The start of being 20

Memory By Touch

You slightly shifted in your sleep, feeling heat radiate off your face. Fluttering your eyes open while you stretched your arms above your head, trying not to hit your bed post, and curled your toes downward, you woke up to complete darkness.


This was something that you were used to.


Pushing your bed sheet aside, you swung your legs off the side of your bed, your feet landing softly on the cool wooden floor. You situated yourself in a sitting position while rubbing your hands over your face trying to get yourself more awake. You faced the window that you knew was there, well unless you slept on the wrong side of the bed again. Extending your arms, you felt the familiar curtains under your fingertips that once hung in your bedroom of your old home before you moved to Korea 6 months ago. Steadily getting up, you curled your hands around the curtains and opened them wider. Taking your left hand you opened the window carefully and laid your elbows on the window sill, resting your head on your palms and felt the cool winter breeze. There were birds singing, couples walking, children playing, and a perfect blue sky without a cloud in sight. Well that's how you would have liked to pictured it for your birthday. Lost in your thoughts you didn't even feel warm familiar arms encircle your waist from behind and a head rest in the crook of your shoulder.


“Rosiee!! Can you believe it, your officially 20!!” Your best friend, roommate, and caretaker cooed in your ear.


“Yeah, I just can't believe I've been able to survive living with you.” You stated coldly.


Kimmie scoffed a bit, shocked by your words before she began to fake sulk, bringing her head down deeper, nudging into your shoulder. 


Taking the side of your head you whacked her and began to chuckle, “ Geez, I'm kidding, you know your like a sister to me. I mean I probably wouldn't have been able to survive this long if it wasn't for you.” 


Returning to her old self, Kimmie squeezed you tighter, “I know, I'm amazing. Besides how would you have been able to survive without my fashion sense to dress you every morning. Trust me if you were to do that on your own you would probably put on a skirt thinking its a tube top.” 


You turned you head slightly to give her what you hoped was a glare.


Knowing that you were probably going to hit her again she quickly sprung her arms away from you, holding her hands up in defense, “Ahaha, ok ok no need to get violent. Besides,” She looked at you with a smile plastered on her face, “I made breakfast!!”


Just barely managing to close the window, she yanked your arm and dragged you to the kitchen, plopping you down at the counter by the refrigerator. As you rubbed your from the sudden contact you stopped, breathing in a heavenly smell.


You knew that smell anywhere, “Kim Kim, did you cook your famous b-butter p-pecan p-pancakes?” You stuttered while your mouth began to water. She knew that they were your favorite, but she hasn't made since you were back home due to both of your busy schedules.


“Hmm, I don't know I, I am pretty sure you were being mean to me like a second ago saying I was a nuisance...”She teased. “I mean it sure smells like butter and pecans, and they are in the shape of a circle, but I guess they could be something else...”


You could just picture her with a spatula in her hand, batting her eyelashes and twisting her feet on the wood. “Yah! I told you I was sorry, besides you know how much I LOVE your pancakes, you haven't made them in like, FOREVER.” You whined.


Immediately she went back to her over bubbly self and you heard a plate crash right in front of you.“Hehe, I know.” Was all she said before you grabbed a knife and fork and dug in.


'I swear she is on the brink of being labeled bipolar'  You thought as you kept shoveling pancakes into your mouth, but she was your bestie and she made beasty food. So what could you say, well aloud. While hastily shoving pancakes into your mouth Kimmie came over and sat across from you,


“Hey aren’t you excited, today is the day we officially get to meet Exo!!!” She practically screamed.


You would have answered but these pancakes were just too good.


“Crap, Rosie look what time is it, we are sooo going to get stuck in traffic, come on.”


Before you could finish assassinating your pancakes she once again grabbed your arm, flung you from your chair and raced you into your bedroom. Leaving the pancakes looking like a massacre on your plate. Once in your bedroom Kimmie practically ran straight to your closet and began flinging cloths. You knew this because one ended up hitting you square in the face. Peeling what you hoped wasnt a bra off kimmie began to frantically speak,


“Omg, what to wear, you have to look perfect, I mean this is a once in a lifetime chance..” Kimmie kept rambling on.


All the while throwing things at you to put on, take off, until she was officially satisfied. While doing all this you began to think of something, “Hey, Kim Kim what about you?” You asked questioningly.


“Oh, I'm already dressed. You slept in for like ever so I got myself ready first and made breakfast.” She said while fidgeting with your clothing.


“Oh.” Was all you could say.


“And.. done, wow I am good. You know, you should pay me for this." She bragged.


But before you could say anything she yanked the side of your scarf pratically choking you.


"Sorry about that, It was bugging me." She said sheepishly. "Oh, hey, have I ever told you that your like, beautiful.” She said while grazing her eyes over you as a once more glance to make sure everything was perfect.


From what you knew from your doctor was that you were 5 feet 7, had porcelain skin, an oval face with see through sea blue eyes with a cloud of gray due to your 'condition', a straight nose, full lips and auburn hair that reached your collar bone. And from what your friends told you, you had the right amount of curves to your body. Not that you really cared,


“Yes, but its not like I would really know. Besides your gorgeous too.” You said while she fixed your hair.


