Chapter 7

Almost Heaven



Weeks after the wedding had past, and if anything the incident had only made our friendship stronger. Eun Hee seemed a bit distant at first, I suppose since she thought that she finally had a friend who wasn’t exuberantly wealthier then herself. However she quickly brushed it aside and simply laughed at the irony of the entire situation claiming she was just meant to have rich friends. 


School work was piling up fast, but Seungri and I were able to keep each other on track; meaning that I was keeping Seungri focused on our projects instead of girls. But thankfully the weekend was approaching, and I couldn’t have been happier to see the days on the calendar slowly inching towards Friday. 


We had decided as a group that since we spend almost all of our free time together including weekends, that we would spend this Saturday apart. A lot of us had homework and planned events to foresee that wouldn’t be accomplished if we didn’t officially declare that we were going to be separate this weekend. The reasoning behind this being that most weekends would start with everybody complaining about work, and then Seungri would call everyone together and we’d waste the entire weekend away so that by Monday, none of us had accomplished much of anything. So it was decided that this weekend was a weekend to be spent away from the distraction of each other’s company unless unavoidable.


For example, Jiyong and Eun Hee planned to attend a fashion show on Jeju Island that they would review and turn in as an extracurricular project for their Modern Day Fashion class. Taeyang hadn’t taken the news very well, but Eun Hee assured him that she and Jiyong would be in different hotel rooms and that the only time they might touch is if their hands accidently bumped while applauding. Taeyang reluctantly agreed, but not before sternly warning Jiyong that if anything happened to Eun Hee over the weekend, he would personally insure misery for the rest of his life. 


However it turned out that Eun Hee leaving would benefit Taeyang, being that he had a blueprint due for his Architecture class the following Tuesday that he still hadn’t started to work on. 


Daesung mentioned something about wanting to spend more time with his sister since the medical student’s had been lucky and earned a weekend off of homework, and Seunghyun said that he was going to most likely just relax in his apartment and catch up on some of his leisure reading.


I was going to ask Seungri if he wanted to get together and work on our English paper that was due next week, however I never got the chance since he declared that he didn’t need any of us this weekend anyway, since he was going on a date with a girl who he refused to name. This gave way to teasing from Daesung and Jiyong, but Seungri just crossed his arms and stated that they were just jealous since they didn’t have beautiful girls to spend their weekends with. Daesung defended that his sister was beautiful and Jiyong made the mistake of bringing up Eun Hee which caused Taeyang shoot daggers through his eyes in Jiyong’s direction.


I chuckled at the scene and decided to give up on even mentioning the project. I would just work on it myself, and maybe act upon Seunghyun’s example and read. I left the conversation saying goodbye to everyone, and headed off to the limousine waiting for me across the parking lot preparing myself for a quiet weekend.


Saturday morning came and I woke up to the warm sunlight filtering in through the cracks in the blinds. I stretched and yawned contently, not being able to remember the last time I had slept so well. It probably helped that I had a nice dream even though I couldn’t remember for the life of me what it had been about.


I tossed the comforter and sheets off the bed and slowly sat up, swinging my legs across the bed and allowed the warm comforting sensation of the carpet on my bare feet to spread through the rest of my body. It was nice to be able to fully enjoy a morning instead of sprinting across the house struggling to get ready for school. 


I leisurely rose from my bed and headed off towards the bathroom to take my shower and get ready for the day.


Since my parents went to Paris for a large business convention and I really didn’t feel like staying home alone all day, I donned my leather jacket and tossed my phone, wallet, and new book into my favorite bag, and headed out the door in my most comfortable black boots. 


I had decided to go to my favorite café which was my also one of my more preferred reading spots, and even though it was a decently long distance, I hadn’t bothered asking Mr. Go for ride being that it was a nice day save for the chilly wind that occasionally whipped my hair around and I had to exasperatingly fix every so often. 


After walking for an hour or so, the sign for my favorite café “Coffee Crème” came into view. Stepping inside, I smiled as the familiar ring of the bell and the comforting aroma of roasted coffee beans and fresh cinnamon rolls surrounded me, indulging my senses. I loved this café for its cozy warm atmosphere, and I could see that that much hadn’t changed.


