Chapter 4

Almost Heaven


Hana’s POV:


It’s been few days since the start of school, and I still haven’t made any friends except for Eun Hee, who I haven’t had the chance to talk to since the first day at lunch. The stares from the other students have dwindled down, and it seems that my appearance is no longer the most interesting thing to gossip about anymore, however the other students don’t really associate with me. I feel lonely and frustrated. I miss my friends from the United States, and all I want right now more than anything is to jump on a plane and go back.


And that’s exactly what I was thinking about as I was sitting in English class listing to the teacher Mr. Han drone on and on, on a lecture that I’m pretty sure half of the class didn’t understand.  The lesson was boring being that I had already studied the topic of authentic Shakespeare in the United States. I was mindlessly doodling on my notebook when Mr. Han put down his stick of chalk and turned to the class, stating that he will give us 10 minutes to choose a partner to work with to prepare a speech. All of the students rose from their seats and started to gather with their friends across the room, selecting their partners. 


Most of students already had their partners being that they just paired off with their friends. I slowly laid my pencil down on my notebook and sat up straight about to get up. I still didn’t know anybody in this class, so I was in no rush to find a partner. I had pushed out my chair to get up, and had turned in my seat to see who was left, when I saw that a bunch of girls were surrounding that guy who I recalled Eun Hee call Seungri. As I was staring at the girls intimately touching his shoulder and begging him to be their partner, our eyes locked together, so to avoid any awkwardness, I smiled.  To my surprise he returned the smile, and even more surprisingly a few seconds later, three guys who if my memory served me right were named Heechul, Donghae, and Siwon, walked up to me and asked if I would work with one of them for the project.


I had no idea why these three honestly attractive guys decided to converse with me, let alone ask to work with me on a project, but since I didn’t know any of them, I just found myself stuttering incoherently, confused and trying to bide time as I tried to logically think of who to choose. However it didn’t last long because suddenly my racing thoughts were interrupted.


“Sorry guys, she’s my partner for this subject.” 


My head snapped up from its downward position. I hadn’t even noticed that I had been staring at my feet, but I realized right away that when I looked up that I was staring at no other than Seungri himself.


The three boys glared at him for a moment, but quickly backed down and walked off, appearing disappointed that I hadn’t chosen one of them.


“So,” My attention was drawn back to Seungri. “Do you accept my offer?”


“Offer?” I was still slightly dazed at what just happened.


“My offer of working with me,” He laughed at my expression. “So do you accept?” 


“Oh, yes,” I blinked and awkwardly tried to laugh off my embarrassment. “Yes, it would be my pleasure to work with you. Thanks for asking.”


Seungri's lips spread out into a blindingly beautiful smile. “The pleasure is all mine. To be honest, I should really be the one thanking you. After all, you’re the one who helped me.” He discreetly pointed over towards the band of girls who had swarmed him only minutes before. They were now all giving me disapproving glares while sulking in the back of the room. I gulped nervously but laughed with him anyway, and the two of us spent the rest of the period discussing what we wanted to do for our speech.


The bell rang signaling that class was finally over, and I quickly gathered myself, forgetting about the boy sitting across from me. I was so used to rushing out of the classroom as fast as possible to avoid attention. I had just about made it to the doorway when a hand lightly touched my shoulder. 


Spinning around, I was faced with Seungri. “Ha, and here I was thinking that you were enjoying talking to me,” He joked, but I could decipher the disappointment in eyes. I was so careless and I grimaced at my own rudeness of just leaving him without even saying goodbye.


“I’m so sorry,” I bowed in apology. “I didn’t mean to just leave like that. I guess I’m just not used to talking to people during class that I just…forgot.” The words sounded stupid in my head, and even more idiotic once spoken out loud, but thankfully Seungri just shook his head and laughed, this time his eyes shone, reflecting a genuinely amused expression.


“Ha, it’s okay Hana. I was just worried that you didn’t like me or something. Hey, so anyway, I was wondering if you had anything planned or are you just heading home?”


“Umm, I was planning on going home and studying. Why?” I cautiously answered. 


"Great,” Seungri slung an arm around my shoulder and I involuntarily tensed. He seemed to register by response because he lightened his touch, but his arm remained around me. “Do you want to join me and my friends? We’re going to hang out somewhere and get dinner after.”


