The Second Meeting


“Anyeonsayeho, Coach Cho, how are you—“

“Hurry! Get inside and sit down! We have arranged for you two to meet someone to progress your training.”

“Huh?” Ji Min stuttered as she and Nara were shuffled into the dance room. “Did you get fired?”

“No!” Coach Cho yelled while slapping Ji Min on the arm. “It’s just that you two haven’t been making as much progress as Belero would like!”

“Ouch, ok, sorry, Coach…and what do you mean we haven’t been progressing fast enough?!” Ji Min said as she sat down.

“Honestly, Ji, sometimes you shouldn’t say what’s on your mind,” Nara gently scolded as soon as Coach Cho left the room.

“Don’t tell me you weren’t thinking of the same thing, “Ji Min mumbled back as she gingerly felt her arm for another bruise.

“Quiet now. Looks like our manager has come. The new coach must really be something special for her to show up,” Nara whispered.

“Hello girls, no, no need to rise. Stay seated. I want you to make a good impression on these boys,” their manager told them as she approached the two.

“What boys?” Ji Min asked, still a little irritated that the company did not think their progress was enough.

“Your new coaches, of course! From DBSK!” she replied happily as the door to the studio suddenly opened.

“Who’s that?” Ji Min asked dumbly.

“Oh my,” Nara gasped.

Ji Min really didn’t know how to react. Coming through the door were five extremely handsome boys that all looked around their age. All of them were very tall and muscular. However, one in particular caught her eye.

“YAH! YOU! It’s you from earlier today! Glasses!” she shouted as she leapt to her feet.

“Ji Min, sit down!” Nara hissed desperately at her while dragging her friend back down into a sitting position.

Their manager coughed in embarrassment.

“Very sorry, sirs, they are just a little excited,” she bowed.

Ji Min struggled to contain her emotions. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the glasses dude. What was his name again? Chunyoo, or something?

“We are very excited too.” Ji Min’s heart fluttered this time as she recognized that voice and face: Yunho. Yunho was here, and he was going to be here new coach!

After all five of the boys greeted the managers and their previous coaches, they finally approached the two girls.

“Anyeonsayeho, I am Yunho, this is Changmin, Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun, but I have a feeling we’ve met already,” Yunho smiled at Ji Min and Nara.

Nara, not one to forget her manners, replied in a similar way.

“We are very excited to be working with you. We hope we can make you proud of us,” Nara said while returning the smile.

“Well, now that the formalities have been settled, let me explain what we will be doing,” their manager suddenly butted in. “Ji Min and Nara, these five wonderful boys will help both of you with your dancing and singing, but Yunho and Yoochun will specifically work with your acting skills and appearance. They know all the secrets to being successful, and we are so honored to have them with us!”

“I want Yunho,” Ji Min suddenly said out loud.


Nara will be working with Yunho,” her manager said, slightly irritated. “You will be working with Yoochun.”

“What?!” Ji Min shouted. “But…but…”

“That will be all.” Ji Min cringed slightly at her manager’s glare. Oh boy. She was going to get it later.

“Well, shall we get started?” Yunho said while clapping his hands together. Nara smiled at him politely, but Ji Min could tell she wanted to work with Yoochun.

After 2 solid hours of dance practice, Ji Min was ready to fall over and shut down. These boys were really good at dancing and lasting long. She was surprised she had never heard of them before. They were all really patient with them, but she hated how Yoochun was standing so close next to her and Yunho was so far away.

“After this beat, don’t forget to criss-cross your legs and turn around,” Yunho said.

“Yes yes, I kno—AHH!”

“Ji Min!”

Just as she was about to perform the dance move, Ji Min’s tired legs suddenly gave out beneath her and she could feel herself falling. Right before she was about to hit the ground, she suddenly felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her waist. She looked up and smiled, thinking it was Yunho, but instead, she came face to face with Yoochun.

“Yah! It’s you!” she shouted in shock while blushing at how close their faces were.

“That’s a nice way of thanking me,” Yoochun laughed gently as he helped her up. “Glad you even remember me from today.”

“Let’s stop here for today,” Yunho said. “Good work everyone!”


“Real smooth, Yoochunnie,” Jaejoong giggled as they cleaned up and changed in the boy’s locker room.

“Yoochun! Save me too!!!” Junsu suddenly shouted as he pretended to fall. However, Yoochun made no move to help, and Junsu fell on the floor in a heap.

“You’re mean,” he pouted as he picked himself up.

“I’ll only do it for that girl,” Yoochun quietly said.

“Ooh, someone’s got a crush!” Changmin chimed in as he took off his shirt.

“Haha, you should have seen him today,” Yunho laughed as he put on a clean shirt. “First day at a new school, and he was already staring at her like she was going to disappear. Then she smacked him.”

“Man, that girl is something else. Nara’s quiet pretty though, don’t you think?” Junsu said while turning off the lights.

“I think so, but Yoochunnie here likes the manly woman,” Jaejoong grinned.

“Aww, stuff it you guys,” Yoochun said while trying to hide a grin. “She's not that manly actually.”


“I don’t believe it. How in the world did I get stuck with Sissy Yoochun and you got Yunho?” Ji Min sighed as she bit into her piece of beef jerky.

“I don’t know. At least they are all very nice,” Nara said while looking up at the starry night sky.

“Ugh, I’m so tired, but I have to rewrite that paper,” Ji Min groaned.

“Want my help?” Nara offered.

“No no! I don’t want to pull you into my swamp of procrastination!” Ji Min grinned. “Anyways, we have a long practice tomorrow.”

“Yes. It’s going to be that one-on-one training,” Nara said while walking up towards her house. Before going in, she turned around and smiled impishly at Ji Min.

“You know, just as we left Belero, I saw Yunho looking at you,” she giggled.

“Really?” Ji Min said while feeling herself brighten.

“Yeah. He must’ve admired how you worked so hard even though you were really tired.”

“Aww stuff it,” Ji Min blushed as she waved goodbye.

Aww, Yoochun!! But why is he so interested in Ji MIn?

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SoulMoon #1
This is pretty interesting so far! Can't wait to see what happens between Ji Min and Yoochunnie!