“Oh, and how would you know?” She sarcastically said huffing out air.


As she stood infront of you, you lifted your arms until both your hands landed on her cheeks. She, herself was Korean and you felt her strong cheek bones, straight nose, big brown eyes, and pouty lips as you rubbed your thumb back and fourth in what you hope she would take as sincerity.Then your hands moved to her very long straight black hair, letting pieces fall easily through your fingers. She was in fact in your opinion very gorgeous.


Both of you smiled. “There, I am done.” Kimmie happily stated while slapping her hands together.


From what she told you, you were wearing a cute white tank with a blue sweater and a black over coat, black jeans with a white and blue checker scarf. You liked to keep things simple so Kimmie respected your style and kept to it.


“And we are off!!!” Kimmie said in an astronaut accent.


Well what she liked to consider as an astronaut accent. Do they even have accents? Before you could even have the chance to think, for the third time today she grabbed you by the arm and yanked you to the door. Grabbing the essentials, Kimmie got her purse, keys, and an Exo CD for them to sign. After putting your favorite black boots on you felt around the door until you found you walking stick. You didn't really like having a walking stick since you knew when you went out people would stare, but it was something that you needed. You both walked with your arms linked together, stick in your other hand, practically skipping out the door, through the hallway, and to the elevator. After getting off the elevator you both went through the entrance doors to your apartment. Once outside you stood for a second breathing in the smell of winter.


"Kimmie?" You quietly called her name.


"Yes Rosie?" She asked, both your arms still linked together.


"When do you think it will snow?" You shyly asked.


You both came from where it didn't snow and you yourself have always wanted to know what it felt like to stand outside with your hands sprawled open, catching snow flakes on your tounge. Even if it did sound cheesy.


"I dont know?" She said honestly.


Not wanting you to feel sad she brisked you away, skipping all the way to her car before you both came to a stop and she opened the door for you, ushering you in. Once settled in she danced around the car to fling open her own door and jump in her seat. Bucking her seatbelt with a click, she turned the engine on, and shifted her head towards you saying both cutesy yet devilishly slowly,


“Are you, Rosaline, ready for the best birthday ever and the chance to meet EXO!!”.


You began to slowly smirk at your friends behavior as you leaned forward bracing your hands on the dashboard, excitment quickly taking over and stated, “HECKS YEAH!!”

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sorry if i freaked you guys out with an update. Im trying to edit all my stories for grammar mistakes and whatnot.


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dodokchae #1
Chapter 5: New subscriber here! This story is so touching, I can't wait what next chapter will be like. Ahh snow, I also never seen one, hopefully I will. Update soooon! This fanfic is jjang!!!
ahhh~ im so grateful to be born complete and healthy.. thankful i'm not blind, or deaf or lame.. made me appreciate what i have and how much they would mean to others who dont have them at all...
TaehyungsTata5 #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! This story is so beautiful!! (#^.^#)
It's so sweet! :)
Chapter 5: This is so ____ing beautiful. I love it so much. Thanks authornim. I'm on the verge of tears. This is beautiful.
Chapter 5: OMG I was crying by the end :)
#6!!! Goodjob my Shin'yū ♡(●^―^●)♥
teentoplove96 #7
Lol *fanfics (damn auto-correct -.-)
teentoplove96 #8
THIS WAS SO TOUCHINGGGGGG!!!! I loved it :D and I love how it's different from other fabrics I read x)
Taiyou #9
Oh my Lord, this story is so heart-warming. Seriosuly, it's breathtaking in such a way that it leaves you wanting for more, but it still leaves you with such a peaceful sense of completeness that just overwhelms me to the point of thinking that maybe this shouldn't have a seuel, but then I get to thinking that this story left on such an open note that it would be beautiful to let it flow from there and see where Rosie and Kimmie take us as they continue being fans of the boys and the boys remembering the little moment they shared together. But then I think, it snowed. How much of a perfect ending is that? The world moves on, mmemories are acquiered, but aren't they all just, well, memories? from the past? Warm, nonetheless, but memories all the same.

Uggh, I'm ranting. This story is too beautiful!

Seriously, open endings are my favorite. They always leave me wanting for more, but they're so realistic in themselves that I can't help but cry over the sadness that the story should be left as it is. I wouldn't mind a sequel, though, or even a oneshot!

Great job on your first fic, honey! It was amazing to be able to read this story, too beautiful! By the way, I have a special Minnie Mouse plushie that I've had since I was 1 month old (It was my First Month present), and I cherish it like nothing else. It's kind of raggedy and worn down, so I don't sleep with it anymore, but it is beside my other childhood dolls in my room.

AHH! THIS IS SUCH A PRETTY MEMORY OF A FIC! Your story wasn't disappointing at all, and I hope to read more of your fantastic writing in the future!

Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!

(P.S.: Sorry for the long comment; this fic deserves it!)