The skin ship between us was making me feel awkward, yet I was strangely enjoying it. I hadn’t had any real communication with anybody since Eun Hee talked to me the other day and I really wanted to say yes, however I didn’t want to impose on anybody, so instead I answered, “Umm, I don’t think so. I don’t want to be a burden on your friends. They probably don’t want a stranger intruding.”


I quickly slipped out of his grasp and headed towards the door again, but was stopped by Seungri who somehow managed to block the entrance by skidding in front of me.


“No, they will be happy to meet you. Actually I’ve been wanting to ask you to hang out with us for a while. Plus, Eun Hee will be there too.” His eyes were filled with hope that I’d agree, but still I said no.


“No, really, I can’t accept. It would be really rude, and I’ve already been rude enough to you for one day.” My cheeks burned red as I tried to move around him, but he was persistent. 


“You have to come,” he almost whined. “If you don’t, Eun Hee will be really disappointed.”


We went back and forth like this for at least another five minutes, until I finally gave in. There couldn’t be any harm in just hanging out for one day. 


We headed towards the parking lot together, the entire way Seungri babbled about how happy he was that I was his partner and that it would be so easy since I already knew English. It suddenly made sense as to why those three boys were so desperate for me to be work with them. 


We arrived a few minutes later at the cars. The boy who I saw Eun Hee with the first day we met was sitting in the driver’s seat of the first car with a blonde boy in the passenger seat, while Eun Hee stood next to the other car that two more boys with crazy hair stood beside, leaning against the hood while smoking cigarettes. However all five of them noticed right away when the two of us came into sight. Eun Hee bounded up, approaching us first.


“Hi Hana,” she beamed. “Long time no see. How’ve you been?”


“Hello unnie,” I bowed. “I’ve been okay, just adjusting to school.” I gave her a sad smile. Honestly I’d been feeling pretty down but there was no need to let anybody know that.


“Hey, Hana, let me introduce you to the boys. I don’t believe you’ve met them yet.” Seungri lightly grasped my wrist and pulled me over to the tallest boy. “This is Choi Seunghyun, one of my hyungs. Well actually, they’re all my hyungs.” Seungri sheepishly scratched the back of his head before pointing over at the blonde boy getting out of the other car’s passenger seat. “And that’s Kang Daesung.” 


“Hello,” I bowed to the two once the other boy had walked to stand next to Seunghyun. “I’m Kim Hana; it is nice to meet both of you.”


Daesung smiled brightly and bowed in return, while Seunghyun simply nodded his head.


“Pleased to meet you Hana, I’m Daesung; I hope we can become good friends.” Daesung seemed extremely nice, and I smiled at his kind gesture. 


“I’m Kwon Jiyong,” the other boy who was finishing off his cigarette spoke. “I’m the actual cool one around here, so I don’t know why I wasn’t introduced first.” He mockingly glared at Seungri before smiling and shook my hand. “Well become good friends.” 


“And I’m Dong Taeyang,” The last boy rose from his seat in the car. “I’m Eun Hee’s boyfriend. She talks about you a lot so I’m sure that we’ll get along very well.”


“It’s nice to meet you all.” I was beginning to feel awkward again, and I was starting to question my decision of coming until Eun Hee walked over, placing her hand on my shoulder and giving me a reassuring smile. 




“So,” Jiyong began tapping his foot, “Are we all ready to go? Hana, you’ll be joining us tonight, right?


Seungri smiled and winked in my direction. “Of course she’s joining us. I practically begged her to come, so there’s no way she’s missing out on this.” Everyone burst out laughing as I smiled sheepishly. 


“Thank you so much for the invitation to join you tonight. I really do appreciate it.” I muttered under my breath. I didn’t want to be rude, but I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks, and there was no way I could talk normally while being this embarrassed.


Seunghyun nodded still slightly laughing from Seungri’s comment, “There’s really no need to thank us. It’s a pleasure to have you with us. Besides, maybe having you here will shut Eun Hee up. All she talks about is you.” 


I didn’t think it was possible for my face to gain anymore heat, however I felt the temperature in my face rise at least three more degrees, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Eun Hee blush as well.


 “Aww, look at them blushing. They’re so cute.” Daesung cooed and Taeyang lightly smacked him over the head.


“You can call Hana cute all you want, but Eun Hee is mine.” 


“Hyung, I’m just joking.” Daesung dramatically rubbed the back of his head, rustling his hair. 


