Chapter 12

Almost Heaven

Long chapter 


I woke up in the morning with my head throbbing. Groggily sitting up in the large plush bed, I immediately realized that the bed I was in was not my own. However to my relief it wasn’t unfamiliar. For some reason I was in Seungri’s bedroom, however I wasn’t quite sure why.


I tried to recall what had happened the night before, but the strain caused my head to ache and throb harder than it already was. Groaning, I clutched my head still searching for answers. 


I could remember everything about the party and most of the night club. The harsh strobe lights, lively dance floor, and intensely pulsing music that in my memory, coincided with my head’s own throbbing. 


I could remember it all right up until the moment I took the drink that Eun Hee had offered me. Everything after those few fateful sips was just one large grey blur. Somewhere through the thick fog in my mind, I could see myself crying at the bar, but that’s all I could remember, and even that small bit of memory wasn’t fully clear. With the pain in my head and my inability to think, I became frustrated as I ran my hand through my tangled hair trying to recall anything about last night. 


Sighing, I swung my legs so they dangled off the edge of the bed. I was about to get up and go to the bathroom when I spotted a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin on the side table on top of a note.


 “Take this when you wake up.” I knew the note was from Eun Hee the second I saw the bubbly feminine handwriting.  Lightly smiling, I did like I was told; though the smile vanished the instant the water trickled down my parched scratchy throat. 


Once in the bathroom I washed my face and found a new unused toothbrush in the medicine cabinet that I used to brush the grime and sour pungent taste of the alcohol off my teeth. 


My head still felt a bit heavy as I trudged into the kitchen where I found Eun Hee preparing breakfast.


“Good morning,” I weakly greeted.  


“Morning, Hana,” She beamed in my direction. I knew something was off by the amount of energy she was displaying this early, however I brushed it aside. This morning nothing was really making sense anyhow. 


“How are you feeling?” Her eyes were wide with concern.


 “Not bad, but I don’t remember much about last night. What happened? Did I do something embarrassing?” Her hesitation was obvious, but after a few seconds of thought, she sighed and replied. 


 “No, you didn’t do anything.”  


She was definitely lying.  


“Are you sure? Nothing happened?” 


“Yes, I’m sure.”  She flashed me a smile to reassure me, but it did very little.


 “If nothing happened, then why do I recall crying in front of Seunghyun? Did I really do it or it was just a dream?”


Eun Hee became silent, and the smile slipped off her face. It was clear that she didn’t want to answer me, which meant that it most certainly did happen. Her confirmation was only out of courtesy. The answer was evident.


“Yes, you did” 


I bit my lip. “Can you please tell me what happened? I need to know.” 


Eun Hee sighed, defeated, and then she told me everything that had happened last night in excruciating detail.  I was so embarrassed that by the end I could feel the tears stinging at the corners of my eyes threatening to spill if she kept unraveling the nightmare otherwise known as the nightclub.


“But…but you told him that I didn’t mean it, right? Because I was drunk and…and I didn’t know what I was talking about, right?” 


Eun Hee nodded, avoiding eye contact by concentrating on the pancakes in front of her.


 “Yes, I told him.”  


I sighed in relief.


 “Thank god. Huh, by the way where is Seungri?”  In an instant her kind demeanor transformed into a much more hostile one. Anger seemed to radiate off her body as she replied.


 “That bastard,” Eun Hee clutched onto the frying pan in a death grip as her eyebrows knit together. “That punk is still sleeping.”


“Umm,” I whispered trying to not add fuel to the fire while I pieced together this second mystery. “Did the two of you argue?”


 “Yeah, sort of.” She grumbled as she carefully placed the finished pancakes on a saucer and slammed the dirty pan into the sink. 


Yes, they argued. 


After eating breakfast I slipped away to the couch where Seungri was sleeping and tried to wake him up in hopes that he would give me a better answer. The moment he opened his eyes and saw me he fell off the couch, but instantly sprung to his knees pleading, “Hana, I’m really sorry. I swear I didn’t mean to do it.”


I gave a half smile, completely confused on what was happening. I didn’t have the faintest idea what Seungri was apologizing about. “What in the world are you sorry about? Ah, you must have been the one who let me drink until I started yelling nonsense at Seunghyun. You know you really should have stopped –“


“Hana,” he interrupted me. “I told Seunghyun everything.”


