A Surprise


“Hi, Dad! I’m home!”  No reply.

Ji Min sighed as she saw the note on the kitchen table. She hated being alone in the house while her father worked late hours. It’s not like she loved him very much or anything. The way the shadows danced around the furniture reminded her of that time. Her father blamed her for it, and personally, she hated herself for it too.

She the TV. just so that some noise would be flowing through the emptiness. A romance was being played. The main character was an adorable, sweet girl who fell in love with a handsome business man. It was towards the end of the movie, and the two lovers were kissing each other. Ji Min hastily turned the TV. off. Nothing disgusted her more than a happy love ending for a simpering girl. It never happened in her life, so why bother following something untrue?

Sighing, she went to make herself dinner. More than ever she wished Nara was with her. Although they were best friends, at times, Nara was like a second mother to Ji Min. Of course, she never outwardly showed that, but she would occasionally believe that. Nara was the only support that Ji Min had during that dark time.

She shuddered at the memory. She had to stop thinking about that. It was eight years ago. But for some reason, it was popping up more and more.

Ji Min was quietly eating dinner all by herself when the door opened and her father came in.

“Hello, Father! How was your day?” she asked cheerfully.

“Be quiet. I’m very tired, and I don’t want to have to answer unnecessary questions,” he retorted as he dropped his suitcase and picked up the bowl of rice that Ji Min had set aside for him. Without a word of thanks, he started to eat. Ji Min didn’t say a word. She was used to this treatment by now.

“Ji Min,” her father said suddenly after finishing his meal.

“Yes, Father?” she replied with an eager smile.

“Tomorrow I’m inviting my girlfriend over for dinner. Find something for you to do outside the house while she’s here. I don’t want her to see anything embarrassing.”

“What?!” Ji Min dared to shout. “How dare you! I’m not embarrassing! And how can you forget about Mother! She was right, you are a jackass!”

He suddenly raged forward and struck her full across the face. She stumbled back into her chair, her jaw on fire.

“Shut up, you piece of trash. You have no right to speak of her. Remember, if it weren’t for you, she would not be dead now. If you aren’t gone tomorrow evening, I will personally throw you out for the rest of your life.”

With that, he left the room.

Ji Min stared at her uneaten food for a while, not saying nor doing anything. She should have expected that. She could have dodged his blow. Why didn’t she? Why would he bother trying to be nice to her anyways all of the sudden?

“Ji Min! Your face!”

“What about it? I guess I overdid my mascara, hahaha…” she said too happily for her own good.

Nara frowned. “Come on, we’ve been best friends for ten years. Don’t you think by now I don’t know you would never wear makeup? That purple blotch on your jaw is clearly a bruise. What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later,” Ji Min whispered as staff members walking past her whispered and turned their eyes away from hers. Some however were rude enough to point and gossip right in front of her.

“Honestly, it’s like people think I belong in a gang,” Ji Min grumbled as she got her stuff out of her locker.

“Well, you don’t look exactly ‘charming’ right now.”

“Thank you for summing that up.”

“Here, we have a little time. Let me help you cover that up,” Nara said gently as she took out her make-up kit.

“Hell no,” Ji Min said instantly when she eyed what was in Nara’s hands.

“Don’t be stupid. I’m just going to apply concealer. It will help cover up what’s obvious. That way, our manager won’t even notice!”

She scooted Ji Min into the nearest girl’s bathroom.

“There! We’re done!”

“Naraaa!” Ji Min whined. “You even added makeup to my eyes!”

“But you look so pretty now!” Nara laughed.

“I like natural the best,” Ji Min grumbled.

“Well, let’s see what Yunho thinks after he sees you.” Nara gave her a playful wink.

“I have to say, you really covered up my bruise well,” Ji Min said as she studied the concealer’s work while trying not to blush at Nara’s comment.

“You’re welcome,” Nara said as they walked out of the bathroom. “However, you promised to tell me the full story, right?”

“Promise is a promise, though I’d rather not,” Ji Min sighed as they entered the practice room.

“Hi, Nara! Hi, Ji Min!” Yunho greeted them happily. “Wow, Ji Min, you look very nice today! What’s the occasion?”

Nara gave Ji Min an “I told you so” look.

“Ah, hahaha, just for kicks!” Ji Min stuttered. Yoochun however said nothing but quietly watched her.

“Well, shall we get started then?” Yunho said as he gave them their assignments for the day.

“Oh!” Nara said as she read the instructions and blushed slightly.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Ji Min mumbled.

Hello, girls, and Yunho and Yoochun! I’m very sorry I could not be here in person to tell you of the great news; I have an urgent business meeting that I’m very unwilling to attend. However, it is my great pleasure to inform you that Belero has decided to film short Korean dramas for both of you as practice for future movies. The movies will be released when you debut as Unique. Enclosed is the script. Please work hard. We are looking forward to great results.

            Sincerely, Manager Kim

“Although we were rather shocked by this too, both Yoochun and I agree that this is an excellent way to get experience in. Come to think of it, it would have been great to have had an older mentor help us too!” Yunho said happily.

“Why does it have to be a romantic comedy?” Ji Min nearly shouted. “Nara, let’s switch! You have an action movie, right?”

“No, my main character is just a sporty girl who is mistaken as a boy sometimes. It’s still a romantic comedy. Your character is just a little more…girly?” Nara said while struggling not to laugh.

Girly couldn’t even begin to spelling out this girl’s character. And why was Yoochun the male protagonist!?!

Before she could retort, Ji Min could already see the crew member preparing the sets and the lighting. She sighed. Besides, Yunho was watching her and waiting for a reply. She had to act mature! Maybe that would get him interested in her.

“F-fine. I’ll try it,” she forced herself to say.

Yunho gave her a wide smile. “Great! I’m so happy to hear that!” he said cheerfully. “It looks like the directors are here. Let’s begin!”

Why is my life so random now?” Ji Min bitterly thought to herself.


“Alright, Ji Min, remember, your character, Yuri, is very delicate and gentle. When Yoochun enters the room as Jae Sun, you have to pretend like you are surprised and slightly bewildered.”

The director seemed to be trying very hard to convey the idea of “gentle” to Ji Min. Alright. She will give it a try. She shuffled uncomfortably in her tight skirt as she sat down in a couch before a china cabinet, pretending to read a book. Suddenly, Yoochun burst into the room.

“Darling! Where have you been! I’ve been searching for you!” he cried out passionately.

Ji Min tried very hard not to laugh as she concentrated on looking surprised.

“Jae Sun!” she shouted while throwing her arms up in the air in an attempt to look bewildered. However, she completely forgot about the book in her hand, and about the china cabinet behind her.

Crash! *Shatter* ….Ting ting….


The director didn’t even bother to say, “Cut! Stop filming!” He barged right over to a startled Ji Min who had accidentally thrown the book straight into the cabinet and shattered everything inside.

“What the HELL did you do that for?!” he bellowed angrily at her. She just stared at him with a slightly pained expression. “Say something!! Explain yourself!!”

“I—I…” she tried to say.

“Ji Min!!” Yoochun shouted upon seeing her face pale. Blood was trickling down one of her hands. She quickly covered up her hand.

“I-I’m really sorry! I will do better next time!” she shouted as she rose from the couch. Pieces of glass fell off her shoulders.

“Don’t move, Ji Min! You could cut yourself even more!” Yoochun warned as he tried to approach her.

“It’s ok! I just need to go to the bathroom to refresh myself!” she hastily replied as she darted out of the room.


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SoulMoon #1
This is pretty interesting so far! Can't wait to see what happens between Ji Min and Yoochunnie!