To remember is to not forget, and who could forget this

Memory By Touch

Silence took over


You stood with your head down and shuffled your feet, clutching one hand on your walking stick and the other on Kimmie's arm.


All was silent.


You then began to feel something shaking and you realized that it was coming from Kimmie.


You heard a strange noise escape and it almost sounded like she was crying.


Shuffling in your arms she began to shake.




“Pwahhhhh!!!” Kimmie couldn't hold it in anymore and she doubled over laughing.


“Oh. My. Gosh. Ahahah!!!”


“Rosiee, you just missed the funniest thing ever!!” She belted out while laughing, her words turning more into slurs.


You blew out air, not even realizing that this whole time you had been holding your breath.


Hearing your best friends crazy laugh, you yourself began to chuckle and that once awkward silence that filled the room completely faded as you felt your friends contagious laughter take over you.


Exo was just watching you two.


At first when you both walked in they didn't know what to do. BaekHyun in the middle of his pose had stopped, standing there embarrassed, not knowing what to do. The others looked to see why BaekHyun looked shocked and they themselves finally realized that they had company. In their eyes they saw a pretty Korean girl with long black hair staring wide eyed and an auburn haired girl who was also pretty but for some reason looked sad as she placed her head down, having half her hair cover her face. But once they saw you both laughing they themselves felt at ease.


After some time Kimmie and you began to cool down and again the roomed filled with silence, but this time not an awkward one.


The manager then turned to the boys, “Ah yes boys these are special guests for today. I hope you will treat them both well and with respect as it is one of the girls birthday.”


“Which one?” 


Kimmie then pointed to you.


You yourself wasn't really paying attention, you just stood there again shuffling your feet.


They all looked to you and saw your walking stick in hand and they knew that they should behave well. But it didn't make them feel any awkwardness towards you, to them you were like any other fan wanting to meet them.


The the manager then turned to Kimmie, “If you would both be so kindly to introduce yourselves.” Making a gesture with his palm up, signaling you to start.


“Oh, of course, hello my name is Kimmie and this is,” She nudged you.


“My name is Rosaline.” You said a bit shy as you both bowed a bit.


All nodding to you, the boys stood up as they placed their hands in front of them and stated,


“We are one, EXO” They all said in unison.


You both bowed again.


Not knowing what to do next you brought up your walking stick and folded it handing it to Kimmie. After taking your walking stick she placed it in her bag and brought out her CD for Exo to sign. The manager again made the hand gesture and Kimmie began to bring you over to the left side of the table.


You wonder who you would get to meet first. Your heart began to pound, excitement shot through you.


“Hello my name is Sehun” Sehun said, politely bowing.


Kimmie handed him her CD and he began to sign. Without even realizing it you brought up your left hand up and cupped his cheek. Surprised by this he unconsciously flinched backwards, leaving your hand dangling in the air. Seeing this Kimmie immediately explained,


“Oh, sorry about that I totally forgot to tell you guys,” She began to say sheepishly, “Due to her condition she uses her hands to get a sense of what you look like, like this,"


She explained as she took your right hand, your other hand still hanging where it was and moved it to her face. You began to trace her cheek, nose, eyes and lips, then finally combed it through her hair. You smiled knowing this was your best friend. The boys stared in wonder, seeing you with a face filled with curiosity then recognition as you knew it was your friend. They were both a bit excited and nervous since they were not used to a female touching them so intimately. Seeing as your left hand was still in the air Sehun began to lean forward placing his cheek in your hands. You brought down your other hand and placed it on his other cheek. Not realizing that you were staring at him since well you couldn't see, Sehun began to blush as your face was in front of him. Your eyes seeming to never end, as if it were the sea dragging him in. Lost in your gaze he began to blush even more and you felt his cheeks began to heat up. You began to drag your fingertips lightly over his cheeks, his eyes, which made him close them, over his eyebrows, down his nose and ended at his lips. Tracing everything slowly Sehun himself began to giggle as it was quite ticklish.


'Wow hes seems so young' You thought to yourself, feeling his smooth skin under you fingers. Finally you took you hands and pushed it through his hair earning a bit of a “ah” from Sehun, since it felt pretty good to him. You drew your hands back and smiled as you whispered, “Sehun.” and bowed earning once again another blush.


Kimmie shifted you to the right.


“Hello Im Suho” Suho bowed.


You did the same thing and as you traced his face you thought to yourself, 'I cant believe he is older then me, his face is so small and smooth'. Whispering his name in hopes to remember the face.


One after another you did the same thing to XiuMin, Luhan, Chen, and Lay earning giggles, ah's and what not. These guys were handsome as people had said. 


Shifted once again to the right you wonder who would be next.


