The yellow brick road to almost paradise

Memory By Touch

Blue is Korean 


The wind brisked by, tingling your face as you both headed to the SM building where they were holding Exo's fan signing. Kimmie was driving, blasting EXO's 'What is love' while singing not very in tune. You yourself wasn't paying much attention as you rested your head on the window panel, closing your eyes and listening to the world. You could hear cars honk and an occasional motorcycle whisk by always making you jump. You could also hear the sound of people talking on the side walk, though you couldn't hear or understand what they were actually saying. You could hear kids laughing, probably running around teasing each other and shop people thanking their customers for purchasing a product and beckoning to come again. You have always wondered what it would be like to actually see colors, or cars, or bicycles, or people smiling, laughing, crying, or the sky, or even the ground you walked on. You wonder what art looked like and what it meant to truly express yourself. For you, the only way to express yourself was through music.


All your life you listened to music. It was something that you could escape to, to just have a moment and forget. Studying business at Seoul university when first arriving you once ended up in the wrong room which happened to be a dance room. Hearing the music you were absentmindedly attracted towards it and you apologized for interrupting their class. It ended up just being the teacher letting loose and she asked if you wanted to come in. She never once mentioned your condition or ask any questions, all she asked was if you liked music. After answering yes she just asked if you ever wanted to try to dancing to that music. Since stepping into that room you became instantly different. She offered to help you learn to dance, though she said you were a natural, not that you could see, and you went everyday after school knowing it was just you and the music. No one was there to judge you and you felt more free to express yourself, you felt more, alive. Since then you have been happier and Kimmie wasn't afraid to let you know how much happier you had become. Caught up in past memories you didn't even realize that the car had came to a stop and that Kimmie was parking. The only thing that brought you back to the real world was hearing Kimmie scream,


“Oh my gosh, Rosieee!! You are so glad you cannot see how long that line is. Geez, did they invite like the whole continent I swear, we better get a move on.”


Practically throwing her seatbelt off, she flung her car door open, kicked it shut and raced around the car to open your door. You just barely unbuckled your own seatbelt as you felt the door being yanked off its hinges and was grabbed by Kimmie's death grip.


'Dang how much does this girl workout?' You thought holding you walking stick in hand as she got you out of the car and settled you on the sidewalk. Linking her arm with yours, you drop part of your stick until you heard it click into place settling it in front of you which allowed you to get a better understanding of your surroundings. You both walked across the street hastily ending up at the back of a quickly growing line. After standing there for what felt like forever your legs began to become numb. You could hear people shouting in anticipation, getting a little too rowdy for your comfort. You felt someone nudge you in the side and you grunted in frustration. Kimmie hearing this put her hands up protectively around you, keeping you close to her. Time was ticking away and you suddenly had the urge to go to the bathroom. You told yourself you would hold it in but after a while you just couldn't take it.


“Kimmie” You practically squeaked.


“Yeah?” She asked warily looking at you.


“I have to go to the bathroom” You whispered.


“Well can't you wait, if we leave we will loose our spot in line and trust me with this line we wont be able to see them until next year.” She stated, glancing above your head to see a line with practically no end to it.


“I have been holding it, please, I don't think I can hold it in any longer.” You whined beginning to feel pain.


Kimmie look from you to the crowd then back at your face which scrunched with pain.


Sighing she said, “Fine, lets go.”


Squishing your body against hers to move out of the crowd, she guided you to the lobby of the SM building asking the receptionists where the bathroom was before ushering you to the ladies room. After washing up you felt yourself being able to breathe again as you happily skipped out of the bathroom. Once seeing you, Kimmie stood up and again you both were linking arms as you both begin to walk back to the line. Seeing that the line was beginning to move Kimmie began to drag you, herself walking faster. That is until you both ran into someone. Immediately you both apologized,


“Oh my gosh we are so sorry” Kimmie began to apologize.


“Yes, we are very sorry” You said as you both bowed.


You didn't know who you ran into but it sure felt like a man.


Turning around the man glanced back muttering his apology before doing a double take looking from Kimmie who of course could stop any man because of her looks and you for your well 'condition'. While looking from her to you silence quickly took over before he asked,


“Were you guys looking for something?"


“No, we are actually here for the Exo signing, but we had to go to the bathroom. So now were heading back into line.” She politely answered back but wanting to get quickly back into to line.


“You both?” He asked quietly more to himself while looking at you and then at the crowd outside screaming and ramming into each other. After a bit of hesitation he quickly added,


“How about this, I'm actually Exo's manager.” Showing Kimmie his pass.


Kimmie immediately beamed and instead of pulling on your arm restlessly she quickly stopped and by this you got confused as to what was going on.


“Since you both are here to see Exo why don't you guys wait here in the lobby till the crowds all gone, then you guys can get your signing from them.” He slowly said hoping it would be easier on you.


