The First Meeting



“Professor, why did you give me such a bad grade on my paper? I worked really hard on it!”

Ji Min was furious. She had stayed up until 4 am the night before just to finish her assignment, even though she was dead tired after practicing her dancing for more than five hours.

“Ji Min, your paper made absolutely no sense! Look, on page 3, you write about someone who was not even in the prompt.”

She angrily flipped through her essay and found the spot where her professor pointed out:

                After the colonists had signed the Declaration of Independence, Naruto and Luffy jumped across the ship and started fighting one on one while Zoro pigged out and Gaara snored.

She blushed a deep red, remembering that right before she settled down to right her essay, she had read the latest updates on Naruto and One Piece. She must have written that when she was nodding off.

“I-I’m sorry, Professor!” she bowed in shame. “This is not my best! I had a heavy practice schedule the day before and I was dead tired! Please give me another chance to rewrite this!”

Her teacher frowned at her and said, “But Ji Min, I assigned this paper two weeks ago. Why didn’t you start this earlier?”

However, seeing Ji Min, who was normally proud and noisy, lowering her head humbly, he sighed and added, “You may rewrite your essay and hand me your second draft tomorrow. However, the highest grade you may receive is an 85—“

“Thank you, Professor Cho!!” Ji Min yelled over her shoulder as she ran out the door.

“Nara! Nara, I got him to give me an extension!” she shouted at her friend who was waiting patiently for her down the hall.

“That’s wonderful, Ji!” Nara replied as Ji Min hopped up and down in glee. However, she wasn’t watching where she was going.

“Watch out!” Nara suddenly shouted as Ji Min collided with someone behind her. Both fell on the ground in a big heap, the guy Ji Min hit with her flailing arms landing beneath her.

“Ouch, watch it!” Ji Min shouted as she felt pain shoot up her arm since she landed on it.

“Ji Min, don’t say that! You’re the one who hit him!” she could hear Nara say as she gingerly got off of her victim. As she turned to look at whoever she knocked over, she found herself looking into the softest black eyes she had ever seen. She was astonished to see a rather handsome man with sweeping black hair stare back at her in shock. His glasses lay a little way from them, and she apologetically retrieved them for him.

“S-sorry,” she mumbled as she handed them over. “You should watch where you’re going next time, and I’ll do the same.”

“Yo, Yoochun, you okay, man? Is she hurt?” A tall, handsome man with light brown, shoulder-length hair approached the two on the floor. Ji Min could immediately feel herself going red. This guy coming nearer and nearer was so much better looking and manlier than the gentle dude beneath her.

“It’s ok, Yunho,” Yoochun said with a laugh as he picked himself up. “No major injuries.” He turned to look at Ji Min who strangely felt cornered by his gaze.

“Sorry I hit you. I will remember your words,” he said as he and Yunho continued on their way.

As soon as they left, Nara began chiding Ji Min.

“How could you be so mean!” she sighed as she helped Ji Min recover her belongings that had rolled all over the floor during the impact. “He was so nice and gentle towards you, too!”

“Who, Yunho?” Ji Min said absentmindedly.

“No, silly, Yoochun!” Nara said dreamily.

“What, that sissy boy who got easily knocked over?” Ji Min gasped.

“He wasn’t sissy! He was just gentle and kind!” Nara returned.

Both girls stopped and stared at each other. Then they burst into laughter.

“Have we fallen in love with two different boys?” Nara giggled.

“It unfortunately seems so. I wonder who they are. I don’t remember seeing anyone like them before,” Ji Min sighed as they began their walk towards Belero Music’s training facility.

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SoulMoon #1
This is pretty interesting so far! Can't wait to see what happens between Ji Min and Yoochunnie!