At the counter I ordered a hot chocolate and a chocolate cheesecake, and after receiving my warm drink and dessert, located an empty table next to a window. Settling myself into my chair, I contently took a small sip of my hot chocolate and took the book out of my bag, opening it to my marked page and began to read. I was so busy reading and enjoying my hot chocolate and cake that I didn’t even notice the time flying by. Instead I simply ordered another cup of hot chocolate and resumed reading. 


I was so content in my actions that I didn’t even notice when a tall figure came up next to me until his smooth voice interrupted my reading mid-sentence.


“Hey Mini, how are you?” I abruptly looked up already knowing whose eyes I would meet. There was only one person who teases me for my size and due to our height contrast calls me Mini.


“Seunghyun oppa! I’m fine, just enjoying my day off. What are you doing here?” I smiled looking up at him.


Seunghyun shrugged and returned the smile. “Same as you I suppose,” He held the book he was holding in his left hand up and chuckled. “Do you mind if I join you?”



“No, not at all, please sit.” I gestured towards the empty chair and he smiled accepting the invitation. As soon as he was sitting he began eyeing all of the dishes on the table. In the time before he had appeared I had ordered another cheesecake and two more hot chocolates.


“You sure eat a lot for you size,” he commented and I laughed in response as he continued. “Do you know how many calories there are?”


I nonchalantly shrugged the question off. “Yes, and I don’t really care about it.”


He answered with a slight half smile and spoke so softly that I had to lean in to understand him. “So different from the other girls. It’s a nice change.” 


I stared at him confused for a moment, but quickly shook the feeling off as he changed the subject to how we’ve spent the beginning of our weekend. That conversation led onto a lot of other topics, and we talked for so long that he didn’t even bother opening his book that I noticed halfway through out conversation was a medical one. Through us talking I learned that he wanted to study medicine not just because his father had wanted him to, but because it was his dream to become a doctor and help people.


 He had just finished his second coffee when he asked if I would like to accompany him outside for a walk. I eagerly nodded and downed the last bit of my last hot chocolate and gathered my belongings back into my bag. I had offered to pay for my own drinks and food, but he was stubborn and insisted as he held up his hand to stop me and paid the bill.


He held the door open for me as we stepped outside into the cool air, and once outside he swiftly pulled a cigarette out of his pocket. “Do you mind?” He asked gesturing at the cigarette in his hand. 


“No, I don’t,” I quickly answered. Honestly I wanted to say something, but I was extremely hesitant not wanting to offend him. As he lit the cigarette and drew it to his lips taking the first puff I gathered enough courage to softly speak out while looking down at my feet which shuffled uncomfortably. “You know, smoking…it’s really bad for your health. You should know that best.” I trailed off at the end, and I felt the deep blush creeping across my face. I know that it’s his life and that he should be free to do whatever he wants, but I knew the dangers of smoking too well. And to my surprise, just as I felt the need to turn and quickly walk in the other direction, he laughed.


“Yeah, I know.” He stared at me fascinated and just continued to chuckle. 


“Sorry,” I ducked my head and my hands began to intertwine, nervously twisting. “I should just mind my own business.”


“No, it’s fine.” Seunghyun smiled and when he looked up I swore I saw his eyes sparkling. “It’s nice of you to care so much about my health. Not many people do.” He winked and I blushed again, intensely shooting my gaze back to the concrete sidewalk.


We stood outside of the café for a few more minutes as Seunghyun smoked his cigarette until I was finally daring enough to glance up and notice that the sun had finally fully exposed itself. It wasn’t cold anymore, and I smiled as I was able to see my shadow on the sidewalk. It was then that Seunghyun abruptly asked, “Do you want to go out for a little bit since it’s nice? Or are you waiting for your driver?”


I shook my head. “I walked here by myself. Do you mind if we walk around a bit? I miss warm days like this.” He smiled, only instead of the gentle half smiles that I was so accustomed to, this was a wide bright smile that I had never seen before, and I liked it.


I slipped my jacket off to enjoy the sun and I grinned when the recognizable sensation of sunlight on skin warmed my body from the outside in. 


“So where do you want to go?” He asked. 


“I don’t know,” I looked up at the clear sky thoughtfully. “Maybe the mall?”


“Okay,” Seunghyun nodded. “I actually wanted to buy something anyway. And since the mall is close by we can easily walk and don’t have to use my car.” However before we began our walk to the mall he went over to a sleek car that I instantly recognized as his own. He opened the door and removed from the back seat what looked like worn out black baseball cap. He locked the door and walked back over to my side securing the cap on my head. He could obviously tell I was surprised. “It’s to prevent the sun’s rays from damaging your skin.” He explained.