“Umm, Seungri oppa,” I tapped him on the shoulder causing him to turn. For some reason his eyes had become really wide. “I’m, umm, going to make a call. I’ll be right back.” Seungri blindly nodded, the shocked expression still etched on his face.


I walked off to the side and quickly called umma. As usual I received her answering machine, so I left a quick message explaining how I’d be home late tonight and that she didn’t have to wait up for me.


I had left and returned all within five minutes, and Seungri was now goofily smiling and patting a depressed looking Daesung on the shoulder.


“Umm, oppa, what’s wrong?”


“Victory, Hana,” Seungri chuckled. “Sweet…sweet victory.” 


I was still very confused, and I must have looked like it too, because Taeyang walked over and explained. “You see Hana, you should call all of us oppa the same way you call Seungri. Daesung is just feeling left out.”


“Oh,” I nodded understanding. “Okay, oppa.”  


Taeyang smiled and patted me on the head. “Good. Now Seungri can’t show off anymore.”


“I wasn’t showing off!” Seungri fired back. 


“Hey guys,” Seunghyun interrupted. “I hate to break up this soon to be argument, but before hanging out, I kind of want to shower and change my clothes. This isn’t really my public style.”


Daesung nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we were in the laboratory all day. Who knows what kind of chemicals I’m coated in.” He subtly cringed at the thought.


“Okay, we’ll come with you and just get drinks there.” Seungri walked over to one of the cars, I think it was Taeyang’s, and climbed in the back seat. Once in he rolled down the window. “Come on Hana, you can go in this car with us.” 


“Okay oppa.” I nodded and followed Seungri into the car. It was confirmed that the car was Taeyang’s when he got into the driver’s seat, and Eun Hee took the passenger one. The other three rode in Seunghyun’s car. 


We drove out of the large and now mostly empty parking lot and onto the highway. Speeding down, Seungri had leaned forward and switched on the radio, blasting a random pop song that I had never heard before. We were in the car for about twenty minutes when Taeyang pulled into another parking lot that was connected to a huge red brick apartment building. He parked the car and we all stepped out into the parking lot shade, provided by the gigantic trees surrounding both the lot and building.


Seunghyun had parked in the spot beside us, and together, the seven of us walked into the building and rode the elevator up to the sixteenth floor where Seunghyun’s apartment was located. When he unlocked the door and we stepped inside, I was astounded.


For an apartment, the place was huge. And for a guy, surprisingly neat…and even elegant. The walls were a soft creamy tone that complemented the black furniture that was situated tastefully about the room, as to not clutter the living space. His kitchen was off to the right, decorated in white and black tile with flecks of gold strewn about in the pattern of the marble counters. It was beautiful.


As I continued to marvel at the apartment, Daesung waved, stating that he was going to change in his apartment that was next door. I was also told that Jiyong’s apartment was on the fifteenth floor, and he departed a few minutes later. I inferred that none of them lived with their parents, after Seungri and Taeyang mentioned that lived in a different apartment building ten minutes away from this one, and Eun Hee lived with Taeyang. All of this struck me as odd, but I shrugged it off. They were all in university after all. It was normal to live away from your parents at this age.


I stayed in Seunghyun’s apartment, practically glued to Eun Hee’s side, afraid to move around in fear of violating his privacy, and settled for sitting on one of the couches after Eun Hee motioned for me to do so.


The two of us were talking about our plans for the weekend while happily sipping on the drinks that Seungri had passed out when a knock at the door sounded. Taeyang opened the door, being that Seunghyun was still in the shower, revealing Daesung and Jiyong dressed in jeans and casual yet dressy tops ready to go. 


I wasn’t even sure how a shirt could be both casual and dressy, but those two pulled it off really well.


As I was marveling at Jiyong and Daesung’s choice of clothing, Seungri walked over to the door that led to the bathroom and rapped on the door so Seunghyun could hear over the pounding water. “Yah, Hyung, what are you still doing? Hurry up, we’re all going to be late.”


A few minutes later the sound of running water ceased, and Seunghyun walked out in a pain of tight skinny jeans and a plain black v-neck. He was still towel drying his hair, and when he removed the soaking towel away, I was amazed that even with damp and disheveled hair, he still looked beautiful. However the messy hair and the outline of his impressive collar bone didn’t mesmerize me as much as his cologne. It was sweet, but not feminine. It gave me the subtle impression of expensive wine and dried roses. It smelled romantic. 