He couldn’t be serious. This was Seungri. Very rarely was Seungri serious. 


“Everything?”  I gulped nervously. Seungri wasn’t smiling, and that was never a good sign. “What did you say? I mean, you wouldn’t have. You…you…you couldn’t have.” The tears were coming back with a vengeance. Seungri quickly stood and wrapped his arms around me in an attempt to calm me down.


 “I’m really sorry,” He whispered in my ear. “I was so angry. He was just being so stupid and blind to your feelings that I couldn’t stop myself. I’m so sorry, Hana.”


I turned my head to see Eun Hee standing in the doorway watching the scene before her. 


“Eun Hee,” I sobbed. “Tell me he’s lying.” 


She came up and took me away from Seungri and into her own arms rubbing what were supposed to be comforting circles around my back. “Hana, he knows everything now. We can’t change that, no matter how much you or any of us want to.”


To say I was angry was an understatement. I was beyond furious. It was as though the steam fueling my anger had evaporated every tear drop, stranding me with pure, bitter, vehement disgust for everything in the current moment. 


“Yes, you’re right. I can’t do anything now.” I snapped at no one in particular as I stalked off into Seungri’s room. I snatched my phone and stormed out of the apartment without even bothering to change clothes, grab my wallet, or acknowledge Eun Hee who stood rooted to the spot dazed, or Seungri who seemed as though he was ready to die of guilt.


Author’s POV:


Seungri was desperate, and as soon as his apartment door slammed shut, he begged for Eun Hee to help him. However it was quite apparent that Eun Hee wasn’t going to be of any help at the moment. She was still far too shocked that Hana could become so cold so fast.


Aggravated, Seungri shot out of the room and dashed down the hallway to catch up to Hana. Their friendship meant too much to him to let it slip away like this. He saw her waiting for the elevator and he called out for her to wait. But the moment she heard him, she bolted down the staircase instead, ignoring Seungri who continued to call out for her to stop.


When Taeyang and the others heard Seungri calling down the hall, Taeyang had opened the door to see a frantic Seungri running over to the now opening elevator and collapsing before it in tears. They all rushed over to help Seungri get up and led him back to his own flat in hopes of figuring out what had happened. 


Taeyang walked in first to see his girlfriend with her eyes still glazed, and tears b. Instinctively he enveloped her in his embrace. “What happened, Eun Hee? What’s wrong?”




“Where did she go?” Taeyang soothing slurred the question, trying to simultaneously solve this conflict while also calming Eun Hee down.


“I don’t know. She just left.” Eun Hee pulled herself free enough to whip out her phone and dial her friend’s number. It rang six times before she hung up and tried again. However the second time it didn’t even ring; it simply sent her straight to voicemail. 


While Eun Hee dialed the number again, coming up with the same result, Seungri pulled on his leather jacket and gloves. “I’m going to follow her.  She must be going home, and she didn’t take her wallet or her coat. It’s freezing out this morning; I’m going to go find her.” 


However just as he was about to open the door, a hand shot out to stop him. To his utter disgust the hand belonged to Seunghyun. “She doesn’t want to see you. I’ll go.” Seunghyun’s deep baritone sent sparks of angry electricity down Seungri’s spine as he swatted the hand away. 


“If she doesn’t want to see me, she sure as hell doesn’t want to see you.” With that, Seungri left in search of Hana, slamming the door in Seunghyun’s desolate face.


Seungri had returned an hour later empty handed, and they were all drinking coffee which Taeyang had brewed when Eun Hee’s phone beeped signaling a new message. To everyone’s relief it was from Hana. 


 “I’m going home,” She read aloud.  “I want to be alone. Don’t worry about me.” 


 Instead of replying by text, she called. After four rings that felt like four centuries, Hana answered. Eun Hee clicked the call onto speaker phone.


Yes, Eun Hee?


Hana, it’s cold. Where are you right now, I’m going to take you home.”


 “Don’t worry, I already called Mr. Go.”


The conversation ended there as Hana hung up, and the group of friends all stared blankly at each other. The only sound breaking the silence was Seungri as he slowly sipped his steaming coffee. 



