Five senses (prologue)

Memory By Touch


People see the world through their five senses, but they mostly use their eyes.


The term beauty has changed to quotas of what society believes people should desire.


Food, based on looks.


Homes, based on looks.


People, based on looks.


To people, the way something is shown is how they label it.


Nerds, jocks, players, athletes, pretty, handsome, ugly- all based on what other people see.


But for you, you are unable to label what you see.


You can't see when the sun is rising or setting.


You can't see the moon come out accompanied by the stars.


You can't see what others look like.


You couldn't even see what you looked like.


You were born without that sense, but it didn't effect you.


Of course daily tasks that people took for granted were a bit harder for you, but it was never in your eyes a handicap.


In todays society, you felt that it was a gift being unable to see the horrors and judge others based on looks.


To you, life is unknowable, there are no answers, but of course there are many questions.


To live to you, is in the moment.


To make moments turn into memories.


To you, memories last forever, well that is till there forgotten.


In order for the moments to be captured most take a picture.


For you, pictures wouldn't help you remember a moment quite like this...

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sorry if i freaked you guys out with an update. Im trying to edit all my stories for grammar mistakes and whatnot.


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dodokchae #1
Chapter 5: New subscriber here! This story is so touching, I can't wait what next chapter will be like. Ahh snow, I also never seen one, hopefully I will. Update soooon! This fanfic is jjang!!!
ahhh~ im so grateful to be born complete and healthy.. thankful i'm not blind, or deaf or lame.. made me appreciate what i have and how much they would mean to others who dont have them at all...
TaehyungsTata5 #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! This story is so beautiful!! (#^.^#)
It's so sweet! :)
Chapter 5: This is so ____ing beautiful. I love it so much. Thanks authornim. I'm on the verge of tears. This is beautiful.
Chapter 5: OMG I was crying by the end :)
#6!!! Goodjob my Shin'yū ♡(●^―^●)♥
teentoplove96 #7
Lol *fanfics (damn auto-correct -.-)
teentoplove96 #8
THIS WAS SO TOUCHINGGGGGG!!!! I loved it :D and I love how it's different from other fabrics I read x)
Taiyou #9
Oh my Lord, this story is so heart-warming. Seriosuly, it's breathtaking in such a way that it leaves you wanting for more, but it still leaves you with such a peaceful sense of completeness that just overwhelms me to the point of thinking that maybe this shouldn't have a seuel, but then I get to thinking that this story left on such an open note that it would be beautiful to let it flow from there and see where Rosie and Kimmie take us as they continue being fans of the boys and the boys remembering the little moment they shared together. But then I think, it snowed. How much of a perfect ending is that? The world moves on, mmemories are acquiered, but aren't they all just, well, memories? from the past? Warm, nonetheless, but memories all the same.

Uggh, I'm ranting. This story is too beautiful!

Seriously, open endings are my favorite. They always leave me wanting for more, but they're so realistic in themselves that I can't help but cry over the sadness that the story should be left as it is. I wouldn't mind a sequel, though, or even a oneshot!

Great job on your first fic, honey! It was amazing to be able to read this story, too beautiful! By the way, I have a special Minnie Mouse plushie that I've had since I was 1 month old (It was my First Month present), and I cherish it like nothing else. It's kind of raggedy and worn down, so I don't sleep with it anymore, but it is beside my other childhood dolls in my room.

AHH! THIS IS SUCH A PRETTY MEMORY OF A FIC! Your story wasn't disappointing at all, and I hope to read more of your fantastic writing in the future!

Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!

(P.S.: Sorry for the long comment; this fic deserves it!)