in my direction and I deeply blushed, not sure what to do. Seunghyun was still laughing while Jiyong just stared at his hyung in utter confusion. 


Just as it seemed as though Seunghyun was going to reveal his reasoning behind his taunts, Taeyang pulled me aside to talk with me. I was just about to thank him for saving me from even more embarrassment, but he was too quick with his question. 


“Yah, Hana, when will your parents return to Korea?” 


 “Umm, probably not until the weekend. Why?  Do you already miss unnie?” I smiled as his jaw dropped at the word weekend. He really did care about her. I was going to comfort him and tell him that I would return her soon, but Seungri decided that it was a good time to open his big mouth.


“Watch out Noona, next week when you return, you might find another girl replacing you in the house!” Eun Hee spun around and smacked Seungri across his head so that it made an audible noise, which if I had to say, sounded quite painful.


“Oppa would never do that. He loves me too much,” She turned to face Taeyang for support, but it was apparently her unlucky day, because Taeyang was in a good enough mood to stupidly play along. 


“Hmm,” Taeyang mockingly placed his thumb and forefinger below his chin, giving him the impression of being immersed in deep though. “I never thought of that before. I could do that; enough girls want me of course.”


 “What!” Eun Hee was steaming, and fortunately enough, Jiyong stepped in to stop the joke before it blew out of proportion.


“Enough love birds; you can deal with it later. For now, let’s head to our classes. It’s freezing out this morning.” 


On our way up to the school, I noticed that Yoona and Jessica were about to cross our path. I tried my hardest to avoid them by hiding behind the boys, but it didn’t work as she was standing right in front of me, blocking my way within seconds. The others were watching us with cautious eyes, all besides Jiyong who was by my side in seconds. “What do you want?” He spat, but she didn’t answer him. Instead she batted her eyelashes, her stare casted downward, and addressed me. 


“I want to apologize for what happened yesterday.” The apology was the last thing I could have predicted escaping her lips, and the shock left me speechless. I felt like a complete idiot, but all I could do was just blankly stare at her. “So then, do you accept my apology?” She smiled what I supposed was meant to be innocently, but I didn’t fail to notice how her eyes seemed to cringe disconcertingly as she did so.


 “Sure, no problem.” I accepted her apology, but in my heart I felt like she wasn’t being at all sincere. She did a little bow, and when she was about to go, I swear I saw her smirking. I knew she was up to something, but I also knew that I shouldn’t pay any more attention to her, and should instead concentrate more on my studies. Mid-terms were just around the corner and I was nowhere near prepared.


The week flew by surprisingly fast. Eun Hee and I didn’t stay up late any of the other days, and all of my school classes seemed to morph together as they all were just review sessions for the mid-terms. When Saturday finally rolled around, the boys and Eun Hee decided to go clubbing. Exams were in two weeks, and they wanted to have some fun before they began to buckle down, preparing. Since I was underage, and I really wasn’t much of a partying type anyhow, I skipped out on that particular escape, and seized the opportunity to spend some quality time with my parents who had just returned from their trip. 


That night I ate dinner with my parents and they told me about their trip. I enjoyed spending time with them, but I was anxious to head up to my room and check my cell phone. She promised that she would call me before midnight so we could talk, but as I lay in my bed and the clock ticked to 1:00 am, she still hadn’t called. I was getting worried that something had happened at the club, so I decided to call. She picked up the phone within 3 rings.


In the background, I could hear pounding music, and Eun Hee had to scream to get her voice to project over the noise. “Sorry Hana, I was talking with the others so I forgot to call. Is everything okay?”


“Everything’s fine, and its okay. I was just getting a bit worried."


 We talked as much as we could with the music still blaring in the club on her side of the phone. I was laughing about what had happened to Seungri, and how Jiyong was passed out on a bar stool, slumped on the counter. She sent me a picture and it was better than her explanation. But when she talked about Seunghyun, my smile distorted to a frown almost instantaneously.


I had asked where Seungri and Daesung were, and she said that Taeyang had taken them both home.  


“Why didn’t they go home with Seunghyun oppa?” I was a little confused. I knew that Seunghyun was their ride everywhere. Come to think about it, why hadn’t Eun Hee mentioned anything about him previously.


“Yeah, he would’ve, but Hyunie left with a girl about an hour ago.” She started to laugh, but I was too distraught to even joke. I don’t know why I was so shocked. I already knew that he was a playboy. I had heard about it before. But I couldn’t answer her. It took me more than a few minutes to compose myself; and by then Eun Hee was shouting into the phone. “Hana, are you still there?” I was there, by my heart was splitting into two, and my eyes were tearing at the corners. 


“Ah, yes, sorry I had to get something. So he went to his house?” I tried to sound nonchalant, but I wasn’t sure if I was doing a good job. 


 “No. Seunghyun has never brought a girl to his house, and no girl has ever entered his bedroom. Except me and his mom of course." She sounded proud that she had stepped foot in territory that some women could only dream of being able to tread. For some reason it didn’t help my mood, but I didn’t dare let it show.


“Okay, that’s good. Let him have some fun.” I tried to make my tone light, but my voice betrayed me and cracked violently halfway through the sentence. The tears trailed soon after.


 “Hana?” Eun Hee asked. “Are you crying?” Oh my gosh, I couldn’t let her know.


I inhaled and took a shuddering breath. “No, I’m just…just tired.” But even I knew that this time it was even more obvious about my condition. 


“Hana, don’t tell me that you li-” 


“No,” I didn’t allow her to finish her sentence. “Don’t imagine things, that’s just ridiculous. I’m going to sleep. Goodnight.” I hung up the phone in tears.