Hana walked alone in the vacant street. The only thing she could hear was the echo of her own feet as they padded down on the wet concrete. After walking for an hour or so she decided that the cold had numbed her enough, so she entered a café to warm herself with indoor heating and a hot coffee. It was right after she ordered her coffee that she remembered that she didn’t have her purse. Sighing, she called Mr. Go.

“Hello, Mr. Go. Could you please pick me up at the nearest café, and please bring money along with you. I forgot my purse.” 


After drinking her hot beverage and appreciating the warm limo ride home, she headed straight for her room and laid facedown into her pillow. She spent the rest of the day locked in her room, alternating between futile attempts of convincing herself she would be okay, and crying herself into short, staggered sessions of sleep.





Monday came far too quickly, and on the way to school, I informed Mr. Go that I would like dropped off as far away from the parking lot as possible. I was already dreading the day, and there was no reason to start it off on a bad note. I didn’t want to risk the chance of seeing Seungri, and certainly not Seunghyun. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to look at the others either because I feel like I lied to them.


I headed directly to my classroom, being cautious to not turn any corner too quickly in fear that one of them were out searching for me. Thankfully though it was still quite early, and only a few students were lingering around the campus, and the classroom was completely empty when I walked in.


Sitting down while sighing relived, I unearthed my phone from my purse and saw that I had six unread messages from Seungri. I reluctantly opened them all and scanned their contents. He was apologizing about the night club and a few of the texts were just routine texts that he normally sent, checking up on me. However even those were laced with apologies. I wanted to answer at least one of them and try to make amends, but I was far too stubborn, and I shut my phone off and laid my head on my desk.


A few minutes before the start of first period, a frantic Seungri bolted in through the door and began scanning the room. When our eyes met he physically slumped over both with exhaustion and relief, while I just turned my head to look at the window. I would have looked out of that window all day if he hadn’t touched my shoulder causing me to jump in response.  


“Hey, how are you?” He asked shyly, which was a side of Seungri I had never seen.


 At first I didn’t want to answer, but after some time debating with myself about whether I wanted to ignore Seungri for the rest of my life, I glanced over in his direction and answered curtly. “Fine.”


“Are you still mad at me?”


I turned my head back to the window again and didn’t reply which was enough of an answer. He was guilty, that much was evident. But I was still very upset.


“Hana, please, we need to talk. Can we meet after we finish class?”


 I was surprised at how calm my voice was when I replied. “There is nothing to talk about.” 

He was going to retort back, but the teacher entered and that was the end of our conversation. 


Seungri was gloomy the entire class, barely looking up at the board once.  I was in the same state as him, only I was able to pull myself together enough to jot down a few notes. 


As the lecture droned on, I lost my train of thought several times, contemplating that even though I felt thoroughly betrayed, I knew for a fact that his intentions were pure, and that it was an accident. Even Eun Hee, who was possibly enraged even more at Seungri then me, texted me that although what Seungri did was wrong, he only did it because he cared about me and couldn’t stand to see me depressed any longer.


When it was finally lunchtime, I met up with Jiyong and Eun Hee who were going to the cafeteria. We talked a little bit about meaningless topics like the weather, but I excused myself shortly after. “Sorry guys, I’m not going to the cafeteria today. I need to go to the library. I have something to prepare for next period.” Eun Hee only nodded her head. She knew that I didn’t want to join them, and thankfully she understood. 


I’m sure Jiyong knew it too, but instead of nodding, he said, “Don’t skip lunch. You have to eat something after you finish your work.”


I smiled appreciatively but it was only halfhearted, and after waving goodbye, I made my slow journey down the campus towards the library. 


I didn’t know how long I would be avoiding Seunghyun and the others, but I know that as long as I didn’t have enough courage to face them, I wouldn’t be able to relax. If there was one thing I hated the most, it was hurting my friends who didn’t do anything to me in the first place


This was all my fault. 





It had been a week and I still hadn’t talked to either Seungri or Seunghyun. When I see them next their cars in the morning, I only say hello, but even then, it’s only a curt nod of the head, and then I quickly turn around and head off in the opposite direction. However as embarrassed and angry as I am, I know that I won’t be able to live without the new friends I have made since I’ve come here, that’s why I decided that I need to settle this problem once and for all.


