

“So how did your paper go?” Nara asked.

“Meh,” Ji Min shrugged as she stuffed her face with rice. “I used the word search to make sure I didn’t include any manga names in this time.”

Nara delicately picked at her salad while grinning at Ji Min. Ji Min saw what she was eating and frowned.

“Nara! You should be eating some meat! That salad will not last for our practice!” she said while shoveling some bulgogi into .

Before Nara could answer, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Ji Min looked to see who was behind Nara and blushed when she realized it was Yunho.

“Hi! Can we join you guys?” he said.

“Sure, sunbae!” Nara said as she made room for him but Ji Min was faster.

“Yunho sunbae! Sit by me!” she said while trying to show her friendliest grin and tossing her backpack onto the floor.

“Why thank you, Ji Min!” she heard Yoochun say from behind her as he plunked himself next to her. She turned her face to hide her disappointment.

“Ah, where are the others?” Nara asked politely.

“They don’t have the same lunch time as us,” Yunho replied. “Since we know we will be working together for some time, Yoochun and I thought it would be great to get to know each other more!”

“That’s a wonderful idea!” Nara smiled. “Are you new to our school? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you guys around.”

“Yes, we moved here recently after Belero asked us to coach you two,” Yoochun said.

“Wow, we must be really bad,” Ji Min grumbled as she stuffed more meat into .

“Hey, slow down!” Yoochun laughed at seeing the rate she was devouring her food. “You’ll get a stomach ache while we practice!”

“He’s right, Ji Min,” Yunho added. “It’s better to perform on a half-filled stomach so you can concentrate.”

Ji Min felt herself blush. Yunho said her name. Yunho addressed her. She smiled sheepishly at him.

“Ok, senior!” she said much too happily.

“Er, Yoochun? What do you like to do for fun?” Nara added quickly to break the awkwardness.

“Me? I like to play the piano and compose sometime,” Yoochun said.

Typical pretty boy,” Ji Min thought to herself.

“That’s wonderful!” Nara blushed prettily. Ji Min was jealous of how cute she looked when she blushed. Whenever she felt her face go red, she looked like a tomato, not like a porcelain doll with pink tinges.

“What about you, Ji Min?” Yoochun asked.

“Huh? Me?” Ji Min asked stupidly. She had a large glob of rice in and could barely talk. “Well, I like singing, reading, and eating…”

“Aww, you have to go with Changmin sometime to grab lunch or something,” Yunho laughed. “He loves eating too, you know. Eats like seven meals a day. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind taking you out sometime.”

Ji Min choked on her food slightly. She had never gone out with a boy by herself before, and here was her beloved Yunho offering her for someone else. She thumped her chest several times to stop her spasms. Yoochun suddenly sighed next to her.

“We’re going to have lots of work to do,” he said softly.

“What?” Ji Min asked once she managed to talk again.

“You’ll see at today’s practice,” he winked in return and gave her a gentle smile. She hated how ridiculously kind and soft he looked. Why oh why couldn’t Yunho be her coach?


“Hi girls. We have lots of work to do today. Thank you Yunho and Yoochun for taking time out of your busy schedules to coach them,” Coach Cho said silkily while bowing to them.

“You’re welcome,” Ji Min grumbled under her breath. Was it just her, or did Yoochun just laugh?

“Today, we will be practicing on your appearance. Appearance is very important as it sets a certain image for fans and critiques,” Coach Cho continued. “According to your latest notes from the other coaches, both of you have to improve on very different issues, hence why you each have your own private coaches. Nara, everyone has agreed that you need to toughen up and appear a little more confident in your steps. Ji Min, on the other hand, really needs to work on how to be feminine.”

“What?” Ji Min said out loud. “I am feminine! And how am I supposed to learn how to be feminine from a guy?!”

“SO, let’s begin! Please work hard!” her coach said loudly, completely ignoring Ji Min. “At the end of the day, I will bring out the other coaches and we will see if you have made any progress.” With those words, she left the four to practice.

“Shall we begin?” Yunho asked Nara, who nodded and followed him to the far end of the room.

Ji Min turned to Yoochun who was trying to hold back a smirk and looked away to hide her pout.

“I can be feminine. I just choose not to,” she sighed.

“That’s why I’m here. I’m supposed to bring your girlish side out!” Yoochun suddenly said in a high pitched voice while making a heart with his arms over his head.  Ji Min took one look at him and burst out laughing.

“There’s no way you will get me to do that,” she said.

“We’ll see,” he continued in his still high voice. “Let’s practice your walk.”

Ji Min immediately tried to imagine cameras were in front of her and started to stroll up and down the gym confidently. Yoochun said nothing as she paced, until she stopped on her own.

“Well?” she demanded, a little embarrassed that she had pranced around without him saying a word.

“Not bad,” he finally said. “Let me see you do it again, but this time, I’m going to walk with you.”

“Uh, ok,” Ji Min said, a little confused. She was about to start walking again, but Yoochun suddenly grabbed her arm.

“With me,” he said softly, and he draped her arm through his like a gentleman.

“What in the world are we doing?” Ji Min hissed. She felt really strange walking like a little lady depending on a guy to lead.

“You are going to pretend we are a sweet old couple taking a stroll through the woods,” Yoochun said while stifling a laugh.

“This is ridiculous,” Ji Min said as she and he started walking together while watching the mirror in front of them.

“You’re leading,” Yoochun said. “Let the man lead.”

