Not everything is what it seems

Memory By Touch

Everyone in their life has felt that moment of hesitation, whether it be before a speech you were about to present to the class, or before going on stage to perform, or even asking that person you have liked all year out on a date. Everyone has also had doubts no matter if they were big or small. Your whole life you have been either pitied or laughed at by others, especially when you were young because kids just didn't understand. Heck even most adults didn't understand not being able to see, what made it worse is that they pretended like they did in order to comfort you. But that just didn't help. You didn't know the concept of colors or beauty. You didn't get to see films or look at photography or watch birds fly. You didn't get to learn to read or write, all you learned was feeling bumps which represented letters and words. People just really didn't understand being able to only see black.Everywhere, and having random sounds all around you.


It took yourself awhile to get used to what to key on and what to zone out when in conversations or alone in public. Learning to walk was even harder when you didn't even know where the ground was. Objects when walking ended up under you feet and you usually fell that is until you got your own walking stick. When little some kids thought it would be funny to mess with you and when playing with toys they would take them away laughing as you looked like Velma from Scooby Doo trying to find her glasses. When eating lunch they also thought it would be funny to switch your food with things like dirt or mud pies and worms, and as you put it in your mouth thinking it was a sandwich and gaging at the taste of dirt they would point and laugh at you. Their laughing. You couldn't take the laughing. After school when they picked on you, you would just stay huddled on the floor as they gathered around you an echo of laughs and nasty comments.


Where were your parents at the time? Well working of course, working all day to keep you fed and you knew they loved you. They would come home every night exhausted and they would still read to you and tuck you in and say how much they loved you. In their eyes you were their only child, their only daughter and you didn't want to burden them more. So you didn't say anything. This kept going on until Kimmie came in. After school one day again being on the ground with them huddled around you Kimmie came up to them and started yelling and whacking them until they all ran away. You kept yourself in a huddled ball as she bent down and place and arm on your shoulder. You flinched from the contact and she just softly said,


“Its ok, it's me Kimmie from class A. I sit next to you.”


You cautiously put your hands down and shifted slightly,


“Its ok,” Kimmie stated, “Their gone now and trust me, with me around they wont be able to say anything.”


You thought a bit at this statement, seeing you face she just nodded and said, “Yep that means you and I are now best friends.”


Since then you both have been stuck at the hip. Your confidence began to grown and you became more open to try new things. You were still cold to people and the only person you were truly yourself around was Kimmie. But Kimmie was enough for you. With her you have always felt safe, confident, well that is until this moment. You didn't know if they were laughing because of you or because of something else, but you had to admit it did hurt a bit. Clutching tightly onto your walking stick you placed your head down and began to shuffle your feet.


Silence took over.


Exo's Point of View


After the last few fans got their signatures and people took their last minute pictures, the security guards began to file people from the room. Smiling and waving and giving the occasional wink to the fans, once all alone in the room the boys let out a sigh of relief. Tiredness took over them.


“And we are DONE!” XiuMin cooed, stretching in his seat.


“There were SO many of them, my hand feels like they are about to break.” Tao whimpered as he began to caress his hands.


“But you have to admit, we have some pretty good looking fans.” Kai said wiggling his eyebrows. This ended up with him receiving a whack on the back of his head.


“We should be thankful we have fans,” Kris said with all seriousness.


“Oww.” Was all Kai could say, messaging his now forming bump at the back of his head.


“Did you see how D.O eyes was looking at some of them. It was like,” SeHun chuckled making his eyes really big to emphasize his point and everyone began to laugh.


“Hey what about BaekHyun did you see how fans kept calling him bacon, bacon” Immediately everyone looked to BaekHyun who had stopped laughing and now looked very serious. Unable to take his face everyone began to double over.


“Ha ha, very funny at least I wasn't all giddy over a pack of cookies” He sarcastically stated turning to ChanYeol.


“Oh yeah, you should have seen your face, it was like a little kid who had just received a huge lollipop.” LuHan said, imitating ChanYeol's smile which really looked like a creepy face. This was the final straw and everyone began to laugh so hard that Chen and Lay fell out of their chairs, practically rolling on the floor.


“Hey you think I act strange what about at our concert when BaekHyun did his towel move.”ChanYeol stated defensivly. 


“So, BaekHyun what color towel do you use?” Kai began to .


Everyone shifted trying to contain themselves.


“Should I use a yellow towel today?” BaekHyun asked as he stood up to grab an imaginary towel off an imaginary rack.


“And how do you use the towel?” SuHo asked grinning.


“Like this” BaekHyun smirked doing his pose.


However in the middle of his pose none of them notice that the door had opened up and that the two of you had walked in. Suddenly the two of you were in the middle of the room, Kimmie staring with wide eyes at BaekHyun's pose and everyone froze.


Silence took over.  

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sorry if i freaked you guys out with an update. Im trying to edit all my stories for grammar mistakes and whatnot.


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dodokchae #1
Chapter 5: New subscriber here! This story is so touching, I can't wait what next chapter will be like. Ahh snow, I also never seen one, hopefully I will. Update soooon! This fanfic is jjang!!!
ahhh~ im so grateful to be born complete and healthy.. thankful i'm not blind, or deaf or lame.. made me appreciate what i have and how much they would mean to others who dont have them at all...
TaehyungsTata5 #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! This story is so beautiful!! (#^.^#)
It's so sweet! :)
Chapter 5: This is so ____ing beautiful. I love it so much. Thanks authornim. I'm on the verge of tears. This is beautiful.
Chapter 5: OMG I was crying by the end :)
#6!!! Goodjob my Shin'yū ♡(●^―^●)♥
teentoplove96 #7
Lol *fanfics (damn auto-correct -.-)
teentoplove96 #8
THIS WAS SO TOUCHINGGGGGG!!!! I loved it :D and I love how it's different from other fabrics I read x)
Taiyou #9
Oh my Lord, this story is so heart-warming. Seriosuly, it's breathtaking in such a way that it leaves you wanting for more, but it still leaves you with such a peaceful sense of completeness that just overwhelms me to the point of thinking that maybe this shouldn't have a seuel, but then I get to thinking that this story left on such an open note that it would be beautiful to let it flow from there and see where Rosie and Kimmie take us as they continue being fans of the boys and the boys remembering the little moment they shared together. But then I think, it snowed. How much of a perfect ending is that? The world moves on, mmemories are acquiered, but aren't they all just, well, memories? from the past? Warm, nonetheless, but memories all the same.

Uggh, I'm ranting. This story is too beautiful!

Seriously, open endings are my favorite. They always leave me wanting for more, but they're so realistic in themselves that I can't help but cry over the sadness that the story should be left as it is. I wouldn't mind a sequel, though, or even a oneshot!

Great job on your first fic, honey! It was amazing to be able to read this story, too beautiful! By the way, I have a special Minnie Mouse plushie that I've had since I was 1 month old (It was my First Month present), and I cherish it like nothing else. It's kind of raggedy and worn down, so I don't sleep with it anymore, but it is beside my other childhood dolls in my room.

AHH! THIS IS SUCH A PRETTY MEMORY OF A FIC! Your story wasn't disappointing at all, and I hope to read more of your fantastic writing in the future!

Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!

(P.S.: Sorry for the long comment; this fic deserves it!)