Chapter 6

Where Your Heart Meets Mine

“Good morning, Ms. Jessica. Off to somewhere, Miss? Would you like me to drive you to your destination?” 


“Good morning to you, Mr. Kang. Thank you, but it’s ok. I can drive.” 


“All right, then. Take care, Miss.”


“You, too, Mr. Kang.” 




Yay! One of my favorite things in the world... 


I reached our mansion’s garage. Searching for the lightswitch, I flicked it and the lights . 


There it is… Whoa, my baby looks so shiny. As pretty as the first time I laid my eyes on you five years ago. 


Running my fingertips on the curved corners of the hood, I smiled and beamed with pride. 


Meet “J,” my charcoal black 2020 BMW 8-series convertible M850i. I bought this after the success of Blanc Group’s first business expansion in Asia. Kinda like a gift to myself for my hard work.


Too bad, I couldn’t bring it with me overseas… I could only drive it here when I’m home. 


Come, let’s take you out for a spin, my dear J.


I entered the driver’s seat and started the engine. I miss this, the engine sounds so good. I pressed the button to make the top-roof open up. 


Then, our automated garage doors started opening wide enough. Off we go~


Upon reaching the gates of our exclusive subdivision, just four blocks away from the highway road, I felt my phone vibrating. 



“Tiff~ my bestie” 


I switched lanes and I parked by the sidewalk to connect my phone virtually through the stereo. I put it on the loudspeaker. 




‘Hi, Jess! Good morning, do you have plans today?” 


“Hmm… nothing so far, it’s my free day today. Why?”


“So Tae and I were thinking, since it’s been four weeks since the wedding, would you like to join us later this afternoon?” 


“Sure thing! Text me the details later, ‘mkay?”


“Yay! Thank you, Jess! We’ll inform you by noon. Take care, see ya!” 


She ended the call, and I started to drive away. 


I the stereo, I pressed play my go-to driving playlist. 


It’s magical, I’m feeling so, oh 

This is my kinda wonderland

This is my kinda wonderland

This is more than a dream, a perfect melody~!


Just a block before the highway, my car suddenly slowed down. Omo… 


What’s happening? This can’t happen now, I need my car later. 


My car stopped in the middle of the road with smoke coming out of the hood. Oh, gosh.


I fished out my phone from my bag, and I started calling Mr. Kang’s phone. Ringing, ringing


He’s not picking up… please, pick up, Mr. Kang…  


Wait! I’ll try Soojung’s phone. 


‘The number you dialed is busy at the moment. Please try again later.' Aish! This kid. It’s early, I know. But could she pick my calls even for once? 


I stepped out of the driver’s seat, some cars behind me were honking at my car already. I glared at them, most of them stopped. Is this the first time you’ve seen a car break down? Just move along, no need to ruin my already-ruined morning with the car-honking noise. I inwardly rolled my eyes.


Hmmm… who should I call? 


I dialed Tiffany’s phone. Please pick up. Please, pick up. 


“Hi… Tiff?”


“Hi, Jess! Is that you?”


“Hi, yeah. It’s me.”


“Oh, why? Is everything alright?” 


“Hmm… not really. My car suddenly broke down in the middle of the road.” 


“Omo. Is there somebody with you? Are you ok?” 


“No, just me. I was driving alone, but I’m ok. I tried calling my driver’s phone, but he wasn’t picking up. I called Soojung’s phone, I think she’s still asleep. So, I had no choice but to dial your phone. I figured you’re already awake since we talked earlier. Sorry, Tiff…”


“Silly. No need to say sorry, I’m your bestie. What do you need? I can help.”


“Thanks, Tiff. Do you know where can I find a tow truck or a place that offers car maintenance services?” 


“Hmm… I think I know the perfect place for you. Wait, give me five seconds…”


 I patiently waited on the phone for Tiffany. Thank goodness, there’s a place open at this hour.


“Hi, Jess! …check out this place… they will help you.” 


What? I didn’t get the info…


“Pardon, Tiff? Could you repeat that? The line’s choppy. Didn’t hear what you said.” 


“Oh, sorry! I said…" The line got choppy again. "‘...on Automotive Company and Dealership’ will definitely help you. Don’t worry, I’ll text you their company hotline now.” 


“What? Where is the ‘On Automotive Company and Dealership’?” 


‘You have received one message from Tiff~ my bestie’. I opened the text message.