Since it was Sunday, I slept in, and when I woke up I deiced to go over to the Coffee Crème Café for some peace and quiet so I could read my new book. I was sitting there alone and had just finished chapter five, when I decided to send a text to Seungri and ask him to join me here. 


I didn’t expect him to arrive as fast as he did, but he was standing in the doorway only fifteen minutes later. I tried not to smile as I thought about how fast he must have driven to get here in the time he did. When he saw me he jogged over and sat down in the seat across from me. He said hello, but afterwards stared awkwardly down at his hands which were shifting uncomfortably on the table. 


“Did you have breakfast?” I asked as he obviously wasn’t going to start this conversation. He shook his head no, still silent, and I ordered a full breakfast for us. We sat in silence until our food came, and once we were eating he finally began to open up.


“I didn’t expect you to text me anytime soon.” 


I smiled at him and answered truthfully. “I didn’t expect me to either. It just felt like it was the right thing to do.”


 He gave me a shy smile and nodded. “When I received your message, I did my best to get here as quickly as I could. I know you don’t like waiting.”  


I smirked. “You can remember that, but you couldn’t remember me telling you to keep my feelings a secret from others.


 At that he bowed his head bashfully and put his fork down. “Hana,” My heart broke at the sadness that his tone had taken. “I’m sorry. I know that I can’t fix what I have done, but I swear I didn’t mean to tell him. I was just angry seeing you so sad, and I don’t even know why I didn’t listen to Eun Hee when she was trying to stop me from saying it.” 


I could clearly see that he was sincere and honest, and I’m sure that he was regretting what he had said. I sighed and nodded.  “I heard that you and Seunghyun haven’t been talking to each other.”


 He looked up at me and his eyes were glazed with disbelief.”  We…we haven’t been talking. But, how do you know that?” 


I picked up my tea and took a sip before answering.  “Eun Hee told me everything that’s been happening, so I know that you two haven’t been getting along since you yelled at him at the night club. Even if you are like brothers, you really should have showed him some respect. He is your hyung after all.”


I could tell he was ashamed by the way his eyes began glistening with what I’m pretty sure were tears. He was trying to cover his sadness, and it made me feel even worse. I didn’t want Seungri to blame himself for everything. He had never before gone so long without talking to one of his friends, and now he was ignoring the one hyung that he respects the most because of me.


“What should I do?” His voice cracked at the end, and a single tear slipped away. He was seemingly just as distraught about Seunghyun as he had been all week about me. 


“Call him and apologize.” I answered simply. His eyes snapped wide open and he gapped in my direction. 


“Now?” I nodded. “But…but can’t we settle our problem first?” 


I laughed and shook my head. “Oppa, I already forgave you. I just want everything to be okay between you and your hyung.”  


He couldn’t hide his happiness as he jumped up from his seat and reached over the table to hug me. “Thank you, and I’m so sorry. I will never betray you ever again.” Everybody was watching us and I suddenly became extremely self-conscious as my face began to heat up.  


“Yah, stop it. You have to call Seunghyun.” Seungri nodded and returned back to his seat with his signature lopsided grin back in place. I could only laugh at his childish actions, happy that he was back to his old self. After a minute though of him exclaiming how happy he was that we were friends again, I instructed him to call his other friend before he backed out.


Nodding, Seungri whipped out his phone and dialed Seunghyun’s number. He placed it on speaker phone, and after few rings, Seunghyun answered the phone.


 “Yoboseyo,” His deep voice sung out from the speakers, and I immediately felt like melting. I had missed his voice so much.


 With a nervous voice Seungri replied, “Hello hyung, how are you?”  


 “I’m fine. It’s been a long time since your name displayed on my phone’s screen.” 


With that comment, Seungri visibly became uneasy, but I nodded in encouragement.  “Hyung, I think you know why I’m calling you.” 


“No. Why?”


“Hyung,” He then took a deep breath and then spouted out in one huge nervous rush of air. “I’m so sorry about what I said and did last week. I was being extremely rude, and mannerless, and I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to be so disrespectful and I promise it will never, ever happen again.” Seungri stopped to catch his breath and then whispered, once again holding back tears. “I can’t stand being cold with you any longer, so please, please forgive me, hyung.”