“Hello im BaekyHyun” He said, bowing a bit.


You placed both your hands on his cheeks then began to chuckle.


“Bacon.” You whispered but still loud enough for everyone to hear.


Immediately all the boys began to laugh as this was what they were making fun of him before for.


“Oh not you too.” BaekHyun huffed his cheeks making them expand in your hands as he puffed out a bit of air and crossed his arms.


But once you began to trace your fingers lightly over his skin he couldn't stay mad for long. Your face seemed so, angelic to him as you tried to memorize all the lines and crooks that made him different from all the other boys. Once tracing over his eyes, nose and lips you brought your hands to his hair and began to ruffle it,


“I like bacon” You sweetly said.


Kimmie translating it, he began to blush as Lay nudged him in the side playfully and Kai wagged his eyebrows.


Next was Kris so you said, “Ayo Waddup Kreeasee”


Earning a, “Ayoo Wassss-uuup” As you both began to chuckle.


Tracing over his face you thought he was a bit serious so you pinched his cheeks, 


“Lighten up, your ugly when you frown” You stated as you pushed your hands through his hair. Kris smiled on the inside though he showed no expression on the outside.


Shifting to the right you heard, “ Hello my name is D.O”.


You heard about his eyes and how they were huge, you began to nudge your fingers in anticipation.


Seeing you do this D.O looked to Kimmie, “She actually has been wondering if your eyes are really as big as people say.”


Suho began to chuckle and D.O eyes went to what everyone knew him for. You placed your hands out and smoothed your palms against his cheeks and he began to close his eyes.


“Actually D.O you have to keep your eyes open, she will just place her palm over them.” Kimmie explained. 


Nodding D.O did just that and after tracing the rest of his face you felt his eyes.


'Geez they are as big as people say' You thought as you inwardly smiled. Taking your hands you brushed it through his hair, he was indeed very handsome.


“Hello my name is ChanYeol”


Immediately you placed your head down not wanting him to see you blush. Confused by your action thinking that maybe you didn't like him he turned his attention towards Kimmie giving her a 'what did I do' look. Kimmie chuckled as she said,


“Rosie is actually quite a fan of yours, she loves your deep voice,”


She began to speak happily, “ You should hear her at home, she will rap your parts out laud and makes this cute little expression” immitating you.


The boys began to chuckle. You didn't know what she was saying but knowing it was probably not something good you nudged her and she became quiet.


“Well I'm glad to have such a cute fan.” ChanYeol said smiling.


Kimmie whispered what he had said and you felt yourself become even more red.


Nervously putting your hands out ChanYeol took your hands and placed them on his face.


Tracing over his cute cheeks, eyes, nose and lips you made a shocked expression.


“His face does not match his voice at all, he has such a childish face. I thought it would be more..” You really didnt know what to expect but not this.


Not that deep, y voice that sent butterflies through you to have such a not matching face. Kimmie translated what you said and the boys began to laugh. Hopping you didn't say anything offensive you immediately added,


“You are still very cute my happy virus.” After hearing that he cracked his famous smile and you could feel it on your palms. You yourself began to smile. Staring at each other for a bit someone finally cleared their throat and said,


“Im next”.


“Yo my name is Kai.” He said while smirking.


You whispered something to Kimmie and she began to stare at Kai nodding and whispering something back to you.


“What did she ask?” Kai ask turning his attention to Kimmie.


“She asked if your lips were as full as people said they were.”


“You like what you see?” Kai smirked and Kimmie scoffed.


You placed your hands on his cheeks and he pushed his face in, liking how you lightly traced every part of his face as if painting a picture. Once you got to his lips he put his hand on top of yours and shifted it out, planting a kiss in the middle of your palm making you blush beet red.


“I-I also heard you were a dancer.” You stuttered and Kimmie translated.


“I'm actually know as the dancing machine.” He practically bragged winking at Kimmie who again just scoffed.


“Rosie is also a dancer.” Kimmie stated.


“Really?” His smirk getting wider.


“Well then how about a little birthday dance.” Kai told Kimmie as he got up from the table and walked over to you.


Kimmie telling you what he was going to do you began to shuffle your weight back and fourth as you felt a new presence by you. Taking you hand and placing it on his shoulder and putting your other in his, he placed his hand on your waist and you both danced. Though it was just a simple box dance you could have melted right there and in your opinion it ended to quickly because before you came back to earth you were back next to Kimmie at the table and Kai was sitting down.


Finally the last person spoke, “Hello my name is Tao.”


Taking your hands you grabbed his cheeks and Tao was a bit surprised by your actions.


You had a dreamy look on your face as you said, “Master Po”.


