Chapter 5

Almost Heaven




Weeks had passed since the night I hung out Eun Hee and the boys, and since then I’ve only become closer to all of them – well, some more than others. Seunghyun and Daesung always seem so busy with school, or other personal matters, and the difference of time that I spend with them compared to the others is extremely significant. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but I was very disappointed that Seunghyun and I weren’t as close, because honestly, in the back of mind, I wish that we were the closest.


However it helped that the time that I lost with Seunghyun was made up with the time I spent with Seungri and Eun Hee. I had been spending not only lunch, but all of my free periods, and most of my time after school with them, and it almost felt as though I’ve known them forever, instead of just a span of a few weeks. 


Seungri and I could always be found in the library together working on homework or the latest school project. Since our English speech received the highest score in the class. Mr. Han was beyond impressed and exempted us from the following exam on Shakespearean literature. Since that day, it was an unspoken agreement between the two of us, that Seungri and I would be eternal class project partners.


Outside of the classroom, Eun Hee and I would spend every lunch period talking about our days, and why our professors irritated us. She would also complain about how annoying Seungri was while he would try to get a word into our conversations, of course never letting him get a word in.


All of the feelings of insecurity and loneliness that had weighed me down had dissipated, and even though I still did miss my friends from the United States, I was content in cherishing the new ones that I had made here. Without them, I probably would’ve ended up dropping out and returning back home. Looking back at my past few weeks, I’m glad that I gave Seoul University a chance.


I was in the Marketing classroom waiting for Mr. Song to arrive. Our class had been rescheduled for the end of the day instead of the beginning, and nobody looked happy to have to deal with Mr. Song this late in the afternoon, when all everyone wanted was to go home. I had noticed quite quickly that even though he was my strictest teacher, he was also the most carless, especially regarding time. Just as I began doodling swirls on my notebook, Seungri bolted in through the door and skidded to a stop in front of my desk panting.


“Ah, he’s late again!” Seungri growled and slammed his books down on the desk beside mine in frustration. “I ran all the way here from the courtyard for nothing.”


I laughed as he sat down crossing his arms pouting. 


“You were already late; I don’t know why you even bothered running.” I commented. “And why were you even at the courtyard anyway. That’s no where near any of your classes.”


“Well,” Seungri bashfully rubbed the back of his neck smirking, and I knew what that meant instantly. I have been spending far too much time with him.


“Who was it this time?” I chuckled.


“Jia from Fashion Design,” Seungri sat up straight and suddenly all of his fatigue from his sprint seemed to transform into enthusiasm. “Jiyong introduced me to her and oh my gosh she’s stunning.” He leaned back so his neck was at an angle, face towards the ceiling, a lopsided smile painted on his face. “I was just about to get her number too, and then I remembered this class. Damn, it’s not fair!” He jolted himself back upright, and his pout fell right back in place.


“Well class will end soon, and then you can go back out and find her. But for now, let’s just focus on this class. We have that paper due next week.”


“Oh yeah, that reminds me,” Seungri pivoted in his chair so he was fully facing me. “I’m sorry Hana, but I can’t work on the paper with you this Saturday. I forgot that I have something planned with my parents.”  


“Oh, It’s no problem,” I waved my hand dismissing his apology. “It’s not a problem. We’ll just work on it another time.”


“You’re the best Hana!” Seungri gave me a thumbs up as Mr. Song leisurely sauntered into the classroom, slamming his briefcase down on the desk with a skin crawling thud.


“Okay class, pay attention. Class has started.” Everybody hurriedly claimed their seats and prepared themselves for the day’s lecture. However for some reason, today I found it hard to stay focused on anything that Mr. Song said. For some reason, my mind kept drifting off to thoughts of – Seunghyun.


His smile, as slight as it was, still ostensibly warm. The way his sweet scented cologne had made me feel as light as air. When his hand had reached down to help me up from his sofa, and how my small hand seemed to fit so perfectly into his, as though it belonged there, forever in his grasp.