From Tiff~ my bestie: 

“Hi, Jess! Call this, 09-XXXXXXXXX. They’re open 24/7, they will help you.”


I thanked her in response. Then, I walked over to the waiting shed near the sidewalk to make a phone call.





“Hey, boss! You’re here early, is there something I could help you with?” 


“Oh, hey. No worries, I’m good. I just woke up earlier than usual.” 


“Boss, we’re about to start servicing a convertible in the auto-service room. May I excuse myself?”


“Sure, Xiumin. No need to ask permission. Go ahead.”




My sleep keeps on getting cut short lately. I feel restless. What does this mean? 


And since I can’t sleep well, I just go to the company early and try to be productive here. Paperwork after paperwork even on weekends, aigoo. 


My once vibrant and lively life is so dull and monotonous now. 





“What do you want?” 


“Hello, and good morning to you too, Yul.” 


Sarcastically, I imitated her. “Hello, and good morning, Taeng. Again, what do you want?”


“Aish, so rude early in the morning. Didn’t get enough sleep again?” 


“Yes, Taeng. It’s been weeks now. Sigh. Sorry for being cranky, bro...” 


“No prob, Yul. I understand. I called because I’d like to know if you’re free later?” 


“Not sure, Taeng. Why? I’m afraid I might be busy with work later.”


“Really? Oh. Ok, then. Ppani and I will meet the gang later, including Jessica.” 


“Jessica? Tiffany’s maid-of-honor Jessica from the wedding? Jessica the woman paired with me in the processional? That Jessica?” 


I heard Taeyeon chuckling on the opposite line. “Yes, that Jessica. That’s four Jessica’s in one sentence, Yul. Missing her much?”


“Yah, I don’t miss her that way. I…uhm… just wanted to confirm if it’s the same person.”


“That way? Psh, you’re so obvious. And fyi, I only know one Jessica, same as you.”  




“So… what do you say?”


“I’ll finish my work now. Bye!” 


I ended the call. Unknowingly, I smiled. 


Weird… I feel lighter this time. Running on caffeine and three hours of sleep, but I somehow feel energetic. As if I could win a triathlon.


I can’t wait to finish these papers as soon as possible! 


I was about to take a drink from my coffee cup when I heard a dolphin scream. Eeeeeeek!


What the hell was that? 


I went outside my office to see what the commotion was about. I walked through the company hallway. Almost nearing the automotive service room, I saw my team being reprimanded by a petite brunette young woman. She had her back facing me, I couldn’t see her face. 


I turned to my right and saw the team leader, Jongdae. “What’s happening here?” 


“Hey there, boss. Well, that client over there was surprised at how we handle car servicing here. She scolded us and told us that we should take extra care of her car. When her car was raised on the elevated platform, she started glaring at us and continued screaming. That her car might fall, break down and all, when it is locked in place. We were just going to check the chassis, that’s all.”


I nodded in understanding, then I thanked Jongdae. 


I continued walking towards them… did somebody lower the room temperature? It got colder.


“So? Like I said, I want to speak to the person in charge!” 


I walked toward my team and the client, with the hope of resolving it in a calm and orderly manner. 


I took a deep breath and sighed, I guess this is one of those days. 


“Hi, I am the person in charge. How may I help you?” I walked until I was right beside the client.


“Oh, finally someone with sense that I could talk t—.” She abruptly turned around, the tips of her long hair hit my eyes because of the speed.





We said at the same time, with each shocked pair of eyes as big as saucers. 


“...boss. Boss Yuri?”


Coughs. “Ehem, boss.” Coughs. “Aish…” 


Clink clank. Somebody dropped their wrench. We were pulled out of the trance. 


“Sorry, did you say something, Xiumin?” I turned to him. “I didn’t say anything, Boss.” He answered.


“Do you know each other, Boss?” It was Jongdae this time. 



I scratched my nape. “Ah… yes and no.” My team looked at me with suspicion. 


“I don’t know your ‘boss’ and we only met one time,” Jessica answered for me while making air quotations with her fingers.


I heard a long ‘Aaaaaah’ in unison. 





I saw her looking at my awards and plaques displayed in my office. She suddenly turned to face me with her piercing stare. I felt goosebumps.


“Yuri, right? Yuri… Yu–You creep.” 


I furrowed my eyebrows. “Ha? When and how did I become a creep?” 


She ignored my question. “Are you sure that they will take good care of my car?” I nodded, then gave her a small smile. 


