

What a fail of a practice.

After the incident of the china cabinet, nothing else seemed to go right for the director. He yelled at her nonstop, saying that she was useless and she had no talent and therefore no future in acting. She looked at her sloppily bandaged hand. It really bled quite a bit, but the wounds in her heart hurt more.  On the other hand, she was proud of Nara’s success. Yunho had specifically praised her at the end of the day. Ji Min could feel the sting of jealousy, but she knew she really wanted her friend to succeed. Just, not with him.

Nara had really wanted to know what happened to her face. Ji Min didn't want to burden her friend with her problems, so she lied and said she  fell down the stairs. Nara didn't quite seem to believe her, but she did not push the matter.

Ji Min was walking on her way home when suddenly three guys stepped forward to meet her. She froze in her path. Not again, please not again.

Then she remembered her father’s words.

I’m bringing my girlfriend over for dinner. Find something for you to do outside so that she doesn’t have to see anything embarrassing….if you don’t leave, I will make sure you leave for the rest of your life.

“Hoho, Jong-ho was right! His daughter would shamelessly return,” one of them said with a sickening smirk. “Well, boys, you know why we are here. Do you know, little girl?”

Run, Ji Min. Run for your life. Why weren’t her legs moving?

“Wh-who are you?” she hissed, trying to sound fierce. She had to be tough. She couldn’t let that same incident happen again. This is what she was training herself physically and mentally for.

“Don’t come any closer!” she yelled loudly, hoping that someone would hear. But who would? She was living in a poor neighborhood where everyone minding their own business.

“Haha, look at how frightened she is,” another jeered as he stepped nearer. She could smell the alcohol in his breath.

“We should get on with our mission, boys,” the first one said. “She’s not much, but it might be fun all the same. Anyways, he paid us to do this.”

“It’s a shame those aren’t any bigger,” the last one sighed.

“E-Excuse me?!” Ji Min shouted.

“Ho, look at her hand! Her father did warn us that she might have injuries from gang fights.”

Gang fights? What was going on?!

“You’re lying! Why would my father send you to tell me lies?” she yelled while stepping slowly back.

“Stupid girl. You’re the only one telling lies to yourself.”

With those words, he lunged at her.

She aimed a desperate punch at him, but he was too fast. Easily dodging, he pushed her roughly to the ground while the others pinned her arms and legs down.

“Ouch! Get off! Why are you doing this?” she howled while struggling to get up.

No. Not this again.

She could feel a hand creeping up her shirt.

“Stop this!” she yelled, almost on the verge of tears as the three men fought over who could take off her shirt the fastest.

“What are you doing?”

That voice!

“Who the hell are you, kid?”

“I asked you, ‘What are you doing to that girl?’”

“Yoochun!” Ji Min shouted.

Was it really him? His voice sounded so scary.

“Let her go.”

“What an . Take him out!”

While the first one held her down, the other two leapt up and struck at Yoochun.

“Stop it!” Ji Min yelled while she tried to kick the man on top of her, but suddenly, she heard the two other men cry out in pain. The man on top of her was instantly thrown off as Yoochun grabbed his shirt and gave him a flying kick right into the stomach. The man groaned and collapsed to the ground in pain.

“Quick, Ji Min!” Yoochun shouted as he snatched her hand and pulled her up from the ground. She could barely run, let alone walk, but she forced herself to follow after Yoochun as they ran away.

Alright, go Yoochun!!! XD

But what are you doing there, Yoochunnie?!

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SoulMoon #1
This is pretty interesting so far! Can't wait to see what happens between Ji Min and Yoochunnie!