“Really, that would be amazing, thank you very, very much.” Kimmie began to bow again this time rapidly.


You didn't know what was happening. First you couldn't see and second you didn't speak or understand much Korean. So all you could tell was that Kimmie was either very excited or very apologetic towards whoever we ran into, for some odd reason.


After finish talking to whoever she was talking to, she finally turned to you putting both her hands on your arms and began to shake you.


“OMG, Rosiee guess what just happened.”


Like you knew, so you just stood there with a dumb expression on your face.


“We just ran into EXO's,” She began to scream until she noticed people were staring at us. Then she brought her voice to just above a whisper, “Exo's manager and after seeing your condition he felt that not only would it be a great birthday gift but also easier on you if we waited and met Exo with just us.”


“So he feels bad for me.” You stated coldly.


“What no, Rosie, he saw how crazy those high schoolers were acting in line and didn't want you to get hurt. Besides WE get to meet Exo, just the TWO of us, this is like a dream come true. Think of this as God giving back to you.”


Knowing that she wouldn't budge on this and not wanting to really rain on your parade you let it go. This was your chance to meet Exo, not only did you get to but now it is just the two of you and Exo, in a room...Just the 14 of you, well counting his manager and security guards and.. no, no to you it was just you and Exo and well Kimmie of course.


You began to smile from ear to ear, your own imagination running wild. Kimmie took this as acceptance and directed you to a couch where you both sat letting your thoughts of meeting Exo run free.


After a couple of hours someone official looking came up to both of you saying something to Kimmie in Korean. Grabbing your arm she led you through a hallway to the entrance of the room where they just held the fan signing not too long ago. Both of you stopped just outside of the door as she placed her hand on the handle. Turning to you she whispered both questioningly and excitedly,


“Rosie are you ready to meet Exo?”


You couldn't think, let alone speak. All you could do was stand there and just nod.


Taking a deep breath and blowing out she took that as an act of readiness. Opening the doors widely as if it was your entrance to a wedding you both stepped into the room. Kimmie began leading you towards them and all you heard was someone say something as you both walked in then everyone snickering and as you stood in front of them dead silence filled as the room got heavy. Your grip on you walking stick tightened as your heart dropped a bit from their laughter, thinking maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.  

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sorry if i freaked you guys out with an update. Im trying to edit all my stories for grammar mistakes and whatnot.


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dodokchae #1
Chapter 5: New subscriber here! This story is so touching, I can't wait what next chapter will be like. Ahh snow, I also never seen one, hopefully I will. Update soooon! This fanfic is jjang!!!
ahhh~ im so grateful to be born complete and healthy.. thankful i'm not blind, or deaf or lame.. made me appreciate what i have and how much they would mean to others who dont have them at all...
TaehyungsTata5 #3
Chapter 5: OMG!! This story is so beautiful!! (#^.^#)
It's so sweet! :)
Chapter 5: This is so ____ing beautiful. I love it so much. Thanks authornim. I'm on the verge of tears. This is beautiful.
Chapter 5: OMG I was crying by the end :)
#6!!! Goodjob my Shin'yū ♡(●^―^●)♥
teentoplove96 #7
Lol *fanfics (damn auto-correct -.-)
teentoplove96 #8
THIS WAS SO TOUCHINGGGGGG!!!! I loved it :D and I love how it's different from other fabrics I read x)
Taiyou #9
Oh my Lord, this story is so heart-warming. Seriosuly, it's breathtaking in such a way that it leaves you wanting for more, but it still leaves you with such a peaceful sense of completeness that just overwhelms me to the point of thinking that maybe this shouldn't have a seuel, but then I get to thinking that this story left on such an open note that it would be beautiful to let it flow from there and see where Rosie and Kimmie take us as they continue being fans of the boys and the boys remembering the little moment they shared together. But then I think, it snowed. How much of a perfect ending is that? The world moves on, mmemories are acquiered, but aren't they all just, well, memories? from the past? Warm, nonetheless, but memories all the same.

Uggh, I'm ranting. This story is too beautiful!

Seriously, open endings are my favorite. They always leave me wanting for more, but they're so realistic in themselves that I can't help but cry over the sadness that the story should be left as it is. I wouldn't mind a sequel, though, or even a oneshot!

Great job on your first fic, honey! It was amazing to be able to read this story, too beautiful! By the way, I have a special Minnie Mouse plushie that I've had since I was 1 month old (It was my First Month present), and I cherish it like nothing else. It's kind of raggedy and worn down, so I don't sleep with it anymore, but it is beside my other childhood dolls in my room.

AHH! THIS IS SUCH A PRETTY MEMORY OF A FIC! Your story wasn't disappointing at all, and I hope to read more of your fantastic writing in the future!

Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!

(P.S.: Sorry for the long comment; this fic deserves it!)