Chapter 7

Where Your Heart Meets Mine

“Good morning, unnie. You’re up early?”


“Yah, Soojung-ah. What ‘early’!? It’s 2 o’ clock in the afternoon. Aish!”


“Oh…. ‘kay? So I overslept, again. It’s Saturday anyway. What’s the big deal?”


“Ugh… you know what, never mind!” 




Hmm, okay, that’s weird… I don’t know what’s up with Jessica unnie today. When I went outside my room, I saw her marching up towards the stairs then she stormed inside her room. 


Why is she so pissed today? Normally she just lets me sleep and stay in my bedroom during weekends. 


Must be the start of her time of the month, then? I shrugged at the thought. 


*Grrrughr* I patted my stomach. It’s 2pm. I’m feeling hungry now. I happily skipped my way to the kitchen to find some food. 


While looking for a light breakfast, yes, it’s still breakfast for me. I just woke up. Don’t you dare judge me.


I realized we’re almost out of food supplies in our cupboard. 


“Unnie, we’re almost out of food!” I exclaimed to nobody, but, I know Jessica unnie heard it. 


After rummaging through our fridge and cupboard, I settled with a tasty bread and fresh milk. I bit the piece of bread, left it hanging from my mouth and held a cup of fresh milk in my left hand. 




I turned around when our refrigerator door closed, then it only registered in my mind that I was not alone. Someone was standing near the kitchen island.


“Hi. Krystal, right?” She beamed her smile at me. 


I returned the gesture with a small smile, “Ne~ Hello, Yuri unnie.” 


I bowed respectfully while holding my glass of milk. A few droplets spilled.


I forgot about the bread I was biting when I greeted her. The tasty piece of bread dropped on the floor. My bread and milk… 


I pouted at the fallen piece of bread and the spilled milk.


Yuri unnie saw that. She chuckled and proceeded to pick up the piece of bread. She jogged to me and said, “Wait, let me help you with those.” She opened the refrigerator, picked up the half-full carton of fresh milk and poured some into my glass. Then, she went to the cupboard to grab some bread. 


“Sorry. I must’ve startled you.” She smiled apologetically.


“Ah, it’s okay, Yuri unnie.” I realized there’s still plenty for the three of us to share. “Do you want some, unnie?” I offered her milk and bread.  


She chuckled again. “Thank you, but your Jessica unnie and I had breakfast already.” She smiled at me. 


I stared blankly at her. Then, I blinked a few times. Huh? 


Did I hear it right? Jessica unnie and Yuri unnie had breakfast? Together? 


“I’m sorry. W-what?” She laughed loudly at me. 



Abruptly, I looked around me. I grasped my glass of milk harder. The kitchen I’m standing in is ours. I’m in our house, right? Or am I dreaming?  


Yuri unnie’s small giggles brought me back to reality. “No, you’re not dreaming, Krystal.” She answered me, as if hearing what I just muttered in my brain.


Still clueless to what’s happening, she continued to explain. “You must be wondering why I’m in your house…” Her voice trailed, she glanced at her wristwatch. “ 2:15pm on a Saturday.” 


I nodded a little too eagerly. She chuckled again. 


This time, I’m getting slightly annoyed at her continuously chuckling at me. I scowled at her, urging her to explain further. 


“Whoa, whoa. Calm down, your Jessica unnie and I just met earlier this morning. Her car broke down in the middle of the road. I own an automotive company, part of our offered services is car-servicing. So we’re the ones repairing her car right now.” 


I nodded slightly understanding. “Still, unnie, that doesn’t explain why you’re in our kitchen.” I suddenly felt self-conscious of my outfit, I’m wearing cute animal doodle-themed pajamas. Oh, gosh. She’s best friends with Amber.


I slowly raised my eyes to meet hers. Yuri unnie just smiled nervously at me. 


“We found out that both of us were invited by Taeyeon and Tiffany later. So, I offered to Jessica that we could go there together using my car. She hesitated then scowled at me, like the one you just did.” She gulped an invisible lump, then continued, “...but, I guess, she’s okay with it now. Since she’s upstairs preparing.” She said it all one-go, I could feel her nervousness. 


I just stared at her. “That’s it. That’s a-all. I-I meant no h-harm, I swear.” She’s stuttering now. 


Haha, I still have it. The Jung charm. 


After a few seconds, I broke a smile at her. “Gosh, you’re exactly like your unnie…” She heaved a deep sigh.


I merong-ed at her. “We’re sisters, unnie. That can’t be helped. So, let me ask again, do you want some milk?” I smiled at her, genuinely. 


“Yes, I could use some milk… my throat ran dry. I felt like I was being questioned for a crime I didn’t commit.” I heard her mutter under her breath, the latter part almost inaudible. 


I just laughed out loud.   



“Well, well, well, look who just arrived, Ppani-ah.” 


I called her and let her look through the window to see the couple coming out of the car outside our house. 


“And, together did they arrive. Gosh, we’re the best masterminds, Taetae!”




I exchanged glances with Ppani-ah in the living room. She has this knowing look brewing in her eyes. We’re sitting beside each other, discreetly nudging elbows to see who will pop the question.


Did you know that there’s an age-old saying that ‘your wife is always right’. And, since Ppani-ah is the only right person for me... 


That means I have to be the one who will ask the question, sigh.


I coughed nervously. 


I started, “so, how come you two are together?” I inwardly smiled, and acknowledged the elephant in the room. 


Jessica glared at me, oh, what did I do? Or say? 