I soon found myself daydreaming about class ending, and as I headed off towards my car, Seunghyun would appear out of nowhere and offer me his hand. He’d lead me off to his own car and buckle my seat belt for me. I smiled at the thought and continued on painting the image of him taking the wheel and driving us off to the restaurant that we had gone to with the boys and Eun Hee, but instead of a table of seven, it would just be for two. And we’d eat a romantic dinner together, smiling and laughing. We’d end the night dancing, his strong arms holding me close, his cologne enveloping us as we’d dace, as though floating on air, weightless, perfect. He’d lean in close, our lips only inches apart, and he’d whisper in a voice so soft, so clear, so beautiful…


“Hana! Yah, Hana, Earth to Hana!” 


That’s not what Seunghyun would say. And it’s odd…why does Seunghyun’s voice sound so much like Seungri’s?


“Hana, class is over let’s go!” 


I was peeled away from the dance floor and transported back to my desk in the Marketing classroom by Seungri’s voice which had penetrated my perfect world. I shook my head, dazed as I recollected myself.


“I was starting to worry. I thought you’d fallen asleep with your eyes open like a zombie.” Seungri laughed and made googley eyes, stumbling forward with his arms held out imitating a zombie, and I playfully smacked his outstretched arm.


“No. I was just…thinking…I guess.” I hesitated, and I knew that Seungri had noticed. In a perfect world, nice Seungri would ignore my slip and move on. Evil nosey Seungri however did not live in a perfect world and he immediately jumped at the chance of embarrassment.


“Ohhh, thinking? About who? A man? Perhaps me? Have you finally fallen for my drop dead gorgeous looks and suave charm?” He began obscurely posing in a way I believe he thought was attractive.


“Only in your dreams,” I stuck my tongue out. “You’re so full of yourself. Besides, don’t you have to go and find Jia?”


“You’re right!” Seungri beamed and snatched up his books while I collected my own, and we headed out of the now empty classroom together. 


In the hallway on our way to the courtyard, out of the corner of my eye I saw two horribly familiar girls stalk towards us.


“Hey Seungri,” The girl who I remembered was named Yoona, flipped her hair seductively and lazily laced her arms around his. “How’ve you been?” 


“I’ve been fine,” Seungri replied coldly as he yanked his arm back away from her loose grasp. 


After a few seconds of silence with Yoona and Jessica glaring in my direction and Seungri angrily biting his lower lip, Yoona laughed awkwardly, “Well I’m fine too. Oh yeah, by the way Seungri,” Her tone had changed, and she now spoke in a sickeningly sweet melodic voice. “Would you mind giving me Seunghyun’s new number? He seems to have changed it again? I tried calling yesterday and the line was disconnected.” Her eyelashes were beating a mile a minute and I internally gagged at the pathetic attempt at flirting.


Seungri scoffed at the action and crossed his arms. “Don’t have it.” He bluntly stated and his heel. “Come on Hana, let’s go.” 


He clasped his hand around my wrists and dragged me off in the opposite direction of the girls who were left open mouthed, gawking at his response, speechless at Seungri’s quick reaction. As Seungri angrily stormed off dragging me behind, I became extremely confused. Why did Yoona want Seunghyun’s phone number? 


“Umm, Seungri, are you guys close to Yoona and Jessica?” I asked timidly, being that Seungri still seemed pretty ticked off about the previous incident. 


“Ha, as if,” He guffawed and stopped walking, realizing that he was going much too fast for my pace. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take you so far it’s just…those two get on my nerves.” 


“Why?” Seungri was trying hard to not make eye contact, and I didn’t force it upon him, but I wasn’t letting the issue go. “Were they close to you?”


“Yeah, Yoona was one of Seunghyun’s girlfriends a while back. He broke up with her because she’s crazy, and as most crazy people, she didn’t take the break up well. Just stay away from them. Those two and their friends are all insane.”


I nodded and followed Seungri as he started to walk off again in silence. 

Seungri and I walked to the parking lot to meet up with the others. Upon our arrival Jiyong bounded up with a smirk plastered on his face. 


“So Seungri, how was Jia?” He rose his eyebrows jokingly.


“I didn’t get her number, and right now I just want to go home.”


“Aww, rejected. Tough luck, I’ve heard Jia’s a hard one to get anyway –”


“That’s not it!” Seungri snapped. “I had to get to class, and then after Hana and I had a run in with Yoona and Jessica.”


“What?” Taeyang stepped in with a concerned etched in his eyes. “What did they want?”


Seungri sighed and messily ran his hand through his hair. “Yoona was on the hunt for Seunghyun. She wants his new number since he changed it the other day because of her persistent text messages.”