“Yes, one hundred percent. You may not take my word for it, but the awards and plaques you’ve seen just now will speak for itself and for our company’s excellent quality service.”


She sighed. “It’s just… that car is my baby. I don’t know what happened on the highway earlier. It just broke down.”


“I see.” I nodded in understanding. “The team leader, Jongdae, debriefed me earlier. He said that the car seemed to have been stuck up idle for a long time before you used it again earlier this morning. That is primarily the reason why cars need to be checked and tuned up regularly to run their best performance on the road.” 


“Oh…. I rarely get the chance to go home and take her to regular car maintenance check-ups because I'm overseas most of the time. I only get to drive her when I’m here.” 


I sensed her guilt and slight embarrassment masked from her realization. “Don’t worry, our company will take great care of your car,” I reassured her. 


“You have my word for it, Jessica.” 


“ did you know my name?” She looked at me suspiciously, I just smiled at her.


“Haha, I overheard it when we were rehearsing for the wedding processional. We walked together, right?”


“Hmph. That’s why you’re a creep.” She muttered almost inaudibly. “Psh… who remembers and stores simple information like that even after weeks of no contact?” She continued to snarl at me.


“So, are you saying I should forget your name, then?” I looked at her with a small smile. 




“When do you need the car, by the way? Are you in a hurry?” 


“Hopefully, I’m going to need it later this afternoon. I’m meeting Tiffany and Taey— why am I even telling you this?”


“Because we’re the company who’s going to fix your car, of course we’re going to need a time table.” 


“...of course, we’re going to need a nyime nyable.” She imitated my delivery of the words like a five year old. Nye nye nye~ Are you this adorable, Jessica? I chuckled inwardly.


“Hmm… Do you, perhaps, want to go there together later? Taeyeon invited me, too.” She squinted her piercing eyes at me. I avoided my eyes from her. Why do I feel nervous?


She looked down and sighed. “I have to change and prepare first.” She looked up back at me. 


“No problem with that. I’ll pick you up. I’m finished with my work anyway.” No, you’re not, Yuri. You still have two papers to read and sign due on Tuesday.


“Come on, let’s go.” I picked up my car keys and opened my office door for her.


I sensed her slight hesitation…  “Ok, then.” She picked up her hand bag from the couch and walked right next to me. 


We bid our goodbyes to my team in the auto-servicing room and we walked straight to the company basement. 


We reached my car, a platinum silver 2023 Ferrari Portofino M. 


“Whoa, you didn’t tell me your car is a convertible, too. And a Ferrari at that” She looked at it with a glimmer in her eyes. What a kid.


I opened the passenger seat for her, she nodded with finesse after settling down in the seat. Then, I jogged to the side of the driver’s seat. 


Soon, I started the engine. I drove off to the main highway. 


“Uhm… Yuri, my house is that way.” I looked at her and she had her index finger pointing in the opposite direction. 


“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know. Hehe.”


“It’s ok, I haven’t told you the address yet anyway.” 



I thought of something. “Hmm… I haven’t had anything yet other than coffee. And I’m guessing you were stressed with what to do when your car broke down. Let me treat you with breakfast. After this, I’ll drive you home, so you can prepare. Sounds good?”


“Mmmh, ‘kay.” Then, I heard her say almost inaudibly, “...thanks.”


“You’re welcome, Jessica.” 


“So, in this proposal, I believe the company could reach its quarterly target ahead of schedule.” 


“Now, all we need to know is whether Ms. Liu approves this business proposal. What do you think, Ms. Liu?”


“...Ms. Liu?” 


“Excuse me, Ms. Liu? Is everything alright?”




I felt a slight tap on my left shoulder. Ha? Then, I looked up from my work tablet. 


Right! I forgot I’m in a board meeting. Oh ! They’re all looking at me. I internally facepalmed myself. 


I took a deep breath to calm myself. I raised my left hand to signal everything was fine, there was no need to worry. 


“I was reading your proposal on my tablet, and I have one question to ask you. What ensures your confidence that this business plan will prove effective in reaching our quarterly targets?” Phew! Nice save there, llama.


“I…uh…c-could you r-repeat the q-q-question, Ms. Liu?”


I looked at the presenter, then I looked at his profile on my tablet. “Jongin… Kim Jongin, right?”


“Yes, Ms. Liu.” He politely showed his name indicated on his Powerpoint presentation. 