There was a momentary pause on the other line, but it was soon broken by Seunghyun’s deep, smooth laughter. “It’s all good Seungri. I forgave you a while ago. I just wasn’t sure if you had forgiven me. I understand why you said what you said back there. You were angry, and you wanted to speak up for Hana.”


 When he said my name, I felt my heart clench inside of my chest. It seemed as though it wasn’t going to be as easy to forget about him as I though.


 However on the other hand, Seungri was smiling into the phone, delighted that he no longer had any problems with either Seunghyun or me. 


“Thank you so much hyung.”


“No problem, we are brothers after all.” Seungri nodded even though Seunghyun couldn’t see, and just before Seungri hung up, Seunghyun added. “Seungri, just ask Hana for forgiveness. I’m sure she needs to hear what you just said to me, more than I did.”


 I didn’t know what to feel or think. If he said that to Seungri, did that mean that he still cared about me? 


Like always, I was spacing out until Seungri motioned towards me that he had ended the call. Thoughtfully, he placed his hand over mine. “What are you thinking about?” 


I looked out the window that we were sitting beside and answered. “I’m thinking about what I should do next? Change universities? Return to the US? Maybe just tell him that it was only a passing romance, just a crush?” I sighed but Seungri didn’t take any hesitation. 


“Don’t you even dare start thinking about the first two choices. I’m sorry for putting you in this situation, but you can’t just leave me.”


I laughed at his answer. “Don’t worry. I’m opting for the third one. I will try talking to him soon. I just need a bit more time to think.” 


 We talked a bit more about class since I hadn’t been saying more then what was necessary to him the past week in school, but soon I had to excuse myself and leave. I had been invited over to Eun Hee’s house and I had to go home and change. It was the first time that I would meet her mother and siblings, and I was very excited.



When I knocked on the door to her house, I was welcomed in by her younger sister who was sixteen, and her ten year old brother. They led me into their small kitchen, where her mother was preparing tea. 


Her mother looked fairly young to have a child as old as Eun Hee, but she was sweet and kind, and her dark hair which was swirled into a bun was the exact same color as Eun Hee’s. In fact, the two shared many similarities, and it was easy to see where Eun Hee’s beauty came from.  


Her brother led me around their home, giving me the full tour and seemingly very proud that he was old enough to do such a task. It was a small but a extremely cozy apartment, and I fell in love with it. You could feel the family warmth with each step you took, and it gave me a whole new appreciation for Eun Hee.


Even though she lost her father years ago and she moved in with her boyfriend, it was obvious that they were still a happy and solid family. 


Back in the kitchen, I was enjoying a cup of tea with Eun Hee’s mother, and I learned that she ran a small café named Kona Beans which her and her husband had built with their inheritance. Her mother hadn’t been expecting to have Eun Hee as early as she had, but she loved her more than anything in the world, and she wouldn’t have changed anything in her past. 


I smiled and was just telling her about my own family when Eun Hee walked in with the ingredients for dinner. I helped her make a hot beef stew, and I ate one of the warmest and coziest dinners that I have ever experienced with Eun Hee and her family, which I had begun to feel a part of too.




Monday was here, and I couldn’t shake away the laziness of the morning. I wanted nothing more than  to stay in my bed all day long, but I knew that I couldn’t skip my classes. 


I didn’t want attend school because of my laziness, but I knew that me not wanting to miss classes was just an excuse. What I really didn’t want to do was see Seunghyun. I knew that all of my friends thought that I was still avoiding Seungri but now that we had made up, I now only had to worry about the man with the deep sultry voice that made my heart race five times faster than normal. 


The moment I saw them gathered together at their cars, I wanted to go home. But instead I got out of the car and slowly walked over to greet them. Everyone seemed surprised besides Eun Hee and Seungri who knew that I was on good terms now with almost everybody. Everything had seemingly returned back to normal aside from Seunghyun of course. We rarely exchanged glances, and I couldn’t find a single opportunity to go up to him and talk out our own problems. I couldn’t believe that he hated me this much, but obviously it was true.



I was glad when the day was finally over. I hadn’t been able to concentrate at all during class. Thankfully Seungri had noticed and he offered to share notes with me on today’s lectures. We were walking back, laughing and joking when we spotted everyone by the cars. 