“T-Thank you,” I was touched by his gesture and I jogged a few paces to catch up to him being as he had already begun to walk off in the direction towards the mall.


We entered the mall and initially went into different stores. I wanted to buy a new book being that I had almost finished the one I was reading, and I knew that there was a sequel. I wasn’t sure what Seunghyun had wanted to buy, but I didn’t ask feeling as though I had already invaded his privacy enough for one day.


We met up outside of the book store and Seunghyun commented on how he wanted to buy a new pair of shoes. I didn’t notice him holding any bags from the previous store, but I refused to ask any questions. We took off towards the next store and Seunghyun mentioned that he wanted to buy new shoes.


Since Seunghyun only bought one brand of shoes, together we headed off towards the “Christian Louboutin” boutique. Luckily there were only a few customers, and he easily maneuvered around the store to choose the pair of shoes he wanted. As he walked around comparing shoes, I stayed a decent distance away not wanting to suffocate him, but I wasn’t oblivious to the squeals coming from a handful of girls a few sections away.


“Oh my god he’s so handsome!”

“I know, he’s gorgeous!”

“Have you ever seen someone so good-looking?”


I glanced over and I felt the frown tugging at my lips. Those girls were being obnoxiously loud, and even though they were complimenting him, did they have any concern to how Seunghyun would feel from just hearing such careless comments about him being thrown around? 


Seunghyun looked back to ask my opinion on a pair of shoes and he obviously noted the expression on my face. “Do you want to say something?” He asked, arching his eyebrows. I shook my head and he nodded. “Don’t worry. Those comments don’t bother me. And they don’t make me uncomfortable either. It’s okay.” He smiled reassuringly and I returned the smile while wondering if he had just read my mind.


About twenty minutes later we walked out of the boutique and Seunghyun was holding a bag with his two new pairs of shoes, one of which I helped him select. We walked around to different stores and I bought a few new shirts from “Thom Browne” which Seunghyun picked out saying that the colors would complement my eyes. 


When we had finished shopping and had walked back to his car parked outside of the café, he offered me a ride home since it was already pretty late and rapidly becoming dark. I took him up on the offer and enjoyed the ride home. It was a quite comforting one. We didn’t talk, but simply just sat with his radio softly and enjoyed each others company.


I pointed him in the direction of my house, and when he parked outside of the front door I smiled and opened the passenger door. “Thank you for today. I had a wonderful time.”


He smiled as he replied, “The pleasure was all mine Mini. I’m glad you had a good time.” 


I collected my bags and I waved as I entered my house. I watched out the window until his car had driven out of sight, and as it turned the final corner I put my hand to my chest and felt my heart pounding causing me to smile.


After placing my bags in my bedroom I decided to take another shower after walking on the streets all day, and after eating dinner I lay on my bed in my most comfortable pajamas and called Eun Hee. She told me all about her day and about how much fun she was having and how much she was learning at the fashion shows. I told her about my day as well but left out the part about having shared it with Seunghyun. I didn’t feel like answering any questions since the day had been so tiring. Saying goodnight we both hung up and I snuggled into my bed sheets and fell asleep smiling.



Hello , Sorry we didn't update because of exams .

Happy to read your comments , appreciate them .

Stay Tuned for the next chapter :)


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746 streak #1
Chapter 14: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I really like how this story goes! Thank you!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #2
Chapter 13: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things were going smoothly until that call. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #3
Chapter 12: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, we do crazy things when we are drunk! But in the ending, I believe everyone would feel like they are in heaven! 🥰😉

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #4
Chapter 11: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, I am sure she will forgive him soon. 😉👌

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #5
Chapter 10: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Hmm, the ending was quite interesting. 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #6
Chapter 9: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Ah, it's never easy to talk about bullying is never easy *sighs*

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #7
Chapter 8: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Things are getting quite interesting! 👀

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #8
Chapter 7: 😏👌 😏👌😏

It's always good when the friendship gets stronger ^^ Loved it!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #9
Chapter 6: 😏👌 😏👌😏

Aw! Who wouldn't blush with these guys around? Cute!

😏👌 😏👌😏
746 streak #10
Chapter 5: 😏👌 😏👌😏

I loved the chapter! Things are getting interesting!

😏👌 😏👌😏