I saw Ppani-ah silently chuckling at me. Then she showed her eye-smile at me, this girl. Be thankful that I love you and you’re married to me. 


I took a deep breath, and thought to rephrase my question. “How come the two of you arrive together?” Ah, this one’s it, Taeyeon-ah. Nice one. 


I tried to show them my small smile, but when I finally laid my eyes at Yuri… my own face betrayed me. I snorted hilariously. 


“Sorry, sorry guys. Taetae-ah has a mild cough.” Ppani-ah abruptly turned at me. 


“ I?” I asked her. She half-glared at me and signaled to just follow her. “I do! Yes, I do have a mild cough. Ehem, eherm~?” 


Tiffany started patting my back. A little too hard at that. “Ow~ ow!” 


Jessica had this unexplainable look on her face, like she could break a human in half. I just hope it won’t be me tonight. Let it be Yuri, let it be Yuri. 


Ppani-ah and I will start a family of our own, I don’t want her to become a widow just four weeks after the wedding.  


I took a glance at Yuri once again, she’s just smiling. This lovesick fool. 


“So, it all happened after I called Tiffany this morning…” Jessica began explaining. She locked her eyes on me. The sinister vibes in her eyes just told me everything I needed to know. Oh, someone’s going to perish tonight, alright. 


Ppani-ah excused herself, and went straight to the kitchen to get us all beverages. 


How I wished I was the one of the refreshments instead. 



“Really? How did it go?”


“Hahaha, serve you right. That’s what you get for being a lovesick fool.”




After ending the phone call with Yuri, I just realized how hopeless romantic she really is. 


That woman ditched the remaining contract papers on her office table yet to be read and signed just to accompany Ms. Jessica Jung to Taeyeon and Tiffany’s. Good luck to her putting in extra hours of work on Monday next week. 


I’m glad she and Jessica met though. Even though she never spoke about it out loud, I had a strong feeling that she’s eager to meet her again. 


Me? I don’t know what to feel, or how to feel. One thing’s certain: I’m fighting it, for sure. 


To tell you the truth, Krystal hasn’t left my mind since the wedding. 


I think of her first thing in the morning. In the wee waking moments after I opened my eyes, it’s her face I’m reminded about. I could get lost in her mesmerizing eyes. People say, the eyes are the window of the soul. Then, hers are made of a greenhouse botanical garden. Her life soul is filled with beautiful plants and vibrant flowers. 


I think of her in the shower while I prepare for the day’s work. Even though I’m using a specific shampoo, it’s her lingering fragrant scent that I could recall. Like a shot of espresso in the morning, I’m energized when I remember how she smelled so good. 


I think of her during business meetings. I know I should be reviewing papers and project proposals, but it’s her luscious brown-colored hair that keeps popping into my head. The brunette strands of her healthy, fluffy, lively hair. 


I think of her when I eat my meals. You know how people always say that food tastes so much better when shared, right? Well, something similar of this sort happens to me, every single time. I imagine sharing my meals with her, as if we’re dining together. Interestingly, my food does indeed taste so much better. I wonder what her favorite foods are? Favorite desserts? 


I think of her when I’m about to exit my office and walk to my car. I think of her when I’m driving. I actually live alone. But, do you know what’s crazy? The mere thought of sharing my home with her and of her waiting for me in the house motivates me to go home. And, do everything all over again. 


I think of her even when I’m running errands, such as this one. I'm doing a late grocery shopping, and… Krystal is all I could think about.  


I glanced at my hands in front of the grocery push-cart. I’m holding romaine lettuce in my right hand and a pack of spaghetti sauce in my left hand. What hell of a concoction am I going to do with these two? 


I realized my mind was wandering again. Is this becoming a matter of concern? 


Before the wedding, I was still sane. I’m sure as hell I wasn’t like this even in my previous relationship. So, why now?


But I guess, the more you bury and fight the feeling, the more it will come forward to you. 


If that is the case, why is it almost cruel that I could only be near her in my mind? 


Out of pent-up frustration, I kicked the grocery push-cart, then I huffed a large amount of air out of my lungs.






I ran towards the lady crouching on the floor. “Oh, shoot! I’m so sorry, Miss…” My throat ran dry. “K–Krystal?”


She looked up to the source of my voice. “...Amber?” She half-winced in pain. “ foot. It hurts.” 


Only for the air to be right back in.




Hello! How's everyone? I hope y'all are safe and healthy. 
Did you see Krystal's cover on Soundcloud? Amazing, right? 

Stay safe, you guys! See you on the next update, next one's coming up real soon. I've gotten the hang of writing the chapters within schedule. Let's go! 

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Hello! It's been a while. I just remembered my password haha. Hope everything's well, stay safe everyone!

Hope you'll bear with me, this is a work in progress. This is a thought that I've been thinking of lately, so~ I have to write this out of my system haha. Happy Holidays!


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12345qwe #1
Chapter 7: Gosh hahahaha can’t wait to see what happens to kryber!!
Amber is charming
amhar03 #2
Chapter 7: Aww cliffhanger..Cute amber being lovesick puppies :D
Satsuki12 #3
I love your story:)
Itsob_session #4
Chapter 7: Great update author! Keep going 👍❤️
12345qwe #5
Chapter 6: Omg can’t wait to see what will happen to kryber!!
Thanks 😁
amhar03 #7
Chapter 5: Great they smitten with each other!
amhar03 #8
Chapter 3: Love the dynamic so far.. keep it up author
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 2: Love it! Thank you
Appledots5 #10
Chapter 2: Love it! Thank you