Like always, Seunghyun and Jiyong were off to the side smoking. Eun Hee and Taeyang where holding hands talking inches away from each other, and the poor Daesung was sitting inside of his car alone. When he saw us coming across the lot, he came out to join us. 


We were all content in our own conversations, until Seunghyun finished his cigarette and motioned over to Taeyang. “Hey, do you think you can give a ride to Daesung and Jiyong today? I have something to do.” Taeyang gladly accept, however Jiyong started complaining about how they wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably with the three of them in the back.


 “Hyung, you should have told me earlier to bring my car. What are you doing that’s so important?” But Seunghyun didn’t answer Jiyong’s whining, and instead flicked his cigarette to the ground and nonchalantly stamped it out. 


Taeyang walked over to me. “Hana , do you need a ride?” 


I chuckled. How in the world could I accept his offer if there were already so many people in the back seat?  I shook my had and was just about to answer when Seunghyun interrupted me. 


“No, she will be going with me.” My eyes snapped to his, but he didn’t make eye contact. I knew that I wasn’t reacting well as I began to stutter nonsensical  refusals and my face began to turn red. However nobody stood up to help me as they too were speechless and didn’t understand what was going on. However even as I was shaking my head and trying to turn away, Seunghyun didn’t seem care. He simply grabbed hold of my wrist and led me over to his car.


“Let’s go.” He signaled for me to get in, which I obliged to immediately, not sure what he would do if I refused. As he walked over to the driver’s seat, my phone vibrated with a message.  It was Eun Hee asking what he wanted. I replied that I didn’t know, and she texted back to call her when I got back home. 


I didn’t have time to reply because in that moment, Seunghyun clicked his seatbelt and stormed out of the parking lot, leaving the others alone next to Taeyang’s car, just as confused as I was. 


Author’s POV :


Once Seunghyun’s car became invisible from the parking lot, Taeyang finally vocalized the one question that everyone was thinking. “What will he do?” 


Daesung signed running a hand through his hair. “Okay everyone, let’s go. Meeting time. I’ll explain everything once we’re out of here.”


Confused, they all piled into Taeyang’s car and drove off.


When they arrived, they all walked into Daesung’s house, and once everyone was situated in the living room, Daesung turned to address his friends. 


“Seunghyun loves Hana.” He stated simply. 


All heads turned to face him, and with a shocked expression they all shouted at the same time. “What? “ 


Eun Hee ran up to Daesung and held him  by his arms shaking him. “Yah, are you sure? You had better not be lying to us.” 


Daesung easily freed himself and went to sit on the couch amongst his friends.  “Seunghyun told me…a while ago actually.”


Jiyong groaned annoyed and clung onto Taeyang’s shoulder “Obviously we were the only ones who were clueless. Your girl and the maknae knew about Hana, and Daesung knew about hyung. Why were left out in the dark?” 


Eun Hee turned and shouted at Jiyong. “We promised not tell anyone.” She then took a deep breath and sat beside Taeyang. “Don’t think that they don’t trust you. We found out ourselves, so really it just means you both were blind.“ 


Before anyone of them could retort back, Seungri asked Daesung to tell them the whole story, which Daesung gladly accepted to keep Eun Hee from ranting any further.


“Well, the first time we met her, like all of us, he said that she was beautiful.  But when we started to spend more time together with her and he told me he liked her, well I thought he liked her the same way he liked every other girl he’s dated. Since she became our friend, I advised him to not play around with her.  


“After that he didn’t tell me anything, but I noticed his sudden change in attitude. You know how he normally is very cold towards girls he doesn’t know. But around Hana, it was the opposite. When we had a lot of work for school and couldn’t join you, he would get irritated and mutter about how pointless homework really was, and why he couldn’t spend time with her.  You guys know that he hasn’t seriously dated many girls, but when he would see her, his eyes would light up and his smile would change to one that was almost…I don’t know…more sincere. And whenever her name was brought up his entire face just seemed to become lighter and happier. He reminded me of Taeyang when he was falling for you Eun Hee.” He nodded in her direction before continuing.