Next to you Kimmie choked a bit laughing. “She called you Master Po, you know from Kung Fu Panda”


The boys began to laugh and Tao felt embarrassed. He puffed out his cheeks to make himself seem more like a panda and you chuckled. You then took you palms placing them upwards on his cheeks and took your thumbs moving them back and fourth under his eyes. Tao closed his eyes a bit, the feeling a bit too good. Smiling you traced your fingertips over his eyes and through his hair. You had finally got the chance to actually get to see what Exo looked like and they were better then you could have imagined, which you did almost like every night. Both stepping back you thanked them and Kimmie thanked them all for signing the CD. Taking out your walking stick, Kimmie began to hand it to you as you guys were ready to leave. But before you did you heard someone run out the room and come back standing in front of you huffing a bit.


“Wait before you go I thought that this would be a good birthday gift.”


You felt your arms being raised as someone slipped what seemed to be a sweatshirt over your head. You then began to realize that the voice belong to ChanYeol, rubbing the back of his neck he shyly said,


“Actually this is a special sweatshirt to us all. All of us at some point has worn this durning our training and it was something that helped us to feel more comfortable when we are away from home and I, we would like you to have it to also help you feel more at home and have a bit of us wherever.”


You didnt know what to say, this was, well mind blowing. You didnt think twice as you threw your arms out and began to hug ChanYeol. Stiff for a second or two he began to relax and ruffled your hair. Thanking them again and saying all your goodbyes you guys walked out the doors and across the street to the car.


To the boys they didnt even know what to say. Some were happy they got to meet you and Kimmie, others blushed a bit at the remembrance of your touch, but they all had one thing in common, they would never forget this moment and you as their fan.


You yourself was so dazed that you didnt even realized that you had already driven home, said goodnight to Kimmie and was in your room. You dressed into your sweats and kept the sweatshirt on snuggling it closer to you as you went to your window and opened it, resting your head on your palms. You kept replaying today in your head smiling at some of the things the guys did blushing at others. You kept smiling until you felt something light brush your forehead and you placed your hand up feeling something wet. Confused you placed your hand out feeling flakes land softly in your palms melting away with your touch.


That night it began to snow in Korea.  

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sorry if i freaked you guys out with an update. Im trying to edit all my stories for grammar mistakes and whatnot.


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dodokchae #1
Chapter 5: New subscriber here! This story is so touching, I can't wait what next chapter will be like. Ahh snow, I also never seen one, hopefully I will. Update soooon! This fanfic is jjang!!!
ahhh~ im so grateful to be born complete and healthy.. thankful i'm not blind, or deaf or lame.. made me appreciate what i have and how much they would mean to others who dont have them at all...
TaehyungsTata5 #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! This story is so beautiful!! (#^.^#)
It's so sweet! :)
Chapter 5: This is so ____ing beautiful. I love it so much. Thanks authornim. I'm on the verge of tears. This is beautiful.
Chapter 5: OMG I was crying by the end :)
#6!!! Goodjob my Shin'yū ♡(●^―^●)♥
teentoplove96 #7
Lol *fanfics (damn auto-correct -.-)
teentoplove96 #8
THIS WAS SO TOUCHINGGGGGG!!!! I loved it :D and I love how it's different from other fabrics I read x)
Taiyou #9
Oh my Lord, this story is so heart-warming. Seriosuly, it's breathtaking in such a way that it leaves you wanting for more, but it still leaves you with such a peaceful sense of completeness that just overwhelms me to the point of thinking that maybe this shouldn't have a seuel, but then I get to thinking that this story left on such an open note that it would be beautiful to let it flow from there and see where Rosie and Kimmie take us as they continue being fans of the boys and the boys remembering the little moment they shared together. But then I think, it snowed. How much of a perfect ending is that? The world moves on, mmemories are acquiered, but aren't they all just, well, memories? from the past? Warm, nonetheless, but memories all the same.

Uggh, I'm ranting. This story is too beautiful!

Seriously, open endings are my favorite. They always leave me wanting for more, but they're so realistic in themselves that I can't help but cry over the sadness that the story should be left as it is. I wouldn't mind a sequel, though, or even a oneshot!

Great job on your first fic, honey! It was amazing to be able to read this story, too beautiful! By the way, I have a special Minnie Mouse plushie that I've had since I was 1 month old (It was my First Month present), and I cherish it like nothing else. It's kind of raggedy and worn down, so I don't sleep with it anymore, but it is beside my other childhood dolls in my room.

AHH! THIS IS SUCH A PRETTY MEMORY OF A FIC! Your story wasn't disappointing at all, and I hope to read more of your fantastic writing in the future!

Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!

(P.S.: Sorry for the long comment; this fic deserves it!)