“Mr. Kim, my reason for asking is that it is easy to claim that a goal can be achieved. But in order to actually achieve that, you must be certain that your business plan is robust and well-thought of. Meaning, it must have a guarantee, safety net, and even a back-up plan. Otherwise, you may run the risk of wasting resources, in this case, the company’s resources.”  




I glanced at the guy, he looked pale and nervous now. “So, again, I’ll ask you. Tell me, how can you be sure that this business plan of yours will render the company favorable results?” 


“I…uhm… by, sticking to the p-p-procedures I proposed earlier, Ms. Liu.” Sigh. Here we go again.


I briefly closed my eyes and took a deep breath before speaking. 


“Mr. Kim, I hope you do realize that standing in front of us in this conference room means you’ve been given a chance to give it your best shot with your presentation. Frankly, I’m not convinced by your business proposal.”


“I-I...Ms. Liu.” The Jongin guy looked like he’s going to faint anytime now. 


My secretary tapped my shoulder and whispered something to me. “Your next schedule is in 15 minutes, Ms. Liu.” I nodded in understanding. 


I looked at the guy. “Mr. Kim, I do not approve of your business plan. But, I'm giving you a chance to come up with another one, run it through with your Department head before you present it in front of everybody. Always review your proposal before doing a presentation as big as this one. So nobody’s time will be wasted. Understood?” 


“Y-y-yes, Ms. Liu.” He bowed down. I glanced at him and gave a quick nod of acknowledgment.


I stood up from my black swivel chair. 


“This meeting is adjourned. Thank you for your time.” My secretary announced it for me. 


We exited the conference room. “How many minutes left before my next schedule?” I asked my secretary. “10 minutes, Ms. Liu. This is your last schedule for the day.” She answered me. 


I looked at my wristwatch, 7pm. I sighed. God, that meeting earlier took long enough. 


Psh, long enough eh? Doubt so. Your mind was adrift during the meeting. You were preoccupied again. Reminiscing about your shared moments with Krystal in the wedding. My mind betrayed me. Oh, right hehe. I smiled inwardly.


Amber, you don’t have the luxury of time to date. You have this goal, that’s your priority, remember? Not this one. My mind gave me a reality check. 


I tried to reason out with my mind. But… I can’t be the only one who felt something, right? She must’ve felt something for me, too. An attraction, at least? 


You’re not sure about that. It’s a wedding, of course, romantic emotions filled the atmosphere. You can’t rely on something uncertain and incalculable such as love. My logical mind shot down, yet again, my wishes of becoming something more with Krystal. 


I sighed. I still can’t forget her name, her face, her scent, the way our height matches perfectly just by standing beside each other. What should I do? What should I do? 


“Ms. Liu, are you alright?” My secretary asked me on our way to my office. I just smiled at her and gave her a nod. 


Right. I shouldn’t preoccupy myself with thoughts unrelated to my goal of becoming the Chairman of Liu Group and Corporation. I’m closer to this goal than I have ever been before. All of my hard work and determination lead to this road. It is what I’m shaped, molded into, and prepared for. 


I have a clear goal… 

And, it's Krystal. I mean, crystal. Oh, .




Hi, guys! My apologies, I got busy with academic works.

How's the start of February for you, guys? I hope everything's good! Stay safe!

'Til the next chapter~!

Ps. I miss f(x) so much... how come 'Red Light' is turning 10yo this year, I still find it hard to believe haha 

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Hello! It's been a while. I just remembered my password haha. Hope everything's well, stay safe everyone!

Hope you'll bear with me, this is a work in progress. This is a thought that I've been thinking of lately, so~ I have to write this out of my system haha. Happy Holidays!


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12345qwe #1
Chapter 7: Gosh hahahaha can’t wait to see what happens to kryber!!
Amber is charming
amhar03 #2
Chapter 7: Aww cliffhanger..Cute amber being lovesick puppies :D
Satsuki12 #3
I love your story:)
Itsob_session #4
Chapter 7: Great update author! Keep going 👍❤️
12345qwe #5
Chapter 6: Omg can’t wait to see what will happen to kryber!!
Thanks 😁
amhar03 #7
Chapter 5: Great they smitten with each other!
amhar03 #8
Chapter 3: Love the dynamic so far.. keep it up author
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 2: Love it! Thank you
Appledots5 #10
Chapter 2: Love it! Thank you