“One day we were in his house, and he was completely silent. I asked him the reason behind his sudden switch in character, and he didn’t answer. I asked him if loved Hana and he acknowledged it. He said that he was crazy about her, but he was afraid that she wouldn’t accept  his feelings since she was so close to Seungri. That’s when he decided to date Kim Hee Sun.  He thought that maybe being in a serious relationship would help him forget his feelings for Hana. I felt so bad for him because it was the first time that I had ever seen him suffering because of a girl.”  The others were listening carefully and hanging onto every word that came out of his mouth.


“Obviously the whole Hee Sun idea didn’t quite pan out. The two haven’t talked since that night. But after the night club incident, Seunghyun’s just been avoiding everything.”


“What did he say when he heard that she loves him?” Taeyang asked.


“He was frustrated, and when I asked him about what he was going to do, he said he didn’t know yet. I don’t know where he’s taking her now.”


The others all nodded sympathetically, but all secretly happy and hoping that their two friends would end up together after tonight.




My legs were shaking the moment I got in the car. Seunghyun drove, leaving the others behind, and the moment we were out of the parking lot, an awkward silence ensued. I didn’t dare ask where we were going, as his eyes were trained steadfast on the road, and he showed no signs of wanting to talk. 


He continued to concentrate on the empty road, while I wasted time by staring at the blurring sights out the window. The ride seemed long, and when he stopped the engine, I glanced at my phone to see that we had been in the car for more than an hour. 


Looking out of the window, I saw the Han River stretch beside me; even inside the car the view was fascinating. I turned my attention toward Seunghyun when I heard him taking off his seat belt. He then took out his phone and powered it down. I was really confused, and I suddenly felt scared. There were no people, which I thought was quite odd, plus Seunghyun had just turned off his phone. He was angry at me, and I knew that he had a reputation as a cruel playboy. I wasn’t sure what he was capable off, and now I wished that I had stayed home in the safety of my bed.


 We stayed inside the car for another hour without anyone talking. He continued staring ahead, and I switched between staring at the river, and then down at my shaking hands. The car was turned off, so the heat was as well, and my coat was no longer keeping me very warm.


Suddenly, Seunghyun stepped out of the car startling me, and lit a cigarette. As he did, I noticed him run his hand through his hair, and then massage his temples as though trying to think through a complicated math equation. Once he had finished his first cigarette, he pull out another and smoked that one as well. 


By his expression I knew that he was angry and frustrated, which scared me even more. As he was finishing off his second cigarette, I began to think though my options. I could call Eun Hee and tell her that Seunghyun had gone crazy. I could try and make a mad dash towards the nearest person, but that idea was shot out of my head when I remembered how long his legs were. Maybe I could just open the door and start screaming? Each idea came and went quicker the last, as none of them would work. 


When he came back inside the car after his third cigarette, I gathered all my courage and went with the last plan that I had thought up.


“I’m really sorry,” I stared at my hands and whispered. “I know that I’ve caused you trouble. Can you please just forget what Seungri said, and can we return to the way we used to be? I know it’s too late, but all I can tell you now is that I’m sorry that I made you angry, and I never meant to cause trouble with you and your friends. I crossed the line and I know that it was unacceptable. I’m really, truly sorry. If you want me to go…then I will, but please, just don’t blame yourself or anyone else for my mistakes.”


He let me give my speech without interruptions, and once I had finished, instead of screaming like I had mentally planned, he laughed. 


“It’s ok Mini.” I shivered as he used my nickname, but continued to look down, afraid that his laughter was just a trick. There were a few minutes of silence before he continued on. “By the way, I’m not here for apologies.”


I was taken aback. “I’m sorry. I keep causing trouble. I should just leave and –” 


“No,” He stopped me. “I didn’t mean to be rude.” He adjusted his body in the driver’s seat so he was fully facing me. I still couldn’t bring myself to make eye contact. “Mini, can you please look at me?” I glanced up at his request, and felt my stomach flip at the closeness of his face to mine. Why was he so gorgeous? “You don’t have to apologize Mini, there is nothing to be sorry about.”


I weakly smiled and nodded, physically relived.  “So then, we will be friends again.” I nodded, accepting his words. “Everything will go back to normal, and you will treat me like a sis-”


 “I like you.”


 I stopped midsentence as his words broke though my soft voice. I stared into his eyes, shocked at what he had said. His eyes were fixated on mine, and I shook my head.


 “Look, Hana, I am happy and satisfied with us being friends. But, I would be even happier, if you would let me like you as more.”  