“Sorry,” Ji Min mumbled as she slowed down her pace. However, no matter what she did, she always felt the strong desire to pull ahead of him, and he constantly had to remind her to slow down and soften her steps.

“There is no need to stomp like an elephant.” Man, he was having way too much fun for his own good. Ji Min could tell he was on the verge of guffawing his face off.


Nara could barely concentrate on what Yunho was saying. She could hear Ji Min arguing with Yoochun every now and then, and she found herself wishing that she was his partner instead. Wait, she shouldn’t think that way! She had to be polite and deal with what she had!

“Ok, so you got that, Nara?” Yunho suddenly asked.

“Huh? I’m so sorry! I missed everything you said!” Nara yelped and lowered her head in shame.

“That wasn’t tough at all,” Yunho smiled. “Try defending yourself, but this time, say something with backbone.”

Nara had no idea what he was saying or how to do it, but she gave it a try.

“I-I think I heard what you said?” she said shyly.

Yunho laughed at her words. “Try saying, ‘No, you’re wrong. I’m definitely stronger than you think.’”

Nara smiled. “That sounds like something Ji Min would say.”

“Great! Maybe try thinking like how would she say things!” Yunho encouraged.

Nara closed her eyes and tried to remember the most memorable phrases that her best friend would say over the years. She scrunched her eyes and suddenly blurted out, “Yah! I can be tough! I bet I’m tougher than you!”

She gasped and covered in shock. Had she really said something like that?

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry for my rudeness!” she began, but Yunho gently removed her hands from her face.

“That was perfect,” he said gently while smiling warmly. “It’s good to know that my little princess can be tough after all.”

Nara found herself blushing at his words. “Thank you,” she murmured shyly.

“Let’s try your walking too, like Ji Min and Yoochun,” Yunho said. “Just think of how your friend acts, but don’t go to her degree!”

Nara laughed as she glanced over at Ji Min’s progress.


“There’s no way I can walk in these ridiculous heels!” Ji Min shouted as she wobbled while trying to stand.

“Just try. This will help you from slouching like a dude,” Yoochun said lazily while watching her intently.

“Grr,” she grumbled as she teetered the first few steps forward.

“Great! Now keep your back straight,” Yoochun encouraged while walking side by side with her.

“I’d like to see you try this,” she retorted as she struggled to straighten. Just when she thought she would lose her balance, she felt Yoochun grab her arm and help steady her.

“Better?” he asked shyly as she gave a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, thanks,” she muttered as she continued on her walk of fame. Every time she felt like falling, Yoochun’s strong arm kept her from losing her balance. For some strange reason, Ji Min for once did not mind relying on a man for help. After a few paces, she finally could cross the room without teetering once.

“Yoochun! I did it!” she shouted happily as she stood straight without any help. He merely smiled at her, and to her surprise, he blushed slightly.

“Well done. You’re starting to look more like a lady. Keep it up,” he said.

“Yes!” Ji Min yelled gleefully while trying to dance, but as soon as she started, she fell splat on the floor.

“Ah! Ji Min!” Yoochun yelled in panic. “Are you ok?”

“Ouch, yeah, nothing hurt but my pride,” Ji Min groaned as she sat up and rubbed her .

“Sorry! Sorry I wasn’t there to support you!” Yoochun was nearly in hysterics.

“Hey, it’s ok, man! I fall all the time! It’s probably just going to be a little bruise on my ,” Ji Min said hastily. Yoochun blushed when he noticed where she was rubbing, and he averted his gaze as he helped her up.

“Let’s stop here for today,” he muttered. “We will work more on this tomorrow.”


“Wow, you walk really well on those heels!” Yunho said amazed at Nara’s skill.

Nara however, was not paying much attention. She still felt a little hurt when she saw Ji Min fall and Yoochun immediately running to her side. She hoped Ji Min was alright at the same time.

“Oh! It’s been two hours already!” Yunho exclaimed while glancing at the clock. “Thanks Nara for your hard work! I had lots of fun helping you!”

He gave her a broad smile, and she reluctantly returned it. Why didn’t Yoochun smile at her like that?

“Thank you, Yunho sunbae,” she replied while bowing. “I will continue to work hard.”

“See you tomorrow in school!” he said while he went to change and gave her a backward wave.

She returned the wave half-heartedly and turned to see where Yoochun went.

“Nara! How in the world did you walk on those?!” Ji Min shouted at her while trying to wobble her way over. “Oh, heck, I’m not training now,” she muttered and kicked the shoes off and walked toward Nara barefoot. “My feet are killing me!”

“Ji! You really improved though! I was watching you!” Nara laughed as she likewise took off her heels.

“Argh, to think we might have to dance in these someday,” Ji Min sighed.

“Um, where did Yoochun sunbae go?” Nara found herself asking.

“Oh, him? I think he went to the bathroom or something. I think he overheated himself. His face was really red when we left. We should probably get going. Coach Cho wants us here early tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? But tomorrow’s a Saturday!” Nara said.

“Yeah, you’re telling me!” Ji Min shouted as she punched the air in frustration. “Oh well, when we become Unique, all of this will pay off!”

“Yes! Let’s continue to work hard!” Nara said while still looking for Yoochun and failing.

Heehee, Yunho, you're so sweet! And poor Nara!

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SoulMoon #1
This is pretty interesting so far! Can't wait to see what happens between Ji Min and Yoochunnie!