After that thought I mentally slapped myself and had to constrain my body to not slap me literally. I had to get back to my senses. I couldn’t be thinking such weird thoughts about one of Eun Hee’s friends.


After Seunghyun fixed his hair in one of the many mirrors hung in living room, he signaled that he was ready to go, and the other boys stood from their seats on the black furniture, that after closer inspection I realized were leather.


Everybody rose from their seats except for me, being that I was still punishing my brain for being ridiculous and straying off to places I didn’t want it to go. I probably would’ve been left there too had a hand not come down grabbing my attention.


“Are you going to stay here?” Seunghyun’s voice drifted down and instinctively I grasped onto his offered hand, immediately blushing like mad. I tried to cover my embarrassment by nodding my head as I slowly stood up, however I noticed him chuckling to himself as I did so.


We got back into the same cars that we had arrived in and once again sped off down the highway. While we drove, Seungri and I talked about our English project some more, and he even pointed out the apartment building that he, Taeyang, and Eun Hee lived in. It didn’t surprise me that it was just as large as the other one.


We arrived at the restaurant within half an hour and Seungri helped me get up out of the car. Observing the outside of the restaurant that the sign titled as “The Green Pepper,” I was glad that it didn’t look like too fancy of a place. After all, I was probably dressed the most casual out over everyone. 


We were seated almost immediately, and our waitress even addressed all of the boys by name, implying that this must be one of their usual dining spots. 


We all ordered various dishes of meat and vegetables that we all intended on sharing, and as we waited for the food to arrive, light conversation broke out. It remained confined to simple school topics and some mentions about the boy’s families. It was interesting learning so much about everyone, and I was extremely shocked when I discovered that Seungri was the son of the owner of Seoul University. He must have been the son that she had been referring to when she spoke about flaunting money around. And even though I didn’t want to believe it, In the back of my mind, I could definitely see Seungri being one of those people. 


When our food arrived, the talking quieted down as we all enjoyed our meals, until about halfway through when Daesung randomly spoke out, “Hana, how do you know Yoona and Jessica?”


Everyone stopped eating to gawk at Daesung’s strange change of pace in conversation, but quickly averted their eyes towards me waiting for my answer.


“Umm, they talked to me a few days ago. I don’t really know them though.” I moved the chopsticks around nervously between my fingers, wishing that the topic would change again. Sadly it didn’t.


“Yoona and Jessica?” Eun Hee questioned. “What did those two want?” She didn’t hide her distaste for them with the tone of voice she was using, which secretly pleased me being that I hadn’t had a very good first impression of them.


“Nothing really. They just talked…about…nothing.” I faltered while trying my hardest to maintain a straight face to cover up the lie.


“I’m sure they didn’t go over to extend their welcome to you. Those two are always up to something.” I turned my head in surprise at the concerned manner Seunghyun’s voice had adopted. “Don’t talk to them Hana. They are trouble.”


“Yeah,” Taeyang added. “If they come near you, just tell us. We’ll take care of everything.”


I nodded my head, and the topic was through. After a few minutes of pure awkward silence, Jiyong broke the silence, but annoyingly added to the awkwardness.


“So Hana, do you have a boyfriend?”


I choked on my drink, covering my mouth with my fist to keep from spraying water everywhere. 


“N-no,” I sputtered trying to stifle my coughing. “I don’t.” It was very obvious that I was uncomfortable; at least I assume it had to be.


“Well look here,” Eun Hee attempted to lighten the mood. “Here we are at a nice dinner, with five lovely gentlemen. Taeyang of course is already taken,” she laced her arms around his upper arm and gave me a teasing glance. “However there are still four eligible bachelors remaining.”


I shook my head as my face began to heat up for the millionth time today, I’m sure this was some sort of record. Thankfully the boys took it all in good fun and spent the rest of dinner trying to “woo” me over. I loosed up and accepted their playful attitudes, laughing at Daesung’s cheesy pick up lines, and Seungri’s lame jokes.


On the ride home in Taeyang’s car as I felt my eyelids begin to feel heavy and lightly fall, I really began to feel that I was closer to them all now.

Hello dear readers !!
This chapter is very long hope you wil enjoy it .

I want to thank Whenfangirlsattack00 , she is an amazing person , she is the one that helps me , and she makes the story more interesting .

Please comment .



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746 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