My heart was beating so fast and hard, that I swore it was going to beat itself out of my chest. I was tongue-tied and dizzy, but I couldn’t just give in. This was my only chance, but I knew better. 


“You like me? But…but as far as I know, you have liked so many girls. From what I hear, you…you can’t be with just one. Plus, you have Hee Sun. I don’t want to be just another…just another girl to play with. I don’t want to taken advantage of.” When I had finished talking, I couldn’t believe what I had said. I quickly shifted my gaze down, not wanting to see his reaction to those words. I knew that those words were hurtful, and I couldn’t see him hurt.


 Instead of getting angry, he only sighed.  “Hana, let me tell you something. Ever since I met you, you have become my source of happiness. I always catch myself smiling like an idiot whenever I think of you. When we talk, your voice brings a smile to my face, and not a fake smile that the other girls have. It’s a real, honest smile. I can’t keep away from you no matter how hard I try. I think about you all the time and I can’t concentrate on anything because all I can think about is if you are doing well.”


 I had taken a chance and looked up at him to see his expression resembling the one that Seungri had at the café.  He looked desperate. What he was saying was exactly what I had been feeling, and it made me start to cry. My tears were silently falling, but he continued to talk.


“I miss you like crazy when you’re not next to me, and even more when you are next to me because I know that you’re not mine. I know I might sound cheesy, and really stupid right now, but…I’ve never said these kind of words to any girl, because I’ve never felt the need to just let my heart talk.


“My past relationships, they’ve all been so physical, so…so fake. But with you it’s different. I like you because you are a pure, honest, and sweet girl. And I like myself more when I’m around you, because when I’m around you, I don’t feel like I have to try and be someone I’m not. 


“It’s true that I find you attractive and even y, but I have never had dirty thoughts even once, because you deserve someone better than that, and I want to be that someone.  And…and the oddest thing is that I have never believed in the idea of ‘butterflies in the stomach.’  I thought it was only just some stupid pick-up line used in movies, and fake feelings that people like Eun Hee and Taeyang make up to make single people feel ridiculous, but now I know…I know that it’s true.” 


By now I was crying so hard, and no longer silently.  I couldn’t believe what he had just said. Maybe I had fallen asleep during the car ride and this was all just one big dream. 


“Hana, if all that I said makes me a man so stuck in love that he doesn’t even know if he’s awake anymore, then yes, yes I love you Kim Hana. It’s a first for me, but yeah, I do love you, and I would never use you, or play with you, or take advantage of you, because like I said, you deserve so much more.” 


When I got up the courage to look back up, he had the most heartbreakingly sincere smile on his face, and I couldn’t help but lightly smile back. I nodded and sloppily began to wipe away the traces of my tears. 


As I did so, Seunghyun got out of the car. I thought he was going to make call or smoke again, but I was wrong. Instead he opened the passenger’s door and bent down on his knee to wipe my tears away with a soft handkerchief.  


Suddenly, my own phone started to ring. My mother was calling. I didn’t want to answer but Seunghyun nodded at the phone. “You should answer; your mom might be worried since I didn’t give you the chance to inform her.”


I nodded back and I got out of the car to talk to my mother. When I finished the call I found Seunghyun leaning against the hood of his car. I joined him and watched the river. Everything was so peaceful that when he spoke, I was startled. 




“Hmm,” I hummed my reply, still staring out at the water.


“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”


I closed my eyes and nodded. I didn’t have to see his face to know that he was smiling as he pulled me into a very tight, warm hug “I love you Hana.”


“I love you too.”


I stared to pull away, but his arms stayed secured around me. He laughed and turned me so that our faces were only inches apart. I blushed and waited for his lips to softly press against mine, but to my disappointment he only kissed my forehead. 


Pouting, I glared at him, and he laughed at my expression. “Mini, forgive me, but I have wanted to do this for a long time.”


He caught me off guard and quickly bent down and locked my unsuspecting lips with his soft and warm ones. He held my head close, and began kissing me slowly; I did the same, melting into his embrace. 


It was then that I knew, I was in heaven.




Hello Dear readers!

It has been a really long time since we last updated :/ But you know School/ college are not that easy

We enjoyed writing this chapter hope you will enjoy reading it 

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746 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