“Some people just don’t learn,” Eun Hee stepped forward and took hold of my arm turning me to face her. “Hey Hana, they didn’t do anything to you, did they?” I shook my head choosing to remain silent. Eun Hee took that as a good enough answer and changed the topic as Seungri continued to discuss the problem of Yoona with Taeyang and Jiyong.


“Hana, do you need a ride home? Taeyang and I are taking Jiyong and Seungri home since Daesung and Seunghyun have to stay late for some lab their doing with bacteria.” She cringed at the thought of hanging around in a laboratory all day. 


“Oh no, I’m okay. Thanks for offering though. I’m actually going to the library for a bit and then I’ll get a ride home later.”


“Okay then,” Eun Hee smiled and motioned for the boys. “Come on, let’s go. I need to get home and get a head start on my midterm paper.” 


The boys loaded themselves into the car and Eun Hee gave me a hug goodbye. I waved as the car pulled away, and I walked off to the limousine parked on the other end of the parking lot. Mr. Go was standing by the door waiting to help me in. 


“Good afternoon, Miss Hana. How was your day?” Mr. Go opened the car door and lent me his hand to help me in my seat.


“Hello Mr. Go,” I smiled. “My day was good, nothing very exciting though. And I thought I told you to call me Hana?” I chuckled. 


Mr. Go just smiled and closed the door behind me, taking the driver’s seat and sped out of the parking lot towards my house.


On the ride home, I leaned my head against the window and sighed. I really would’ve liked to get a ride home from Taeyang, but I couldn’t let them know who I really was. If I did that, my status in their eyes would be ruined, and they might not want to be my friend anymore. I didn’t want them seeing me as a spoiled rich girl just trying to use them because they just all happened to also be rich and on top of that good looking. I didn’t like lying to them, but it was better than completely losing their friendship.


When I arrived home, I was escorted out of the limousine by Mr. Go, and was greeted into the house by Mrs. Jung, who informed me that omma was already home and was waiting in the living room with my father. I thanked her and slowly walked into the living room to see my parents. 


I walked in to see my father reading the newspaper and my mother watching a news station on television. My mother noticed my presence first. 


“Hello sweetheart,” she rose from her seat and came over to hug me. “How was your day today?”


“It was good, thanks for asking.” I smiled as she let me go and together we headed over in my father’s direction. 


“Good afternoon appa,” I greeted him with a small smile and a bow. 


“Hello Hana, how are you?” I bent down and hugged him as he remained sitting in his chair. He looked exhausted, and I frowned slightly, but quickly changed it to a soft smile before replying.


“I’m happy to see that appa has come home early today.” I beamed and was about to turn and head to my room when I was stopped in my tracks by umma.


“Oh that’s right, Hana,” Umma gracefully paced across the room towards the desk where a large bag laid across its surface. “I bought you a few dresses to try on for the wedding that we are attending this Saturday.” She lifted the bag which was much larger then it seemed, and handed it to me. It weighed a ton. “You can take those up to your room and choose whichever you prefer.”


“Umma,” I slightly pouted, trying to remain mature about the situation. “I already told you, I really do not want to go to this wedding. Nobody knows who I am, and I don’t like being surrounded by people I don’t know. Please let me get out of this.” I pleaded for freedom; by umma wasn’t having any of it.


“Hana, we already discussed this. The son of an old family friend is getting married. They know that you returned recently and they invited you to the wedding. It would be extremely impolite to decline a personal invitation. And we even made sure for your comfort, there will be no media coverage. It is one hundred percent private.”


I sighed, knowing that I had been defeated, and there was no use pressing my argument any further. “Okay, I will come. But is it okay if I come a little late? I have a paper that I really need to work on. I promise I’ll show up, just please let me finish my school work first.” 


“Okay, I trust you Hana. But if you don’t attend, so help me –”


“Of course you can trust me. When have I ever given you reason not too?” I gave her a quick peck on the cheek over the huge bag of dresses that I was still holding. “I’m going to go try these on now.” I smiled and padded up the stairs into my bedroom. 


I placed the bag on my desk and collapsed onto my bed exhausted. Why did I have to go to this wedding? Why?




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Whenfangirlsattack00 and I are very busy , but we will try to update soon . 

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746 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