The next morning I stared packing for Daesung’s apartment. I was invited to join in what they had titled as their “Exam Ritual.” Everyone would gather together in someone’s apartment and prepare for exams. They would also stay over at each other’s apartments so they could study all night. The room arrangements had been made, and it was Dae and Seunghyun in Seunghyun’s apartment, Eun Hee, Taeyang, and Jiyong in Jiyong’s apartment, and Seungri and I in Dae’s.


I was surprised that my parents were fine with me staying there alone, but since they trusted the guys and Eun Hee would be on watch, they thankfully agreed. I was looking forward to the set aside study time, and all of the time with my friends.


When I arrived at the apartments, I went directly to Daesung’s. I wanted to try my best to avoid Eun Hee and Seunghyun. When I got there, I found Seungri already waiting for me and we started working right away. We didn’t even bother to eat our lunch; we were far too focused on sharing our notes to care about anything else. I was in the middle of explaining a concept to Seungri that he didn’t understand when someone rang the bell. It was Jiyong saying that it was already 9 pm, and that we should go over to Seunghyun’s house to have dinner. 


We lazily stood up, stretching our sore shoulders and backs, and joined the others that were already congregated in Seunghyun’s apartment, arguing where they will eat. 


“Yah, Eun Hee. Can’t you just cook? We’re all very tired.” 


Eun Hee glared at Seunghyun and snapped, “You are not the only one who has been working hard to study for a test!” She was obviously annoyed, but he didn’t seem to mind that and continued on. 


“Fashion Design is not as hard as medical studies, so please prepare dinner. If you do, then we will wash the dishes.”  


Without even thinking, I cut into their argument and offered a solution. “I can cook.” Now all of the eyes were pinned on me. 


“Do you know how to cook?” Taeyang asked; curiosity and amusement ringing in his tone.


I nodded “Of course I can. What, do you think I am just a spoiled girl that can’t do anything?” Flipping my hair teasingly, I spun around towards the kitchen, and Eun Hee followed.


Eun Hee had decided to help with dinner which I was grateful for. Sure, part of me wished that I could’ve done it alone so that I wouldn’t have to face her and her questions about last night, but with the prospect of cooking for seven people, I was happy to have the help. 


We started preparing dinner in silence. It was defiantly awkward. Every time I raised my head, I found her eying me suspiciously. I thought that I just might be in the clear with explanations and just had to endure a few more awkward glances, when as though she read my mind, Eun Hee spoke up, “Don’t think that I’m done with last night’s conversation. We still have a lot to talk about.” 


“There is nothing to talk about. Ah, the rice is ready.” I tried diverting the subject, but she still pressed on.  


“I’m not blind. I can see it in your eyes.” Just then Taeyang came in, and I had never been more grateful. 


“What are you girls talking about?”


I didn’t know what to say, and thankfully Eun Hee answered for me by ignoring the question entirely. “Jagi, can you help us prepare the table? Dinner is ready.” He smiled brightly and enthusiastically helped us by setting the table.


We were sitting down together and enjoying our dinner when much to my dismay, Jiyong decided to talk about the club. “So hyung, how was last night?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively with a smirk plastered on his face. 


Seunghyun only chuckled, “Good.” 


I began coughing and chocking on a mouthful of rice. In seconds, Eun Hee had passed me a glass of water, and as she did so, her eyes were saying ‘Don’t hide it anymore.’


I was going to send a glare her way, but my train of thought was abruptly sidetracked when Seungri decided to join in. He always seemed to pick the worst time to do that. “Good? Just good? Can’t you give us some details? There had to have been some action!”


“No, I can’t say anything. There is a minor here.” He smiled as he said this and I didn’t fail to notice that he was glancing my way.



After dinner, like they promised, the boys did the dishes. While they were busy washing the plates and cutlery, I decided to take my coat and walk out to the building’s swimming pool to sit and think. My eyes were teary when I recalled what had been said during dinner. It annoyed me more then I wanted to admit, but as the first few tears slid down my cheeks, I knew that I was definitely hurt.


Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and when I turned, I saw Eun Hee standing next to me, concern and sympathy evident in her eyes. “It’s cold.  What are you doing here?” She knew why I was here so I didn’t answer her, and instead I continued to let my tears fall.  She simply sat next to me and hugged me, trying to transfer her warmth over to comfort me.


“It’s not like he is dating her you know. He just does that stuff for fun.” Her words did little to console me, but she still continued, “From the first day we met you, he treated you better than all of the other girls we know. Usually he is cold towards girls, but he is different with you. Maybe he has a thing for you.” 


I couldn’t take it anymore, and I finally decided to say what seemed to be the obvious. “Or maybe he just sees me like the little sister he never had.” 


“Look, Seunghyun falling in love with you is possible, so don’t lose hope.” She smiled. 


I took a deep breath and sighed. “I love him.” There, I finally said it. Out loud in the cold air, it the words melded together and resounded in a strange and foreign manner. But it was all there. Somehow, I fell in love with Choi Seunghyun.


“Unnie please don’t tell anybody, even Taeyang oppa.” 


“Don’t worry.” She whispered. I took her words as a promise that I knew she wouldn’t break. 


We sat outside for a few more minutes and soon decided that we should head inside and get some sleep. We had to wake up early, and we had a lot more material to study before mid-terms.




Hello dear readers ! 

It has been a long time since we last updated , we are relly sorry .

Something happened and some files were lost . Hope we can update more .

Did you enjoy your summer :) ? 

Thank you for your sweet comments , it's really heartwarming .

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746 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